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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread 7: How Can My Smash Brother Be This Cut

The joys of modding SSBB :D

My opening:

My Main Menu theme:

But more important (since that's what made you quit Boss Battles):

Standard Boss theme:

Against Taboo: (So much better than his regular music imo)
Yessssss. Playing Brawl without at least music mods is like playing vanilla Fallout on PC. It's so easy. If you're playing Smash without Broncobuster you're playing it wrong. (That's my main FD theme and the first 10 seconds is my Snake victory theme. Its alternate is also my preferred main menu song)


A Microsoft sockpuppet.

Neiteio you're going to jail
But I'm scared of Dementors!



Like, "As if my life also folded. An old story, but sometimes I have felt like this before" is almost Dark Souls worthy
Sounds like narration from Other M. ;-P Bit too flowery for my tastes.
Yessssss. Playing Brawl without at least music mods is like playing vanilla Fallout on PC. It's so easy. If you're playing Smash without Broncobuster you're playing it wrong. (That's my main FD theme and the first 14 seconds is my Snake victory theme)
Devil May Sly, all the way.

So Smash's Facbook is doing a caption thing for this picture currently:

"Let's pluck him 'til he's ripe."


Some bad logic in vid. How does the Toon Link situation become comparable to the Ridley one? One interacts with the stage and fighters, the other stays in the background. The thing at the end is also untrue. Sakurai thinks that most fans are content with assist trophy appearances for their characters who don't make it. Most normal sane fans I see enjoy the appearances. I'm sure some people would like Ridley as a stage boss.

Yellow Devil playable confirmed. When yellow devil is selected, Flying Mecha Dragon takes his place. Yellow devil can be scaled down to the size of other smash players, so no problem. Doesn't matter that his scale doesn't match mega man's.

While you could make ridley smaller (like you can make olimar bigger) the problem is that then Ridley is too small COMPARED TO SAMUS. (blah blah metroid 1 ridley. Blah blah metroid 1 kraid, too, then!)

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Ridley shadow was not 'Trolling' or 'Hinting' at anything.

It was this:


But for Ridley instead of a pokemon.


Yellow Devil playable confirmed. When yellow devil is selected, Flying Mecha Dragon takes his place. Yellow devil can be scaled down to the size of other smash players, so no problem. Doesn't matter that his scale doesn't match mega man's.

While you could make ridley smaller (like you can make olimar bigger) the problem is that then Ridley is too small COMPARED TO SAMUS. (blah blah metroid 1 ridley. Blah blah metroid 1 kraid, too, then!)

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Ridley shadow was not 'Trolling' or 'Hinting' at anything.

It was this:


But for Ridley instead of a pokemon.

Key difference that Pokemon are then revealed right away. Not showing ridley at all was a deliberate tease to encourage discussion and debate. Still could be stage hazard, but it was definitely done to tug at emotions


Who seriously uses bing???
I'm reminded of those terrible Spanish commercials.
While you could make ridley smaller (like you can make olimar bigger) the problem is that then Ridley is too small COMPARED TO SAMUS. (blah blah metroid 1 ridley. Blah blah metroid 1 kraid, too, then!)
This comparative scale argument is pretty easily disproven by the Pokemon. Pikachu is gigantic compared to Charizard. Same thing happened with Mewtwo in Melee, who should have been around six times as tall as Pikachu.


Here's my theory on Ridley:

Sakurai hasn't decided.

Rather, he's waiting until the last sec, making his decision based on which side is less annoying.

"Hmm, do I appease the creatively bankrupt crowd who can't imagine him being playable, or do I satiate the fanboys obsessed with a flying anorexic Barney?"


Here's my theory on Ridley:

Sakurai hasn't decided.

Rather, he's waiting until the last sec, making his decision based on which side is less annoying.

"Hmm, do I appease the creatively bankrupt crowd who can't imagine him being playable, or do I satiate the fanboys obsessed with a flying anorexic Barney?"

He concludes both are equally annoying, gives Charizard a purple alt color , and calls it a day


I should've smelled something funny when I noticed his avatar was a space marine.
My avatar is a side character from Resident Evil Revelations, lol

Well, he was, before GAF helped me turn him into the bearded bloom-addled Luigi-fied Carbink trainer Wonder-Tits




My avatar is a side character from Resident Evil Revelations, lol

Well, he was, before GAF helped me turn him into the bearded bloom-addled Luigi-fied Carbink trainer Wonder-Tits

*Looks a bit harder* Double edit: I was right? Damn, I was just guessing, liked it better than RE5, but it's been a while and I don't remember many characters outside the main 4 + Raymond


My Ridley moveset:

B: Ridley shoots a small beam that damages further opponents.
Side-B: Ridley quickly dashes at the opponents leaving a trail of a blueish illusion of himself.
Up-B: Ridley charges up flames surrounding him and then flies in the direction inputted on the control stick.
Down-B: Ridley creates a field around himself that protects him from most projectiles from any angle.

Final Smash: Ridley summons a giant tank used by the space pirates. It has a cannon that fires quick and powerful blasts. Opponents can stand on the tank too, but they better watch out when it rolls 360 degrees!


Here's the source of my avatar:
Look at that hype.

I like his uniform. He really needed that Luigi hat though.

My Ridley moveset:
Final Smash: Ridley summons a giant tank used by the space pirates. It has a cannon that fires quick and powerful blasts. Opponents can stand on the tank too, but they better watch out when it rolls 360 degrees!

I'm pretty sure he just bench-presses the tank.


My Ridley moveset:

B: Ridley shoots a small beam that damages further opponents.
Side-B: Ridley quickly dashes at the opponents leaving a trail of a blueish illusion of himself.
Up-B: Ridley charges up flames surrounding him and then flies in the direction inputted on the control stick.
Down-B: Ridley creates a field around himself that protects him from most projectiles from any angle.

Final Smash: Ridley summons a giant tank used by the space pirates. It has a cannon that fires quick and powerful blasts. Opponents can stand on the tank too, but they better watch out when it rolls 360 degrees!
Damn, I wish I was this creative.


If those are the reasons you choose to discredit him I strongly urge you back away from the internet.
If you're going to try to make an argument as ridiculous as the one he was making, it couldn't hurt to pronounce things correctly and make a few less terrible jokes.
This dude is the complete opposite of eloquent, not to mention his points are mostly the same shitty ones that have been used for years, most of which have been refuted, as heard in Shokio's take on the debate.
If this guy is "eloquent," then I do want to back away from the internet for a while. Reminds me of how the word "literally" is suddenly becoming a synonym of "figuratively" on the Internet and in American society. Sorry if I sound mad. As an English major, this shit annoys the fuck out of me.



I swear talking about Ridley has to be a fucking daily ritual now.
Fuck the Smash Cycle, it's the Ridley Cycle now...
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