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The Needle Drop pioneered music reviews. His other channel was for the alt-rights


So what's Fantano's defense for repeatedly being buddy-buddy with Sargon of Akkad?

1) sargon of akkad is just a youtuber and political commentator
2) he found it interesting that he rose out of the gamergate movement
3) thinks that because the example of sargon's infamy in the article occured after his podcast the author is being misleading
4) says that since sargon disavowed the alt right and is harassed by them that proves he isn't alt right

of course that doesn't take into account what exactly he did to arise out of the gamergate movement, what he's actually infamous for before the podcast was recorded and the fact that sargon is no stranger to harassment himself albeit on the side of the harasser. so he conveniently ignores all that to make himself look better and to make sargon look like a good guy.


I'd say it's pretty easy. You know White supremacy isn't just pointy hoods and burning crosses, right? Many white feminists are often criticized for excusing black women. White liberals gentrify neighborhoods and take them away from POC. Many white liberals have a blind spot when it comes to POC issues. This still contributes to white supremacy.

"strong allies" who associate with Sargon and Sam Hyde and make racist ass memes?

There is a very distinct difference between supporting and advocating a cause like white supremacy and being ignorant as a human being. Everyone on planet Earth is guilty of the latter to some degree.

If someone is actively or knowingly discriminating, dismissing, or taking advantage of a marginalized group. They are not a liberal.

I can call myself a scientist all I want even believe in the scientific method, but if I instead choose to spend most of my time playing sports it doesn't make me a scientist.

Actions define who you are just as much,( and I would argue even more so,) as the views you claim to hold.
I do find it amusing that no one who is saying that he destroyed The Fader, and totally owned GAF has articulated how.

I watched the whole thing, even gave him credit, and elaborated on where he faltered by all means I'm interested in hearing why you think he succeeded.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Damn, with that logic I guess that means every discussion panel, debate platform, interview segment, and radio show are forever irredeemable since these platforms have hosted individuals that some people in society consider "pretty vile."

Wha? You do realize there's a galaxy wide difference between someone like say, Trevor Noah, or Chris Hayes inviting an alt-right shithead onto their program actually grilling them, and someone like this dude who invites alt-right shitheads to shoot the shit with them, and laugh at SJWs, don't you? It's not that this dude invited those lowlives on his show that's the issue. It's that he just sits there laughing it up with them and not pushing back on any of the vile shit they say even an inch.

The fact that this needs to be explained is depressing.
If someone is actively or knowingly discriminating, dismissing, or taking advantage of a marginalized group. They are not a liberal.

Sorry to break it to you, what you think liberalism is, is not what liberalism is. It's a much bigger conversation, but liberalism as an ideology is to some extent built on the disregarding and the exploitation of the marginalized.
Even if I buy nervous laughter... he didn't actually say or or do anything in response.... He just left Hyde to describe how brutally murder and disfigure a woman

And his first defense in this video tonight was that Hyde was joking....and that Fder is all wrong because they said rape, and he only threatened to beat Dunham to death so badly the Medics would puke at her mangled body.... Well I guess that's all good then.


Yall what fucking planet have you been on for the last, like, 3 years where you still think this is how any of this works?

Oh, I didn't realize you were an alien from another planet.

I'm from the United States of America on the continent of North America, on the planet known as Earth, in the star system orbiting Sol, in the Milky Way Galaxy. And where are you from?

Sorry to break it to you, what you think liberalism is, is not what liberalism is.

Ohh, you don't have to tell me. That much is evident from the lack of open-minded dialogue and tolerance from a lot of so-called liberals.
There is a very distinct difference between supporting and advocating a cause like white supremacy and being ignorant as a human being. Everyone on planet Earth is guilty of the latter to some degree.

If someone is actively or knowingly discriminating, dismissing, or taking advantage of a marginalized group. They are not a liberal

I can call myself a scientist all I want even believe in the scientific method, but if I instead choose to spend most of my time playing sports it doesn't make me a scientist.

Actions define who you are just as much,( and I would argue even more so,) as the views you claim to hold.

Lots of liberals do that.

Having liberal views does not make you a good person. Nor does being a bad person mean you can't have liberal views and by association be a liberal.
Oh, I didn't realize you were an alien from another planet.

I'm from the United States of America on the continent of North America, on the planet known as Earth, in the star system orbiting Sol, in the Milky Way Galaxy. And where are you from?

