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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread XVIII: Today, we are all Mewtwos

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Did Spainkiller ever hear back from his source? I'm leaning towards their source (somewhat) honest due to Mewtwo and the connectivity stuff (didn't someone else vouch for them too?), but the whole Ridley aspect could have just been a scrapped level boss for Brinstar or a Pyrosphere port like Yellow Devil being in both versions. I get that Other M Ridley's just a clone of the *real* Ridley, but it'd a bit too weird at this point to pull the rug from under everybody if that's what they were planning.

Apparently the Ridley model on the 3DS was the Other M design as well. I'm leaning towards it being a boss for a scrapped Pyrosphere port in that version - it makes sense that due to Ridley's higher complexity compared to Yellow Devil, he may have caused issues on the weaker 3DS hardware - probably why Metal Face doesn't show up either. And unlike Xenoblade, Metroid had a past stage to fall back on, allowing Pyrosphere to be abandoned entirely.

Though I wonder why they didn't use that model (along with the scrapped 3D Flying Man) for a trophy...
Did Spainkiller ever hear back from his source? I'm leaning towards their source (somewhat) honest due to Mewtwo and the connectivity stuff (didn't someone else vouch for them too?), but the whole Ridley aspect could have just been a scrapped level boss for Brinstar or a Pyrosphere port like Yellow Devil being in both versions. I get that Other M Ridley's just a clone of the *real* Ridley, but it'd a bit too weird at this point to pull the rug from under everybody if that's what they were planning.

His source said the model of Ridley he saw was the one on Pyrosphere.

The confusing thing however, is that he saw the model on 3DS, along with the outlines, which is usually what playable characters have.
Apparently the Ridley model on the 3DS was the Other M design as well. I'm leaning towards it being a boss for a scrapped Pyrosphere port in that version - it makes sense that due to Ridley's higher complexity compared to Yellow Devil, he may have caused issues on the weaker 3DS hardware - probably why Metal Face doesn't show up either. And unlike Xenoblade, Metroid had a past stage to fall back on, allowing Pyrosphere to be abandoned entirely.

Though I wonder why they didn't use that model (along with the scrapped 3D Flying Man) for a trophy...
Yeah, if it's the same model that's in Wii U's Pyrosphere then I definitely think he was simply meant to be a boss in both versions. Maybe bosses just had outlines at one point before it was deemed too confusing visually-speaking?

Nothing to explain what was up with Dixie Kong and Chorus Kids unless they were scrapped AT's, though they didn't show up alongside ReDeads or Doc Lois in the 3DS code if they were.


As in "Heathcliff"
His source said the model of Ridley he saw was the one on Pyrosphere.

The confusing thing however, is that he saw the model on 3DS, along with the outlines, which is usually what playable characters have.

Ridley having 3DS model with outlines is really confusing tho. Let see if the source is still right about it but I still have a doubt tho.


Perhaps 'feeding' was a poor choice of words.



A brawl pack would work with Lucas and Wolf with Snake, Squirtle and Ivysaur as smaller possibilities.

A Melee Pack doesn't make sense. First I don't think Mewtwo will be offered in a pack (he'll be sold separately) because it takes value away from him being a free bonus to owners of both. Secondly there is no other cut characters (except if you count ice climbers) from that game that should come back.

C'mon...no love for Pichu or Roy? :(

Pichu can simply be revamped into a more agile version of Pikachu. Though I still see him being not used because it's Pichu lol

With Marth basically being revamped, Roy can simply keep his Melee moves with some tweaks in animations. And he can keep his 1HKO neutral special as his unique thing. And his taunt is pretty cool because he's like the karate kid with a sword lol

I see of course the lesser value of "Melee Pack" because only Mewtwo was certainly the popular cut character and IC may never be added due to 3DS limitations, but I'm really fine with Melee cut vets coming back as a welcome option together with Brawl vets.


