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The Needle Drop pioneered music reviews. His other channel was for the alt-rights

Look here's the reality.

If you're a super liberal, or even just a liberal and you fight to get Sargon unabnned from twitter after he tweeted porn out to another twitter user who reported him. Funny enough guy he did it too was a troll too and they both ended up going down in the end but he still took it upon himself to tweet gay porn as some sort of insult or "joke"


And what does out friend post


Notice only the second tweet made it into the video eh.... Notice he calls Sargon, not an abusive man, not a bigot, not an Islamaphobe, but a social commentator.... OOOOPS

And for people not sure who Sargon is: https://tweetsave.com/sargon_of_akkad

This is the guy that Fantano decided needed to be allowed back on twitter... because Free Speech, even though free speech has fuck all to do with twitter.


That's him shitting on people for talking about white privilege on the internet... who else shits on people for talking about white privilege on the internet again? And btw the target of that satire can''t be argued to be alt-righters... Don't even try to.


This one is just funny given he considers himself a celebrity and his defense for everything is I'm a liberal.

BTw here's super Liberal Anthony on Anita Sarkeesian:

Anita is getting flack because she’s an ignorant outsider. I’m not even a gamer, and this is apparent to me.

Whether you agree the content Anita showcases is misogynistic, offensive or not, most of her videos function on the same, flawed premise: That the negative gender stereotypes she finds in these games are harmful to the gamers that play them. She argues that these games somehow ingrain negative gender stereotypes in the individuals that play. They hurt women via perpetuating these stereotypes, essentially.

This is pure, unsubstantiated BS. Anita would never fund an actual study with the tens of thousands of dollars she’s raised, because she knows any such study wouldn’t work in her favor. It’s easier to buy a bunch of video games, cherrypick the most offensive parts for ignorant viewers, and then keep the rest of the money for yourself and your organization, right?

You’ve gotta wake up to the truth: Anita’s videos are about as effective and as enlightening as an elementary school screening of Reefer Madness.

Media—especially popular media—reflects already-existing norms, ideas, concepts, and sentiments in a society, it doesn’t dictate them to consumers. Slasher flicks don’t make serial killers. Grand Theft Auto doesn’t increase the probability of shooting sprees. Gangsta rap doesn’t create gangs. The game Bully doesn’t create bullies. Reading 50 Shades of Grey probably doesn’t increase the likelihood of the reader getting tied up and whipped for sexual pleasure either.

If EA Games were to somehow create and sell a video game titled Mysogyny: Women Suck, the only people who would buy and enjoy such a game would be individuals who already agreed with the game’s clearly stated ideology. Anyone else buying and enjoying the game probably just dabbles in whatever fantasy the game presents during gameplay only.

The probability of this game somehow CREATING a misogynist is about as likely as your local library’s copy of Mein Kampf creating a Nazi. Any such result would be minuscule if charted in a study of any sort.

As a kid, teen, and adult, I’ve been exposed to TONS of media that has displayed women as the weaker, more submissive, and more sexually desirable gender. However, this is not something I feel is reality. Why? Strong female role models, good upbringing, friends, family, amazing wife, and plenty of real-life interactions with women. FUCK A VIDEO GAME! A healthy reality ALWAYS trumps a fantasy.

If you really want to change hearts and minds when it comes to gender roles in society, you’ve got to work on changing that society’s reality, not its media—especially media that so explicitly deals in fantasy. I know we tend to blame the media for a lot of our ills, but your real-life interactions and role models play a larger role in guiding your moral and social outlook than any music, movie, game, or book you’ll ever consume.

Anita is on the most foolish of errands, but y’all are eating it up like a hot pizza. Looking for positive gender roles in a game like Hitman is like looking for positive gender roles in any of the three Expendables films. There’s nothing applicable to real life in Hitman because the game’s not meant to guide anyone through real life. It’s a violent video game, not a dating advice show. There aren’t a whole lotta healthy social norms in the game because it’s not meant to portray any sort of normality.