Not the country that accidentally revived and elected fascism by thinking that it was OK to give it a platform and treat it as a legitimate political opinion that could be talked down.
1) sargon of akkad is just a youtuber and political commentator
2) he found it interesting that he rose out of the gamergate movement
3) thinks that because the example of sargon's infamy in the article occured after his podcast the author is being misleading
4) says that since sargon disavowed the alt right and is harassed by them that proves he isn't alt right

of course that doesn't take into account what exactly he did to arise out of the gamergate movement, what he's actually infamous for before the podcast was recorded and the fact that sargon is no stranger to harassment himself albeit on the side of the harasser. so he conveniently ignores all that to make himself look better and to make sargon look like a good guy.
Yeah, this is the one tjing that sticks put to me. Sargon receiving mainstream recognition and approval from legitimate channels is really disappointing given his history. The guy must be unbelievably charasmatic with how many high profile connections he has made.


Ok tell you what he makes some good point at the start mostly towards some (key some) of the imagery.... Though accusing Clinton and the mainstream left of propping up Richard Spencer by acknowledging what Pepe had become is nonsense, as was his general need to defend the meme.


I kind of agree and disagree with this post, but I'm gonna be optimistic and just disagree lols.

With the black rapper thing I think Faders point may have been right, but without knowledge that he criticized white artists too, kind of makes the claim more alarmist than the reality.

As for the Hyde stuff, I think his focus on the rape thing was specifically because he felt attacked, which is natural for one in his position and felt it was evidence of shoddy reporting that tried to assassinate his character, by throwing in rape to create buzz.

Associations with Hyde, Sargon and Amazing Athiest unless there's evidence of more concrete connections other then interviews or one or two tweets in passing, I would assume from the way he speaks he doesn't really think very highly of them, but he should have done a better job saying such if that was the case. However if there's been some evidence to the contrary I missed I would agree.

SJW jokes I don't really care about since there is small subsection of the left that definitely deserves to be ridiculed.

Overall I feel like saying he's not an ally to social justice when his views on very important issues like criminal justice reform, medicare for all, police violence are much more concrete then the more nebulous things that can be inferred from his meme videos, is just an example of the left eating the left. Also had Fader been more measured in their writing a much more fruitful and reasonable conversation could have occurred.


Lots of liberals do that.

Having liberal views does not make you a good person. Nor does being a bad person mean you can't have liberal views and by association be a liberal.

No, lots of humans do that. Being that Liberalism is a political ideology, isn't being a liberal about aspiring to an ideal and upholding of certain principles?

Wha? You do realize there's a galaxy wide difference between someone like say, Trevor Noah, or Chris Hayes inviting an alt-right shithead onto their program actually grilling them, and someone like this dude who invites alt-right shitheads to shoot the shit with them, and laugh at SJWs, don't you? It's not that this dude invited those lowlives on his show that's the issue. It's that he just sits there laughing it up with them and not pushing back on any of the vile shit they say even an inch.

The fact that this needs to be explained is depressing.
You don't like the format or the manner in which he engaged with certain individuals, fine, you don't have to.

That does not make him a racist or confirm that he's corroborating with alt-right which is the heart of the matter.
No, lots of humans do that. Being that Liberalism is a political ideology, isn't being a liberal about aspiring to an ideal and upholding of certain principles?

Being liberal means you have certain views, it doesn't mean you uphold them.

Didn't you just say actions speak louder than words?
I kind of agree and disagree with this post, but I'm gonna be optimistic and just disagree lols.

With the black rapper thing I think Faders point may have been right, but without knowledge that he criticized white artists too, kind of makes the claim more alarmist than the reality.

As for the Hyde stuff, I think his focus on the rape thing was specifically because he felt attacked, which is natural for one in his position and felt it was evidence of shoddy reporting that tried to assassinate his character, by throwing in rape to create buzz.

Associations with Hyde, Sargon and Amazing Athiest unless there's evidence of more concrete connections other then interviews or one or two tweets in passing, I would assume from the way he speaks he doesn't really think very highly of them, but he should have done a better job saying such if that was the case. However if there's been some evidence to the contrary I missed I would agree.

SJW jokes I don't really care about since there is small subsection of the left that definitely deserves to be ridiculed.

Overall I feel like saying he's not an ally to social justice when his views on very important issues like criminal justice reform, medicare for all, police violence are much more concrete then the more nebulous things that can be inferred from his meme videos, is just an example of the left eating the left. Also had Fader been more measured in their writing a much more fruitful and reasonable conversation could have occurred.

You know damn well SJW jokes aren't about the small subsection of the left... please especially when those jokes are done in association with Amazing Athiest... Please don't play that game.

And focusing on the rape element wasn't because he felt attacked, but because it allowed him to not actually answer the criticism... Nd he defended Sam Hyde as "just joking" that was his #1 defense point... #2 was he didn't say rape....

