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Temporary GAF Mafia Thread |OT| According to the Keikaku


The sun is shining into my flat, I actually had to get drunk to make sure it wasn't just me being drunk.

....oh wait


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Review thread, yay!

Some things I noticed:

The number of drops last season increased dramatically. I know we say it every time, but we really need to stress how much time is being devoted when you join a game.

I also think we should come up with a standardized post for "0.5" games that is easily recognizable and understood to better facilitate those.

Another thing I noticed was the questioning of RL. I know it happened in DR and maybe GAFia. I think we either need to make it a rule that you shouldn't lie about RL, or at least strongly discourage it.

Now, I have also been working on a game myself:

Number of player slots for the game: 26-ish, very flexible.
People who have been told about, consulted, or hinted information about your set-up: My brothers, who may or may not join season 4.
Theme: Danny Phantom
Game type: 4-6. It's mostly comprised of Roles for the mafia scum wiki, but there are 1-2 aspects that are different from classic. Nothing crazy like Cthulhu or DR.


I actually talked to Cabot on PSN the other day. He was allegedly sober at the time. He said I needed to try whatever this is:


We also talked about Badminton. More people should get on PSN and bullshit with us. Accents be damned.


Review thread, yay!

Some things I noticed:

The number of drops last season increased dramatically. I know we say it every time, but we really need to stress how much time is being devoted when you join a game.

I also think we should come up with a standardized post for "0.5" games that is easily recognizable and understood to better facilitate those.

Another thing I noticed was the questioning of RL. I know it happened in DR and maybe GAFia. I think we either need to make it a rule that you shouldn't lie about RL, or at least strongly discourage it.

Now, I have also been working on a game myself:

Number of player slots for the game: 26-ish, very flexible.
People who have been told about, consulted, or hinted information about your set-up: My brothers, who may or may not join season 4.
Theme: Danny Phantom
Game type: 4-6. It's mostly comprised of Roles for the mafia scum wiki, but there are 1-2 aspects that are different from classic. Nothing crazy like Cthulhu or DR.

RL is a sticky topic. I think it should just be gentle(wo)men's code that it only be brought up if it will drastically effect things and on the flip side of that, it shouldn't be questioned. If someone tells you that something came up, then something came up, drop it. Now I'm not saying this is the iron defense against being lynched but if all you have to lynch someone is inactivity past day 1, then you are probably targeting the wrong person anyway, research and find a real reason to lynch them.

Also, that theme, so good.


I actually talked to Cabot on PSN the other day. He was allegedly sober at the time. He said I needed to try whatever this is:

We also talked about Badminton. More people should get on PSN and bullshit with us. Accents be damned.
I'm not Scottish, but that "stuff" is pretty much all I drink


Splinter you're looking good in my books.

Who wanted to ban you?

On topic, Yeah the sign up for GAFia was good, and I think that should be kept going forward, elongate it and prefer newer players if they ask to get in there.


I would like more snacks in the Dead Thread. I often went over to the table to get some and noticed all the good snacks (popcorn, m&ms, etc) were gone and the only thing left was the honeydew from the fruit salad and the veggie platter.

I don't have too much to contribute I guess, I think if we run side-games during the season we should offer more sign-up time (especially for things like ONUW which seemed to have time of like... 4 hours to sign up sometimes). I'm a little concerned with how we'll factor in side-game deaths with the priority of main season signups. Previously we've done the priority as new players, then order of death in the main games. Do we factor in the side GAFIA/Elections/NX games or not? If so, is it based on the day number you died or the calendar day?


My little sister who lives in Edinburgh keeps trying to get me to drink that Irn Bru thing. It tastes alright i suppose, but i prefer other fizzy drinks.

Did Crab have a system by which he ultimately chose the 3 main season games?

Also, regarding the normal game, i don't see why it can't be flavored if the roles are all standard and can be found on the mafia wiki.


What do people think about keeping the dead thread spoiler free? I think it would cut down on some of the "aggressive commentary" that a couple of people have complained about, but might also make games more interesting to spectate? Having this rule in place also allows more "interacting with the dead" or revival roles further down the line.


