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The iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming |Thread4| NOT Doomed

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No iCloud for Hunters 2 totally kills me. This is one of those games I want to be able to have on the go, but also sit down with at home.

Needless to say, I'm loving it on iPad. Graphics being grainy piss me off a little though.

Edit: Heh, just read the exact same feelings on the last page. That's a shame, so there's basically no hope. Might as well just delete it on my phone then cause I don't want to have two separate games. Though I'd much rather have the CHOICE of which to play it on, so I'm ecstatic that it's universal.
I haven't laid down any cash for the full game yet, but the free version was great, so I probably will at some point.

It's definitely worth it. Got tons of playing time from it just from that last level haha. The thing I like about it a lot though is just the fun in landing perfectly and trying not to get your ride damaged. The physics are justo awesome coupled with the destruction.


Dungeon Raid, is it still worth getting if my only iDevice is an iPad 2? Why can't they just make it Universal, then it'd be an easy choice.

Also think I'm going to get WarGames, so should I even bother with Dungeon Raid, they seem similar.

Dungeon Raid plays perfectly fine in 2x mode. Of course it takes a small visual hit, but this game was never a looker anyways. It's a really great game that you shouldn't miss out on, and having to do 2x mode for this gem definitely wouldn't be enough to keep me away.


Dungeon Raid is so damn good. Feel silly for letting it sit unplayed in my purchased tab all these months. Definitely prefer it to 10000000.

I take it you can only unlock new classes with the default class?


Full werewolf off the buckle
I just picked up Order and Chaos. I've gotta say it's probably the best, most non-gamelofty game I've ever seen Gamelofty make.

Sure it's monetized to Hell and back, but two hours in the basic mmo gameplay is quite compelling. I've tried several other mobile MMO's since I've moved to an area with broadband a few weeks back, this one is pretty legit.


Wanted to bring up another subject quickly. How is Minecraft pocket, currently? I've tied the lite version and was unimpressed, but I hear it is several major updates behind.

I loved minecraft on PC and would love to play it on the go, especially if rumors of an iPad mini are true as I felt the phone screen a bit small in the demo. Problem was that what I love about Monecraft is the survival mode, and the demo shows the game as creative-centric.

I know they've tried to please fans and make strides towards survival mode, but am I better off writing it off as a lost cause and buying Junk Jack instead?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Dungeon Raid is so damn good. Feel silly for letting it sit unplayed in my purchased tab all these months. Definitely prefer it to 10000000.

I take it you can only unlock new classes with the default class?

No, you can unlock new classes with any class. Thing is, with classes other than default you can also level the class with a trophy, so your odds of unlocking a new class are lower. with the default you can ONLY unlock new classes.

Card Boy

Junk Jack update + iPad = heaven.

This isn't a port beg since i got an iPad. But i feel those developers are burning money by not putting it on PC. Put it on PC at $10 a piece and i guarentee you it will do 10 times better than Terraria.

How much are they losing by not going PC? 1 million dollars? 2?


This isn't a port beg since i got an iPad. But i feel those developers are burning money by not putting it on PC. Put it on PC at $10 a piece and i guarentee you it will do 10 times better than Terraria.

How much are they losing by not going PC? 1 million dollars? 2?

well, they announced a Mac version FWIW. maybe that means a pc version in the future as well.
Man I got myself and my brother addicted to Rage of Bahumut so ive been hammering that for three or so days.

Also just picked up a new game called Pumped:BMX Its kind of like trails bikes but mixed with tiny wings and you can actually do cool looking legit bmx tricks like tailwhips, 360's, barspins etc rather than just flips because the engine allows it.

Looks pretty nice aswell. Bloody hard (for me) to get used to playing it though but I was the same way with tiny wings at first.


Buy this people. Such an awesome game.

Was lobbying the dev a few months before the game's release to bring it to iPhone. If he ever does, I won't wait for a sale.

