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Tekken Revolution PS3 Excusive Free To Play 6/11/13


Would it change Tekken too much to give it DOA/SC-like unrestricted 3D-axis movement?

The plodding, anvil-footed movement makes the game feel so dated, like a PS1 game buried under a shiny veneer of per object motion blur and self shadowing. It kills me because the game easily has the most interesting roster and sleek presentation of any fighter out there.

If you give it an 8-way run movement like VF, you would be taking away the aerial portion of the game since it doesn't have a guard button. While it isn't that much useful in the ground game it is significantly used in combo's, tech trap setups, and okizeme.


No loss to the Tekken player. You've already set yourself up for failure with that attitude. I'm scrubby, but people are cool when I'm asking specific questions and they don't wanna hear it when I start complaining.

It'll be a loss when Namco stops making Tekken games or starts making Tekken games with too many gimmicks to cover for the core mechanics.

When speaking from the pov of a new player every fighting game is obtuse, overly complex or a big button mashing contest. You can't just design a fighter around "press A for awesome" or "press forward for Superman dash".

Melee and MvC3? All moves in the former have relatively simple inputs and MvC3 gives plenty of awesome for pressing 2 (team super).

If people exemplified even half of the skill the arcade competitors of the early 2000's the level of play in NA would be significantly greater.

There are plenty of payers from that era. They don't do so well. The access to information is greater than ever and it has resulted in better players.
It's clunky, unresponsive, and less people are buying and playing it. Series needs a huge overhaul or it'll end up as relevant at VF. A niche arcade game that continues to sell worse by the iteration to the mass market.

Huh? What? Nah......... Tekken can be a lot of things, but it's definitely not clunky and unresponsive. That's sounds like another recent fighting game, heh. An overhaul or reboot could kills the series for good and imo just simply means simplifying the game or catering to the not masses who never cared for the game or the genre in the first place. I do not understand how so many people complain the game is too difficult to comprehend and learn properly, yet there are an uncanny amount of solid to amazing players online even on the X360 version now. The game is most likely going back to it's 1vs1 roots with it's next iteration, so maybe that will help with some of the complication issues people seem to have with the series.

Yeah movement can be challenging at times, but once you get the hang of it, it is very smooth for the most part. I never really particularly cared for the slow back-dashing or the side stepping in Tekken, but I am getting more accustomed to it. Movement definitely helps with matches, but I've seen and know soem Tekken players who do not have the best movement or even spacing and are still very proficient in TTT2.
The unfortunate(IMHO) shift in the industry is why Tekken is losing popularity I think more than how complicated it is. Injustice sold well, but I really think it is more because of the popular DC license more than it being a new fighting game from the Mortal Kombat developers. I think DOA5 sold pretty close to TTT2 also, didn't it? UMVC3 sold decent, but not as well as MVC3 probably because it was an upgrade. How did Persona 4 sell? BlazBlue? My point is, it seems like the entire genre is losing popularity, not just Tekken. Fighting games could be becoming sort of niche again.

The new Tekken will be an experiment I suppose and could determine the future of the series. I'm a little scared to be honest. I know it will be good, but I am not sure what direction they will be leaning towards with the next installment.
gosh i remember in tekken 2 you just had to beat the game over and over with different characters to unlock other characters ;_;

well, if unlocking all characters by cash costs the same in the end as a 60$ title then you have the exact same situation! ;D


The unfortunate(IMHO) shift in the industry is why Tekken is losing popularity I think more than how complicated it is. Injustice sold well, but I really think it is more because of the popular DC license more than it being a new fighting game from the Mortal Kombat developers. I think DOA5 sold pretty close to TTT2 also, didn't it? UMVC3 sold decent, but not as well as MVC3 probably because it was an upgrade. How did Persona 4 sell? BlazBlue? My point is, it seems like the entire genre is losing popularity, not just Tekken. Fighting games could be becoming sort of niche again.

The new Tekken will be an experiment I suppose and could determine the future of the series. I'm a little scared to be honest. I know it will be good, but I am not sure what direction they will be leaning towards with the next installment.

The hardcore FG market is just not as big as it is for say CoD. It never will be. Even within that market, some folks just aren't interested in certain titles. Certain series like MK, SF, comic licenses, Smash, and maybe SC do have outside casual appeal (SC5's biggest flaw is that it kinda shit on the casuals)

The key isn't to beat CoD, its to keep the games profitable enough that companies make them.
If you give it an 8-way run movement like VF, you would be taking away the aerial portion of the game since it doesn't have a guard button. While it isn't that much useful in the ground game it is significantly used in combo's, tech trap setups, and okizeme.
It doesn't have to be that way. Any up direction+an attack would get you a jumping attack. Hold the button down with various timing to delay the attack or empty jump.


If they want to make BDC easier, fine, but full 8-way run? No thanks.

Honestly they should just give characters a proper walk and remove the slow shuffle, I bet that would help some new players.


Neo Member
Sometimes I think the real entry barrier for players in this online era is horrible matchmaking. In a 1-v-1 game, players should be quickly moved into a 50% win rate and kept there for a while. That would help put the matches in a place where people can both learn from their losses and learn new things during the match.