And so we have:

1) He defended Hyde as just joking
2)He actively campaigned to get Sargon unabnned form twitter
3 He makes SJW jokes, and worked with Amazing Athiest on a video

He oculd have denounced each of them here... He didn't denounce one. He made Sargon out to be a victim, he defended Hyde as just joking, and didn't even touch on Amazing Athiest other than to say not alt-right.

We are talking about 3 prominent figures in YouTube internet hate culture and the super liberal couldn't actually call them out for what they are.


Show me where I implied that

Why are people still saying he was creating racist memes? Did you even watch his response video?

The images, that supposedly evoked the past of black people being lynched, have no such meaning on their own nor did they in context of his videos. The connection was weak in the article and is just as weak from the people parroting it here. The image of the stereotypical Jew was the only legitimate point of criticism.
Do you not realize what you yourself typed? I personally don't thinks he's a full on alt right true believer but he definitely perpetuated its venomous stereotypes directly at people who truly believe in the memes. Basically because those memes do not affect or diminish him.. "Allies" in a nutshell.
Great response by Fantano.
What's great about it? What about the part where he totally whitewashes people like Sargon of Akkad and try to act like they're not so bad. Seeing a lot of people jumping in to say it's a great response, but I haven't seen a good explanation for him trying to whitewash people like Sargon of Akkad or the Amazing Atheist yet.

This is just like the PewDiePie threads/the response to the WSJ coverage of him. Didn't matter what he said; all he had to do was make an "apology" video and he instantly got people back on his side. The content of the video was irrelevant. That he completely sidestepped stuff like his stanning for Sargon of Akkad and tries to paint it off like no big deal and people are happy to eat that up and give no second thought to that, and call it a "great response" anyway is the proof in the pudding.



I don't see how...

I find it ironic you link me that because the post you quoted was a statement about how so many so-called liberals are so unwilling to listen to others with different political views or opinions about certain issues to the point where they actively try to silence them or shut them down from talking. Some even mock and dismiss the First Amendment.

In other words, this part, in particular, applies to those sort of people:

The paradox of tolerance is important in the discussion of what, if any, boundaries are to be set on freedom of speech. Popper asserted that to allow freedom of speech to those who would use it to eliminate the very principle upon which they rely is paradoxical.[6] Rosenfeld states "it seems contradictory to extend freedom of speech to extremists who... if successful, ruthlessly suppress the speech of those with whom they disagree,"

I'm not talking about genuine Nazis and fascists, by the way.

Being liberal means you have certain views, it doesn't mean you uphold them.

Didn't you just say actions speak louder than words?
I've already made myself clear on that in one of my posts, so repeating myself would just be talking in circles.
So what about those of us who never said Fantano was alt-right, but did say he was a “both sides” neoliberal who was willing to use his entertainment as a platform for fascists in the interests of “fairness™?” Are we also owned? Must we also shrink into corncobs?


What's great about it? What about the part where he totally whitewashes people like Sargon of Akkad and try to act like they're not so bad. Seeing a lot of people jumping in to say it's a great response, but I haven't seen a good explanation for him trying to whitewash people like Sargon of Akkad or the Amazing Atheist yet.
You answered your question. Some people aren't going to outright express an unpopular opinion. Just take note and steer clear if the idea that a person is okay with Sargon and amazing athiest is am issue.


What's great about it? What about the part where he totally whitewashes people like Sargon of Akkad and try to act like they're not so bad. Seeing a lot of people jumping in to say it's a great response, but I haven't seen a good explanation for him trying to whitewash people like Sargon of Akkad or the Amazing Atheist yet.

This is just like the PewDiePie threads/the response to the WSJ coverage of him. Didn't matter what he said; all he had to do was make an "apology" video and he instantly got people back on his side. The content of the video was irrelevant. That he completely sidestepped stuff like his stanning for Sargon of Akkad and tries to paint it off like no big deal and people are happy to eat that up and give no second thought to that, and call it a "great response" anyway is the proof in the pudding.

That's because they either agree with the views expressed by those people or they don't think it's a big deal. It is what it is.
Sounds like a lot of people here can't be bothered to go watch some of his videos, and form their own opinion. I admit, I almost fell into the trap myself. I was like "Oh shit, I had no idea". Then it turned out much less compelling than many here were making it out to be. Sure he's not a super liberal, but what in the hell.
So what about those of us who never said Fantano was alt-right, but did say he was a “both sides” neoliberal who was willing to use his entertainment as a platform for fascists in the interests of “fairness™?” Are we also owned? Must we also shrink into corncobs?

