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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT (beginning Feb. 4th)!

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The jury voting for the winner is where i believe the game to be broken, cause someone could have played an amazing game and just not have anyone like them(the person not being an ass, but humble) due to bitterness. there should be some other way to crown a winner
NightHawk17 said:
The jury voting for the winner is where i believe the game to be broken, cause someone could have played an amazing game and just not have anyone like them(the person not being an ass, but humble) due to bitterness. there should be some other way to crown a winner
Handling, anticipating and manipulating the perceptions & feelings of your competition is the backbone of the game. I'm not sure how it could be done any other way without totally changing the spirit of the show.


Coolio McAwesome said:
Russell made some bad plays this week. Falling for the old "rock in the pocket" trick was one thing; but going postal on his own alliance for no apparent reason was a horrible move. I guess he was trying to start some sort of feud within his group in order to create chaos, but did he really think he could manipulate Parvati!? Everyone was on to him from the very beginning, so Russell pretty much outed himself out of an alliance that he though he was in control of. Switching sides at this point certainly didn't help his position in the game, and he pretty much threw away the only jury votes he could have gotten. Russell can't win the game at this point.

On the other side of the spectrum, Sandra continues to impress me. She found an idol, she kept it to herself, and nobody even suspects that she has it. She doesn't appear to be a target at this point and looks like she's in a good position to win the whole thing. Rupert played a good game as well. He tricked people into thinkig he had an idol, he accurately predicted how the villains were going to vote, and he kept himself in the game by sending Candice home. He was then able to put aside his differences with Russell in order to vote Danielle out. He's playing a much smarter game than I thought he was capable of.

Russell did what he felt he needed to do to break the team-within the team. If the final 3 were Danielle, Russell, and Parvati....he has to win the final challenge or he's out. It's a gutsy play, but I think it was the right time to do it while he had immunity. He already didn't trust his alliance (since he had to play an immunity idol last week), so the status quo wasn't going to last much longer.

Sandra's play looks smart....unless someone else finds the idol (since she re-hid it....is it fair game? Not sure I know the rules there). I think she's going to use the idol to get Russell out of the game.

I will agree with everyone who thinks that HII are too easy to find, and who think that Russell's slash-and-burn style of play does not endear him to the jury (which is an important part of the game).
Wow is Parvati good at this game. You see how easily she caught on to Russell's lie? Freaking marvelous. A worse player would have succumb to that type of pressure easily. She is playing a fantastic season; she has been controlling everything from day 1.

Russell's play to get rid of Danielle was a smart one. There was no way a chaos-inducing vote would backfire on him, at least in this tribal, since he had immunity. Also, he took out one of his biggest threats, and weakened his biggest one (Parvati). Plus, barring a mental collapse from Jerri, he can be assured it would happen; Jerri would move up in the alliance and greatly increase her chance of Final 3, there is no reason why she shouldn't do it. He knows that going to Final 3 with Parvati and Danielle is suicide, so he had to find another way. At least now he has a shot to win if he pairs himself up with Colby and Rupert.

There are a lot of holes to his plan--inevitably it causes a 3-3 with the idol in the opponents hands (Sandra). However, Sandra is probably the most willing to flop, even though I don't know if Russell would want that (The moment they vote out Parvati, Russell would be next). Its a tough situation but its much better than the no-win situation he would have been in if he went Final 3 with his original alliance.

I still think Russell has no chance to win this game; an utter disregard for the jury aspect of the late-game will be his demise. Parvati has no enemies, despite being the one to orchestrate almost every vote. Thats the sign of great play, and thats why all signs still point to her winning the game.

Rupert's rock was pretty cute. Saved him and now gives him an opportunity for Final 3. Impressive; he has been the best member of the Heroes tribe this season, though I suppose thats not saying much.


Baker said:
That was so fucking awesome. I don't even care how bad that absolutely screwed Russell in the finals because I'm still just laughing uncontrollably.

Same here. :lol

It doesn't even really matter if Russell makes it to the end, I can't see him winning at this point against anyone really left... except Colby.

And wow Karma got Candice good, really glad that happened. And the whole rock thing with Rupert was actually pretty great.
Yeah, I don't think there is any argument for Russ being one of the best overall players ever. Maybe hes a great mid-game player, but his late-game is atrocious.

Can't say someone is a great player when they could play the game a hundred times and lose every time. Just no social game to speak of.