I would like more snacks in the Dead Thread. I often went over to the table to get some and noticed all the good snacks (popcorn, m&ms, etc) were gone and the only thing left was the honeydew from the fruit salad and the veggie platter.

I don't have too much to contribute I guess, I think if we run side-games during the season we should offer more sign-up time (especially for things like ONUW which seemed to have time of like... 4 hours to sign up sometimes). I'm a little concerned with how we'll factor in side-game deaths with the priority of main season signups. Previously we've done the priority as new players, then order of death in the main games. Do we factor in the side GAFIA/Elections/NX games or not? If so, is it based on the day number you died or the calendar day?

I think because of the number of games we ended up doing. The priority order should be how many games you played from: Cthulhu, Dangan, Archer, NX, Gafia, Election (less games played, higher priority) and then for those who are tied in number of games played, the people with the least amount of phases played should have higher priority. As an example (numbers and names are examples and made up):

Sorian played in 4 games. Ouro played in 3. Launch and Retro played in 2 games. Priority would be:


Launch lived to day 4 and night 5 in the two games he played. Retro lived to day 2 and night 6 (but subbed in at day 4 in the game he lived to night 6) so Launch played a total of 17 day/night phases and Retro played 9 day/night phases. So final priority is:


A little complicated? Maybe. But I think it ends up being the most fair to figuring out priority order. I'd even be willing to figure out all of the above as long as when vets sign up, they tell me which of the season 3 and 3.5 games they played in.


I think because of the number of games we ended up doing. The priority order should be how many games you played from: Cthulhu, Dangan, Archer, NX, Gafia, Election (less games played, higher priority) and then for those who are tied in number of games played, the people with the least amount of phases played should have higher priority. As an example (numbers and names are examples and made up):

Sorian played in 4 games. Ouro played in 3. Launch and Retro played in 2 games. Priority would be:


Launch lived to day 4 and night 5 in the two games he played. Retro lived to day 2 and night 6 (but subbed in at day 4 in the game he lived to night 6) so Launch played a total of 17 day/night phases and Retro played 9 day/night phases. So final priority is:


A little complicated? Maybe. But I think it ends up being the most fair to figuring out priority order. I'd even be willing to figure out all of the above as long as when vets sign up, they tell me which of the season 3 and 3.5 games they played in.

I'd agree but make it even more complicated in that we should take into account average lifespan in the games played. It's possible someone played 2 games and died in day 1 in each of them. I'd argue they should get higher (or maybe equal) priority than someone who played DanganRonpa and survived the entire game. Maybe some point system where living 1 phase is equal to 1 point, while participating in a game is +4 or something?


What do people think about keeping the dead thread spoiler free? I think it would cut down on some of the "aggressive commentary" that a couple of people have complained about, but might also make games more interesting to spectate? Having this rule in place also allows more "interacting with the dead" or revival roles further down the line.

I think the dead thread should be 100% spoiler free from mods and spectators. But as dead people come in, it's their prerogative to say whatever they want to say. Scum would be smart to never reveal their teammates in the dead thread and it should be encouraged to not say anything about teammates and hopefully, this can lead to revival roles or dead interaction roles down the line.

Speaking of, a slightly different topic, I think we need to keep better control of reaction gifs when people die. (I'm super guilty of this) Darryl brought up a very good point in the Gafia game. This was the first time we had used a role that could affect the flip and Darryl mentioned how Swamped could have defended herself a bit by mentioning that maybe Terra's role had been the one that was tailored. This kind of went out the window though because a dead scum came in and posted an upset gif while all of town came in and posted excited gifs.


I'd agree but make it even more complicated in that we should take into account average lifespan in the games played. It's possible someone played 2 games and died in day 1 in each of them. I'd argue they should get higher (or maybe equal) priority than someone who played DanganRonpa and survived the entire game. Maybe some point system where living 1 phase is equal to 1 point, while participating in a game is +4 or something?

