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Temporary GAF Mafia Thread |OT| According to the Keikaku


So we now have five moderators (Me, Salva, Retro, Palmer & Terrabyte). What should we do?

Get in the line, pal.

But to be honest, We could have 3 games run as Season 4 Part 1, and 2 games run as Season 4 Part 2, they all could be main games and the Part 2 can take eliminated players from Part 1.

We can have Part 1 from the second half of October and Part 2 From the Second Half of November.


So we now have five moderators (Me, Salva, Retro, Palmer & Terrabyte). What should we do?

Just a reminder of what I posted previously in the main thread, that several people seemed to agree with overall:

This would be my preference for the main Seasonal games:

0. Post mortem for any needed rules changes, feedback, etc.

1. Figure out who wants to run games in the new season, including theme, restrictions, gimmicks, but do not pick games yet.

2. Post thread in Off-Topic for recruitment purposes, leave it there for X days/weeks.

3. Have all interested players vote on which of the games they would prefer. i.e. if we're going to play 3 games, have them pick 3 from a list.

4. Top 3(or whatever) games get players distributed as evenly as possible among them, leaving some players as replacements.

5. Game Moderators now balance their game with assistance from other chosen moderators and backups.

6. Players may arrange 1:1 trades between games.(This step I care least about, but I don't think it would be a problem

7. Players get assigned roles.

8. Games start.

Once enough players have died, people can host side games like we have been doing, which can ignore some of these rules for expediency, though do try and give players 24-48 hours to show interest. I would also prefer if players stuck to a single game while they're alive, unless it's needed for replacement purposes specifically.

We're currently in Step 0 or 1. and could start step 2 any time, IMO.


We could also ask potential S4 mods if they would like to hold on to their game and volunteer for S5 instead.

Also, just my personal opinion, but Palmer and Terra have been wanting to mod since S2 i believe...i would give "priority" to them. Then again I'm not Crab so what do i know?


Ugh, math, I hate math (I don't actually hate math, I kinda like it).

Three games = 30 points

Archer: last day played was day 2, ended day 7. -5 points
NX: last day played was day 4, ended day 5. -1 point
Gafia: lasted full game.

24 points if we count 0.5 games.
5 points if we only count main games.

Also, about real life: I think nobody should question it if someone has a real life reason for being away, you have to give them the benefit of the doubt. Being attacked because you couldn't be in the thread 24/7 because of real life sucks. however, on the flip side, that also means that you shouldn't abuse this trust, and lie about real life reasons. That would be a dick thing to do.

I actually talked to Cabot on PSN the other day. He was allegedly sober at the time. He said I needed to try whatever this is:

I talk with cabot all the time on Steam. He never appeared to be drunk to me in any of those instances. Well........except that one time he kept sending me pictures of himself, that was a bit weird..........


We could also ask potential S4 mods if they would like to hold on to their game and volunteer for S5 instead.

Also, just my personal opinion, but Palmer and Terra have been wanting to mod since S2 i believe...i would give "priority" to them. Then again I'm not Crab so what do i know?

Well you know how to play Mafia better than him.



We could also ask potential S4 mods if they would like to hold on to their game and volunteer for S5 instead.

Also, just my personal opinion, but Palmer and Terra have been wanting to mod since S2 i believe...i would give "priority" to them. Then again I'm not Crab so what do i know?

To be fair, I wasn't very serious about anything until Season 3, and some of these guys have put more work into their games than I have. I'm fairly lazy and know my game won't take long to iron out once I know for sure if I'm running one.

This isn't supposed to be about the moderators though. They're just supposed to be facilitators and a framework for the players to use. It's good that we have a lot of volunteers, but we should be choosing based on the merits of the games, not the desires of the moderators. I worry that we're injecting too much ego.


So comments about Season 3:

Dead Thread
-It should be 100% spoiler free, as others have mentioned, this would avoid problems with players accidentally leaking information to living players, of course "hints" and "claims" should be allowed by the people that died, but no confirmation should be brought by the moderator. The Death Thread could become its own metagame that way, and we can run salty bets in stuff like trying to figure out who will die next or who will survive, stuff like that =P.