As an aside, I'm kinda having a love/hate experience with Hunters 2. It has a few things that really irk me. It feels very grindy for one thing. But man, I'm a sucker for polish, and this game really nails it in terms of interface. They really did a great job making the controls and whatnot work for a TBS game on iOS. Plus, it's hard as hell to resist the allure of loot, credits and XP earned from missions. It doesn't help that the game demands you to be defensive -- I love that! So, while I want to bag on it for what I think it does wrong, I still can't stop playing this fucker.


No iCloud for Hunters 2 totally kills me. This is one of those games I want to be able to have on the go, but also sit down with at home.

Needless to say, I'm loving it on iPad. Graphics being grainy piss me off a little though.

Edit: Heh, just read the exact same feelings on the last page. That's a shame, so there's basically no hope. Might as well just delete it on my phone then cause I don't want to have two separate games. Though I'd much rather have the CHOICE of which to play it on, so I'm ecstatic that it's universal.

It's obviously not the same thing but have you tried to transfer saves with iExplorer?
That's what I plan to do when I'll have my iPad back.

On a side note, Apple should force every dev to do Universal builds with iCloud support (and maybe to stop the whiners have that as a iap with additional assets being a downloadable thing).

Really loving Hunters 2...mission 7 is fucking epic.
They could easily expand the game in a full fledged RPG adding dialogues and cutscenes (and more varied settings).
I love that, if used wisely, every damn talent point can make the difference between success or sudden death.
Massacre talent being my favorite so far...combined with stim pack, a light armour and an elite precise burst gun saved my life several times.


Saint Nic
This isn't a port beg since i got an iPad. But i feel those developers are burning money by not putting it on PC. Put it on PC at $10 a piece and i guarentee you it will do 10 times better than Terraria.

There's something charming about having the game on my iDevice, though. Not saying it wouldn't do great on PC/Mac...But I really love plopping on my couch or lying in bed and wandering around gathering/exploring/crafting.

My only gripe with the game is the inventory management. I have SOOO many chests full or random shit. The problem being, I'm sure I have multiple spaces taken up by the same item across them (e.g. ribcage in chest 1 and chest 8). Sort options would be amazing.

As an aside, I'm kinda having a love/hate experience with Hunters 2. It has a few things that really irk me. It feels very grindy for one thing. But man, I'm a sucker for polish, and this game really nails it in terms of interface. They really did a great job making the controls and whatnot work for a TBS game on iOS. Plus, it's hard as hell to resist the allure of loot, credits and XP earned from missions. It doesn't help that the game demands you to be defensive -- I love that! So, while I want to bag on it for what I think it does wrong, I still can't stop playing this fucker.

I sort of enjoy the grindy nature of Hunters 2. The biggest reason being I actually FEEL my squad improving. When I level up, the skill point I get is going to make a pretty tremendous difference, which I love. I also love that running contracts nets me money and loot to upgrade and craft my own equipment with (crafting is another thing I love in this game).

I do wish they added a way to sell multiple pieces of gear in the trade menu. I know you can sell all after a mission, but I've got SO much crap gear that I just kept early on as a way of experimenting with gear and builds.

But damn, this game is REALLY REALLY good.

On an unrelated note, what was the general consensus on Organ Trail? I was reading over at TA about some pretty bad crashes and memory leaks. Confirm/deny?
Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but any impressions on Great Big War Game? Is it better than the first one?

More of the same really. I get what they were going for with the Fog of War, but in practice it comes across as more of a hindrance than a true game-changing mechanic. Still, you enjoyed GLWG then I see no reason to not like GBWG.


I sort of enjoy the grindy nature of Hunters 2. The biggest reason being I actually FEEL my squad improving. When I level up, the skill point I get is going to make a pretty tremendous difference, which I love. I also love that running contracts nets me money and loot to upgrade and craft my own equipment with (crafting is another thing I love in this game).

But damn, this game is REALLY REALLY good.

Every talent point counts, I love it too.
BTW do not forget to click on the 'ads' in the daily contracts...you can get some serious bonuses.
I was granted an additional AP to every character plus I spend 1 AP less for every rocket launcher.
This made me tremendously change my tacticts and equipments, letting me go past 2 missions.

