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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT (beginning Feb. 4th)!

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ToxicAdam said:
Another great show in a killer season. I feel bad for people that gave up on Survivor a long time ago, they are missing out.

Who cares, it's their loss.

Anything like this is going to get better as they refine things over the years and find out what works and what doesn't, and as more people learn how to play the game properly.
This season and the last one have been two of the most entertaining of all time. Back when the show was hugely popular it pretty much sucked relative to this.


brilliant move by parvati.....but i still hate her, i hope Sandra flops next week and they vote out Russell but i doubt it


Eh Sandras an idiot.. Shes blinded by her hate of Russell.

This was the perfect opportunity for her to be the 5th person in the Russell-Parvati alliance. Sure she would have been 5th but it would have meant she would be in the final 5 and she could easily jump over Jerri and Dannielle into the final 3.

BTW that was amazing by Parvati :lol I literally did a "you guys are fucked now!" shout.


xbhaskarx said:
Who cares, it's their loss.

Anything like this is going to get better as they refine things over the years and find out what works and what doesn't, and as more people learn how to play the game properly.
This season and the last one have been two of the most entertaining of all time. Back when the show was hugely popular it pretty much sucked relative to this.

This is true, I got bored of Survivor when it was hugely popular and only returned a few years ago because of all the neat twists they added. Came back because I thought the Cook Islands division among race was interesting. Although I think the last season in particular was pretty much carried by Russell's dynamic. There were really no interesting twists in that season nor even the one before that, and I can't imagine how boring last season would of been otherwise. This season has been amazing because of the characters playing, but I hope next season they try something fresh.


jey_16 said:
Amanda screwed things up by telling Parvati to play the idol....it just came across as so fake
The really funny thing is that Amanda has been trying to leverage Survivor into an acting career...


VGChampion said:

Probably a drunken douchebag, lawsuit-seeking, obnoxious dick who wanted 15 minutes of fame with a pseudo-celebrity.

Russell is a bully, but he just doesn't seem like the type to run around just pushing random people to the ground for the hell of it. He doesn't have a criminal record, or a pattern of doing this, at least not that I've heard about.

As for the game, even having the elimination list spoiled for me, its been the most entertaining season of Survivor that I've watched in a long time. Just seeing how it plays out is worth the price of admission. I'm not sure how this season is doing ratings-wise, but I'd love to see this group of people throw down again some time in the near future.


I would love to see the ratings for this season as well, I'd definitely buy this one on a box-set if they still do those for Survivor. I think we'll have to wait a long time before another all-stars time season though, since we only had fans vs. favorite not long ago before this season.

Since I don't want to spend a bunch of time editing out the source stuff, here's a link to the Season 20 weekly ratings:

Been averaging around 12 million. Had a 14 million viewer episode though.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I finally understand why everyone wanted Poverty gone ASAP. This makes misplays by Tyson and his ilk look all the more hilarious :lol


Sandra's game has never been about picking sides. It's staying in the middle and constantly flopping. She'll be okay (for awhile).


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Sandra's playing the exact same game that won her a million bucks. She knows what she's doing. Her, Parvati and Russel are going to be interesting to watch. One of those three will take it, I bet.
bill0527 said:
Russell is a bully, but he just doesn't seem like the type to run around just pushing random people to the ground for the hell of it. He doesn't have a criminal record, or a pattern of doing this, at least not that I've heard about.
Exclusive: Survivor Star's Drug Bust Nightmare!

"Russell was just 17 when he was arrested for "resisting an officer," and less than two years later he pled guilty to a felony charge of "unauthorized use" after stealing a car. But those two incidents paled by comparison to the drug bust arrests — involving steroids, Valium and other narcotics — that Russell, now 37, was involved in at the end of the '90s."

Yay for tabloids!
Zombie James said:
What happened after season 10? Things seemed pretty consistent from seasons 3-10.

It airs twice a year in a TV atmosphere that has seen a whole lot of new reality shows added to the schedule, particularly Amazing Race. The numbers are still really, really good for its cost, but there is a formula to the show, and people just get tired of similar things after awhile.


