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Swordman attacks people at school in Sweden

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Crazy people can be found in every country. Don't get a false sense of security just because the crime rate is low in your country. Even though there might be just a few crimes per year in your country, there is always that off chance that you might be one of the victims. We must always be careful.

Here in Brazil we get used to this kind of shit.
One day traffickers invaded my school (I work at a school, in fact I'm at work right now) to hide from the police, crazy shit.


Gold Member
The school is located in one of the most dangerous and criminal parts of Sweden

Trollhättan, really? I've never thought of that as a dangerous place, but then I haven't spent much time there. I live in Gothenburg though, which I'm pretty sure is a more dangerous place...? We've got gang shootings and shit all the time here.


Crazy people can be found in every country. Don't get a false sense of security just because the crime rate is low in your country. Even though there might be just a few crimes per year in your country, there is always that off chance that you might be one of the victims. We must always be careful.

Modern Sweden is historically very sheltered from these kinds of significant fatal incidents. People have just come to expect that the kind of international tragedies you hear on the news never occur on the same scale here. For instance a few years ago there was a suicide car bomb attack right on one of the busiest shopping streets in Stockholm right at the peak of christmas shopping. No one except the bomber got killed and just a few were injured. I remember people commenting on how this was such a typical Swedish thing.
Jesus Christ, that is legit horrifying. How common is that in Brazil?

They try to hide pretty much anywhere, schools, houses, etc.
This country is a hell hole, especially in my state (Rio de Janeiro).
School shootings doesn't happen though, I remember just one case in the history of this country.


They try to hide pretty much anywhere, schools, houses, etc.
This country is a hell hole, especially in my state (Rio de Janeiro).
School shootings doesn't happen though, I remember just one case in the history of this country.

This is heavy, I hope you get through life all right and your family as well. Here's hoping your country will get better.


This might sound weird, but in such situations, even in case of shootings, one of the first things I wonder about is what went trough the head of the murder during all of this. I really want to know what exactly the thoughts are that justify doing such horrible things to other people


As the police keeps quiet, the Swedish media has been forced to crawl through the same Facebook page as discussed earlier here in search for material on the perp. Thus they have found that he had liked Game of Thrones and Stephen King's It.

I mean, you don't think you're kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point?
Crazy people can be found in every country. Don't get a false sense of security just because the crime rate is low in your country. Even though there might be just a few crimes per year in your country, there is always that off chance that you might be one of the victims. We must always be careful.

It's not about a sense of security. It's about the bizarre and unusual nature of this crime. I've lived in Trollhättan and its surroundings for most of my life. Plenty of shit has gone down; everything from the burning of mosques to shoot-offs in broad daylight. But a masked dude posing stone cold for a photo before cutting down school kids with a sword? I'd say that's unprecedented on several scales.


I wonder how school head masters are going to handle this across Sweden now.
At my school several teachers are basically panicking wanting armed guards at the doors.

I'm a bit more leveled. Sure discussion about what to to in these instanses are required, but going all police state just because of one isolated incident is crazy. (Well, 1 ½ if we're counting the axe man in Piteå)

I mean, you don't think you're kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point?
Yes. But when are media not?


so the guy supposedly held right wing extremist views and the school in question had a high amount of immigrant students... he did not attend that school in his own high school years so... :(


This might sound weird, but in such situations, even in case of shootings, one of the first things I wonder about is what went trough the head of the murder during all of this. I really want to know what exactly the thoughts are that justify doing such horrible things to other people

I think that's why authority usually wants the perpetrators captured alive. To better understand their motives. Unfortunately these sick fucks tends to commit suicide or get themselves killed off.


I think that's why authority usually wants the perpetrators captured alive. To better understand their motives. Unfortunately these sick fucks tends to commit suicide or get themselves killed off.
Even when not. They can tell their captors anything, they don't have anything to lose.
This might sound weird, but in such situations, even in case of shootings, one of the first things I wonder about is what went trough the head of the murder during all of this. I really want to know what exactly the thoughts are that justify doing such horrible things to other people

I too find myself wondering the exact sane thing. If we could understand how this thought process goes, perhaps we can find a way to prevent somebody from getting into that state of mind.



This is the attacker and he apparently targeted a school with immigrant children.

he talks about "the hellish multicultural project" and describes himself as an opponent of "Jewish control of the media in western civilization" and emphasizes "the significance of race in society". - Expo
There has been an increasingly growing hate circle jerk among nationalists and racists in Sweden, fueled by xenophobic media as well as by the third biggest party (the swedish democrats, previously named Bevara Sverige Svenskt [Keep Sweden Swedish]). We have had over 20 arsons aimed against immigrants this year, over half just the last few months.

