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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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First three are contenders for my main, while the rest of the first row (and the ones I end up not picking for my main) are all secondary choices. The second row are characters I'm interested in trying, but I doubt I'll put much time into them unless I really like them. It's in order at the moment, but I won't know for sure until I get to try them.



Reordered and added ZSS and WFT. Top row is my definite "rotation" of characters, bottom is most anticipated/very likely to join my "rotation".


Kjellson, I want to give you the avatar in advance so you know where to find it. Since you want Pushmo's Mallo to be playable character, but it didn't happens. So I have a feeling that you really like sumo character, so I want to give you a Sumo Inkling!

God damn it, lol.

I'll change it when I'm done with my current one.

Speaking of that, I still haven't received one from theprodigy and Troubled Bat.


Okay, I got mine.


The top row are veterans I'm excited to play with again. Bottom row are newcomers I'm excited to play with. I'll probably use normal Shulk and underwear Shulk as well as female and male Wii Fit Trainer interchangeably. Lucas would also be on the list...if he was still here ;_;


just lost 5 straight to a spammy ganondorf. All he did was grab my neck over and over.

I have no idea how to combat something like that. I know it's sad, maybe I should sit back and be patient?
Mix up your techs, man. You're either being predictable with your techs or possibly not teching at all.
Out of curiosity, would anyone here be interested in having somewhat regular (maybe like bi-weekly?) meet-ups online for the purpose of workshopping characters and trying to improve each others' game? I'm still planning on having the Voice Chat stuff running about a week after US launch, so I think with full voice chat it could be a really fun thing to do. Not even just "pro" stuff
Nah, man. I wanna be the very best. Go hard or go home.
You can't main more than one character. I swear, only Smash players have "lists" of mains.
Dual-maining is a real thing. If you play two characters pretty much equally but don't play anyone else, then it would be inaccurate to say anything else except that they're both your main.

Also Mahvel/KOF players have more than one main, lol.



God, that Anna palette for Robin is still the best thing ever.


The top row are the characters I'm most interested in playing, ordered from left to right. The bottom row are characters that I'm interested in learning. Couldn't have been anyone other than Robin for my main, and all the buffs and changes to my girls Jiggs and Sheik have left me really eager to dive in with them. Palutena because Palutena is the second best Goddess wearing the actual best Goddess's colours. Plus, there's that crazy shit that D1 was showing off in the lab with her Jump Glide and momentum conservation(!!!) in her Superspeed. Lucina is straight up supplanting Marth as a character to use, seeing as how I am far more interested in her as a character than I ever was Marth. The consistent KO power, given Smash 4's quirks is a plus, too. Shulk is a little borderline as a character I wanna play with and a character I wanna learn, so I was thinking of killing two birds with one stone there. I really wanna rep Shulk either way, particularly to prove to some of my friends who have no idea who he is that he (or at least, the Monado) is cool.

In hindsight, should have bumped Rosalina over Dark Pit, but I'm not confident that I'll get anywhere with her even if I try to put in the time.

Burning Justice

the superior princess
Can't say for sure who I'll main until I actually play the game (especially since my Brawl main, Lucas, was cut...), but these are the characters I want to try out.


Never thought Mario would be on this list, but he seems pretty damn promising from the demo. Really like how he plays there.



First 6 are the characters I'm most excited to try out, roughly in order. Gotta figure out which newcomer I want to main or add to my permanent rotation. Was hoping to make it Little Mac, but I'm still not sure if he'll be that sustainable in a 1v1 setting.

Dark Pit is there for the extra salt that comes with a victory, which could be just as much fun as winning normally. I'm really excited to try out Palutena and put together just the right moveset that appeals to me, that should be fun and a different experience for Smash.

I wasn't too sold on Megaman before the demo, but after putting some time in with him, he can be a lot of fun to play with, and delivering the kill with either his up smash or down smash is just so satisfying when it hits.

Hopefully these two and a half weeks will go by quickly, especially after picking up a few games from the smashing sale, I need to play these characters now.


Also Mahvel/KOF players have more than one main, lol.

I ended up using 80% of the cast in Marvel regularly in tournament, but even I didn't post images of 14+ characters before the game came out.