Coolio McAwesome said:

Coach is playing on a Rock Band drumset :lol

This is awesomely bad :lol
The Crimson Blur said:
Coach is playing on a Rock Band drumset :lol

This is awesomely bad :lol

You should check out the following links for more Dragons-related awesomeness.


They're obviously having a blast out there, and there are a lot of genuine smiles in those videos. It looks like they'd be a fun group to hang out with.


Coolio McAwesome said:
They're obviously having a blast out there, and there are a lot of genuine smiles in those videos. It looks like they'd be a fun group to hang out with.

It does seem like they're having a lot of fun.

It's great to see that they can be so friendly with one another, despite playing against each other. Good they're making the best of it, I know many seasons weren't as lucky to be able to hang out like this happily.


Colby and Rupert live to see another day. Those tribals went perfectly for the Heroes. Very entertaining episode. It looks like they won't be targeted either next tribal with Russell and Parvati fighting it out. I'm not sure who Jerri will side with. She's definitely a swing vote.


Russel destroying the alliance :lol it was great seeing Danielle voted out though, and the way Rupert was talking about Russel initially and now they are basically alligned


I think Parv and Russell will wake up and realize that they need each other to get to the end. I don't think they will crash and burn all the way.
jey_16 said:
Russel destroying the alliance :lol it was great seeing Danielle voted out though, and the way Rupert was talking about Russel initially and now they are basically alligned
Rupert LOVES Russel now. Rupert would destroy him and Colby in the final 3 and he knows it.


What an incredibly stupid idea by Jerri to vote out Candice before Rupert/Colby.

"I thought they meant a bush that was on fire."
Yeah that Sandra is reeal clever.

An awful plan by Russell to pit Parvati and Danielle against each other works because Danielle is such a wimp and Jerri is a follower.

God Danielle is so weak minded. "I think he changed his vote at the last minute." :lol


yellowjacket25 said:
I like Russell but he is borderline insane. I wonder if he would have even tried this move if he didnt have immunity. Just go to the final 3 with Parvati and Danielle and convince Danielle that she cant win against Parvati. Seems alot easier then his new plan.

That would seem to be the obvious move. Russell could still navigate his way into the finals, though. But that probably killed any chance he had of winning the money.

Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
When he was voting for Candace and saying "I'm proud of how I played. Are you?", I felt like smacking him and saying "You're more interested in popcorn and donuts than playing this game" :lol

Yeah that was hilarious. A guy in an alliance that was outnumbered 2-6 getting out of an immunity challenge after only one minute, in exchange for a plate of mystery food. For the second straight week Colby showed just how pathetic he is.


The Crimson Blur said:
There are a lot of holes to his plan--inevitably it causes a 3-3 with the idol in the opponents hands (Sandra).

Why will it inevitably cause a 3-3 split?
Right now it appears to be 4-2, Russell-Rupert-Colby-Jerri vs Parvati-Sandra. Is there any reason to believe Jerri would side with Parvati over Russell, after having just voted out Danielle?

The Crimson Blur said:
Parvati has no enemies, despite being the one to orchestrate almost every vote. Thats the sign of great play, and thats why all signs still point to her winning the game.

Rupert's rock was pretty cute. Saved him and now gives him an opportunity for Final 3. Impressive; he has been the best member of the Heroes tribe this season, though I suppose thats not saying much.

Agreed on both Parvati and Rupert.


^ Agree with the above as well.

Colby wouldn't have won even if he didn't drop, but it couldn't of hurt him to at least of stayed a little longer. He's made himself look really pathetic this whole season.

And Danielle's break down was actually pretty great. Think it was smart taking her out, but she would be much easier to beat than Parvati for the million.
Coolio McAwesome said:
Rupert played a good game as well. He tricked people into thinkig he had an idol, he accurately predicted how the villains were going to vote, and he kept himself in the game by sending Candice home.
Actually, this was Colby's doing. The one thing I've seen Colby do to defend himself.
Galang said:
And Danielle's break down was actually pretty great. Think it was smart taking her out, but she would be much easier to beat than Parvati for the million.
Yes, but it's a final 3 now, not a final 2. Their stated final 3 was Russell, Parvati, Danielle. And Russell doesn't win that group. A lot of the older survivors keep talking about final 2 as well. I'm not sure they're aware that the ending format has changed.
ScrabbleDude said:
Yes, but it's a final 3 now, not a final 2. Their stated final 3 was Russell, Parvati, Danielle. And Russell doesn't win that group. A lot of the older survivors keep talking about final 2 as well. I'm not sure they're aware that the ending format has changed.

