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'The Last of Us: Remastered' coming to PS4, July 2014, [1080p, targeting 60 fps]

I'll pre-order this as soon as possible from Amazon. I never had a PS3 and this was one of the games I wish I could've played when it first launched. I'll gladly pay $60 for the remastered version. Can't wait for this to come out.
Anyone know who is doing the port ?

Sony can GTF is they've wasted time a first party studios time on a port that teh majority of PS4 owners have probably played already when their first party line up is utterly barren for 2014.

I wouldnt want any other dev on this, I hope its ND.


Good move by Sony/Naughty Dog.

This will definitely sell a lot of copies.

I pre-ordered the PS3 Survival Edition, so I'm not sure if I'll be double dipping; I'd like to, though.


Rough Google translate from the German PS Blog:

Die Arbeit auf PS4 hat es uns ermöglicht, die Grafik sowie zahlreiche technische Aspekte von The Last of Us zu verbessern und weiterzuentwickeln. Im Moment freuen wir uns wahnsinnig, verkünden zu können, dass wir zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte von Naughty Dog ein Spiel mit all diesen Upgrades in 1080p und mit 60 Bildern pro Sekunde veröffentlichen können. Wir lieben nichts mehr, als uns neuen technischen Herausforderungen zu stellen – und genau das war hier der Fall. Mehr Infos zu den Upgrades für die PS4-Version gibt es in den kommenden Monaten.
Working on PS4 has allowed us to improve the graphics as well as numerous technical aspects of The Last of Us and develop. At the moment we are looking forward insane to announce that we can publish for the first time in the history of Naughty Dog is a game with all these upgrades in 1080p and 60 frames per second. We love nothing more than to face new technical challenges - and that was the case here. There is more information about the upgrades for the PS4 version in the coming months.



I have been dying for this announcement along with a grand theft auto five next gen port.

Gimme now!

$60 is a perfectly fine price for a such a great game, with all its DLC, that's only a year old.


"We will be revealing more detailed information about the upgrades for the PS4 version in the coming months."

E3 60fps bomba anyone?


I guess an issue is that the cut-scenes are all prerendered(and will like remain that way for the PS4), at 30fps. It would be jarring if the game is switching between framerates like that.

It's not as if this is a re-master of a 10 year old game where they don't have access to CGI models, ND just uses the super highest quality assets they already make use of inside the game and the game's own engine to create those.

So WEBM that shit and give us 60fps cut-scenes!

Also, there are games that do switch fps because of cut-scenes, while indeed distracting, it shouldn't be a reason to not go 60fps which you'd be subjected to 90% of the time.

edit: Even if ND does a 60fps with no slow-downs, give those poor souls who think 30fps is essential to being "cinematic", a 30 fps option with lots of motion blur. I'ven been converted to 60fps movies thanks to my LG set that does frame interpolation. This makes me a traitor to movie purists.


Because it's going to be locked at 30fps. I'm not sure why some convinced themselves of it being anything higher.

Yep. Especially since the PS3 game barely maintained 25fps much of the time. This was always going to be a 30fps port. Besides, Naughty Dog wouldn't want to set up expectations for 60fps Uncharted.

It better be capped at 30fps. If it's variable... then there better be a 30Hz toggle in options. AT LAUNCH.


I wouldnt want any other dev on this, I hope its ND.

Really ? rather than the studio working on new games ?

Not for me, it's utter bullshit that the last year has seen gamers spit the dummy over the slightest thing but everyone is lapping up full price upressed ports of old fucking games.

TLoU is my GOTF but the game is less than a year old , this is bullshit.


So, 30fps is enough now?

Bookmarking this thread for future laughs.

Third person game, as long as its 1080p and locked 30 with no dips at all, no jaggies and no tearing is just as important (especially tearing that's a cardinal sin).

Would prefer 60, but it depends as its a port how the original was made / animations etc

Driving games and twitch FPS (like COD) need 60 FPS. Fighting games need 60 fps.

What is your point and laughs, I don't get it ?


S¡mon;107574995 said:
And it's not just PR speak. It's from Arne Meyer who works at Naughty Dog. 60 fps is real, folks.

Arne Meyer now speaks German? It's probably just some translated post by some intern who mixed up the details and fucked up.
As much as I love 60fps in games, that Uncharted footage does look weird running at the framerate. The animations just look odd, they were obviously made with 30fps in mind.
How do you make animations with a framerate in mind? They're still moving at the same speed.
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