Moderation Rules
-Changing rules or wording on the fly in a game is highly damaging, and asking for player feedback for those rule changes is even worse. The problem is that the player reaction to said rule changes could put them in a hard situation in front of the other players, it could even become a scum tell, for example. No one expects all games to be perfect so if by design there is a flaw and that flaw was not noticed early on its better to just let the game run its course. Remember, is not a flaw, its a feature.

Side Games
-Side Games should be considered their own thing and as such they really shouldn´t be considered for the "Main" seasons rules. Using a Soccer analogy, we can see them as "Friendly" games and they can have their own scoring system if we ever want to start doing stats. So season 3.5 shouldn´t be considered a official season.

Now lets talk about Season 4
Every newbie should be assigned a Godfather that is playing in another game. Of course us vets can volunteer as a Godfather and we can be assigned several godsons for us to solve their questions and doubts. I think the first problem newbies find is that they have no idea how they are supposed to act, when the easy answer is "just try to solve the puzzle". Also stuff like priority, the way a PR works, all that is the kind of stuff that is pretty easy but you do need a step by step explanation to see how it all connects.

As I said, 3 games should be what we aim for the Regular Season. I think the community is big enough to sustain 3 games, and the recruitment thread should give us at least 12 more players, maybe more. We should be fine. If we have 5 or 6 games, we can always save them for an Official Mid Season where the players that already lost in the other game or players that couldn´t join before can play. This Mid Season should count for the system everyone is talking about AND it should have shorter games than the Regular Season games.

Players and Community
I think we are a pretty cool community, even if we can get aggressive sometimes we always know its all part of the game. I think as a general rule all veteran players should give new players a One Day Advantage (ODA) so they can get their feet wet, they are free to suspect them as much as they want but they should avoid lynching them. If the Godfather system is put those new players can ask about it.
Well I guess if we get an unexpected newbie spike and go to 30 people on the replacement list we still can make a fourth regular game. If not, I'm fine with doing 3 games.


So we now have five moderators (Me, Salva, Retro, Palmer & Terrabyte). What should we do?



I'll just point out that the system I came up with could be tweaked to account for how long each game lasted, but I gave them a flat point scale since technically each game could have lasted roughly the same amount of time and I don't think how it ended up should be a factor based on the luck of the draw when people were assigned.

Also, even if you ended up as a high number, if this season was anything to go off of, everyone should get a decent shot at getting in.


Now lets talk about Season 4
Every newbie should be assigned a Godfather that is playing in another game. Of course us vets can volunteer as a Godfather and we can be assigned several godsons for us to solve their questions and doubts. I think the first problem newbies find is that they have no idea how they are supposed to act, when the easy answer is "just try to solve the puzzle". Also stuff like priority, the way a PR works, all that is the kind of stuff that is pretty easy but you do need a step by step explanation to see how it all connects.

Players and Community
I think we are a pretty cool community, even if we can get aggressive sometimes we always know its all part of the game. I think as a general rule all veteran players should give new players a One Day Advantage (ODA) so they can get their feet wet, they are free to suspect them as much as they want but they should avoid lynching them. If the Godfather system is put those new players can ask about it.

While that Godfather system sounds adorable and as much as I love the idea of training a fleet of Sorian's to post 1000 posts each in their respective threads, it seems like a system that could be rife for abuse. I think there is a fine line when you are giving a player advice on how to act. It's easy to cross a line of giving general advice to starting to help them work through their deductions and I'd argue that the second is an unfair advantage. The power of masons and scum, while knowing their partners, is also that they can discuss topics with each other freely without fear of suspicion or putting on another face like you have to do in the main game thread for various reasons. When a player is on their own, sometimes they do kind of need to sink or swim and really, that's why we encourage newbies to mix with the vets so they can trial by fire.

As far as the logistical examples you give like PRs and priorities? That's on the moderators, they should be available to field those questions and as far as I've seen, they've always done a good job of it.

I'll echo what I've said previously that I'm not really for the one day advantage for new players. I tend to skew myself so that if by the end of day 1, if I have two (or more) suspects, I'll push the vet towards a vote but if my only suspect(s) are new players then that's a shame but I'm going all in. I don't do it to be an ass but I give anyone wanting to play the respect they deserve and a part of that respect, to me, is to not underestimate anyone. I feel like that handicap/crutch goes against that respect.