Chapter 8 now...WOW.


Saint Nic
Every talent point counts, I love it too.
BTW do not forget to click on the 'ads' in the daily contracts...you can get some serious bonuses.
I was granted an additional AP to every character plus I spend 1 AP less for every rocket launcher.
This made me tremendously change my tacticts and equipments, letting me go past 2 missions.

Chapter 8 now...WOW.

That's what those are? O_O I thought they were contracts that required some form of IAP currency. I had no idea they were daily bonuses for click an add. A+


erotic butter maelstrom
Ooh, yesterday's update for Score! Classic Goals added a new set of free levels and some paid levels, too. Just as I finish all the levels on professional, nice.
Got £50 in itunes vouchers for my Birthday, so decided to splash out a bit. I've neglected my iOS gaming as of late due to busting my iPad2 and only recently getting an iPad3.

Just bought:-

Alien Breed
Organ Trail
Slingshot Racing
Super Ox Wars
Junk Jack
Fairway Solitaire
Dynamite Jack

Is there any other recent new titles/mega updates that I'm missing?

I'm wanting to get into the Multplayer side of iOS a bit more as well. Never really delved into it. I have Carcassone (never played it) and hero Academy. Any other multiplayer gems youd recommend?
Gamecenter name is same as my GAF but with no spaces.
Fairly niche probably, but Magnetic Billiards is free at the moment, and the Skeleton Key (which unlocks all present and future content) is half price.



If anyone plays clash of clans, I have made a NeoGAF clan for you to join. If such a clan already exists, I will delete mine and join.


And '10000000' is finished with a time of 7:55

Suffers 'Game Dev Story' syndrome by the end as it gets far too easy but wow that was an addictive 7:55
Got £50 in itunes vouchers for my Birthday, so decided to splash out a bit. I've neglected my iOS gaming as of late due to busting my iPad2 and only recently getting an iPad3.

Just bought:-

Alien Breed
Organ Trail
Slingshot Racing
Super Ox Wars
Junk Jack
Fairway Solitaire
Dynamite Jack

Is there any other recent new titles/mega updates that I'm missing?

I'm wanting to get into the Multplayer side of iOS a bit more as well. Never really delved into it. I have Carcassone (never played it) and hero Academy. Any other multiplayer gems youd recommend?
Gamecenter name is same as my GAF but with no spaces.

Don't forget to get the download code for the Windows/Mac/Linux versions of Dynamite Jack as well; it also includes a Steam key.

For a limited time (48 hours ... 24 hours left?) only:



Cave's doing another sale starting tomorrow through to the 17th. Not sure what the prices will be, but I might cave (pun intended) and get the BP Black Label. Own all the rest of their games; I might as well...


For da new page, if anyone plays Clash of Clans, add zoukka to game center and I'll invite you to NeoGAF clan, or if such exists already, I'll just join that.


No, you can unlock new classes with any class. Thing is, with classes other than default you can also level the class with a trophy, so your odds of unlocking a new class are lower. with the default you can ONLY unlock new classes.

Ahhh okay thanks. I think I'll just grind and unlock the classes with the default and move from there then.
If anyone downloaded our new game, Super Mole Escape, and had problems with crashes... we worked hard to get a fix out, and it's now live!

Would love to hear what lovely NeoGAF thinks of the game :) http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/super-mole-escape/id517069954?mt=8


I'm really into it. One of the better "endless runner" style games I've played. I typically don't care for tilt controls but they feel really good in this game. I'm determined to get all of the achievements, though a few of them I'm not sure about haha
Don't forget to get the download code for the Windows/Mac/Linux versions of Dynamite Jack as well; it also includes a Steam key.

For a limited time (48 hours ... 24 hours left?) only:

Cheers, grabbed it!

It would appear I didn't need to spend all these vouchers on games, because I will be playing 1000000 forever. So addictive.

Just managed to kill my first white dragon and got totalled just after that.
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