Well, we assume it's a final three, but they've flipped back to 2 at least once (Micronesia, wasn't it?) I assume it's to keep them guessing so that, like the merge, they can't predict where the game is going.
The Crimson Blur said:
Wow is Parvati good at this game. You see how easily she caught on to Russell's lie? Freaking marvelous. A worse player would have succumb to that type of pressure easily. She is playing a fantastic season; she has been controlling everything from day 1.

Parvati has played a good game up until she gave away both of her idols. The only reason she looks smarter than Russell is because Russell is still playing the same "dumb pretty girl" card. It doesn't take a genius to see through his lies.

Parvati and Russell share the same trait, cockiness. Russell thought he was still running the game up until last night, when in reality he is about 3 TC's behind. Parvati thought the same thing and didn't think ahead. Her cockiness got her strongest ally blindsided hard. If it weren't for that dumb move by Candice(all Russell by the way) she would have been gone already.

Russell had to do what he had to do. It's the Sith Code, kill or be killed. He already was on the outs and I'm pretty sure they would have gunned for him next week. There is a slim chance he could still win against Parvati because of her cocky attitude and she didnt seem like she cared much at all for the Jury members. And Jeri due to her two betraying swing votes.

I also think he has very little chance at the millions. The heroes are pretty much in control because Sandra is still in their back pocket and no ones knows. They need to go for Parvati or Russell next week.


I loved the reaction on Parvati's face when Danielle said she was closer to her than Russell thought. I seriously think Parvati wanted to knock her out. It was so stupid to tell everyone that.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
TheFury said:
I loved the reaction on Parvati's face when Danielle said she was closer to her than Russell thought. I seriously think Parvati wanted to knock her out. It was so stupid to tell everyone that.

I know I wanted to knock her out. Stupid crybaby bitch just wouldn't shut the fuck up.
Brian Fellows said:
I know I wanted to knock her out. Stupid crybaby bitch just wouldn't shut the fuck up.

She's an idiot. Probst loves to talk to her and ask questions just to show how dumb she is. Probst for President!


Worst part of the ep was when they all had their arms raised and the chicks had some massive armpit hair :lol

I loved the conversation between Russell and Rupert.

"you're such a dumbass Rupert" :lol


The smart play for everyone next week is to take Parvati out. No one is going to win up against her in the end. If they managed to get her out of the game, it would be fairly wide open for anyone else to take the million.


suaveric said:
The smart play for everyone next week is to take Parvati out. No one is going to win up against her in the end. If they managed to get her out of the game, it would be fairly wide open for anyone else to take the million.

I think Parvati is definitely gone. After Danielle went out like that it impacted Parv. a lot and judging by next weeks previews it seems like shes just given up and having a good time while Sandra eggs her on.

The smartest play I could imagine for next week is Sandra revealing to Parvati she has an idol, finding out who the rest of the group is voting for and, using her idol, switch the votes to Russell. She's wanted him gone for a while so might as well do it now. She'll be seen as a hero by Rupert and Colby which means Parvati's gone and Sandra will easily beat Rupert and Colby.


Crazymoogle said:
Well, we assume it's a final three, but they've flipped back to 2 at least once (Micronesia, wasn't it?) I assume it's to keep them guessing so that, like the merge, they can't predict where the game is going.

Yup, it's been every other season lately. Final two in Micronesia (Parvati/Amanda) and then Tocantins (Stephen/JT). Wouldn't be surprised to see a final two this time, but we'll see.

And did not realize the finale was next week :/, going to miss watching.
xbhaskarx said:
Why will it inevitably cause a 3-3 split?
Right now it appears to be 4-2, Russell-Rupert-Colby-Jerri vs Parvati-Sandra. Is there any reason to believe Jerri would side with Parvati over Russell, after having just voted out Danielle?

Because Jerri would prefer to be 3rd in an alliance rather than 4th? I think her vote against Danielle was simply to move her up the ranks in her alliance; she had no intention of siding with Russell over Parv.

Next week will be close. It will be interesting what Sandra will do.


The Crimson Blur said:
Because Jerri would prefer to be 3rd in an alliance rather than 4th? I think her vote against Danielle was simply to move her up the ranks in her alliance; she had no intention of siding with Russell over Parv.

