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The Greatness of the Star Wars Prequels

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Honestly, who kills younglings?!

The only things I enjoyed about the prequels was the soundtrack. And if course Darth Maul, even though they gave him a bitch death.

He killed all the younglings so that nobody would ever again be referred to as younglings or padawans for that matter

DarthIbecameevilinthreesecondsflatVader was doing the lawd's work.


Oh, of course!

The Stormtroopers in the OT were fucking dumb as a rock. They look like a bunch of people without any kind of training wearing armor, shooting blankly into space and hitting nothing. They looked so goofy and clumsy, it was impossible for me to take them seriously.

The clones in the PT however, they actually looked and acted like an army. They were efficient. They were badass. They were threatening.



Clone Troopers:





Clone Troopers:


Ha ha ha! Oooh boy! Exactly that.

The Prequel Trilogy actually made me feel the title of Star Wars.

Sure, there are some good space battles in the OT, but overall the PT did the whole "wars" thing better, in my opinion. And a lot more exciting.

I mean, look at this.


If this scene was in the prequels instead of the OT, it would've gotten shat upon. But nope, it gets a free pass and nobody mentions it. Because it's the OT!

Extra points:



Darth Maul is legitimately the best thing to come out of the prequels. He shouldn't have been killed off in Episode 1 and should have been the primary antagonist for the whole trilogy.

His arc on TCW is the best thing on the show.

Really wish that had been worked into the movies.

Imagine instead of Obi Wan looking for Jango the central mystery was Obi Wan looking for Maul and trying to make people believe he returned.


I mean, look at this.


If this scene was in the prequels instead of the OT, it would've gotten shat upon. But nope, it gets a free pass and nobody mentions it. Because it's the OT!

It's a comedy bit, and also don't they turn around and nearly kill Solo seconds after this?
Ha ha ha! Oooh boy! Exactly that.

The Prequel Trilogy actually made me feel the title of Star Wars.

Sure, there are some good space battles in the OT, but overall the PT did the whole "wars" thing better, in my opinion. And a lot more exciting.

I mean, look at this.


If this scene was in the prequels instead of the OT, it would've gotten shat upon. But nope, it gets a free pass and nobody mentions it. Because it's the OT!

Extra points:

Whats wrong with those gifs?


I don't get why you think it gets a free pass because it's the OT. Stormtroopers are at least consistently portrayed as really mediocre soldiers from start to finish in the OT.

If those scenes were in the PT, in the same exact fashion, performances and settings, you would be using them as an example of why the PT sucks so much.

What the heck you guys, the stormtroopers act like morons because half the time they're under orders to let the good guys escape or survive. The only exception is the battle of Endor, but everyone already acknowledges that that kinda sucks. Like this: http://imgur.com/gallery/w5MHii8

The ONLY reason the rebels were able to destroy the second Death Star was because some idiot decided to open the door to the generator when a guy covering half of his face told him "The rebels are all dead! Please open the door". Legendary writting right there.


If those scenes were in the PT, in the same exact fashion, performances and settings, you would be using them as an example of why the PT sucks so much.

Man, it's hard to argue a point when you're pulling facts from Sephzilla of Earth 2. If they were in the PT I'd at least applaud Lucas for portraying the Stormtroopers consistently between the two trilogies.


Man, it's hard to argue a point when you're pulling facts from Sephzilla of Earth 2. If they were in the PT I'd at least applaud Lucas for portraying the Stormtroopers consistently between the two trilogies.

Highly doubt it. But yeah, this will get nowhere.


I'm currently doing a marathon. Episode 1 and 2 are just plain bad films.

The acting is atrocious, and the dialogue is God-awful. But their biggest crime is that they have shitty plot lines. And it's riddled with pretension in that there's so many casual references to races, planets, and superfluous events and titles with zero world building. Plus, the films have no structure, no arcs, and so little semblance of tension or escalation. Hell, Episode 2 introduces yet another desert planet.

