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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread 7: How Can My Smash Brother Be This Cut


I kind of like what I'm hearing from the possible Smash 4 theme. It'll probably sound more "intense" in the in-game version versus what the big band version implies.

And a Final Destination rendition will probably be hype as fuck.


The orchestra hits weren't the best idea, but "awful"?

By that point I think it was mostly just fatigue from hearing bombastic orchestra elsewhere. I get that they were trying to emulate the arena theme from Kirby Superstar, but they overdid it.

Awful's probably an overstatement. Utterly forgettable, maybe.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
So Smash's Facbook is doing a caption thing for this picture currently:


Azure J

Smash 64 has some awesome songs.

Master Hand - I can't believe this one hasn't been remixed yet.

Metal Mario.

All Clear - ;_;.

God damn, this soundtrack was such a powerful part of my childhood that instantly upon hearing the Master Hand/Final Destination theme I got so hype. Why isn't that version of Final Destination a theme on any of the other FDs come to think of it?

But only the n64 models, or n64 versions of all the newcomers since smash 64.

Great, now I want low-poly models of everyone.

Quick, some really good/bad 3d modeling artist, I have a job for you.

After messing around with Theytah's Project M Build, I'm surprised that N64 alts aren't something more heavily requested. Seeing the randomly placed N64 Fox alt among all the others there is just too good.

I'd totally pay for a Super Smash Bros. 64 "demake" set of costumes and N64 key/box art for characters that came post 64 and all.



Some bad logic in vid. How does the Toon Link situation become comparable to the Ridley one? One interacts with the stage and fighters, the other stays in the background. The thing at the end is also untrue. Sakurai thinks that most fans are content with assist trophy appearances for their characters who don't make it. Most normal sane fans I see enjoy the appearances. I'm sure some people would like Ridley as a stage boss.
All this music talk

I really hope this continues :)

I always liked this theme

I don´t know why! LOL

Oh, I have a pretty good idea why: because it is damn AWESOME!

Seriously, one of the best smash bros songs.

Another one I love, and one of my favorite remixes of the Brawl main theme, is the coin launcher song:


Shame no one played the coin launcher, so it's quite underappreciated

The way I see it is: either way, Sakurai made the best choice in the direct.

Showing Ridley's shadow confirms he is in the game in some way shape or form. It's alluded to that he is a boss, but left ambiguous. Some people will expect Ridley to be only a stage hazard/boss. Those people's expectations will be met if that becomes the case. Other people expect Ridley to be playable. If he is a hazard/boss, those people will look back (hindsight is 20/20) and most likely admit that it was obvious and they shouldn't be let down. If on the other hand Ridley is playable, those who said he won't be will realize it was a massive troll move and those who say he will, will be happy.

No matter what happens, we're talking about it and that is good for publicity. No matter what Sakurai wins.


Just wanted to add, I've been replaying Kid Icarus Uprising, and upon beating each chapter, I'm all like:


Game is just so good. Almost TOO good. Definitely one of Nintendo's best. Definitely Sakurai's Masterpiece. (Yep, capitalized that shit, it's so good it's a proper noun.)

I'm hoping that after he wraps SSB4 he spearheads another character-based action game. Maybe Star Fox since Kamiya threw that hissy fit in response to the fans. Or preferably Kid Icarus, because I want more Palutena, Hades, etc.


The way I see it is: either way, Sakurai made the best choice in the direct.

Showing Ridley's shadow confirms he is in the game in some way shape or form. It's alluded to that he is a boss, but left ambiguous. Some people will expect Ridley to be only a stage hazard/boss. Those people's expectations will be met if that becomes the case. Other people expect Ridley to be playable. If he is a hazard/boss, those people will look back (hindsight is 20/20) and most likely admit that it was obvious and they shouldn't be let down. If on the other hand Ridley is playable, those who said he won't be will realize it was a massive troll move and those who say he will, will be happy.

No matter what happens, we're talking about it and that is good for publicity. No matter what Sakurai wins.

Indeed. I think this has been by far the most interesting part of pre-release hype behind the newcomer reveals themselves.


Some bad logic in vid. How does the Toon Link situation become comparable to the Ridley one? One interacts with the stage and fighters, the other stays in the background. The thing at the end is also untrue. Sakurai thinks that most fans are content with assist trophy appearances for their characters who don't make it. Most normal sane fans I see enjoy the appearances. I'm sure some people would like Ridley as a stage boss.

withholding Ridley and teasing him, only to reveal at e3 would result in an increase in sales. That point is irrefutable. Even people that don't care about Metroid will fall into hype.


withholding Ridley and teasing him, only to reveal at e3 would result in an increase in sales. That point is irrefutable. Even people that don't care about Metroid will fall into hype.
I don't know if it would increase sales, but at least among people who are fans of Smash, Ridley is the No. 1 Nintendo newcomer announcement that would melt faces en masse. The fallout would justify Ridley-related OT titles for months to come.


*highlights, right-clicks, Bing translate*

"You-I, and Kirby the birth anniversary of 22 today?. I didn't care about.
More congratulations comments to me, thank you.
As my life Almost folded. An old story, but sometimes I feel like this before."


Should have used Google translate.

Masahiro Sakurai
@ Sora_Sakurai
Whoops, my 22 birthday anniversary Kirby today. Did not notice. The person who gave me a celebration comment, thank you. Is folded back almost as my life. Sometimes though it is a story of the old days so far, and feel as before with this.

It makes slightly more sense before falling apart at the end.


*highlights, right-clicks, Bing translate*

"You-I, and Kirby the birth anniversary of 22 today?. I didn't care about.
More congratulations comments to me, thank you.
As my life Almost folded. An old story, but sometimes I feel like this before."


That almost sounds mystic


Like, "As if my life also folded. An old story, but sometimes I have felt like this before" is almost Dark Souls worthy


withholding Ridley and teasing him, only to reveal at e3 would result in an increase in sales. That point is irrefutable. Even people that don't care about Metroid will fall into hype.

Hype is good and keeping the word of mouth train rolling is great, but there's nothing that really points to playable Ridley as a massive sales bump. You could keep the hype flowing with just about any character announcement.


Ridley is not a character Sakurai should add irresponsibly. His inclusion would require a great deal of thought as to the consequences.

For example: Think of all of the materials in schools that would have to be updated. No longer would this be 2014 C.E. We would now be living in 1 A.M.F.R.

After Motherfucking Ridley
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