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The Crew runs at native 1080p/30fps on both PS4 & Xbox One


Dammit, why couldn't MS of just matched the PS4 gpu and people wouldn't have to deal with under performance in games like this.. This will be the first "used game" i buy for PS4.


I hate to be a prophet but i was predicting this situation even before this generation started.PS4 being more powerful will be completely pointless for most third party games since the publishers don't want to displease either platform holder.

You realize that parity also displeases a platform holder, right? In this case the one that has sold nearly twice as many systems. Parity only benefits Microsoft.

The only big games we have seen so far with forced parity are the EA sports games. That's not what I would call "most third party games."
Please do not support 30fps racing games.

Burnout Paradise was 60fps open world last gen, how come we went backwards in technology.

becuase focus testers can't tell the difference between 60/30 but they like nice graphics(which this game doesnt even have)


But over in rational land....
EA released 2 games on the same day, one that was 1080p/30 on both formats and one that was 720p/900p on different formats.

There was never any suggestion that last gen 360 games were held back by their inferior Ps3 counterparts, I think it's pretty childish that people are suggesting it is happening this time around.

It's probably a case of both consoles can hit 30-40 fps at 1080p, but instead of leaving us with either a juddery image (infamous) or a teary image (killzone/titanfall) they have decided to cap it and have a stable consistent image.

besides, all this 1080p + framerate nonsense has just become a marketing tool of developers/publishers now, the Xbox One version could have textures half the resolution of the other version or half the particle effects or AA for all we know. People are being very childish about it.


I hate to be a prophet but i was predicting this situation even before this generation started.PS4 being more powerful will be completely pointless for most third party games since the publishers don't want to displease either platform holder.

Right because games were always 1:1 last generation!


Making the PS4 version look better is one thing, asking for 60fps might be a bit too much though.

Depends how much worse the Xbox One version looks since they're both 1080p/30. If they're identical, PS4's significant GPU advantage is just sitting there because... parity.


Wow between this and the pay to win statements earlier it is a very bad day for a game I was incredibly excited for. Lesson learned. Never be excited for anything.


Parity = we cant be bothered to optimise the game for each console to save money

Great, I will save my money as well.

The Llama

Based on what happened with TR, I can't imagine that if the Xbone is actually able to run The Crew at a 100% consistent 30 FPS that the PS4 couldn't handle it at 60 FPS most of the time (enough to leave it capped at 60 instead of 30). Disappointing to see them develop to the lowest common denominator. I was actually pretty excited for this game, but not anymore.

MS probably has something to do with this

Come on, thats a big stretch and a bit absurd to claim with absolutely no proof whatsoever.


You realize that parity also displeases a platform holder, right? In this case the one that has sold nearly twice as many systems.

The only big games we have seen so far with forced parity are the EA sports games. That's not what I would call "most third party games."

You think Sony is upset with "parity" even though EA Sports games have sold well on the PS4 and/or helped PS4 console sales?


Making the PS4 version look better is one thing, asking for 60fps might be a bit too much though.

It is. The game is likely very CPU intensive (like most open world games) but as you say that's not stopping them from improving visuals.
really trying to get parity across all versions, so it's something that’s important to us not to branch out and not do individual things for individual platforms."

Welp there it is. Sad and unfortunate. I guess this is an exclusive only gen this time around.


Jesus everybody hating on XB1 in here.

NFS Rivals was 1080p/30 on both systems and it still had advantages on PS4. Don't twist your panties up so early.

Now, PC? Yeah, I could get behind some anger there. Why would you cap a framerate? Why?


You think Sony is upset with that regardless of how well EA Sports games have sold on the PS4 and/or helped PS4 console sales?

The sports games matter less because they have a much larger casual player base. But of course they would be miffed if the time and energy they spent building a better platform is wasted by devs coddling poor little Microsoft. Thankfully most third party games don't have this issue.


So does Parity = all versions play/look as well as the weakest link?

That is how I read it...... As a person who paid 100 less for the more powerful link, I am offended. If I wanted worse I'd have paid for it, damn it!


The PC version won't differ too much from the console versions, either, he says, adding that Ivory Tower is "really trying to get parity across all versions, so it's something that’s important to us not to branch out and not do individual things for individual platforms."

Rage inducing. This is truly a fucked up comment.


You realize that parity also displeases a platform holder, right? In this case the one that has sold nearly twice as many systems. Parity only benefits Microsoft.

The only big games we have seen so far with forced parity are the EA sports games. That's not what I would call "most third party games."

I think Sony was always more "soft" about this issue.
MS on the other hand last gen even warned publishers that they may refuse to have their games on their system if the xbox versions were worse than the versions released for "competitor" platforms.

Sure PS4 now sells more than XB1 but MS is a very powerful ally which i assume most western publishers don't want to upset.


Jesus everybody hating on XB1 in here.

NFS Rivals was 1080p/30 on both systems and it still had advantages on PS4. Don't twist your panties up so early.

Now, PC? Yeah, I could get behind some anger there. Why would you cap a framerate? Why?