NOW DON’T GET IT TWISTED: I do understand that violent, male-pandering video games persist in the video game industry. They make a lot of money, yes. And I completely acknowledge that a lot of what’s in games like Hitman, Manhunt, and Grand Theft Auto isn’t exactly, uh, healthy when it comes to the gender roles displayed. There’s a definitely a lack of female leading roles in many games, too.

However, it’s not like there aren’t alternatives here. There are plenty of non-violent, positive indie and mainstream games out there that would love more customers. And there could be MORE if we supported this sect of the industry. If Anita really cared about the future of the video game industry in relation to her cause, well, then she’d encourage all of her fans to purchase video games that work outside the negative gender stereotypes and violence of games like Hitman. It’s that simple. Supply and demand might have created Hitman, but it can just as easily create games with positive messages and gender roles, and it already has. You just have to buy them and be willing to support future releases that fit in with your taste.

But Anita is no gamer, and most of her supporters aren’t either. They’re outsiders that want to see change in a market they don’t participate in. Anita’s lack of experience is plain as day, yet, she’s lauded as some kind of expert. What if we applied the same angle to me right here:

Would you take my metal reviews seriously if I owned no metal records? Didn’t listen to metal? Had no real history with metal? Disliked metal? Constantly criticized metal with surface-level complaints like it being too loud, satanic, violent, angry, and perpetuating dangerous, overly masculine gender stereotypes? No, you wouldn’t. No one—except people equally ignorant to metal—would take me seriously. I’d be an ignorant outsider, which Anita is when it comes to gaming.

And I still stand by my PMRC comparison, too. I see similarity in her determination to find social dangers where there really are none. Yeah, Anita has nowhere near the same level of power or political influence, and she probably never will. And she probably won’t try to pull off the same censorship stunts due to the inevitable failure of trying to enforce or legislate any such censorship. It would be more beneficial to her to stay on the sidelines and collect her fundraising bucks as she highlights games she deems misogynistic. I agree America’s got a long way to go when it comes to creating social equality between the genders, but video games are nowhere near the root of the issues we need to address. They’re just an easy target for the quick to complain.

All in all, it’s same shit, different decade. People have been whining and moaning over “harmful” media for generations. And it should be no surprise that those desperately seeking to be offended lose every time. You can be on that side if you want, but just be a good sport when you take your “L”.


He literally compares her to a government censorship group.

Here's a really long analysis of the Sargon interview. SOme hilights

After the initial pleasantries are exchanged, Sargon drops the 10-ton term
“internet activists” and dismisses them as not being in tune with the common man.
Regardless of the truth-value of this statement, this is a fallacious argument because
it is essentially an appeal to popularity. What is actually worth discussing is
whether or not these “internet activists” are correct. He then calls himself a
“classical liberal” (he’s not) and Anthony tells everyone to look up this term, which
feels strange because it is Sargon who hasn’t done his research. Anthony is ignorant
in not seeing this. This is the first of a few terminological problems that come up and
don’t get addressed throughout the interview, which is aggravating because well-
defined terms make a huge difference in how an argument is presented

After that discussion, Sargon says that he can’t believe how anyone could
believe that the Nazis were right wing. There are just a plethora of /r/badhistory
takedowns of this idea. It is one of the quintessential bad history ideas. The long and
short of it is that all the Stasserists were purged during the Night of the Long Knives.
Nothing about Nazi policy was leftist in any way from that point on. This is
inexcusably sloppy history on his part. Anthony advocates a horseshoe theory,
which falls apart in its own right when you examine the actual differences present.

They have a discussion about are Nazis actually left wing and Anthony throw up horsehoe theory....

They begin conflating Jack Thompson and people like Tipper Gore (though
not specifically named) with the people they are calling SJWs. This basically comes
down to neither of them acknowledging the difference between reactionary
conservatism and Cultivation Theory, complicated by the fact that Anthony doesn’t
want to acknowledge that Mass Media Studies actually exist. This video on the
subject actually directly addresses the problem with this conflation and is a good
place to start understanding what arguments are actually being made. They bring
Tyler up later in the video and make the same denial of music to be able to
communicate harmful messages.