Great season this year. I really loved Russell coming out of last year but now he's become so arrogant. Now he's arrested. :(


Junior Member
bill0527 said:
Probably a drunken douchebag, lawsuit-seeking, obnoxious dick who wanted 15 minutes of fame with a pseudo-celebrity.

Russell is a bully, but he just doesn't seem like the type to run around just pushing random people to the ground for the hell of it. He doesn't have a criminal record, or a pattern of doing this, at least not that I've heard about.

As for the game, even having the elimination list spoiled for me, its been the most entertaining season of Survivor that I've watched in a long time. Just seeing how it plays out is worth the price of admission. I'm not sure how this season is doing ratings-wise, but I'd love to see this group of people throw down again some time in the near future.

Yeah he seems like a class act. He has consistently been an ass whether it be during the game and his interactions with people, the in-show interviews, and the finale. The most telling part about his personality was when the game was over, he was in the finals, and he was gloating about how awesome he was to the remaining Survivors. The fact that he can tone it down from time to time when needed are just instances of him being deceptive. He is a great Survivor player, but to assume that he is some sort of decent human being in the real world when we have never seen any indication of it, especially when he was the one who got arrested in the incident is just silly man love for a generally despicable yet entertaining personality.


Shalashaska said:
Since I don't want to spend a bunch of time editing out the source stuff, here's a link to the Season 20 weekly ratings:

Been averaging around 12 million. Had a 14 million viewer episode though.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for this. It's a shame this season is one of the worst views-wise, despite it featuring popular characters and some of the most interesting game-play moves ever for me. But at least it hasn't dropped under 10 million.

[QUOTE=Shalashaska]For those that hate it, Season 11 was the first to feature the Hidden Immunity Idol. So some like to use that reason.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty much when I came back, I think it's the best addition to the game since the beginning. Although the idol was more powerful then since it could be played after the votes were read, if I remember correctly?




Coolio McAwesome said:

After being voted out, Courtney, Coach, and J.T. started a rock band called the Dragons. If nothing else, they seem to be having a lot more fun than they were before. They really seem like they're enjoying themselves out there. I love the Ponderosa videos. Courntey's response after hearing that JT gave an idol away was perfect.

I like Courtney. Shes so cute :) If only she would eat a sandwich.
Galang said:
That's pretty much when I came back, I think it's the best addition to the game since the beginning. Although the idol was more powerful then since it could be played after the votes were read, if I remember correctly?

Yeah, the idol was originally the ultimate trump card because you could just wait and stop Jeff from telling you to take a walk. The only strategy to it was as a show of power. Changing it to pre-vote made it more of a calculated weapon, offset by the showrunners decision to try and re-plant the idol often.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Kozak said:
I like Courtney. Shes so cute :) If only she would eat a sandwich.

And she was one of the most well spoken people in game. She was so much better than most people at getting her point across. Too bad she didn't try to use that skill a little more.


Update on the Russell story. He claims it was a misunderstanding and is threatening legal action against the cops.


The "Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains" star who was arrested for battery in Louisiana yesterday claims the whole thing is a "misunderstanding" -- and is considering taking legal action against the cops who busted him.

A source close to Russell Hantz tells TMZ the reality star was partying near a bar he owns in Lafayette, LA Friday morning when some random partygoer told cops they saw Hantz push a woman.

We're told the alleged victim was a member of Hantz's party crew and she told cops that Hantz never touched her. But according to our source, cops told Hantz that because they had a witness statement, they were going to arrest him anyway.

We're told Hantz believes the cops mistreated him during the incident -- and now he's considering taking legal action against the arresting officers.


While the Heroes were incredibly stupid giving the idol away I thought they played it particularly well at tribal. If only it wasn't for Amanda the plan would of worked.
I remember why I don't like Candice. Because she is totally random and plays only in the now, never thinking about the future.