I feel like Roy really should return. He takes only a little more effort than Lucina or Doc, yet I'd appreciate him just as much if not more than both of them.
C'mon...no love for Pichu or Roy? :(

Pichu can simply be revamped into a more agile version of Pikachu. Though I still see him being not used because it's Pichu lol

With Marth basically being revamped, Roy can simply keep his Melee moves with some tweaks in animations. And he can keep his 1HKO neutral special as his unique thing. And his taunt is pretty cool because he's like the karate kid with a sword lol

I see of course the lesser value of "Melee Pack" because only Mewtwo was certainly the popular cut character and IC may never be added due to 3DS limitations, but I'm really fine with Melee cut vets coming back as a welcome option together with Brawl vets.

Pichu can stay the *pika sfx* away from my Smash Bros.

No offense. If he gets in as DLC, I'd probably just ignore him...unless he's packaged with characters that I'd want.


I feel like Roy really should return. He takes only a little more effort than Lucina or Doc, yet I'd appreciate him just as much if not more than both of them.
We have a better Roy now.

Fire Emblem Roy is the worst Lord in the series and he was only included to promote Binding Blade, which turned out to be one of the worst games in the series. He's done.


I feel like Roy really should return. He takes only a little more effort than Lucina or Doc, yet I'd appreciate him just as much if not more than both of them.

But he's a terrible character, incredibly unpopular, and mechanically redundant. All he deserves is maybe a more faithful palette for Marth, with an actual hair colour change.


Lucas is going to be released with Mewtwo, I can feel it in my bones.

If anything, I hope Mewtwo gets a CG launch trailer and it features Ness. Partly because Ness hasn't been in a CG trailer, mostly because Ness approaching a tube containing Mewtwo that resembles Giegue's containment bubble/thing would be amazing.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
So much potential.


It really wouldn't be that difficult - with Mewtwo, they're already working on recreating the only cut moveset from Melee. Roy, Young Link and Pichu can be model swapped from those characters' current incarnations, and all the Brawl cuts would require a comparatively minimal amount of work to transfer.

Though whether doing that is a good idea or not, I'm not sure. I'd be fine with Mewtwo and Dr. Mario being the only returning Melee veterans, with the remainder of the DLC consisting of cut Brawl veterans, new clones and newcomers.

I want nothing more than for this image to have been a prophecy.


Are psychic's favorite food sushie rolls or something?


Fire Emblem Roy is the worst Lord in the series and he was only included to promote Binding Blade, which turned out to be one of the worst games in the series. He's done.

This is what I feel hurts his chances the most. He's not popular to FE fans from what I hear. Shame, because I think he'd be a great addition for what little effort he'd require. Dude was fun to play as, even if he wasn't as good as Marth. Plus I just want as many past characters back as possible.
So with Mewtwo coming back I was thinking about who the next most popular Pokemon are.

Blastoise seems like he'd be easily the next in line, but beyond that I've got no clue. Arcanine, Gengar, Dragonite, Eevee, Nidoking all seem popular. Not many gen 2-6 Pokemon seem as big as the originals, Scizor, Blaziken and Hawlucha come to mind but not a whole lot else.

Lots of legendaries are popular too obviously, but the most popular are ones that are too big, like Lugia and Rayquaza. Mew maybe.
So with Mewtwo coming back I was thinking about who the next most popular Pokemon are.

Blastoise seems like he'd be easily the next in line, but beyond that I've got no clue. Arcanine, Gengar, Dragonite, Eevee, Nidoking all seem popular. Not many gen 2-6 Pokemon seem as big as the originals, Scizor, Blaziken and Hawlucha come to mind but not a whole lot else.

Lots of legendaries are popular too obviously, but the most popular are ones that are too big, like Lugia and Rayquaza. Mew maybe.

According to my chart, plus Mewtwo, we have enough Pokemon :p


Hahaha XD

BTW, it was posted earlier today in the other thread, but just in case anyone missed it: The Gamer stage looks hilarious in action.

The no BGM in that stage made me appreciate the background cheering even more. Sometimes it's almost inaudible in the 3DS version (or was that intentional). Either way, that stage really looks like a blast to play. And the hazard spot is quite small so I'm hoping it could also be used in tournaments here because it really looks fun to play there.


Captain Toad seriously seems like a DLC possibility. Ideally with Toadette alternate. The other members of the Toad Brigade -- Blue, Green, Yellow, etc -- could be his other colors.