They begin conflating Jack Thompson and people like Tipper Gore (though
not specifically named) with the people they are calling SJWs. This basically comes
down to neither of them acknowledging the difference between reactionary
conservatism and Cultivation Theory, complicated by the fact that Anthony doesn’t
want to acknowledge that Mass Media Studies actually exist. This video on the
subject actually directly addresses the problem with this conflation and is a good
place to start understanding what arguments are actually being made. They bring
Tyler up later in the video and make the same denial of music to be able to
communicate harmful messages. This is particularly odd because I think that
anybody who is currently between the ages of 20 and 25 probably knows someone
who decided that being a pseudo-nihilist vandal skater type was cool because of the
rise of Odd Future.

Things start to wade into the deep end when Sargon brings up “the dark
allure of collectivism.” Sargon talks about the impossibility of a level playing field
but doesn’t talk about the ethics of the level playing field. I don’t think anyone really
thinks that a world without sexism, racism, classism, ableism, transphobia, and
homophobia will ever come to be. I don’t think the people he is arguing actually
exist. I think he is arguing with strawmen to make Affirmative Action seem like the
first step into dystopia. Anthony basically does this with his “abduct everyone’s
children” scenario. When a slippery slope scenario is used in this way, it is fallacious.

Anthony ends the interview with some really strong words about the nature
of social justice criticism, essentially drawing a comparison between it and physical
force or government censorship. Criticism is not authoritative dictation. Anthony is
arguing with nobody. Your actions can be commented on and criticized. That is the
definition of free speech. This is what you say you want

Anthony and Sargon breach a lot of topics and only give a taste of their
opinions on most of them. Sargon’s opinions on some things, like LGBT rights and
liberalism are actually quite tame compared to his counterparts in his movement.
Anthony provides a good counter-argument at a couple crucial times where
Sargon’s bias is clear and inexcusable. There are several times where both of them
make it exceedingly clear that they are outsiders looking in. They don’t know how a
feminist would respond to their questions and assert a false one instead. The straw
feminist, of course, fails to provide any adequate response.
Sargon’s quick and smug delivery from his videos is absent here, where he
has been forced to think on his feet. It suits him a lot better and is a lot easier to
follow than the videos I’ve seen of him. I don’t think he had anything particularly
insightful to say, though. It was all pretty standard left-libertarian stuff that comes
up all the time in these sort of internet arguments and I was already familiar with
most everything that he was talking about and had thought about it before. Almost
anything that wasn’t basic was disagreeable.

Throughout the video, Sargon and Anthony posit real problems of male
spousal abuse, education systems, systemic poverty, political violence, and so on.
What they fail to adequately identify is the cause. Since they refuse to turn to any
social scientific fields for answers, their answers are crude and don’t account for
things that academicians have been thinking about for a very long time now. They
are essentially allowing political ideas and emotional feelings about the way social
justice is being spoken about to affect their ability to see stronger answers to the
question than Sargon and Anthony are offering us.


From another

This discussion pulls individualism vs collectivism into race eventually when Sargon begins discussing merit and affirmative action. Fantano says affirmative action is OK as a start to fixing race disparities, but then Sargon goes full individualism. Sargon then says we should not try and level the playing field at all(in a collective sense) due to it being a slippery slope leading to tyranny. Fantano concedes completely after Sargon lures Fantano in with a "helping the inner city kids", dodges around the ethics, and says trying to level the playing field is tyranny.


Like I said he may be liberal, but he's no ally to social justice.


It would help if you watch/have watched the video that response is to. Seems like misplaced anger to me


This is the one. Nothing seems wrong with either the video or Somnium's post to me. Not sure how that post invalidates him from any further discussions.

To stay on topic, Fantano was doing well up until the Sam Hyde interview. I think nailing and hitting in the back of the head is pretty interchangeable with rape. If he's going to try to defend that, he's fucking scum. I unsubbed.
Oh and he's clearly cool with having a 4chan following since all he said about them is yep they like me.

The First Amendment means you don't have to do anything if you don't want to.
It also means that someone can also be invited on a platform, regardless of their political views. Whether they are being invited on to be challenged, to debate, or to be condemned depends on the format and the host.


This says absolutely nothing.