Bro you know there is no room for this correct nuance here.

Therefore we are already corncobs smh corn isn't even that good of a vegetable


You know damn well SJW jokes aren't about the small subsection of the left... please especially when those jokes are done in association with Amazing Athiest... Please don't play that game.

And focusing on the rape element wasn't because he felt attacked, but because it allowed him to not actually answer the criticism... Nd he defended Sam Hyde as "just joking" that was his #1 defense point... #2 was he didn't say rape....

And so we have:

1) He defended Hyde as just joking
2)He actively campaigned to get Sargon unabnned form twitter
3 He makes SJW jokes, and worked with Amazing Athiest on a video

He oculd have denounced each of them here... He didn't denounce one. He made Sargon out to be a victim, he defended Hyde as just joking, and didn't even touch on Amazing Athiest other than to say not alt-right.

We are talking about 3 prominent figures in YouTube internet hate culture and the super liberal couldn't actually call them out for what they are.
Sorry didnt really know the context of the sjw jokes, but some of it is, though its prob not if AA is involved.

I'm willing to overlook the Hyde comment cause he called him deranged and he made it seem like a very uncomfortable situation and maybe he was trying to get the heat off himself.

Seems perplexing that he would be sympathetic to the 3 given what Ive seen of his views, but I remember when Destiny thought Sargon was just a misguided fool or w.e so its possible hes just being dense about it, thats unlikely however. I think where i land is he's a proponet of social justice but also does a lot of harm to it as well and its good he's being called out on his more problematic characteristics. I just wish Fader was tighter in their reporting cause now it gives a lot of people an excuse to dismiss the legitimate points brought up.
Sounds like a lot of people here can't be bothered to go watch some of his videos, and form their own opinion. I admit, I almost fell into the trap myself. I was like "Oh shit, I had no idea". Then it turned out much less compelling than many here were making it out to be. Sure he's not a super liberal, but what in the hell.

He makes apologies for Sam Hyde, Sargon of Akkad and Amazing Athiest... that's what in the hell. These are people who make lives of women and minorities hell and he makes apologies for them


You can't claim to be satirizing an entire movement while you are appearing in the middle of videos featuring prominent members of that movement and making comments that are entirely indistinguishable from their genuinely held beliefs. All you're actually doing is providing them support and a platform for their views in that case.

The entire argument is applied over and over again and it comes off as gaslighting, just like many of the other arguments being made.

Also, if you're inviting prominent figures in a nationwide hate movement onto your show, you have to at least fucking make an attempt to counter their bigoted views. Isn't that what an ally would do?

Why let Sam Hyde make violent threats against a woman without cutting him off? Would you do that knowing that Sam Hyde has a following of actual fucking neo-Nazis that have been used to target and harass women in the past?

How can anyone hand wave his use of anti-semitic imagery? What kind of person could possibly look at that shit and think it's acceptable?

Why call for the unbanning of a piece of shit like Sargon of Akkad?

Why do all this and also appear in a video calling out "SJWs" alongside people who legitimately think other races as genetically inferior and feminism is a mental disorder?

I don't care if he did any of this because he wanted money from braindead alt-right rubes, or because he is a free speech absolution moron, or because he thinks political correctness is cancer, or that it's not bad because he's not alt-right, or whatever the fuck you guys will come up with to defend yet another YouTube personality with awful views. The fact that he did any of it makes him a fucking asshole.


So what about those of us who never said Fantano was alt-right, but did say he was a “both sides” neoliberal who was willing to use his entertainment as a platform for fascists in the interests of “fairness™?” Are we also owned? Must we also shrink into corncobs?
What is the purpose of the article then if it’s based on 75% inaccuracies and bullshit? Fader should be getting more shit on this forum for the blatantly irresponsible and witch hunting clickbait ridiculousness that they posted as fact. You can think fantano is an asshole, you can have criticisms, his associations with certain people, how he handled things or be offended on how he attacks SJW, but that article is shameful and based largely on lies.
Article was trash, Fantano's response was pretty good. Could have used an apology for not being more aggressive in shutting Hyde's Dunham comments down.

Also a lot of people in this thread are blatantly ignoring his point that Hyde and Sargon were not known for being alt-right at the time he interviewed them, which certainly doesn't exonerate Fantano but is definitely worth considering.

This thread is making me think that quote "The biggest flaw of liberals is not being able to tell the difference between an enemy and flawed ally" is true. Dude is clearly far left but ya'll are ready to burn bridges cuz some shitty music site pointed out he's said some unsavory things about SJWs.


