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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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I really want the trainer battle theme from Pokémon to also appear in the WiiU version. It's the song that appeared in Greninja's reveal trailer and that is one of the two songs on the Prism Tower stage in the 3DS version. At a higher bitrate with more bass, it would sound truly incredible.

I think it's probably a good bet that all the 3DS music will show up in the Wii U game.
Is she one of those spammy online types of opponent? Suicide or throw the match by doing nothing will get punished though.

I seriously feel one or two trophies will be for Wii U link up. Think Mario & Yoshi and Samus gunship from Melee only possible for people to get (I never saw a Gamecube demo unit let alone one hooked up with the disc that distributed).

I think it is too early to call cuts.

The reason I'm calling it cuts is that they are weird blank in these images (that were posted on 4chan). One weird blank lines up with where Tharja should be presumably. I believe the one with the playable characters is missing the Ice Climbers alt and I guess there's a cut assist trophy




I love that I can practice combos at work with smash 3ds and then use them in the Wii u version when it comes out. Portable smash is such an awesome thing for me.


Unconfirmed Member
So is he only considered good because he won the tournament? Can you see other people's for glory records?

Nah, he's good, but right now in Smash 4 there isn't really that big of a skill gap between "good" players and "great" players. That will undoubtedly change as people learn the game more though.


I love that I can practice combos at work with smash 3ds and then use them in the Wii u version when it comes out. Portable smash is such an awesome thing for me.

Hope Nintendo's next handheld gets another Smash game. If they can probably get a slight bump to Vita specs in their system, whoa mama we got god tier gaming on the go.


Oy! Oy! BubbleGumBW!

Is that what the BG stands for? What about the other BW?

The reason I'm calling it cuts is that they are weird blank in these images (that were posted on 4chan). One weird blank lines up with where Tharja should be presumably. I believe the one with the playable characters is missing the Ice Climbers alt and I guess there's a cut assist trophy

Wait, the tharja trophy is MIA?


I saw a Ganondorf two-stock Zero.

Can someone outline all the changes to Ganondorf? I hear he has super-armor on the Warlock Punch now. What else is different?

Also, his Ganon-esque blue skin alt is awesome.
I would love to hear some Ganondorf impressions. I loved him in Melee but damn did he suck in Brawl. I want to main him again.
I saw a Ganondorf two-stock Zero.

Can someone outline all the changes to Ganondorf? I hear he has super-armor on the Warlock Punch now. What else is different?

Also, his Ganon-esque blue skin alt is awesome.
Generally a lot faster in most areas, notably his jab and tilts. Seems like he has good aerials that have little to no lag as well (uair, nair and bair which all look really good). The larger blast zones also doesn't affect him, so that's a buff in itself since he can survive longer (though his recovery is still ass apparently) but his moves won't have a problem getting the KO since it seems like he got buffed in power too.

His dair doesn't auto cancel anymore though. This is all from what I observed in videos though.


As in "Heathcliff"
The reason I'm calling it cuts is that they are weird blank in these images (that were posted on 4chan). One weird blank lines up with where Tharja should be presumably. I believe the one with the playable characters is missing the Ice Climbers alt and I guess there's a cut assist trophy

You need to upload those images on imagur or other before 4chan hotlink break.


Man it sucks to hear it from the horse's mouth that the Ice Climbers were cut because of the 3DS. I dig that the roster and gameplay is the same on both versions an all, but it's a bummer to think that this Smash could've potentially been bigger if the Wii U's capabilities wern't held back.

I hope we don't see other traits of the 3DS hardware carrying over to the Wii U. Like one Pokeball at a time and shit.


I don't really think no trophy is indicative of DLC characters. Rather, in Ridley's case, it probably points to his trophy only being in the Wii U version. Makes sense to include a boss/stage hazard used only in one version only as a trophy in that version.

Seeing or not seeing a trophy means absolutely nothing for future DLC, I'm aware of that. Just a joke.