Interesting takedown of the original piece and mentioning weakish arguments however he failed to stick the landing on actually separate himself from whoever the fuck sam hype and Saigon whatever podcast he apparently did. He painted it over with a broad brush.

This is the one. Nothing seems wrong with either the video or Somnium's post to me. Not sure how that post invalidates him from any further discussions.

To stay on topic, Fantano was doing well up until the Sam Hyde interview. I think nailing and hitting in the back of the head is pretty interchangeable with rape. If he's going to try to defend that, he's fucking scum. I unsubbed.

I never said it invalidated him.

If someone is trying to argue that Fantano’s questionable output makes him alt-right, but the person they’re arguing with has trouble identifying racism, then that endeavor is largely pointless.

I’m not searching for agreement. I just offered that as background for posters who I could see were going from a racism angle, to help them conserve energy if they wanted to.
Here's him on Sam Hyde...


Notice he calls him a genius artist who he just has disagreements with on politics... Yup Hyde donating to the Daily Stormer is just a political disagreement...

Apparently being an adult means fraternizing with neonazis on the grounds of it's good to fraternize with people we disagree with, which includes neonazis.

This is Fantano in 2017 btw.

Damn I should have written this article, I'd probably have done it better


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
That's nonsense. It's one thing if you wished he responded with more criticism, but to call him alt-right or a racist simply for hosting that person in an interview is extreme and unreasonable. Especially when he's not a racist nor apart of the alt-right.

Are you like intentionally misinterpreting what I said? Do you know what context is? I said it before that it's not the fact that he simply invited these guys onto his program that's the problem.
Solid post on the top of the page excelsiorlef.

And it terms of shit we need to wade through today, association with 4chan at least with me is an immediate red flag. I don't view anything coming out of that site as anything but insidious pepetrump fuckass nonsense. Isolated pockets of non fuckery do not give the site a pass. It's why I think reddit is an open sewer too and beyond redemption at this point.



This says absolutely nothing.
It simply means you don't speak for everyone. Unless they themselves, allow you to speak for them.

Are you like intentionally misinterpreting what I said? Do you know what context is? I said it before that it's not the fact that he simply invited these guys onto his program that's the problem.
Then what is the case for any of those accusations being true? Neither his channel or him interviewing certain people make him any of those things. He spoke for himself in the video and provided context seemingly left out from the misinformed Fader hit piece.

You seem to be convinced that he's a racist person and definitely part of the alt-right. I'm not sure what to tell you.
Is it really worth the effort if you have to jump through rational hoops, move goalposts, and find needles in a haystack to defend the guy? :p
Look here's the reality.

If you're a super liberal, or even just a liberal and you fight to get Sargon unabnned from twitter after he tweeted porn out to another twitter user who reported him. Funny enough guy he did it too was a troll too and they both ended up going down in the end but he still took it upon himself to tweet gay porn as some sort of insult or "joke"

He was tweeting inter-racial gay porn to alt-right accounts because alt-righters hate mixed race relationships. Alt-righters were mad at Sargon for a video he made criticizing their movement and also because Sargon is 1/4th black. If any of those tweets are still up you'll notice them calling him "Quadroon of Akkad."

So yeah, it was a joke in a way. More-so just shit stirring.


Here's him on Sam Hyde...


Notice he calls him a genius artist who he just has disagreements with on politics... Yup Hyde donating to the Daily Stormer is just a political disagreement...

Apparently being an adult means fraternizing with neonazis on the grounds of it's good to fraternize with people we disagree with, which includes neonazis.

This is Fantano in 2017 btw.

Damn I should have written this article, I'd probably have done it better

Watch them ignore this, just like they ignored the antisemitic shit like it was a meme about cats or something.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Then what is the case for any of those accusations being true? Neither his channel or him interviewing certain people make him any of those things. He spoke for himself in the video and provided context seemingly left out from the misinformed Fader hit piece.

You seem to be convinced that he's a racist person and definitely part of the alt-right. I'm not sure what to tell you.

Are you one of those people who thinks we can't call anyone a racist unless they themselves have notarized documents admitting/confirming they are indeed racist?