Russell is cracking. His tribal council performance was awful, driving Sandra further away and playing the idol needlessly. He was crazy nervous when he was answering Jeff's questions.
Gunloc said:
I remember why I don't like Candice. Because she is totally random and plays only in the now, never thinking about the future.
Yeah, she pulled the same nonsense in Survivor Cook Islands when she spontaneously bolted from her tribe & defected back to Rarotonga with Jonathan in a spur of the moment decision. She's a classic self-destructive Survivor player where she works for days to foster some degree of trust and then pisses it all away in an instant. Russell's perpetual paranoia will never lead to her getting any kind of traction with the Villains tribe or with Sandra and she's alienated herself from Colby & Rupert as well with this needless move.

Russell is cracking. His tribal council performance was awful, driving Sandra further away and playing the idol needlessly. He was crazy nervous when he was answering Jeff's questions.
Yeah, he was terrible in front of the jury tonight. Parv's genius play last week has him questioning everything and trusting no one. He's turning into a dangerous loose cannon type player and only his affinity for locating hidden immunity idols & his rapidly-getting-tired tactic of intimidating all of the young females in the game is keeping him in a power position.
B-Rad Lascelle said:
Yeah, she pulled the same nonsense in Survivor Cook Islands when she spontaneously bolted from her tribe & defected back to Rarotonga with Jonathan in a spur of the moment decision.
Her addition to the Heroes tribe is still the most nonsensical element of this season. She has done nothing "heroic" at all in either of her seasons. She was just needlessly bitter towards the Aitu 4 because they were getting the better of her team when she mutinied in Cook Islands and now she's just flip flopping around and acting like the eternal victim.
I hope another Hero goes home next week. Preferably Rupert as I like Colby. It's a shame Russell played the idol tonight. Kind of tarnishes all the awesome that little duo has pulled throughout the season. :lol


I don't know why everyone is blaming Russell for tribal council... if Candice was going to flip to the Villains, why wouldn't she tell the Villains that the Heroes were going to vote for Parvati? That way Russell would have hung on to the idol or possibly given it to Parvati.

Mikey Jr.

Wait, what the hell? What happened to Sandra? She was so adamant about getting rid of Russell. After everything he's done to her, she votes Amanda.

wtf? I failed to see her strategy.


All of the Villains assumed that Danielle found and gave Russell the idol and figured voting for him would be useless because he would play it, so they switched to voting out Parvati.

EDIT: Wait, she voted for Amanda? Didn't catch that.
Mikey Jr. said:
Wait, what the hell? What happened to Sandra? She was so adamant about getting rid of Russell. After everything he's done to her, she votes Amanda.

wtf? I failed to see her strategy.
Because without Candice's vote, her's vote for Russell or Parvati would be useless. She's keeping her options open. It keeps her with the Villians and the Heroes still have no choice but to try to bring her to their side.
xbhaskarx said:
I don't know why everyone is blaming Russell for tribal council... if Candice was going to flip to the Villains, why wouldn't she tell the Villains that the Heroes were going to vote for Parvati? That way Russell would have hung on to the idol or possibly given it to Parvati.
That's another reason why Candice's wishywashy decision was so terrible. She switched sides and yet didn't let anyone in on the fact apart from Sandra. Russell wastes his idol and the Heroes won't have anything more to do with her.

Gunloc said:
Because without Candice's vote, her's vote for Russell or Parvati would be useless. She's keeping her options open. It keeps her with the Villians and the Heroes still have no choice but to try to bring her to their side.
That's it in a nutshell. Sandra was pleading with Candice to stick with the Heroes and vote out Parv even after she spilled her guts to Russell.

Of course she wants him gone. But she's savvy enough to know that forcing the vote to 5-4 instead of 6-3 would only serve to expose her as a traitor to the Villains and lead to her getting voted out before Colby & Rupert (who are perceived to have "given up").
Sandra is playing a really smart game. She knew she was on the outs with her original tribe and knew that this would be the best time to jump to the other side. After Candice decided that she wanted to fuck over her entire tribe, Sandra had no choice but to stick with the villains. Sandra looked at the game from every angle she could. Candice, on the other hand, really has no business being in this game at this point. She played a pretty horrible game in her season and certainly shouldn't have been placed on the Heroes tribe. Candice has absolutely no chance of winning at this point in time.
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