I'll just point out that the system I came up with could be tweaked to account for how long each game lasted, but I gave them a flat point scale since technically each game could have lasted roughly the same amount of time and I don't think how it ended up should be a factor based on the luck of the draw when people were assigned.

Also, even if you ended up as a high number, if this season was anything to go off of, everyone should get a decent shot at getting in.

It appears that you've spoken and everyone is taking it as gospel :p


I'm not for giving newbies a helping hand and sabotaging the integrity of the game for them.

I felt that may have happened with BSP in election, but for fear of Palmer's head exploding I shall leave it there.

I also agree with Sorian on Godfathers, I think the only time I'd allow something like that would be if the new guy/gal is generally struggling to enjoy themselves in a game. Then maybe they can reach out to a mod (though really when I doubted stuff I talked to the game moderator, they were all very helpful)

Yeah I think I just talked myself out of this system, I'd put this on the mods and the member who should contact them. Sorry, future mods ;p


I agree with sorian that a new player free pass is not a good idea. Of course, everyone should take the fact that someone is a new player and that can affect their behavior into account when playing. Also, everyone is free to decide that they don't want to vote on a new player day 1, but it shouldn't be a forced rule.


I felt that may have happened with BSP in election, but for fear of Palmer's head exploding I shall leave it there.
Apart from a "you got this" or other encouraging bits, I didn't give BSP any info that would break the game.
It was just morale-boosting stuff since she got shafted with the voteless role.


I will throw out there that I have no issue with someone (not involved in the game) sending a player words of encouragement. I really thought that StarSketch was not enjoying herself in Gafia (I think she ended up liking it a bit though by the end? Hopefully?) and I have no issues that YNNNY send her a little PM telling her that she was doing great and whatever other nice things YNNNY had to say. Being a kind community is always appreciated, I just don't think a rigid system that starts to make the integrity of the games a little murky is needed.


I also think keeping the dead thread spoiler free would actually lessen the hit of dying early, because once the thread starts building up in numbers, you'd all essentially be playing the mafia game in terms of deductions and reads and such. Just no votes.

For that I stand behind spoiler free dead threads.


I agree with sorian that a new player free pass is not a good idea. Of course, everyone should take the fact that someone is a new player and that can affect their behavior into account when playing. Also, everyone is free to decide that they don't want to vote on a new player day 1, but it shouldn't be a forced rule.
This too. I mean all of Mafia in the AC game was new people. Even an all-newbie scum team can be just fine, it just depends on who is there.
EDIT: except for Tucah. He gets a D1 free pass. : P


Apart from a "you got this" or other encouraging bits, I didn't give BSP any info that would break the game.

I didn't mean you as the mod, I felt a lot of the players let her role claim slip by because she was new even though it was quite suspicious.


In regards to the dead thread, btw, I would love us to reach a point where a resurrection role could be possible in Gafia. Just throwing it out there. I think we should start working towards that with our dead threads now so that a mod could sneak it into their game as a surprise.


EDIT: except for Tucah. He gets a D1 free pass. : P

I had no idea I was being such a douche by leading his lynch in Cthulhu. I apologize for using my power for evil.
I've said it before, but I don't think new players should officially be treated differently from anyone else. I was a newbie in Cthulhu and I did just fine, as did many others. Some newbies will play very well, and some vets will play very poorly. This game isn't for everyone, especially the way we play it. Just let the chips fall as they will.


I've said it before, but I don't think new players should officially be treated differently from anyone else. I was a newbie in Cthulhu and I did just fine, as did many others. Some newbies will play very well, and some vets will play very poorly. This game isn't for everyone, especially the way we play it. Just let the chips fall as they will.

I agree with this. I'm ok with giving the newbies a "learning" ground to practice and get a few basics in beforehand. I mentioned in the main thread a few weeks ago we could set up small rigid games with a few base roles (say < 10 players, maybe use a cop, doctor, and 3 scum). We could host it on QT and make each phase maybe half an hour or something just to get people acquainted with the basics. I think that would be a reasonable compromise of giving them an experience to learn with and have some foundation, without being too hand-holdy and compromising the main games.