Serious question: do you think Richard Spencer is a Nazi?


Watch them ignore this, just like they ignored the antisemitic shit like it was a meme about cats or something.

He says he's a liberal so all the bile he spits and the people that he associates with and defends that clearly indicate just the opposite are just jokes bro

He's very liberal and he shows this by not being liberal. He's post-liberal


Are you one of those people who thinks we can't call anyone a racist unless they themselves have notarized documents admitting/confirming they are indeed racist?

Serious question: do you think Richard Spencer is a Nazi?

We are talking about Anthony Fantano of The Needle Drop. The person in question from the topic of this thread.


As someone who watched a couple of videos of this guy way back and stopped when I found out he did a podcast with Sargon, I thought it was a pretty solid response. Fader published a shit article and made it way too easy for him to rebut almost every single point.


I asked him a question, despite him failing to answer or provide any response to my question.

But I have to answer whatever question?

What is this game?

Well, the case has been stated a number of times including at the top of this page so he probably felt it was unnecessary to repeat it.
It simply means you don't speak for everyone. Unless they themselves, allow you to speak for them.

umm.... You're still not actually saying anything.

Oh btw

This is Sam Hyde doing an All Lives Matter comedy routine in ... 2015.. before his TV show and before his interview with Fantano... so Fantano claiming that he couldn't have known what kind of person Hyde was or that he was a bigot .. yeah nah.


This is also Sam Hyde in 2015



The front side of the signs featured two phrases: ”All Lives Matter" and ”No More Dead Black Children." However, the backs of the signs contained additional messages. According to Holloway, those messages included references to black criminality, violence and acts of rape.
Holloway's email said the Yale Police has obtained video footage of the incident, and the department's preliminary review indicates that Yale students were not involved.
”Racist messages are disgusting and cowardly," Salovey told the News late Tuesday evening. ”I don't ever want to see them on our campus. We need to condemn this kind of behavior."
YPD Lieutenant Brian Logan said his department's investigation of the incident is ongoing and declined to provide further information, but the self-described comedy group ”Million Dollar Extreme" — which, according to its Facebook page, consists of three men who produce ”alternative comedy" for the Internet — posted a picture of two men holding the signs in question. Multiple students said they had seen these men carrying the signs on campus earlier in the day. A police report was filed later that evening.

So just once again... yes Sam Hyde was alt-right in 2015.

Basic research into his comedic troupe... which Fantano calls comedic genius remember would have shown these... Look how easy I'm finding them.

Oh also in 2015

Earlier this month we wrote about "Jace Connors," a seemingly deranged violent Gamergate obsessive who filmed himself kicking a wrecked car and claiming he'd been planning to attack the game developer and writer Brianna Wu. At the time, we believed that "Connors" was terrorizing Wu out of a sincere belief in the Gamergate myth that Wu was harming "gamer culture." Now, he claims he was terrorizing Wu...for "satire."

Over the past couple months, "Connors" has repeatedly threatened the safety of Brianna Wu, a game developer and writer who became the focus of Gamergate ire last year. Now "Connors"—in reality a self-described prankster named Jan Rankowski—says the bizarre violent threats that made Wu scared for her life were an act of "trolling."


If Rankowski's brand of blankly unfunny, stomach-churning "comedy" is familiar, it may be because he's apparently affiliated with Sam Hyde, the man behind the YouTube video group "Million Dollar Extreme," or MDE. MDE is known for recording very bold acts of willful assholery on camera—some of which are genuinely witty, some of which are sociopathically awful:


So Sam Hyde participated in trolling and harassing and threatening Brianna Wu in 2015, in February 2015, an entire year before being interviewed by Fantano....

Here's Fantano really taking Amazing Athiest (who remember he has collaborated with to make fun of SJW/Feminists) to task


Btw that link in question: AA tells a woman who is speaking up for the yesallwomen movement, who was a victim of harassment and victim blaming that her being cautious of men is like being cautious of black people

The woman

And you know what? If you've never felt like you've had to fear men for any reasons, good for you. You're incredibly blessed, but please do not dismiss other women's experiences as ”fear mongering". Someone shot a bunch of folks because he felt like women owed him their bodies and other men stole women away from him. Stop dismissing and belittling people's fears and our desire to feel safe.