I'm banking on the Wii U DLC with playable Ridley regardless of any trophy found or not. I trust whats his name who leaked to us last week.

Still no trophy at all for a character who has had a constantly growing presence in each title just seems really odd to me. Well no trophy yet. Actually it doesn't surprise me considering that Ridley is the ever green hot topic of Smash Bros.


The reason I'm calling it cuts is that they are weird blank in these images (that were posted on 4chan). One weird blank lines up with where Tharja should be presumably. I believe the one with the playable characters is missing the Ice Climbers alt and I guess there's a cut assist trophy
Are those all of the trophies? Simply AMAZING!!


Generally a lot faster in most areas, notably his jab and tilts. Seems like he has good aerials that have little to no lag as well (uair, nair and bair which all look really good). The larger blast zones also doesn't affect him, so that's a buff in itself since he can survive longer (though his recovery is still ass apparently) but his moves won't have a problem getting the KO since it seems like he got buffed in power too.

His dair doesn't auto cancel anymore though. This is all from what I observed in videos though.
Sounds pretty nice overall, it's all about his tasty aerials. And a power boost? Awesome.
Man it sucks to hear it from the horse's mouth that the Ice Climbers were cut because of the 3DS. I dig that the roster and gameplay is the same on both versions an all, but it's a bummer to think that this Smash could've potentially been bigger if the Wii U's capabilities wern't held back.

I hope we don't see other traits of the 3DS hardware carrying over to the Wii U. Like one Pokeball at a time and shit.

Yeah it sucks but, sadly, without the 3DS version Smash 4 wouldn't come close to Brawl's sales. I've already met several people playing the pre release Smash demo and I bet it would be very hard to find people who had the game if the Wii U version was the only one that existed.

Or, I guess, they could have just altered the gameplay (and roster) a bit to make the Wii U version more appropriate for the hardware. Not sure why that wasn't an option considering theres no cross play or anything.


Unconfirmed Member
That moment when I realized I won't be able to pull stuff like this :(

That first jump off the stage would probably lead straight to my death and not a ledge recovery.

I dunno, I feel like I've done more awesome aerial stuff in the Smash 4 demo than I ever did in the previous games, and that's despite the lv9 CPU's avoidance and determination to get back to neutral.

Something about the game's physics and the power of recovery just seems to make it easier. Done at least a few cool Mario bair stage spikes, lots of going in deep and hitting fairs or bairs to knock opponents even further away below the stage. Unless you're playing a character with strong gimp capabilities (Greninja for one) off stage in Smash 4 should be pretty fun.


I dunno, I feel like I've done more awesome aerial stuff in the Smash 4 demo than I ever did in the previous games, and that's despite the lv9 CPU's avoidance and determination to get back to neutral.

Something about the game's physics and the power of recovery just seems to make it easier. Done at least a few cool Mario bair stage spikes, lots of going in deep and hitting fairs or bairs to knock opponents even further away below the stage. Unless you're playing a character with strong gimp capabilities (Greninja for one) off stage in Smash 4 should be pretty fun.

You underestimate how bad I am at this game :T
I had a nightmare about Smash Bros. last night. Seriously woke up sweating.

Masahiro Sakurai was at a party over here in California, and no one seemed to be paying attention to him. He doesn't know English so he can't ask for food or a drink so he just sits alone in the corner, bored and starving. So I go over there and bring him over to the kitchen counter and have him wait until I cook him some quality ramen. He is so pleased with me that he says in broken English, "Who is your favorite Nintendo character? They'll be playable in the next Smash." I was so amazing. Stupid ideas starting flooding my mind. Ambipom, cause he's my favorite Pokemon. That wouldn't be bad? But no, the community would hate me for wasting such a good opportunity. I could make loads of people happy if I said Ridley or Mewtwo.