I think most people here just don't know what maining means, you can have interest in characters, but don't say you're maining like half the cast before you even played it, lol


Jeez guys, its the characters we're interested in learning. It's not like we're going to rotate between 16 characters in for glory or anything.


Mix up your techs, man. You're either being predictable with your techs or possibly not teching at all.

Nah, man. I wanna be the very best. Go hard or go home.

Dual-maining is a real thing. If you play two characters pretty much equally but don't play anyone else, then it would be inaccurate to say anything else except that they're both your main.

Also Mahvel/KOF players have more than one main, lol.

I'm so unsavvy with smash talk, haha. I thought teching was stopping yourself after you bounce off of something avoiding falling off the stage. There is more to it?
Dual-maining is a real thing. If you play two characters pretty much equally but don't play anyone else, then it would be inaccurate to say anything else except that they're both your main

Also Mahvel/KOF players have more than one main, lol.
No. You have a main, and an alternate/secondary.

Marvel players have a main team. Ditto for KoF players. Some people also have mains in those games. Dormammu is my main, and I use him on every team I come up with. I thus have a main character in Marvel, and a main team.

Jeez guys, its the characters we're interested in learning. It's not like we're going to rotate between 16 characters in for glory or anything.
Sure, but they aren't "mains".


Jeez guys, its the characters we're interested in learning. It's not like we're going to rotate between 16 characters in for glory or anything.

I understand that, I just have issue with the liberal use of "main". :p You're not maining all those characters! You're just having possible alternates/secondaries, like Karst said. :p
I do plan on actually maining Villager and Palutena (if customs are allowed on the Wii U version at least), though I'll give most newcomers a chance since they all seem so interesting.


I was playing all random, me against three lvl 9 CPUs on FD Battlefield. Mario was being a pain and managed to kill me as Pikachu twice and barely won. Of course I set a rematch duel and I tore him apart. It was satisfying, to say the least. The AI in this is so fun.


Yoshi will still be my one true main like always. Marth, and now Lucina, was always tied for my main. I can't wait to try out the majority of the roster like everyone else here.

I haven't followed the thread too closely but how is Sonic looking? I haven't heard much, does he suck less?
Yoshi will still be my one true main like always. Marth, and now Lucina, was always tied for my main. I can't wait to try out the majority of the roster like everyone else here.

I haven't followed the thread too closely but how is Sonic looking? I haven't heard much, does he suck less?

He's looking pretty legit now with better homing attack, dash attack, and more killing power. I think people might use him as a DHD counter since he can just run through all of his projectiles and not care.


So many people who just want to play everyone!


Kirby has been my jam since melee. I want to try Rosalina/Shulk as they seem interesting to me but I'm not sure I'll be able to play them well. Based on what I've seen I will 100% play Robin and decide between her and Kirby as my mains.


Kirby has been my jam since melee. I want to try Rosalina/Shulk as they seem interesting to me but I'm not sure I'll be able to play them well. Based on what I've seen I will 100% play Robin and decide between her and Kirby as my mains.
Very good taste in Robin colours. :v

My main 4.

DK - Because he's been my main in every Smash game, and his new pink costume is great. I was hoping for a pink DK because it's my favorite color, but I didn't think it would actually happen.

Villager MURABITO - Because he's hilarious.

Pac-Man - Because he looks so damn happy, and I also think I'll really like the way he plays.

Charizard - Because he was my secondary in Project M, and also because he's the closest I'll get to playing as Ridley.


Neo Member
I'm so unsavvy with smash talk, haha. I thought teching was stopping yourself after you bounce off of something avoiding falling off the stage. There is more to it?

When people say teching in Smash they refer to hitting shield right before you hit the ground, causing you to quickly stand up and regain your footing. You can tech neutral (stand straight up) or you can roll left or right. If you constantly do the same one, say you always roll left for example, people will read that and know to run to the left after you hit the ground, letting them keep pressure on you. It's important to vary which directions you tech, and in some cases, not tech at all and roll late, in order to keep the opponent guessing and give yourself some breathing room. That way you can re-establish neutral.
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