Amazing Athiest

Why not? Fear has never led to anything but ignorance. Imagine if you felt your fear of black people should be socially validated because you'd had negative encounters with some black people. You'd be rightly called a bigot. But you feel totally entitled and empowered to stereotype men.

Oh and who influenced Fantano?

Fantano told me that the intimacy and interaction between YouTube creators and their audiences drew him to vlogging rather than trying for a television career. ”TV is full of total douchebags," he said, pointing to recently scandalized Access Hollywood host Billy Bush as an example. ”It's full of these fake, boring personalities. They don't really have anything to say, and don't really think anything. If they do, they keep it to themselves and put on their fake persona for TV." He mentioned the Amazing Atheist, an irritable vlogger who offers caustic opinions on politics and religion, as an influence: ”What he illustrated for me was that you could come out there and be successful and have your own individual bold opinion that everybody disagrees with, and it's not the end of the world."

Why it's our friend Amazing Athiest, whose misogynistic vidoes and general history of harassment is btw apparently not the end of the world

This is what Amazing Athiest does for fun btw

Here he is cheering that someone got raped


Thats the guy Fantano saw as an inspiration

Damn what a useful ally!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I asked him a question, despite him failing to answer or provide any response to my question.

But I have to answer whatever question?

What is this game?

What are you talking about? I DID answer your questions, at least twice. And for a third time, I'm trying to explain to you that the reason this guy is getting shit is because he invited these people with horrible opinions and didn't rebut or refute virtually anything objectionable they said. If you don't agree with someone, then you generally have to demonstrate that in some way. This isn't hard.

There, now answer my question about Richard Spencer.


What is so yikes about that?

I genuinely would love to know. We're on a forum, after all, so something more than a disapproving drive-by post is always appreciated if you're willing that is.

Then again, we're going so far off-topic it's kind of funny.

Your beef with the term “people of color” is what strikes me. It’s a term that has merit in American society which privileges white people and disadvantages those who are not, and your “colorblind” rhetoric, while understandable, is unproductive and shortsighted when it comes to the very real systemic injustices that continue to plague American race relations.

It’s the same kind of mentality that deems affirmative action or black/Asian/Hispanic etc. student associations racist, or says “why is racebending white characters okay but not the other way around?”
Oh and here's the description of the video he appeared in with Amazing Athiest and Sargon was in it too alongside a bunch of other losers and bigots... here is what he was comfortable being part of.

It's titled QUESTIONS WHITE MEN HAVE FOR SJWs! and it features Sargon of Akkad, Undoomed, Armoured Skeptic, Atheism is Unstoppable, Kraut and Tea, Chris Ray Run, Anthony Fantano, Mr Repzion, Cult of Dusty, and of course, The Amazing Atheist and they have 27 questions shouted by a group of indignant white men in silly costumes or using pretentious animated avatars, all demonstrating that special combination of oblivious racism and sexism that makes other white male atheists cringe in embarrassment. I'm not going to link to it, but I will post the QUESTIONS! they ask


1. Why do you claim to speak for LGBT people, women, and ethnic minorities but when lgbt people, women, and ethnic minorities disagree with you, you harass them?

2. Do you realize that your war on language through political correctness has made you bedfellows with true rape culture?
In other words, Islam, the world's most misogynistic ideology?

3. Do you want women to be equal or do you want women to be a protected class?
You can't have both.
If you expect society to be treat women as equal with men, why don't women have to take responsibility for their own safety?

4. What are you afraid will happen when you leave your ”safe space"?

5. How can you possibly justify the idea that it's somehow racist to disagree with black lives matter?
And yet it's not racist when a black person tweets something like, ”kill all white people."

6. Are you aware the present is not the past?
Are you familiar with the concept of linear time?
Because you seem incredibly comfortable traveling back through time by talking about how bad things were for women, or black people, or whomever. And then by using some form of SJW magic, you then claim or imply that those problems in the past exist today.
Are you aware that this trick that you're doing is not working? Why do you think that would work?