With the safari gear and headlamp, he stands out visually from the generic Toad that Peach uses for her neutral special. And maybe his backpack could make him unique. In Treasure Tracker, his backpack is heavy and the reason he can't jump. In Smash, maybe he can be a low jumper... until he takes off the backpack. At that point, he'd lose access to certain options -- the pickaxe, the turnips, etc -- but he'd be faster and jump farther. He can then come back to his backpack and reequip it when he wants to trade jump height and speed for his tools.

I could also picture him dashing forward on his mine cart for his side special, and maybe flinging turnips from it with subsequent taps of the B button. He could recover with his Starshroom, clinging onto it like Snake's up special.

With a Captain Toad amiibo coming out for Treasure Tracker, they'd also have a toy primed and ready for Smash.

Just a thought...

Masked Man

I said wow
Captain Toad seriously seems like a DLC possibility. Ideally with Toadette alternate. The other members of the Toad Brigade -- Blue, Green, Yellow, etc -- could be his other colors.

With the safari gear and headlamp, he stands out visually from the generic Toad that Peach uses for her neutral special. And maybe his backpack could make him unique. In Treasure Tracker, his backpack is heavy and the reason he can't jump. In Smash, maybe he can be a low jumper... until he takes off the backup. At that point, he'd lose access to certain options -- the pickaxe, the turnips, etc -- but he'd be faster and jump farther. He can then come back to his backpack and reequip it when he wants to trade jump height and speed for his tools.

I could also picture him dashing forward on his mine cart for his side special, and maybe flinging turnips from it with subsequent taps of the B button.

With a Captain Toad amiibo coming out for Treasure Tracker, they'd also have a toy primed and ready for Smash.

Just a thought...

Couldn't agree with you more. In fact, I think he's practically designed to be the DLC postershroom!

I see a Side-B mine cart working similarly to the Koopalings' Klown Kart but with additional projectile functionality via the turnips. He could also swap between backpack on/off with Neutral-B, much like how Shulk shuffles through Monado Arts. Alternatively, they could easily create Captain Toad as a Koopaling clone riding around in his mine cart all the time. He could fire turnips instead of cannonballs, and use a pickaxe instead of a hammer!


Couldn't agree with you more. In fact, I think he's practically designed to be the DLC postershroom!

I see a Side-B mine cart working similarly to the Koopalings' Klown Kart but with additional projectile functionality via the turnips. He could also swap between backpack on/off with Neutral-B, much like how Shulk shuffles through Monado Arts. Alternatively, they could easily create Captain Toad as a Koopaling clone riding around in his mine cart all the time. He could fire turnips instead of cannonballs, and use a pickaxe instead of a hammer!
I picture him throwing his backpack down with his down special, similar to Pac-Man and the fire hydrant. And like that move, it can hit people when it lands... but it's too heavy for anyone else to pick up. Only Toad can pick it up, and reequip it. :-D


I'm not sure it will be Lucas, but I don't think Mewtwo will be the only character, that's for sure. I think Mewtwo was just a taste/headliner of a larger pack that will be further elaborated upon after the Wii U release.

Lucas seems like a no-brainer to me, but I may be biased. But I agree, I expect at least two more character to sweeten the deal when Mewtwo is released.


Lucas seems like a no-brainer to me, but I may be biased. But I agree, I expect at least two more character to sweeten the deal when Mewtwo is released.
I just hope Sakurai's "characters who have no future are not in Smash" logic (as explained in Famitsu) does not apply to DLC characters. Lucas should come back on the strength of being a Smash veteran alone. I mean, wasn't he a starter in Brawl? Should count for something!

So bring Lucas back. With a Kumatora alt. And a Paula alt for Ness. And a remade New Pork City.


I just hope Sakurai's "characters who have no future are not in Smash" logic (as explained in Famitsu) does not apply to DLC characters. Lucas should come back on the strength of being a Smash veteran alone. I mean, wasn't he a starter in Brawl? Should count for something!

So bring Lucas back. With a Kumatora alt. And a Paula alt for Ness. And a remade New Pork City.

New Pork City as it is would be amazing for 8 players, it just needs an omega version.

Ness should also get Pajama and Ninten alt, its a crime he doesn't when Shulk has one.
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