Oh, I totally forgot the vig game was on GAF, not QT. No, I wasn't counting that one in the calculations, Sawneeks. Just DR, Archer, Cthulhu, GAFia, NX, and Election.


Swamped and Splinter, my fanclub has a 5 dollar monthly membership fee.

Anywho, I think the next signup thread should categorize all the "main" season games and the side games. Maybe not the quicktopic ones.

I think having a max of 3 games per main season is good enough imo.


Swamped and Splinter, my fanclub has a 5 dollar monthly membership fee.

Anywho, I think the next signup thread should categorize all the "main" season games and the side games. Maybe not the quicktopic ones.

I think having a max of 3 games per main season is good enough imo.
I think 3 is fine too.
As for the QT/Vig games, maybe just links to those, but not massive descriptions taking up space.


I was wanting to do a role madness game. Do I submit a proposal to Crab, or what?

Firstly, our next generation of moderators.

I’ll be using Crab’s application form here, this is it:

Number of player slots for the game:
People who have been told about, consulted, or hinted information about your set-up:
Game type: (this one is new for Season 4, please self-assess your game from a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is CLASSIC MAFIA and 10 is BASTARD MAFIA)

I’m assuming there are at least three games that will run in Season 4. Crab will make the final call on this. I’m just running admin and helping out.




crab mafia - I didn't die

AC mafia - died on day 6, game ended on day 11

election mafia - died on day 1, game ended on day 5

DR mafia - died on day 9, game ended on day 10

so 40 - (5+4+1) = 30



crab mafia - I didn't die

AC mafia - died on day 6, game ended on day 11

election mafia - died on day 1, game ended on day 5

DR mafia - died on day 9, game ended on day 10

so 40 - (5+4+1) = 30
I think we're only looking at season 3 games for that scoring idea

So you'd be... 15?


I don't know if we want to think about this now or deal with it later, but we really should set up a side forum at some point. QuickTopic is ass

I'm sure there's lots of easy/free options, but ideally we'd want something that doesn't show who's online and also allows private threads?

This is more useful for mini games, but we could also put scum chat / dead thread etc there if we find a board that gives enough controls
wow lots of good discussions :)

on newbies, i think the mentoring system would fuck up with the games too much but when a player seems drowning, kind words and hugs can be applied appropriately

point system, i also agree with palmer about keeping the gafia to a lowest level of book-keeping when possible. but it's not difficult to rank players through ouro's point system. if crab thinks it'll help him assign players for S4, i can excel through that for him

population wise, gafia has been growing from season to season, but as i mentioned in s3 main thread, i think we're reaching stable size. i dont think we will see a spike in numbers but 3 main games per season sounds like the right amount. last time we even had slight problems with cthulhu having to be retweaked for lesser than ideal numbers of players, if im not mistaken? and a fair few dropped off from all three games and mods were scrambling for replacements. darryl had to play in two main games, as a result (to archer's town delight.... though the word delight and darryl in one same sentence gives me a jeebies)



moderation, mods are people too and a lot of them are new at running these. having said that i really, really didn't like mid-game rule changes. the one in DR was also done at a very inopportune timing, imo. it really screws with players' minds. i mean even if it was done to rectify a ground error, players can and probably will read too much into it cuz mafia is all about mindz gamez. so i agree with salva,........ just wear the pants and stick with 'em.

in general, im in favour of just letting players in-game call out things they dont personally like or whatever. games should self-navigate, whenever possible. im not in favour of putting down all kinds of community rules and guidelines, except from a few fundamental stuff.... like, i think we should discourage PMs between the players (even if they are not in the same game). remember that replacements may be sought for!

other than that, yeah.... we seem to have covered a lot of bases so far? still, there are voices that haven't chimed in that i'd like to hear from so let's keep this thread going for now.

final notey. since crab's internet is going to be a problem until nov 5, are we looking at the sign-up thread going up after that date (if we prefer that he'll be hosting it)? recruitment was usually given a week or two to peak out, right? so, in that case, are we looking at mid-november to the start of S4 games?