Episode 3 though. Damn. It begins with a wicked cool SPACE BATTLE over the outer rim of the most important planet in the galaxy. What's more, the action is paced with CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT; we see Anakin appreciating the efforts of the clones, and Obi Wan shrugging them off as, "doing their jobs." We quickly see Palpatine's machinations begin to unfold; we see a triple play at work where our heroes are off with their quests, see several double-crossings, and watch an entire hierarchy of villains being struck down. And yes, we find ourselves on YET ANOTHER desert planet (with annoyingly loud lizard horses), but it's all forgiven because we're kept on the edge of our seat with the evenly paced action, with our heroes coming to horror with their reality, and our villain who's so charismatic and hammy at the same time, you can't look away. It only took 6 years in between, but George Lucas finally made a movie within the prequel trilogy.

Plus the climactic lightsaber was a fantastic set piece; the lava, the crumbling facility, the dangerous pitfalls and the dialogue. All great fun. And while people make fun of that gif where Anakin and Obi Wan are swinging wildly, it works in the film, because their skills prevent them from gaining a strike, so they both choose a fakeout, which ultimately ends with both their sabers colliding, creating an acute impact. It's actually cool. It also happens to be the fastest lightsaber duel in the entire franchise.

And while the infamous, "NOOoo00.." is still comical, the actual scene where Anakin is being fitted with his armour is a delight.





And while people make fun of that gif where Anakin and Obi Wan are swinging wildly, it works in the film, because their skills prevent them from gaining a strike, so they both choose a fakeout, which ultimately ends with both their sabers colliding, creating an acute impact. It's actually cool. It also happens to be the fastest lightsaber duel in the entire franchise.

At last someone who gets it.


Erm, there were some good lightsaber battles. Yoda fights.

It was cool to see Palpatine play everyone like a fiddle.

Darth Maul was awesome. Too bad Lucas decided to kill him off in the first movie. Such a Lucas move.

he didn't technically die. watch the Clone Wars animated series. still canon :p


Highly doubt it. But yeah, this will get nowhere.

You seem to think that not liking the prequels == not being able to give Lucas any credit. There are parts of the prequels that are good. Darth Maul was cool. The scene in Episode 2 where Anakin slaughters the sand people was the most Vader-like thing he does in the entire trilogy. The scene of Padme giving birth while Anakin simultaneously becomes Vader is great (until NOOOOO). I'm totally cool with giving Lucas credit where it's due, but that doesn't mean the prequels themselves are good or that the OT is viewed as good purely by nostalgia. I actually dislike that the PT storm troopers are actually amazing at their job because now we have the the unexplained reason they go from badass commandos to rent-a-cop tier in the originals.


You seem to think that not liking the prequels == not being able to give Lucas any credit. There are parts of the prequels that are good. Darth Maul was cool. The scene in Episode 2 where Anakin slaughters the sand people was the most Vader-like thing he does in the entire trilogy. The scene of Padme giving birth while Anakin simultaneously becomes Vader is great (until NOOOOO).

I agree. And don't take me wrong. Me defending the prequels doesn't mean I hold them as ultimate classics or "better than the OT". I'm mostly playing Devil's Advocate, since I enjoyed all 6 films almost equally.

In the end I believe all Star Wars is basically dumb fun. I don't take it too seriously. I really don't mind the clumsy Stormtroopers, just as I don't mind Vader's "NOOOOOOOOO!".



I agree. And don't take me wrong. Me defending the prequels doesn't mean I hold them as ultimate classics or "better than the OT". I'm mostly playing Devil's Advocate, since I enjoyed all 6 films almost equally.

In the end I believe all Star Wars is basically dumb fun. I don't take it too seriously. I really don't mind the clumsy Stormtroopers, just as I don't mind Vader's "NOOOOOOOOO!".


you monster



Stuff like this man. Was this the first canon appearance of capital ships on ground level lifting up?
Feels like this hurts the ESB opening battle or ROTJ Endor quite a bit if the universe is inconsistent with what is allowed and possible and what isn't.
Why would the Empire not have a Super Star destroyer hovering right above the shield generator?