7. Why do you think that you can spend your entire life in a state of perpetual emotional immaturity?
Do you actually imagine that you'll be able to stretch out your adolescence for your entire existence?

8. Did you know there are 13% more women in college right now than men?
So if the whole goal of feminism is ”equality," shouldn't we have some men-only scholarships in order to equal everything out?

9. If feminism and egalitarianism are both about equal rights, than why does one start with a gendered prefix while the other one is entirely gender neutral?

10. What do you hope to gain by bringing back racial segregation?

11. When my grand-uncle was dropping bombs on London, did your grandparents get out of their bunkers in the morning to protest with signs that read, ”Not all Nazis"?

12. Why do you think every cis white male is born racist?
Racism is a learned behavior.

13. How can you possibly say that the phrase ”All Lives Matter" is somehow racist?
It sounds like someone the Dalai Lama would say.

14. Would you rather be right, or popular?
It seems like your primary objective is to score social points and get public validation.
You speak publicly in the same way that people write their dating profiles.
Stop trying to demonstrate how awesome you are, and get real.

15. So if a drunk man sleeps with a drunk woman, the woman is incapable of giving consent.
But the man is?

16. Is it really easier trying to spend all your life attempting to pacify the world and subdue all around you, instead of accepting that you are the person that has to change?

17. When I sing along with rap music, is it OK if I say the word ”nigga"?

18. How do you reconcile your opinion that gender doesn't matter or even exist with your need to invent new genders each day?

19. In your version of equality will white men ever have a voice in society or will white men always be too privileged to participate in discussion?

20. What makes you think that the power of censorship that you are so desperately trying to establish now will at no point be used against you?

21. Why is it that if a woman dresses sexy or even topless in public you support it, but if a female video-game character is dressed sexy, then you want her clothed more modestly?

22. What is your favorite song to sing really loud when you're confronted with a different point of view?

23. Why are you afraid of dissenting opinions?
Your continued attempts to silence all opposition, either by smearing them publicly, or labeling their content as ”hate speech" and having it removed, only serves to insulate your bubble even more and maintain your echo chamber.
It also prevents you from taking on new information and hearing different points of view.
Different points of view that are sometimes superior to yours.
Which tends to happen whenever I talk.

24. What is reverse racism? Like, what the actual fuck is it?
It's just racism, right?

25. Do any of you people actually remember all the pronouns?
You know the list, right? The one with 76 fucking genders.

26. Why do you feel entitled to control what artists and entertainers are allowed to express?
Why do you think your sensibilities should be placed above the sensibilities of actual creators?

27. Have you ever considered that using the terms ”racism" and ”sexism" as haphazardly as you do to describe everything under the sun that makes you feel uncomfortable devalues the word to the point that it actually hurts the people who actually suffer from real racism and real sexism?
Have you ever fucking thought of that?

This is the culminating question of a video in which a bunch of white men rant about what makes them feel uncomfortable.

There is, however, one final shot of one of the white guys suggesting that SJWs ought to drink bleach

Guess who that was?!


Liberal, not liberal, I don't care what he call himself, look at that and tell me someone who is an ally would participate. These people are some of the worst of the worst... and he's the one the author explicitly felt the need to highlight at the end. But please someone defend this on top of everything else.This is what he's comfortable putting his name on.... This absolute garbage.

Fuck I should have written that article because exposing this guy is really fucking easy.
Well his video hasn’t done anything to change my opinion on this from my first post in the thread:

Getting hung up on whether he himself is alt-right is kind of missing the point, because factually he was creating videos which were basically indistinguishable from those created by alt-right people. Whether they were meant to be satirical, genuine or a cash grab doesn’t really matter - he made the videos and they propagated alt-right talking points.

So he can get fucked.
Btw that last description... that was the video that was referenced in the article that he showed in his rebuttal video for 5 seconds only to say Amazing Athiest wasn't alt-right and then moved right along didn't address it or it's bigoted content at all....