Next week will be close. It will be interesting what Sandra will do.

I think you over estimate Jerri's intelligence.


Next week's episode; Loose Lips Sink Ships.

For reference last episode was A Sinking Ship and the one before was Jumping Ship. Although A Sinking Ship was Rupert's line, it was a good summary for the Villain's alliance coming off and Jumping Ship was clearly Candice betraying the Villains and Amanda getting voted off.


Guess they're sticking with the ship convention for the episodes... But pretty cool, I expect not many people get to see the episode titles anyway. :lol

Thinking it over a bit more, this season has actually turned me off Russell more than I thought. Now I want him to make it to the end just so he can lose against who-ever he's up against.

Is Amanda the only player so far to make it to the end twice and lose?


Man Russell is stupid. He's far from the "greatest player of all time". Had Rupert won immunity he was all set to vote Parvati out. Why??? To leave Colby and Rupert in the final 5 so that one of them has a better chance of winning immunity next episode? If either Colby or Rupert make the finals they won the million. Why in the hell wouldn't Russell know that without even thinking about it?? He was upset with Parvati so was going to vote on his "today's feeling" instinct. The fact that Parvati won immunity actually benefitted Russell and he doesn't even realize it.


Kills Photobucket
NightHawk17 said:
The jury voting for the winner is where i believe the game to be broken, cause someone could have played an amazing game and just not have anyone like them(the person not being an ass, but humble) due to bitterness. there should be some other way to crown a winner

I think that's the best part of the game. You can't just be a manipulative ass through the game. That's why Russel lost last time he had no plan for the social game.

Manics said:
Man Russell is stupid. He's far from the "greatest player of all time". Had Rupert won immunity he was all set to vote Parvati out. Why??? To leave Colby and Rupert in the final 5 so that one of them has a better chance of winning immunity next episode? If either Colby or Rupert make the finals they won the million. Why in the hell wouldn't Russell know that without even thinking about it?? He was upset with Parvati so was going to vote on his "today's feeling" instinct. The fact that Parvati won immunity actually benefitted Russell and he doesn't even realize it.

Just like Russel had an advantage going into the game by no one knowing about him, he at the same time had no clue that his lack of skill at the games social aspect would be his downfall his first time. He think the entire game is just getting to the final 2.


DrForester said:
I think that's the best part of the game. You can't just be a manipulative ass through the game. That's why Russel lost last time he had no plan for the social game.

Just like Russel had an advantage going into the game by no one knowing about him, he at the same time had no clue that his lack of skill at the games social aspect would be his downfall his first time. He think the entire game is just getting to the final 2.
He's a self professed huge fan of Survivor, anyone that watches the show knows how important the social part of the game is, likeable middle of the road people usually win. He should already know this.


Kills Photobucket
Manics said:
He's a self professed huge fan of Survivor, anyone that watches the show knows how important the social part of the game is, likeable middle of the road people usually win. He should already know this.

That's why I don't think he's that great. He thinks by manipulating people and screwing everyone over people will be in awe of his awesome dickery and crown him winner.


I hate the voting aspect, because I can't stand the hypocrisy of the booted out members while they deride the winners, especially on JT and Stephen's season. Also, I'm still butthurt that Nat won last season.


Manics said:
Man Russell is stupid. He's far from the "greatest player of all time". Had Rupert won immunity he was all set to vote Parvati out. Why??? To leave Colby and Rupert in the final 5 so that one of them has a better chance of winning immunity next episode? If either Colby or Rupert make the finals they won the million. Why in the hell wouldn't Russell know that without even thinking about it?? He was upset with Parvati so was going to vote on his "today's feeling" instinct. The fact that Parvati won immunity actually benefitted Russell and he doesn't even realize it.

Russell is fucked either way, but if I were him, I'd take my chances going against Rupert and Colby rather than Parvatti. At least he'd have a play against them trying to convince the jury that he was the last villain standing. Colby hasn't done shit all season, and Rupert has been an annoying fuck. But EVERYBODY likes Parvatti, and those that may be sitting on the fence about giving her a million bucks will be won over at the final speech. This is how she does it... every single time.

Also.. a reminder:

I missed the past 3 episodes or so (if anyone noticed I wasn't posting) but caught tonight's...so let me add my 8 cents. If Sandra or Parvati win we have another epic fail season.
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