So for whatever reason the next scene is Sakurai on a stage waiting for my answer. I'm in a crowd of people and am given a microphone. "Mr. Samurai, I thought about being selfish with my answer, but I decided to instead go with a character that will make as many people happy possible. I choose--" and then some random white guy grabbed the microphone from me and shouted, "MURLOC, WIZARD, and WARRIOR!" (I play Hearthstone occasionally...) and everyone started booing. All us westerners look the same to Sakurai so he couldn't tell that it wasn't me who shouted that answer. He shook his head, disappointed, and said, "I will let it be so." Then the mic and the asshole who stole my answer disappeared from sight and I couldn't try to salvage the situation.

Mr. Samurai. I thought we were becoming friends. Pls.


I dunno, I feel like I've done more awesome aerial stuff in the Smash 4 demo than I ever did in the previous games, and that's despite the lv9 CPU's avoidance and determination to get back to neutral.

Something about the game's physics and the power of recovery just seems to make it easier. Done at least a few cool Mario bair stage spikes, lots of going in deep and hitting fairs or bairs to knock opponents even further away below the stage. Unless you're playing a character with strong gimp capabilities (Greninja for one) off stage in Smash 4 should be pretty fun.
I agree, there are going to be a lot of edge game shenanigans in this game. The easy recovery and no edge hogging means there's little risk in going in deep this time.


I dunno, I feel like I've done more awesome aerial stuff in the Smash 4 demo than I ever did in the previous games, and that's despite the lv9 CPU's avoidance and determination to get back to neutral.

Something about the game's physics and the power of recovery just seems to make it easier. Done at least a few cool Mario bair stage spikes, lots of going in deep and hitting fairs or bairs to knock opponents even further away below the stage. Unless you're playing a character with strong gimp capabilities (Greninja for one) off stage in Smash 4 should be pretty fun.

Yeah. I tried doing things like that in Melee but recovering is so hard. In Brawl it is doable due to physics but against higher level enemies all they do is dodge in the air like crazy. I'm enjoying more aerial battles in this version. Pulling some off the stage moves with Megaman and Mario in the demo.


I had a nightmare about Smash Bros. last night. Seriously woke up sweating.

Masahiro Sakurai was at a party over here in California, and no one seemed to be paying attention to him. He doesn't know English so he can't ask for food or a drink so he just sits alone in the corner, bored and starving. So I go over there and bring him over to the kitchen counter and have him wait until I cook him some quality ramen. He is so pleased with me that he says in broken English, "Who is your favorite Nintendo character? They'll be playable in the next Smash." I was so amazing. Stupid ideas starting flooding my mind. Ambipom, cause he's my favorite Pokemon. That wouldn't be bad? But no, the community would hate me for wasting such a good opportunity. I could make loads of people happy if I said Ridley or Mewtwo.

So for whatever reason the next scene is Sakurai on a stage waiting for my answer. I'm in a crowd of people and am given a microphone. "Mr. Samurai, I thought about being selfish with my answer, but I decided to instead go with a character that will make as many people happy possible. I choose--" and then some random white guy grabbed the microphone from me and shouted, "MURLOC, WIZARD, and WARRIOR!" (I play Hearthstone occasionally...) and everyone started booing. All us westerners look the same to Sakurai so he couldn't tell that it wasn't me who shouted that answer. He shook his head, disappointed, and said, "I will let it be so." Then the mic and the asshole who stole my answer disappeared from sight and I couldn't try to salvage the situation.

Mr. Samurai. I thought we were becoming friends. Pls.
I hope you beat up that dude who stole the mic.

I'm jealous of everyone's smash dreams.


Could someone explain to a freshman what are the differences between Link and Toon Link? I saw a stream or two of Toon Link and it seemed to be the same character as the Link I play in my demo?


Isn't the best option to go D-Throw to F-Air for Ness?

Yeah, Dthrow > Fair when you get a PK Fire on them. Fair covers enough space (and is out long enough) that it's hard to just air dodge out. Though, PK Fire's pillar doesn't always keep them in long enough (it depends on where it hits them).
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