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The 12th Annual GDC Awards and 14th Annual IGF Awards: Streaming Online @ 6:30 PST


Neo Member
That was probably the best acceptance speech that I've ever seen. Congrats, Die Gute Fabrik! I hope I get the opportunity to try out Joust some time...it looks crazy, fun, and crazy fun.


Haven't seen much of Doug since L4D1 stuff. What a super and humble guy.

oh? lol why do i keep seeing the whole move thing?

Pretty sure iPhone and Android versions are planned once they have the thing worked out and released, or whatever they want. The thing was originally using WiiMotes, but it worked better with the glowing balls with Move worked really well with it.


This show has been fantastic so far. Too bad so few people have tuned in. SpikeTV/GT should be ashamed.
This show has been fantastic so far. Too bad so few people have tuned in. SpikeTV/GT should be ashamed.

Yeah, I hope there's a big wave of articles about how fun and interesting and even classy a game award show can be. You know, without the whole tea-bag thing.


Dave Theurer is more awesome than I thought

On the way to fireworks displays at Moffet Field on July 4, 1983, David used his Porsche 928 to chase down a hit-and-run driver which had knocked down Michael McCully, a 15-year-old person from Los Altos. Michael suffered a severed spine and was paralyzed from the waist down. The driver returned to the scene where the California Highway Patrol arrested him for hit-and-run, drunken driving, giving false information to a police officer and driving without a license. David was praised for his efforts by the California Highway Patrol.[2]

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Nah people will just continue to ignore award shows like this and just complain about the VGAS instead.

I really hope not. This show has basically done everything right.

Has it been this good in prior years? Because this is the first time I've watched it.


This is a pretty good awards show - what's the difference though between this and AIAS? I always thought that was the "highest" industry awards show.

The Oscars:Interactive Achievement Awards::SAG Awards:GDC Awards

A group of noted and invited members vote for the best work vs. the game development industry at large votes for their favorite work. And the VGAs are like an even shittier MTV Movie Awards (not relevant, I just wanted to throw in more VGA hate).


Crap, wish I had tuned into the whole show. Caught Warren Spector's speech and that was awesome, and now I see Skyrim winning GOTY.


Crap, wish I had tuned into the whole show. Caught Warren Spector's speech and that was awesome, and now I see Skyrim winning GOTY.
Apparently Gamespot will have the whole thing in their archives later; I'll try to remember and leave a link in this topic once it's up.


Neo Member
Man, what a fantastic show. I'm so glad that I tuned in to this instead of doing all of the work that I need to start doing now.
Very western-focused awards, as usual. I like the presentation of GDC's stuff, but it definitely has a skewed perspective. It's always been that way though.

Looking at the winners at a glance, 0 Japanese games won? and :lol, Fez won?



Very western-focused awards, as usual. I like the presentation of GDC's stuff, but it definitely has a skewed perspective. It's always been that way though.

Looking at the winners at a glance, 0 Japanese games won? and :lol, Fez won?


Hahahaha, oh man.
Great awards show. I tuned in just as the GDC awards started. I hope the IGF portion is archived since I missed it. Also Cliff laid down a “sick burn” at the end.


Very western-focused awards, as usual. I like the presentation of GDC's stuff, but it definitely has a skewed perspective. It's always been that way though.

Looking at the winners at a glance, 0 Japanese games won? and :lol, Fez won?


Well, it's all a publicity stunt for Fez. Gosh.


Good show. I won't be buying any more of Bethesda's games anymore. Especially considering all the GOTY awards they've received on Skyrim. There's a line between "ambitious" and "quality control" and all the pats on the back they got certainly won't inspire them to make sure their future games are of better quality, it's a shame really. Anyways, this is how an awards show should be modeled.


That's exactly what I want in an awards show for video games. It's a shame more people don't want to see this.

For comparison, the most recent Spike VGA's thread:


Pathetic. The hosts both did a great job this year, and the awards seemed very thoughtful and well-deserved all around. Kind of surprised Fez won the Seumas McNally, only because of the controversy surrounding its eligibility, but it so deserved it. Can't wait until everyone gets to experience it in a few months.
For comparison, the most recent Spike VGA's thread:


Pathetic. The hosts both did a great job this year, and the awards seemed very thoughtful and well-deserved all around. Kind of surprised Fez won the Seumas McNally, only because of the controversy surrounding its eligibility, but it so deserved it. Can't wait until everyone gets to experience it in a few months.

I tuned in just as that acceptance was ending and a dude in hipster glasses was crying. Was that the Fez dude? What award did they win? Like I said I just caught the end of it and he seemed to be hamming it up.


I tuned in just as that acceptance was ending and a dude in hipster glasses was crying. Was that the Fez dude? What award did they win? Like I said I just caught the end of it and he seemed to be hamming it up.

I don't know what "hipster glasses" are, but the guy crying was indeed Phil Fish. He cries a lot. They won the Seumas McNally, which is the grand prize of the IGF. You can see a full list of nominees here.
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