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The iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming |Thread4| NOT Doomed

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Sucks for those who bought it for £2.99 or so, I love how the page for the game says "weekend launch sale" sounds like BS to me.

It was supposed to be 69p at launch, not sure why it went up at a higher price. Bizarrely I only know that because I found out today that a friend of a friend of a friend is project manager at Team17. facebook sometimes serves up a gem or two like that for me.


Alright, my deletion of Jurassic Park has led me to stick with Monster Life and now I'm kind of time interested and.. it's got it's hooks in me. EVEN THOUGH it's extremely extremely grindy. What I'm saying is, I need neighbors. I hate how Gameloft has their own proprietary service and wish they'd just use GC or at least use both, but regardless, give me your Live names. Mine's Flunkie.

Clash of Clans is next on the chopping block for deletion. Kind of boring.


How does 'update all' in the app store work? I've got over 6GB free and it's complaining I don't have enough space. It's not so dumb as to try and download all the files first is it? I've got 82 apps to update.

I wish they had an 'automatically update' option
How does 'update all' in the app store work? I've got over 6GB free and it's complaining I don't have enough space. It's not so dumb as to try and download all the files first is it? I've got 82 apps to update.

I wish they had an 'automatically update' option

It downloads once at a time (but continues downloading apps as another installs). I think it uses the worst case scenario of free space = 2x total app size when determining whether it can proceed.


It downloads once at a time (but continues downloading apps as another installs). I think it uses the worst case scenario of free space = 2x total app size when determining whether it can proceed.

Yeah iOS apps require twice their space in order to update (I guess it's a safety measure where it doesn't delete the old version until the update is successfully installed). I always ran into this annoyance trying to update my Navigon GPS app.
Trigger Fist is a nice shooter but lacks online players in europe for what I can see, keep finding 1 maybe 2 players then the rest are bots, rather annoyed at the spawning too you can spawn and be shot in the back way too easily.


The Incident is free

Neat little game, but with an annoying flaw. You're screwed if you happen to get a notification while playing. The pause button should be on the lower end of the screen so you could at least quick pause the game. As it is now you either hope nothing is about to fall on your head or hit the notification to jump out of the game and 'pause' it that way.

I also hate those stupid curse balloons.


Trigger Fist is a nice shooter but lacks online players in europe for what I can see, keep finding 1 maybe 2 players then the rest are bots, rather annoyed at the spawning too you can spawn and be shot in the back way too easily.
I've experienced the same thing in the US in the afternoon, so I don't know. I like the game and all, but feel the same way you do prettymuch.


Here's your Cave sale prices.
August 11th through 17th

Bug Princess $4.99 ->  $2.99
Bug Princess 2 $6.99->  $4.99
Deathsmiles $11.99 ->  $6.99
Dodonpachi Blissful Death $4.99 ->  $2.99
Dodonpachi Resurrection $7.99 -> $5.99
Dodonpachi Resurrection HD $13.99 ->  $10.99
Espgalulda II $7.99 -> $5.99
Espgaluda II HD $13.99->  $10.99
Mushihimesama Bug Panic $6.99 ->  $0.99



My girlfriend of almost four years broke up with me today and I need something to help me forget the world for a little bit. :( My sister won't be here for another four hours so I need something to occupy myself until then. The problem is that I have a broken hand and can only use my thumb and pointer finger on my right hand. Any recommendations?


Saint Nic
My girlfriend of almost four years broke up with me today and I need something to help me forget the world for a little bit. :( My sister won't be here for another four hours so I need something to occupy myself until then. The problem is that I have a broken hand and can only use my thumb and pointer finger on my right hand. Any recommendations?

Outside of the depressing nature of this (sorry about everything bro), I'd say any of the Kairosoft titles. They suck you in and keep you entertained until you finish them.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
My girlfriend of almost four years broke up with me today and I need something to help me forget the world for a little bit. :( My sister won't be here for another four hours so I need something to occupy myself until then. The problem is that I have a broken hand and can only use my thumb and pointer finger on my right hand. Any recommendations?