Sometimes I think the real entry barrier for players in this online era is horrible matchmaking. In a 1-v-1 game, players should be quickly moved into a 50% win rate and kept there for a while. That would help put the matches in a place where people can both learn from their losses and learn new things during the match.

I agree. MM is important, though it's strictly connected to the playerbase size. If there are not enough people playing at a given time, you don't have much of a choice. For this reason, I think the F2P model can be an improvement, even though the RPG stuff sounds terrible. Put some bar to fill if you want to give the illusion of progress, but don't touch the gameplay.


Removal of bounds would be a bad idea considering you can now get full damage juggles off low parries and many moves won't work like they are supposed to. Not to mention most of the juggles would be way harder. Just wait until people realize how they will badly miss bound.


Anyone know if this is out on the Japanese PS Store yet?

Oh Harada's Twitter says today for North America and the 12th for Asia and Europe.


I am Korean.
No like i said i don't want realistic simulation i want changes to formula that will improve and evolve game on basic level. My ideas were simply just ideas those are radical but it doesn't mean that all of them need to be in next game. Revolution is not the answer, evolution is.
Do yourself a favor. Go play VF2. Then play VF5FS.

Tell me there's no evolution there.


I microwave steaks.
Looks awesome, if buying all of the characters is a reasonable price, I will definitely indulge. Looks like the only free character that I can use is Alisa.


Honestly they should just give characters a proper walk and remove the slow shuffle, I bet that would help some new players.

Well what do you know...

DEATH™;62542066 said:
Removal of bounds would be a bad idea considering you can now get full damage juggles off low parries and many moves won't work like they are supposed to. Not to mention most of the juggles would be way harder. Just wait until people realize how they will badly miss bound.

According to Spooky low parry is unchanged



this build doesnt have prices but you get coins for playing matches tp buy chars and costumes. You can also buy the coins for the same benefits

This sounds quite good actually.
If it ends up being 100% free on characters/arenas/stuff like that (as in you can unlock them all by playing, using in-game earned points) high five to Namco.


So I played a few matches and this game seems pretty dookie. Invincible moves pretty much break the game and make it even harder for casuals to fight vs people that know what they're doing. The model to limit play behind coins is kinda bullshit too.


So I played a few matches and this game seems pretty dookie. Invincible moves pretty much break the game and make it even harder for casuals to fight vs people that know what they're doing. The model to limit play behind coins is kinda bullshit too.

Yep... played the game and I feel dirty using King... He feels like Lars...

Play TTT2 guys...


DEATH™;62542066 said:
Removal of bounds would be a bad idea considering you can now get full damage juggles off low parries and many moves won't work like they are supposed to. Not to mention most of the juggles would be way harder. Just wait until people realize how they will badly miss bound.
People played Tekken fine without bound for years. Forgot about Tekken 5 already?

But yea this game looks bad. Poor design choices, it's Tekken for casuals. Only the casuals will still get wrecked and will be limited from playing too much in order to get better.
played as long as i could, now im all out of coins and tickets :E

pretty annoying for a free2play title that you cant play it at all without paying unless you wait 30 minutes between matches.

and Kazuyas left splitkicks has a bound, sort of :D


There's still bounds off of ground break and I think low parry. It seems like they also removes floating off the ground, so oki is nerfed for a lot of characters.


People played Tekken fine without bound for years. Forgot about Tekken 5 already?

But yea this game looks bad. Poor design choices, it's Tekken for casuals. Only the casuals will still get wrecked and will be limited from playing too much in order to get better.

I can't play without bound anymore, the juggle mindgames I can do with bound increases the fun factor... Besides, just like I said in Kor Academy, Low parries giving a full damage juggle now (even its still a bound animation, the potential damage is still the same), plus the invincible moves made the game in large favor of turtlers now, theres no pressure game, no tricks and threats except invincible moves... the game is straight up boring...


lol, played this and got my ass handed to me twice by some guy using Law who juggled me to hell and back.

Then I had to stop playing because the servers fucked up and I couldn't upload data, and therefore couldn't play it at all. Hope this doesn't become a regular thing.
This def feels like a beta for Street Fighter X Tekken... Flashy moves, some cell shading, and stuff that makes more sense for new users... Plus it uses the same color pellet te as SFIV


DEATH™;62802281 said:
You can use unblockables as tech traps. You know that with marduk df3+4 :)

But either way, they intend to weaken oki in general, I guess to cope for SF chars.

Marduk's f3+4 is the unblockable, and it isn't a tech trap since it hits high. Most of those unblockable tech traps got nerfed heavily in Tekken 6 because they reduced the tracking in just about all of them.


Marduk's f3+4 is the unblockable, and it isn't a tech trap since it hits high. Most of those unblockable tech traps got nerfed heavily in Tekken 6 because they reduced the tracking in just about all of them.

Its still good though to catch people who sleeps, which is primary their purpose... as long as the unblockable is fast enough its always good in the hands of a creative setup player...

Kinda the same with King F+1+2, and AK cd+3...


Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
"Failed to upload data. A penalty will be imposed to failing to upload data. Reattempt upload?"

Seriously?! It's not my fault PSN is acting up -_-


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
"Failed to upload data. A penalty will be imposed to failing to upload data. Reattempt upload?"

Seriously?! It's not my fault PSN is acting up -_-

It's not PSN. It's Nacmo.
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