We go though this same song and dance every single damn time now.

Same stuff I see with Pew Pie and Jon Tron it never stops.
Article was trash, Fantano's response was pretty good. Could have used an apology for not being more aggressive in shutting Hyde's Dunham comments down.

Also a lot of people in this thread are blatantly ignoring his point that Hyde and Sargon were not known for being alt-right at the time he interviewed them, which certainly doesn't exonerate Fantano but is definitely worth considering.

This thread is making me think that quote "The biggest flaw of liberals is not being able to tell the difference between an enemy and flawed ally" is true. Dude is clearly far left but ya'll are ready to burn bridges cuz some shitty music site pointed out he's said some unsavory things about SJWs.

Sargon was a known shithead back then. Fantano himself said how he gained notoriety during gamergate. You don't need to have a giant label on someone's head that reads "I'M ALT-RIGHT" to figure out they are garbage.

I didn't know who Hyde was then and I barely know now so I won't comment on him.
Article was trash, Fantano's response was pretty good. Could have used an apology for not being more aggressive in shutting Hyde's Dunham comments down.

Also a lot of people in this thread are blatantly ignoring his point that Hyde and Sargon were not known for being alt-right at the time he interviewed them, which certainly doesn't exonerate Fantano but is definitely worth considering.

This thread is making me think that quote "The biggest flaw of liberals is not being able to tell the difference between an enemy and flawed ally" is true. Dude is clearly far left but ya'll are ready to burn bridges cuz some shitty music site pointed out he's said some unsavory things about SJWs.

Dude he interviewed Sargon just after GamerGate... that's literally what Sargon became famous for, he was a known quantity and Fantano sought hi out, defended hom in twitter when he was banned for being a bigoted harasser, and basically called him a victim in this video... and Sam Hyde literally desrcibed in detail a visceral level of assault and murder he'd like to do to Dunham and Fantano never went at him for it... not even now when he was a known quantity... he said he was joking and he just completely didn't even say shit about Amazing Athiest and their collaboration.

He can be liberal but he's not an ally. Allies don't make excuses for horrible human beings who are targrting and harasseing our communities.


Dude he interviewed Sargon just after GamerGate... that's literally hat Sargon became famous for, he was a known quantity... and Sam Hyde literally desrcibed in detail a visceral level of assault and murder he'd like to do to Dunham and Fantano never went at him for it... not even now when he was a known quantity... he said he was joking.

He can be liberal but he's not an ally. Allies don't make excuses for horrible human beings who are targrting and harasseing our communities.
This so call allies are complete poison something we dont need at all.

I have to give it to all of you that have the energy for this.


Also a lot of people in this thread are blatantly ignoring his point that Hyde and Sargon were not known for being alt-right at the time he interviewed them, which certainly doesn't exonerate Fantano but is definitely worth considering.

At what point was this. These two built their careers on being alt-right.


I'm asking you when you find satirical racism acceptable, if ever. If your argument is that "racist satire is still racism." That's the same argument for the cancel Colbert hashtag.

Ching-Chong Ding Dong foundation isn't racist?
It is. It also isn't from colbert himself. You went google searching hard core for that one huh?


Neo Member
I don't see how...

I find it ironic you link me that because the post you quoted was a statement about how so many so-called liberals are so unwilling to listen to others with different political views or opinions about certain issues to the point where they actively try to silence them or shut them down from talking. Some even mock and dismiss the First Amendment

You wrote about liberals here lacking willingness to have “open-minded dialogue” and “tolerance” for support of someone who, at best, was totally unwilling to stand up to pretty rampant misogyny. You “fell into the trap” of thinking this is what makes or breaks true liberalism.

TL;DR tolerance doesn’t have to apply to fascists, racists, misogynists, or anyone else who actively works to oppress others based on inherent facets of the self.


Article was trash, Fantano's response was pretty good. Could have used an apology for not being more aggressive in shutting Hyde's Dunham comments down.

Also a lot of people in this thread are blatantly ignoring his point that Hyde and Sargon were not known for being alt-right at the time he interviewed them, which certainly doesn't exonerate Fantano but is definitely worth considering.

This thread is making me think that quote "The biggest flaw of liberals is not being able to tell the difference between an enemy and flawed ally" is true. Dude is clearly far left but ya'll are ready to burn bridges cuz some shitty music site pointed out he's said some unsavory things about SJWs.

gamergate started august 2014. the podcast was nov 2015. you can search threads here and see that he was already a known quantity months before then. also fantano specifically states that sargon isn't alt right in the video. so which is it?
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