Up to everyone in all honesty. As someone who played in 4 games and died night 2, day 1, and night 1 in 3 of them, I still honestly feel fine getting a very low priority for taking place in 4 games, but I think you are right that your system would end up being an even more fair representation. Not too hard to switch to something like that though and I'd still be happy to prioritize it all.


I think I've said it elsewhere but I want to thank the gamerunners of Season 3 and 3.5 for hosting such incredible games! Danganronpa was my first official time playing forum Mafia and, while it had its' ups and downs, I had a fantastic time playing! The side games ( ONUW, Vigilante Fun Times, and GAF Mafia ) were also a ton of fun! Very excited to see what Season 4 brings to the table. :)
[*]There were talks about players potentially being able to swap places or select games to participate in. What do you guys think? Would the logistics be too troublesome? What are the pros and cons?

It's already been discussed but I think letting people essentially 'pick' their game might lead to some problems and confusion for Gamerunners as they try to set up with last minute player changes. In general I am against the idea of trading spots but considering that we are having 1 'crazy' game ( Salva's Harry Potter game ) and 2 - 3 'normal' games for Season 4 I think it would be good to at least let new players know what they may be getting into if they are placed in SalvaPot's game and possibly allow them to switch out if they think it's too much. Maybe figuring out game preference ( normal vs. crazy ) before hand will solve this but it might be something to think about.
[*]Season 4 will run into the holiday season. We have never run GAFia through the xmas / ny period. Are there potential issues here? How to address it best?

I don't think it would be too much of an issue? I know some people were on vacation/were unavailable in Season 3 and they informed the people they were playing with with that they would be gone for x amount of time and it worked out. Maybe extending the Day/Night cycle around X-mas and New Years might give people more room and won't be as imposing?

I don't know, part of me says to take it on a game-by-game basis as well. Maybe one game has more people around for the Holidays and they just extend the Day/Nights to accommodate but yet another game won't have 50% + of its' players and decides to pause. I can see problems with pausing as it would lead to a break in the flow of a game and people might drift away but at the same time we really can't force people to play over the Holidays..
[*]Newbie honeymoon period. There were discussions about how to handle newer players in-game. Once the sign-up thread is up, I will try to put together some analysis on retention and return rate of players, but how the community treats newer players would have some effects on the community’s population stability. Any thoughts on this?

I'm actually really interested to know this as well. If you need any help with that let me know and I will help out as best I can. :)

Going to echo what others have said and suggest that most .5 games aren't the best for new players? I say 'most' because my very first game I played with you guys was a game of ONUW, a .5 game, and I had no problems, however a game like GAF Mafia and Election seems to be more vet-heavy and intimidating to newer players and we really don't want to scare them away. :(

StarSketch, if you are reading this would you mind posting your honest thoughts about GAF Mafia? I know you were getting frustrated at times in the game and we want to address those issues and makes things more accommodating to newer players and I think your thoughts might help out here.

As for a newbie 'get your feet wet' kind of game...I'm still in favor of it. Maybe we could start asking new players if they have ever played forum Mafia in the past and we can take those who have never played before and put them in a small game with a handful of vets to let them test things out and see if they want to play a main Season game. It might help out with the drop rate of players in a full Season game because I noticed ( at least in DR ) that those who dropped didn't fully realize what they were getting into commitment-wise and it was overwhelming.

I am against a strictly 100% newbie game though. I lot of what I learned in Dangan came from watching other, more experienced players and following their lead which is something that would be lacking in a game full of people who don't know what to do.
[*]Any other feedback / gripes / constructive criticism you wanna raise, PLEASE SPEAK UP! Anything that you particularly enjoy or were frustrated with, any issues, any memories, any ideas – WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR THEM ALL. Okies? ^____^

Everything else has pretty much been covered but if we're going to talk the highlights of Season 3 I still think Makai winning Danganronpa Mafia solo is the best. I was really salty about it when it happened but with everything said and done having 1 person win in a game filled with teams is so crazy and amusing I can't help but love it.