QuickTopic is ass

This is the most true thing in this thread yet. It especially becomes ass after there are more then 1000 posts, but before that it is already kind of sucky. Things like being unable to change the timestamps of posts to your local time are very annoying.
idk, I like having dead people being allowed to spoil what they know in the thread. Maybe have mods not spoil anything, but otherwise I would say our current system is fine.

if the dead thread in that particular case doesn't save to have spoilers than gauge tell the new dead person

the idea of a dead thread connected pr is way too much of a bastard role for me to consider in terms of the main season games. maybe something like that can be done for a side game


final notey. since crab's internet is going to be a problem until nov 5, are we looking at the sign-up thread going up after that date (if we prefer that he'll be hosting it)? recruitment was usually given a week or two to peak out, right? so, in that case, are we looking at mid-november to the start of S4 games?

Is Crab stable enough to give his take on what games he thinks we should play this season? If so, I see no reason not to have the recruitment thread up sometime later this week early next week so that we can get that moving. (Well I guess, aside from letting Crab be around for the games starting as well since I guess he would want to participate). I would give the recruitment thread two weeks to work magic before the games start and I guess we could aim for just after nov 5th to start to give Crab and CornBurrito time to get back. So I guess recruitment thread sometime late next week.

idk, I like having dead people being allowed to spoil what they know in the thread. Maybe have mods not spoil anything, but otherwise I would say our current system is fine.

if the dead thread in that particular case doesn't save to have spoilers than gauge tell the new dead person

the idea of a dead thread connected pr is way too much of a bastard role for me to consider in terms of the main season games. maybe something like that can be done for a side game

Actually, resurrection and séance type roles aren't very bastard at all. Gafia only runs into a potential issue because we create a dead thread.
Is Crab stable enough to give his take on what games he thinks we should play this season? If so, I see no reason not to have the recruitment thread up sometime later this week early next week so that we can get that moving. (Well I guess, aside from letting Crab be around for the games starting as well since I guess he would want to participate). I would give the recruitment thread two weeks to work magic before the games start and I guess we could aim for just after nov 5th to start to give Crab and CornBurrito time to get back. So I guess recruitment thread sometime late next week.

I donno. Would be awesome if Crabbypants can chime in at some stage, but other than that, this sounds a-ok by me.

when IS corn coming back

tell me he's coming back

his ban is a month, i think. he should be back in 2 weeks' time. ish.

my ban ends 10/27/15. At 11:00pm.


About the recruitment thread, which information should people be forced to give? Currently it is just preferred prenounce right? I know yeeny had a document with timezones in it, should that be a required question to answer?


A seance/medium type role would be a fun thing to experiment with in a side game, probably not ideal for a main game though. Stopping spoilers in a dead thread probably won't work well with more people coming in and giving thoughts on the game ( revealing Mafia buddies, secret powers, etc. ) so I'm not sure if there would be an efficient way to 'stop' this problem other than asking Mods to not reveal hidden info.

Oh, I totally forgot the vig game was on GAF, not QT. No, I wasn't counting that one in the calculations, Sawneeks. Just DR, Archer, Cthulhu, GAFia, NX, and Election.

Okay, I'm at a GAFia score of 20 then.


Swamped and Splinter, my fanclub has a 5 dollar monthly membership fee.

Oh, so cheap?!

I like the idea of spoiler free dead thread, but i don't think we need to be super strict about it. If there are games with ressurection roles, it's better if the players who die are simply not given access to the dead/spectator thread for that game.

Also, we don't have to baby new players too much. They are not delicate eggs. That said, i personally wouldn't vote to lynch one on D1, and Mafia should try to spare them N1. But in the end, this comes down to the player's decision. It shouldn't be a "community rule" or whatever.


About the recruitment thread, which information should people be forced to give? Currently it is just preferred prenounce right? I know yeeny had a document with timezones in it, should that be a required question to answer?

I know someone asked in the main GAFia thread for everyone to fill out a form with some basics on it like name, preferred pronoun, timezone, and type of game they would be willing to play. I'll see if I can find it.