I fear this wont be the last case of fatal violence against non-ethnic swedes and immigrants.
This is the attacker and he apparently targeted a school with immigrant children.

Semms like a person with reasonable opinions.
I seriously hope this does not become common place at any point due to the inflamed mediality regarding refugees and multi-culturalism


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
not everybody immediately suspects a person just because they have unusual apparel. People wear all kinds of stuff nowadays. Even if I saw a guy walk into my school with a sword in his hand I wouldn't give it much thought (mostly because I carry my sword around the school all the time)

One of my friends used to make swords and sell them at school. Not in front of staff, of course.


There has been an increasingly growing hate circle jerk among nationalists and racists in Sweden, fueled by xenophobic media as well as by the third biggest party (the swedish democrats, previously named Bevara Sverige Svenskt [Keep Sweden Swedish]). We have had over 20 arsons aimed against immigrants this year, over half just the last few months.

I fear this wont be the last case of fatal violence against non-ethnic swedes and immigrants.
I dream of a future where politicians and the media are held accountable for encouraging this sort of bullshit


I saw a pic shared by a friend on facebook of the supposed victims, and it has 3 people on it, a man in his 20s (I think) and two children.

I thought only one teacher, an 11 year old and the murderer died, have I missed something?
This is so awful. I haven't been reading/watching any news all day and just heard of this. Spent the last 20 minutes reading up on every piece of detail available on it. These things always affect me too much :x

I saw a pic shared by a friend on facebook of the supposed victims, and it has 3 people on it, a man in his 20s (I think) and two children.

I thought only one teacher, an 11 year old and the murderer died, have I missed something?

Yes, "only" three people including the murderer died, though two more are wounded.


This is the attacker and he apparently targeted a school with immigrant children.

I dream of a future where politicians and the media are held accountable for encouraging this sort of bullshit

The seemingly rapidly increasing intolerance and fear for immigrants in Europe is starting to worry me.

One of my friends from Norway went batshit insane recently because of a small isolated incident with a Muslim in the media, and ever since he's been extremely hateful and fearful of them, going as far as to saying he will avoid anybody with brown skin for fear of being beheaded. The worst part is that he was a relatively level-headed guy before all that, but it seems like all the fear mongering in the media got to him


If swords had been banned he would have just gotten one off the black market anyway.
If only they had swords to protect themselves with, ect ect.

All that aside, I wonder what his motive was? or why a sword of all things.

Guns not being accessible.
I dream of a future where politicians and the media are held accountable for encouraging this sort of bullshit

Most (pretty much all) mainstream media in Sweden actively push back against hateful shit and fearmongering. But the Sweden Democrats, and their loosely associated "alternative" hate media, together with certain Internet forums and social media groups definitely share part of the blame for creating this uncomfortable climate we've had recently.


What part of Swedish gun laws prevented him from getting his hands on a gun.

Maybe he didn't have the patience and/or resources to go through the 6 month club membership or wasn't in 'good standing'.


The applicant must be in good standing and at least 18 years old. There may be exceptions for a younger aged applicant to be granted a license. The applicant must be a member of an approved shooting club for at least six months or have passed a hunting examination (jägarexamen). Being a member of a shooting club is the most utilized route to legally acquire pistols for sport shooting, while passing a hunting exam, is for hunting rifles. Note: a gun registered for sport shooting may not be used in hunting. However a licensed gun user is allowed to hunt without passing a hunting exam, if you are chaperoned (accompanied and guided) by someone that has passed that exam.

It is illegal for a civilian in Sweden to carry a firearm, unless for a specific, legal purpose;such as hunting or attending shooting ranges. To transport firearms, there are rules to adhere to;the general regulations are that the gun must be unloaded, hidden and transported in a safe and secure way under supervision.


First victim is 20 year old student assistant Lavin Eskandar who tried to disarm the murderer and protect the children so they could run for safety. He probably saved a lot of lives with his heroism.




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As a teacher I got used to the feeling of going into work and be ready for a "just in case." Every year at the beginning of the school year I do the traditional fire drill safety and then lockdown procedure with my students. I always tell them they will be safe. I will be the last one through the door and if shit hits the fan i would be the first one out (for protection). No one fucks with my kids, and I am prepared to do what's necessary to make sure they are safe.


Heard about this earlier today. The mask, sword, halloween music and posing for pictures - crazy stuff - kids must have been scared as fuck.


This is the attacker and he apparently targeted a school with immigrant children.
So now, two out of two student murderers (the other one being Breivik ofc) have been right wing extremists. The same kind of people that has been surging in the polls in Scandinavia whining about how immigrants pose a threat to our society.

Fucking racist psychopaths.

First victim is 20 year old student assistant Lavin Eskandar who tried to disarm the murderer and protect the children so they could run for safety. He probably saved a lot of lives with his heroism.