My little sister who lives in Edinburgh keeps trying to get me to drink that Irn Bru thing. It tastes alright i suppose, but i prefer other fizzy drinks.

Did Crab have a system by which he ultimately chose the 3 main season games?

Also, regarding the normal game, i don't see why it can't be flavored if the roles are all standard and can be found on the mafia wiki.

Your poor little sister. I feel for her.


It's alright guys, I know how we can find out exactly who is the real president of these fan clubs

This ability can be used outside the game, right?

Awaiting Ouro's feedback.

I'm not drunk, honest


Here's my quick and dirty thoughts in priority for next season. For each 3/3.5 game played (excluding the Quicktopic games), each person who played gets 10 points. For each day that was played after they died, they subtract one point.

So if Darryl played in 3 games and survived until day 3, 2, and 4, with each game lasting 7, 8, and 7 days respectively, he would have 30 - (4+6+3) = 17 points.

Priority then goes to people who have the lowest points, in order to the highest.

Wait, what about MY fan club? ;_;


I'll join your fan club!

Yes! I appoint you as honorary President and also Secretary of Best Impersonations.

Here's my quick and dirty thoughts in priority for next season. For each 3/3.5 game played (excluding the Quicktopic games), each person who played gets 10 points. For each day that was played after they died, they subtract one point.

So if Darryl played in 3 games and survived until day 3, 2, and 4, with each game lasting 7, 8, and 7 days respectively, he would have 30 - (4+6+3) = 17 points.

Priority then goes to people who have the lowest points, in order to the highest.

Wait, what about MY fan club? ;_;

I thought about something similar but I don't think it's important to add in a weighting system to take into account how long each game lasted. The number of days you played is really all that matters. Making it to day 4 in a 7 day game or 10 day game is the same thing to me. I only got to play for 4 days.

Alright, I'll head it up.

How'd you spell your name again?



Here's my quick and dirty thoughts in priority for next season. For each 3/3.5 game played (excluding the Quicktopic games), each person who played gets 10 points. For each day that was played after they died, they subtract one point.

So if Darryl played in 3 games and survived until day 3, 2, and 4, with each game lasting 7, 8, and 7 days respectively, he would have 30 - (4+6+3) = 17 points.

Priority then goes to people who have the lowest points, in order to the highest.

Wait, what about MY fan club? ;_;

Seems complex but makes sense. We could each calculate our own GAFia Number and post it, and Ynnny (or someone else) can then create the new sign up list for the vets based on that. This would be a really stupid thing to cheat on.

So, my GAFia Number is 19.


Ugh, arithmetic.

Archer, NX and Election = 30.

Archer is the full ten as I lasted till the end.

I believe I died on the penultimate day/night on both NX and Election, so I guess my GAFia Number is 28



Here's my quick and dirty thoughts in priority for next season. For each 3/3.5 game played (excluding the Quicktopic games), each person who played gets 10 points. For each day that was played after they died, they subtract one point.

So if Darryl played in 3 games and survived until day 3, 2, and 4, with each game lasting 7, 8, and 7 days respectively, he would have 30 - (4+6+3) = 17 points.

Priority then goes to people who have the lowest points, in order to the highest.

Wait, what about MY fan club? ;_;

My GAFia number is 28.

Do I get anything for having the most points??

EDIT: I nominate myself and Cabot for GAFia Survivor awards.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Let's see here... DR and GAFia: 20 -2 for the 2 days in DR -1 for GAFia...

So I've got a 17.

This system might just work.


Just ignore the side games! To evaluate a person's place on the player list, just look at how many seasonal games they've played, followed by time of death, and maybe win percentage? Keep it simple.

Remember that we NEED a few players on a waiting list for replacement purposes.


Just ignore the side games! To evaluate a person's place on the player list, just look at how many seasonal games they've played, followed by time of death, and maybe win percentage? Keep it simple.

Remember that we NEED a few players on a waiting list for replacement purposes.

Nah, if we did that, I'd have a fairly high priority that is undeserved. I died pretty quick in Cthulhu but then played in all 3 season 3.5 games. Seems to unfair to me.