Also vfx wise, the rendering in AOTC has been surpassed already by real-time gfx, pretty crazy. Episode 2 was never really a looker in the vfx department due to it being one of the first HD cam movies.
Heard stories of the ILM compositors going crazy. They still had the Sony HDCAM hooked to a giant clip recorder with cables during that shoot so whenever they wanted some action going like Anakin running through the streets of Coruscant, they would need to shoot on actual HDCAM tape which is heavily compressed. Then this footage was zoomed into in editing in some cases and then sometimes they would go "this shot is now a daytime shot" and switch over shots of people lit in a different light setup.
And you can see these things in the final movie. It definitely looks inconsistent and less film like than TPM.
Some sequences like the battle droid factory also looked even cheaper than the main sequences cause they were added so late during post-production.

Stuff like this...look at all those sun light directions in one shot. Lots of the materials in AOTC and ROTS feel like pre-PBR in a way, pretty flat.
Palpatine's office in particular was so flat looking. No depth to the walls, the table, the carpet....the carpet everywhere.


Leia being delivered to Alderon and Obi handing Luke to Owen was powerful too. The two suns glowing in the distance. Theres lots to like actually.


Weeeeell.... I actually DO mind.

It's fucking stupid. REALLY stupid. And a simple scream like "AAAAGHHH!!!" would've been a ton better.

Still, doesn't affect my overall enjoyment of the movie. :p

The NOOOOO in Return of the Jedi bugs me way more than the one in Revenge of the Sith, to be honest. The one in Sith ruins the scene in my opinion, but it actually has a place in that scene. The one in Jedi not only ruins the scene but it has absolutely no place there.


The NOOOOO in Return of the Jedi bugs me way more than the one in Revenge of the Sith, to be honest. The one in Sith ruins the scene in my opinion, but it actually has a place in that scene. The one in Jedi not only ruins the scene but it has absolutely no place there.

It doesn't quite ruin it for me, but it was definitely better without it. The scene used to be more powerful.


Stuff like this man. Was this the first canon appearance of capital ships on ground level lifting up?
Feels like this hurts the ESB opening battle or ROTJ Endor quite a bit if the universe is inconsistent with what is allowed and possible and what isn't.
Why would the Empire not have a Super Star destroyer hovering right above the shield generator?
For the same reason they didn't fly TIE Fighters down to attack Echo Base: The shield blocks coming in from the air. They had to drop walkers outside the shield and let them walk in.

If you're talking about Return of the Jedi, something tells me that firing Star Destroyer turbolasers close to the shield generator you're supposed to be protecting is a bad idea. Ever heard of base delta zero?

Also, the ships taking off in that shot are much smaller than the "standard" Imperial-class Star Destroyer.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
You know it's possible to argue for the quality of the prequels without trying to insult the original movies, right?

I don't think he does, he believes anyone who doesn't like the PT has an "agenda" to carry out.
I know this is a thread to praise things instead of complaining about them, but Palpatine being electrocuted into ugliness was stupid. He's old as shit in Jedi, there's nothing to explain there. Was anyone thinking "Hurr why does the emperor look older and grosser in Jedi when he's much younger and normal looking in this movie that takes place ~30 years prior"


Oh, of course!

The Stormtroopers in the OT were fucking dumb as a rock. They look like a bunch of people without any kind of training wearing armor, shooting blankly into space and hitting nothing. They looked so goofy and clumsy, it was impossible for me to take them seriously.

The clones in the PT however, they actually looked and acted like an army. They were efficient. They were badass. They were threatening.

Wut? The first scene where stormtroopers are on screen they murder the entire crew of Tantive IV in a matter of seconds, then on Hoth they murder the entire rebel garrison like it's nobody's business.