A hero and an impeccable role model for teachers all around. R.I.P


So now, two out of two student murderers (the other one being Breivik ofc) have been right wing extremists. The same kind of people that has been surging in the polls in Scandinavia whining about how immigrants pose a threat to our society.

I am Norwegian. Our political situation is completely different than Sweden. Sure some of our right winged parties are skeptical towards immigration, but they are very moderate compared to Sweden's right winged parties. For example on a scale I'd rank FrP our most right winged party near the American democratic party, and they only have support from like 10 % of the population. Sweden also have a much bigger neo-nazi movement than Norway. I guess some of that can be explained with Norway fighting the nazis for five years while Sweden stayed neutral. We all grew up with horror stories on how our grandparents survived the war during the occupation, so Nazism = bad is pretty much ingrained in most of ours upbringing.


This morning it was confirmed by the police that they are treating it as a hate crime. They are basing this on finds in his apartment and how he selected his targets.

First victim is 20 year old student assistant Lavin Eskandar who tried to disarm the murderer and protect the children so they could run for safety. He probably saved a lot of lives with his heroism.


What a dude. RIP.


Gold Member
What part of Swedish gun laws prevented him from getting his hands on a gun.

The part that means no regular Joe Swede (apart from hunters) has any access to guns at all. We simply don't have them, and I wouldn't know where to go for one. Except for criminal gangs I suppose, and I'm not particularly tempted to go ask them if I can have one.

But it's not just the laws, it's also the culture. We just don't have a culture of owning guns here, it's not part of Swedish life like it is in the US. Which I guess comes from the fact that it's not legal.


People really should stop talking about the Attacker. If you do, you give him exactly what he wants, you all are kinda enabling such fucked up things.

People who do things such as this, usually do that because they want their minutes of fame, if you give them that, by talking about them, by posting their names, online accounts and photos, you're giving them what they want and other people with a similar mind may see that it is working and start imitating it.

Its called werther effect.

Talk about the victims that died because they deserved to be remembered, especially when they died protecting others like the teacher did, and talk about the issues that may have led up to such a cruel thing happening so they may can be solved at some point, but do not talk about the attacker if avoidable.

Anyways, my sympathy goes out to the kids, teachers and familys of the victims. Living through such an attack must surely be a bigger horror than anything one could imagine, i hope the kids dont end up too deeply traumatized by it.


The seemingly rapidly increasing intolerance and fear for immigrants in Europe is starting to worry me.

One of my friends from Norway went batshit insane recently because of a small isolated incident with a Muslim in the media, and ever since he's been extremely hateful and fearful of them, going as far as to saying he will avoid anybody with brown skin for fear of being beheaded. The worst part is that he was a relatively level-headed guy before all that, but it seems like all the fear mongering in the media got to him

I made a thread a few days ago about growing anti-immigrant backlash and nationalism in Sweden. Went unnoticed, but it talked about how three arson attacks against refugee centers happened within the last week and several in the past few months, including how newspapers and political parties are saying that Sweden doesn't have more room for others. It's just crazy. One of the articles even talked about how a right wing party was now getting over 20% of the popular vote in polls.


It's worth noting that expo is pretty much the left wing mirror image of "friatider" which is a racist/anti-imigration "news"-site.

I fear for the future of Sweden right now. 190 000 new imigrants (at a projected, and imo lowballed, cost of 8.75 billions dollars until the end of 2017) will only further egg on these kinds of attacks as the racists rile themselves up to new heights. If the housing bubble bursts as well you can be damned sure who people will look to, to blame as the economy goes down the toilet. Tensions are already at an all time high due to what people percive as "imigrant privilages" like being given accomodation before swedish people who've been in a queue for 15+ years.

Events seem to be aligning themselves in the worst way possible,


Unfortunately, when things and times are creaking, the first thing any population usually does is to blame the newly arrived in the country.. :\

It never fails.

Hope that we don't see anything like this again for a very long time.. Though, I am sadly just waiting for the next explosion/attack/suicide attack to happen, it's bound to.


I fear for the future of Sweden right now. 190 000 new imigrants (at a projected, and imo lowballed, cost of 8.75 billions dollars until the end of 2017) will only further egg on these kinds of attacks as the racists rile themselves up to new heights.

This is disgusting. Are you really using this tragic event to push your racist views? That the solution to immigrants getting killed is to limit the number of them? You're really taking victim blaming to a new, revolting, level.


This is disgusting. Are you really using this tragic event to push your racist views? That the solution to immigrants getting killed is to limit the number of them? You're really taking victim blaming to a new, revolting, level.
He didn't say that. Tensions are running high in the country and there's no indication that they'll loosen anytime soon.

Although I am confounded by the Expo remark.
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