Looks like being pissed that the devs admitted going for parity. PS4 has free power sitting there, use it.


But you do as always, we know lol

It doesn't take much intelligence to realize that an acclaimed series that has spanned over five games on multiple systems has sold more than a single NFS game.

But go on and keep making ridiculous claims, you're really good at it!
The PC version won't differ too much from the console versions, either, he says, adding that Ivory Tower is "really trying to get parity across all versions, so it's something that’s important to us not to branch out and not do individual things for individual platforms."

Ugh, why? Everything about this game sounds worse the more we hear about it.

That's fine. My money won't be branching out to buy your game, either.



Gold Member
I think Sony was always more "soft" about this issue.
MS on the other hand last gen even warned publishers that they may refuse to have their games on their system if the xbox versions were worse than the versions released for "competitor" platforms.

Sure PS4 now sells more than XB1 but MS is a very powerful ally which i assume most western publishers don't want to upset.

I don't think that has anything to do with it. They patched AC4 on PS4 to 1080p at launch so obviously they stopped giving a shit about Microsoft there.

Just seems like they went for 1080p on Xbox One and are happy to just keep it the same on PS4 and PC. It's bullshit.


Are they going out of there way to restrict the beefier systems from performing better? Or just not optimizing for each system? Parity sucks for those with more capable systems but understandable business-wise. I think you'll find this scenario played out more often for multiplatform games as time goes on, unfortunately. There's not much to gain in optimizing a game for system x for the company if the game runs "good enough"... 1080p at 30fps is good enough for many.


I think Sony was always more "soft" about this issue.
MS on the other hand last gen even warned publishers that they may refuse to have their games on their system if the xbox versions were worse than the versions released for "competitor" platforms.

Sure PS4 now sells more than XB1 but MS is a very powerful ally which i assume most western publishers don't want to upset.

I dont think that clause really applies anymore knowing how big of gap there is between systems. There's a reasonable expectation to maintain content parity across platforms but expecting devs to actively gimp the game on a competing system just because it's more powerful is asking a lot. Even games like BF4 and CoD (which have timed exclusive Xbone content) look and perform a lot better on PS4. This seems like purely a dev descision. And it's a poor one at that.


Looks like being pissed that the devs admitted going for parity. PS4 has free power sitting there, use it.

I mean, how do we know that PS4 has free power? What if they did what NFS did, making tiny graphical improvements here and there, that leaves overall both packages in parity with each other?

Nowhere does he mention that the studio isn't taking advantage of PS4's hardware. The takeaway I'm getting is that they're not going to be using the touchpad, or Kinect, in terms of "individual features".

Really, I think everyone complaining about the consoles in this thread are overreacting. I'll reiterate that I think out of everyone complaining, PC probably has the only legit reason because

A) Ubisoft
B) Possible framerate cap.

(Yes, I realize that people love their 60 FPS racers- Revenge is my favorite, so smooth!- but PC games generally have the option to, you know, play it how you want, and removing that option is bull.)


The gap is closing. Must be the new dev tools for the XB1.

Nope - dev tools don't work like that. As covered in recent articles the improvements in SDK mean less time/cost/effort to develop on XB1.

What this means is, as they note themselves, they're developed to lowest baseline (in this case XB1) and kept to that baseline across other platforms.

Or in their words:"really trying to get parity across all versions, so it's something that’s important to us not to branch out and not do individual things for individual platforms" - i.e. we're not going to try and leverage different platforms to improve anything over another.


Gold Member
I mean, how do we know that PS4 has free power? What if they did what NFS did, making tiny graphical improvements here and there, that leaves overall both packages in parity with each other?

Nowhere does he mention that the studio isn't taking advantage of PS4's hardware. The takeaway I'm getting is that they're not going to be using the touchpad, or Kinect, in terms of "individual features".

Really, I think everyone complaining about the consoles in this thread are overreacting. I'll reiterate that I think out of everyone complaining, PC probably has the only legit reason because

A) Ubisoft
B) Possible framerate cap.

(Yes, I realize that people love their 60 FPS racers- Revenge is my favorite, so smooth!- but PC games generally have the option to, you know, play it how you want, and removing that option is bull.)
Then you didn't read the article where it mentions touchpad features.
I don't think that has anything to do with it. They patched AC4 on PS4 to 1080p at launch so obviously they stopped giving a shit about Microsoft there.

True, but following that there were a ton of screencaps showing crushed blacks, blurred textures, and a working man's resolution. There was undoubtedly a reaction.


Jesus everybody hating on XB1 in here.

NFS Rivals was 1080p/30 on both systems and it still had advantages on PS4. Don't twist your panties up so early.

Now, PC? Yeah, I could get behind some anger there. Why would you cap a framerate? Why?

Did not buy NFS rivals either - stutter frames / repeat frames and 30 fps on a racing game in 2014 - no thanks to that either. Don't care what the X1 struggles to do , that's MS problem.

If they want me to buy it for Ps4, then they need to make it good and polish it. 30 FPS racing game on a 1.84 TF GPU equivalent of a 7850/70 is plainly not bothering.
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