On the other hand clones (especially in the second movie) just...like...stand there getting shot, just like the droids. In the Geonosis fight a clone army stands in front of the droid army all Napoleon style and the two lines just exchange fire, no ducking, going prone, taking cover, suppressive fire or anything, they just stand there taking casualties. That one gif at the top of the page is probably the only time a clone trooper didn't act like a stiff droid.

Best things about prequels though:
architecture (Naboo specifically)
Anakin's mom story in episode II
Anakin being transformed into Darth Vader
Christopher Lee


I know this is a thread to praise things instead of complaining about them, but Palpatine being electrocuted into ugliness was stupid. He's old as shit in Jedi, there's nothing to explain there. Was anyone thinking "Hurr why does the emperor look older and grosser in Jedi when he's much younger and normal looking in this movie that takes place ~30 years prior"

My original head canon for this was that the Dark Side corrupts you physically in exchange for its power - which is why Vader looked so fucked up under his mask as well. KOTOR seemed to validate this idea too since you got progressively sicker looking the further dark you went.


The prequels did bring us midichlorians...wait, wrong thread. Thought this was the "how the prequels almost ruined Star Wars" thread. Waiting on the retcon for this one...

It did create some memorable characters that luckily were given more life in the animated series. General Grievous, Darth Maul, even Count Dooku.

The one thing that I've never gotten is that in episode 4, Ono-wan says "I don't recall ever owning a droid". Dude, you were with R2 quite a bit, and yes, technically you didn't own him, but don't leave a brotha droid hanging by acting like you don't know him.
Yeah, go figure.
This is a good example of why the prequels suck.




Compared to





There is no heart, no emotion in the prequels. Its all just a bunch of fancy crap with no emotional investment tied to it at all. The CG battles in the prequels may have been bigger and more flashy than anything in the OT but the prequels dont make you give jack shit about anybody in them.

Sure the OT has some stupid scenes in them. They are forgivable because the rest of the movies aren't complete embarassing monstrocities of cinema.


This is a good example of why the prequels suck.

There is no heart, no emotion in the prequels. Its all just a bunch of fancy crap with no emotional investment tied to it at all. The CG battles in the prequels may have been bigger and more flashy than anything in the OT but the prequels dont make you give jack shit about anybody in them.

Sure the OT has some stupid scenes in them. They are forgivable because the rest of the movies aren't complete embarassing monstrocities of cinema.

Well yeah, that's just like, your opinion man.

I did feel emotion. I did feel emotional investment, I did feel excited, I did feel pumped up. I felt more emotional investment during the Anakin VS Obi-Wan, than during the boring ass Vader VS Obi-Wan, for example.


Anakin vs Obi-Wan in 3 has more emotion to it than Obi-Wan vs Vader in 4, for sure. In fact 4's battle gets enhanced because of 3. But I think that's the only PT duel that has more of an emotional punch than an OT duel. Nothing touches either of the Luke vs Vader fights.
Well yeah, that's just like, your opinion man.

I did feel emotion. I did feel emotional investment, I did feel excited, I did feel pumped up. I felt more emotional investment during the Anakin VS Obi-Wan, than during the boring ass Vader VS Obi-Wan, for example.

Thats cool man, its all just opinions, I know.

See, I didnt feel any emotional investment between obi and anakin in the prequels because they were supposed to be friends. But all they do is whine and complain about each other. Their battle in the OT was less entertaining to watch but it felt more powerful because there was actually a sense of them being old companions. At least to me anyway.


Anakin vs Obi-Wan in 3 has more emotion to it than Obi-Wan vs Vader in 4, for sure. In fact 4's battle gets enhanced because of 3. But I think that's the only PT duel that has more of an emotional punch than an OT duel. Nothing touches either of the Luke vs Vader fights.

I somewhat agree. My favorite lightsaber fight is Anakin VS Obi Wan. But the Luke VS Vader ones come right next.

All the others come afterwards, with Vader VS Obi-Wan being dead last.
Yoda jumping around and swinging a lightsaber like an acrobat is basically the worst thing ever and shows how little Lucas understood/cared to remember the themes of the OT.
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