Ohhhh are you including the vig game? Does that count as a full mafia game?

I'm not sure?? I only excluded the Quicktopic games ( ONUW ) like Ourooblols suggested.

DR Mafia = 10

GAF Mafia = 10

If we are counting the vig game = 8

So it's either 20/20 or 28/30..
Just ignore the side games! To evaluate a person's place on the player list, just look at how many seasonal games they've played, followed by time of death, and maybe win percentage? Keep it simple.

Remember that we NEED a few players on a waiting list for replacement purposes.

I agree with this. Keep the main games "special." Don't overcomplicate it.


Nah, if we did that, I'd have a fairly high priority that is undeserved. I died pretty quick in Cthulhu but then played in all 3 season 3.5 games. Seems to unfair to me.

I'm willing to make sacrifices for simplicity. We shouldn't need to do math or anything to figure out our player list.


Ugh, arithmetic.

Archer, NX and Election = 30.

Archer is the full ten as I lasted till the end.

I believe I died on the penultimate day/night on both NX and Election, so I guess my GAFia Number is 28


Main games I'm a 30/30. Side games included, I'd be... 37/40? Not sure when I died or how long the Election game went.


Main games I'm a 30/30. Side games included, I'd be... 37/40? Not sure when I died or how long the Election game went.

I feel like we're developing a running joke here based on how little you paid attention to election from just before you died onwards.


I would be uhh..

Three games = 30 points

Died in Archer at N2, game ended at day seven, so five days lost = -5p
Died in NX at N2, game ended at day five, so three days lost = -3p
Election died N1, game ended at day five, so dour days lost = -4p

Soo I would be 18p


Still wasn't cause of death, though. =)

Still rude and I'm sure my awkward defense of something impossible to defend against didn't help when Salva was trying to think of sketchy people to shoot at.

I also Blame Ouro for what he has done to me.
election ended day 5!!

give me a second here:

D1- king kitty
D2- hyperactivity
D3- Palmer?
D4- el topo
D5- blargonaut


that puts me at 16 points

I'm still mad.
I forget why you ever died. it's almost as if you were lynched from people forgetting to take their vote off of you


Here is my application, opinions and stuff will come at a later post:

Number of player slots for the game: 28 players
People who have been told about, consulted, or hinted information about your set-up: Ourobolus, Nin1000 (Co-Moderator)
Theme: Harry Potter
Game type: 8 (Lots of PR and context sensitive events)

This particular game required quite a few trial and error in my part, and Ouro made a huge effort in pointing out everything that seemed vague or unclear, I think the game turned out pretty great. As I have mentioned before, people who have some HP experience will enjoy it the most, BUT the tweaks Ouro and Nin helped me with made it so it could still be enjoyed thoroughly even if you don´t know Snape killed Gandalf.

The context sensitive events are pretty simple and clear and character focused, it shouldn´t be a problem since I am lazy as hell so I did not make it complicated.

Also, it is Harry Potter so expect all your favorite Characters, Spells and even relationships, its going to be fun for anyone, no matter the alignment.
I would be uhh..

Three games = 30 points

Died in Archer at N2, game ended at day seven, so five days lost = -5p
Died in NX at N2, game ended at day five, so three days lost = -3p
Election died N1, game ended at day five, so dour days lost = -4p

Soo I would be 18p

actually, this doesn't seem too fair. I feel like this scoring system needs to be more weighted between how far each day was from the end


election ended day 5!!

give me a second here:

D1- king kitty
D2- hyperactivity
D3- Palmer?
D4- el topo
D5- blargonaut


that puts me at 16 points

I forget why you ever died. it's almost as if you were lynched from people forgetting to take their vote off of you

It seemed like 1 or 2 people just going by their guts, 1 or 2 defending me, and everyone else just riding the bandwagon. I could have done more to defend myself, but I was fairly fed up with town at that point. I wasn't a power role and nobody was listening to me about BSP, so I figured it wasn't a major loss for town.
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