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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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Less than a month before us 'muricans get the full game...it's been a crazy ride since the announcement of the Wii U (because you knew Smash was going to be announced on it).

Now we're so close, and with the torrent of info soon to come, my body can't hold all this hype.

Looking forward to Duck Hunt Dog..because it seems like such a weird yet sensible pick!


Could someone remind me: for Brawl were there any characters we didn't know about/kept secret until we actually had the game in our hands?


Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. Yabuki turned off voice chat in Mario Kart races. True artists of their time.
Japanese says payment will be taken at 3:00 PM on the 12th (presumably from e-shop balance or credit card) and the download will be available from midnight on the 13th.

Ah. Well, at least I'll be getting actual sleep tomorrow night.


Then again, Brawl didn't have the equivalent of an ESRB leak

Very true. It had people on forums w/ correct leaks, but it was impossible to weed them out from the army of real leaks until after the fact.

Same w/ smash 4, only the ESRB leak brought out the real leakers. Unfortunately, none of the real leakers had anything to say beyond what the ESRB footage provided, so it's hard to say if it's final, or if the real leakers were just basing it off the ESRB leak.


For Japanese release, all of the unlockable characters minus Snake and Sonic. For North American, Wolf, maybe Toon Link and/or Jigglypuff.

You're talking about the official reveals. The entire line up had already been leaked, although we couldn't confirmed it due to a lack of a visual leak like what we got this time.
I gotta wait for delivery tho D:

Ain't nobody got time for that.



I wish you could play with randoms online with custom moves.

I think most of my playing will be just pick-up-and-play, and not a scheduled time with friends, so most of my playtime will be without the custom moves. Kinda sucks. I'm going to be unlocking all these moves, and I guess I'll really only use them with CPU players.

Hopefully they'll put in a mode to play randoms with custom moves enabled. If people don't want custom moves, just don't pick that mode.


I wish you could play with randoms online with custom moves.

I think most of my playing will be just pick-up-and-play, and not a scheduled time with friends, so most of my playtime will be without the custom moves. Kinda sucks. I'm going to be unlocking all these moves, and I guess I'll really only use them with CPU players.

Hopefully they'll put in a mode to play randoms with custom moves enabled. If people don't want custom moves, just don't pick that mode.

You think that's a good idea... until someone comes up with a broken, unbeatable custom move combo, and then everyone online picks that same moveset. And it gets really boring, really fast.


I wonder how well character customization will be recieved...

Edit: Why would your pick up and play online time be with only randoms? GAF friends list members could be on 24/7.


You think that's a good idea... until someone comes up with a broken, unbeatable custom move combo, and then everyone online picks that same moveset. And it gets really boring, really fast.

Good point. =)

Also - are they not releasing review copies early? No faith in their game?


Good point. =)

Also - are they not releasing review copies early? No faith in their game?

AFAIK Japan isn't like the west w/ Review culture, right? Not as many places review it.

Famistu reviewed it and gave it the same score as melee, 37/40.


Junior Member
This is going to be a crazy long month if we don't get a demo during the Treehouse thing.
Japan got it days before the full game is supposed to come out. The same will likely apply to us. I don't know why you guys expect the demo to come out sooner.


AFAIK Japan isn't like the west w/ Review culture, right? Not as many places review it.

Famistu reviewed it and gave it the same score as melee, 37/40.

Ah, gotcha. I'm just bitterly jonesing for more info. =)

Japan got it days before the full game is supposed to come out. The same will likely apply to us. I don't know why you guys expect the demo to come out sooner.

I have to believe!
I was hoping the 3DS one would be titled "For Fun" so the Wii U one be titled "For Glory", but I guess this one works.
So what would the Wii U thread be called? "Nintendo's Double Baconator"?
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