It was Mafia Boss ynnny

hi erryone :> i agree with squidy and probsy we can do some generic groundwork in prep for s4.... Soooooooooo I thought to help out s4's gamerunners and admin side of things, it would be good for the gafia interested participants to put up basic details ... i thought it may help coordination and game assignment and stuff


okies! please fill in the following simple query:

  • Pronoun (he/she/they):
  • Game style preference (crazy / normal / any):
  • Self-assessed activity level (high / medium / low / fluctuating):
  • Timezone / location:
  • Comments:

I'll collect them and then send them to crabbypants later or something so he can put people into appropriate games :>

oh, heres mine

  • Pronoun (he/she/they): she
  • Game style preference (crazy / normal / any): normal pls
  • Self-assessed activity level (high / medium / low / fluctuating): medium
  • Timezone / location: australia
  • Comments: cream filled centre pls


I don't know if we want to think about this now or deal with it later, but we really should set up a side forum at some point. QuickTopic is ass

I'm sure there's lots of easy/free options, but ideally we'd want something that doesn't show who's online and also allows private threads?

This is more useful for mini games, but we could also put scum chat / dead thread etc there if we find a board that gives enough controls

This could be interesting... Also prevents the potential chaos that can occur if someone decided to randomly change their QT name to a mod's and start posting random stuff.


I know someone asked in the main GAFia thread for everyone to fill out a form with some basics on it like name, preferred pronoun, timezone, and type of game they would be willing to play. I'll see if I can find it.


It was Mafia Boss ynnny

I think game style preference and posting volume may be a bit much to ask to new players. They would probably have no idea about those two questions.


This could be interesting... Also prevents the potential chaos that can occur if someone decided to randomly change their QT name to a mod's and start posting random stuff.

That's why you should all make a login, I ignore anyone without a star next to their name and the mod's post first before we die so you know what their username should be :p
I think game style preference and posting volume may be a bit much to ask to new players. They would probably have no idea about those two questions.

none of those stuff is mandatory. even pronouns. i didn't post that thingy here cuz it was going to be confusing, but i can post it up at the recruitment thread later if we think it's going to be useful

the player register so far is up to date and is available for viewing here

the timezones have all been pegged down to GMT plus or minus

if any of you would like to update any details or whatever, just post your deets here :>

lol mafia boss yeeny


I'm not playing next season, so I don't know if I say will have much weight but...

On newbies: I'm not a huge fan of the godfather idea or the newbie game, unless they're very few in number to the point we can't spread them out over the games well. Otherwise, I liked what we did with the season 3 games (obviously, since I'm still here), and I would prefer we have a good mix of newbies and veterans to balance each other out. I thought having other newbies playing with me was fairly encouraging, but I was also able to see how veterans played, and that was very helpful as well. I do think people should generally keep it in the back of their minds on day one when they're dealing with a newbie, but if it's a game with a lot of newbie players, it shouldn't be too important.

Point system: I like it.

On deciding which games to play in: I don't think people should be deciding based on flavor, but if we're going to have a mixture of role madness and vanilla games, I think people should be able to decide. For example, for all the fun and hilarity Cthulhu was, I would have preferred having a more normal game with one mafia, one town, and maybe a couple neutrals. I know other people would prefer to play in a game where the rules are screwing them over at every opportunity. Players should at least be able to have a preference for the type of game they get to play in, but other factors could still decide the end result. I'm also in favor of letting people switch games, so long as it's before the role PMs come out. If, say, Person A really wanted to play in a role madness game and person B ended up getting it but was apathetic to his game, they should be able to switch. Having players be more engaged in the material will always be better.

On recruiting: Going a little from above, we should probably scale back on recruiting by themes. I think it's nice to be able to have people be excited about them, but we should really make sure players are interested first and foremost in playing mafia. I think we might had a little bit of a problem with this when people were really interested in the DR game, and when they ended up in another one their enthusiasm plummeted.

Dead/spec threads: I'd prefer to leave this up to the moderator, so long as they warn players beforehand. Preferably people use spoiler tags.


That's why you should all make a login, I ignore anyone without a star next to their name and the mod's post first before we die so you know what their username should be :p

Wait you... you can make a login?! Also you didn't ignore me, is this a new policy? Guess I better get on dat.
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