Kairosoft, Dungeon Raid for small&addictive, if you wanna go for more substantial I'd say Ravenmark, Galaxy on Fire 2, Civilization or one of the GTA ports.

(and ouch :( hope you feel better soon man!)


Murderer's Gut Feeling™
My girlfriend of almost four years broke up with me today and I need something to help me forget the world for a little bit. :( My sister won't be here for another four hours so I need something to occupy myself until then. The problem is that I have a broken hand and can only use my thumb and pointer finger on my right hand. Any recommendations?

You need beer. Keep your head up!

Card Boy

What's the general opinion on Minecraft pocket? I've never played the real Minecraft. Is it true to the original?

Avoid. FPS controls are garbage on touchscreens, plus for some odd reason Minecraft Pocket lauched as Minecraft Alpha and they are slowing adding all the content the PC version has.

Get Junk Jack instead.


Saint Nic
Avoid. FPS controls are garbage on touchscreens, plus for some odd reason Minecraft Pocket lauched as Minecraft Alpha and they are slowing adding all the content the PC version has.

Get Junk Jack instead.

Everything about this post is win. Listen to this man.


What's the general opinion on Minecraft pocket? I've never played the real Minecraft. Is it true to the original?

There's a free, but out of date, version you can try (paid version has had several more updates). It's limited compared to the PC version or even the xbox version. Controls are okay...


New Kairosoft game - Cafeteria Nipponica. Universal, $3.99 :


This is the worst kairosoft game out of the bunch. Avoid at all cost. The game mechanics is extremely boring. I played it after dungeon village and it really shows how backwards this game is.


I see that FIFA 12 is cheap.

I've never really played a soccer game before, but I am interested in trying and seeing what everyone loves about the game/genre.

Is it worth $2 for a first gen iPad?


I see that FIFA 12 is cheap.

I've never really played a soccer game before, but I am interested in trying and seeing what everyone loves about the game/genre.

Is it worth $2 for a first gen iPad?

You should try Theme Park, that game is a right turd.


I see that FIFA 12 is cheap.

I've never really played a soccer game before, but I am interested in trying and seeing what everyone loves about the game/genre.

Is it worth $2 for a first gen iPad?

It's not that great. If possible you should get fifa on the consoles, they are light years ahead.


I see that FIFA 12 is cheap.

I've never really played a soccer game before, but I am interested in trying and seeing what everyone loves about the game/genre.

Is it worth $2 for a first gen iPad?

The virtual controls are pretty awful. Not a good way to check out the genre.


It downloads once at a time (but continues downloading apps as another installs). I think it uses the worst case scenario of free space = 2x total app size when determining whether it can proceed.

I've got 7GB free - more than enough for even the largest app.

Edit: is alien breed the same as the PS3 version, or an enhanced port of the Amiga version? Both are tempting - loved the Amiga version back in the day. But if the PAs3 version is completely different I might buy both
I've got 7GB free - more than enough for even the largest app.

To clarify what I was trying to say, if you use update all, it'll total the size of every app on the list and require you to have twice that amount in free space. So if there are 20gb worth of apps in your update list, update all will require 40gb free.


To clarify what I was trying to say, if you use update all, it'll total the size of every app on the list and require you to have twice that amount in free space. So if there are 20gb worth of apps in your update list, update all will require 40gb free.

That's what I thought. And that's stupid because it only needs enough free to update one or two at a time - three tops. At least they updated it so I can update my US store purchases with a simple password and not have to log out/into the us store to do it.
That's what I thought. And that's stupid because it only needs enough free to update one or two at a time - three tops. At least they updated it so I can update my US store purchases with a simple password and not have to log out/into the us store to do it.

I've found that the latest iOS seems to download all my updates before installing any of them, and it waits for about a minute between each install as well. It takes miles longer than when it was just doing one at a time.

Just sync to iTunes if you've got loads that need updating at once.
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