What are you talking about? I DID answer your questions, at least twice. And for a third time, I'm trying to explain to you that the reason this guy is getting shit is because he invited these people with horrible opinions and didn't rebut or refute virtually anything objectionable they said. If you don't agree with someone, then you generally have to demonstrate that in some way. This isn't hard.

There, now answer my question about Richard Spencer.
He did comment in several instances on how he doesn't agree or approve of what Hyde said. Just because his attempt wasn't a scorched earth approach doesn't mean he approves and supports his actions or comments.
How did he engage with Sargon, that you disapprove of?

You want to cast judgment on him on basis of something so incredibly petty.

From what I know about Richard Spencer, he seems to be a Nazi sympathizer and romanticises Nazi customs. He's a radical nationalist, he part of the alt-right. His race-based identity ideology is ignorant and I disagree with the majority of his views.

As crazy as it sounds, he still has the right to voice that view as an American citizen, however ignorant it might be. That is about it.

Unless you think I'm secretly supporting and corroborating with him, I'm not sure why you asked me about him specifically?

Your beef with the term ”people of color" is what strikes me. It's a term that has merit in American society which privileges white people and disadvantages those who are not, and your ”colorblind" rhetoric, while understandable, is unproductive and shortsighted when it comes to the very real systemic injustices that continue to plague American race relations.

It's the same kind of mentality that deems affirmative action or black/Asian/Hispanic etc. student associations racist, or says ”why is racebending white characters okay but not the other way around?"
I'm going to assume you watched the video in the original thread that my post was in response to?

If so I'm more than happy to continue the conversation in that thread instead of derailing this thread any further.

What very real systematic injustices are you referring to exactly? And how is my questioning of the term people of color unproductive and shortsighted?

As I've made clear in my post from that original thread, the term is silly because all humans have pigment in their skin and the difference between that pigment are shades ranging from dark to light. People aren't other colors.
And labeling everyone not categorized as white as "people of color" is unreflective of reality because white people also have a color in their skin. It makes no sense to separate the two as different races on that basis.

The terminology is the issue to me.

Like I said, you can bump the original thread in response to me, if you interested in continuing this conversation.


Btw that last description... that was the video he showed in his rebuttal video for 5 seconds and didnt't address at all.... OOOPS

I'll help.

You see, he's like Stephen Colbert. Just as conservatives confuse his views as genuine, that giant list of irredeemable white supremacists confused Fantano for one of their own. Sarcasm is lost on the unintelligent and that is why it was necessary for him to remove this YouTube channel just after a certain political rally made another certain political brand radioactive. It would be unfair to suggest his views are genuine, because it is not possible for someone who has sex with black people to be racist. Also, guilt by association is an affront to freedom of speech.

NeoGAF was surely forced to eat crow and I am hopeful this brings in an age where views that aren't 99% liberal can be discussed.


He did comment in several instances on how he doesn't agree or approve of what Hyde said. Just because his attempt wasn't a scorched earth approach doesn't mean he approves and supports his actions or comments.
How did he engage with Sargon, that you disapprove of?

You want to cast judgment on him on basis of something so incredibly petty.

From what I know about Richard Spencer, he seems to be a Nazi sympathizer and romanticises Nazi customs. He's a radical nationalist, he part of the alt-right. His race-based identity ideology is ignorant and I disagree with the majority of his views.

As crazy as it sounds, he still has the right to voice that view as an American citizen, however ignorant it might be. That is about it.

Unless you think I'm secretly supporting and corroborating with him, I'm not sure why you asked me about him specifically?

I'm going to assume you watched the video in the original thread that my post was in response to?

If so I'm more than happy to continue the conversation in that thread instead of derailing this thread any further.

What very real systematic injustices are you referring to exactly? And how is my questioning of the term people of color unproductive and shortsighted?

As I've made clear in my post from that original thread, the term is silly because all humans have pigment in their skin and the difference between that pigment are shades ranging from dark to light. People aren't other colors.
And labeling everyone not categorized as white as "people of color" is unreflective of reality because white people also have a color in their skin. It makes no sense to separate the two as different races on that basis.

The terminology is the issue to me.

Like I said, you can bump the original thread in response to me, if you interested in continuing this conversation.

Just so we’re on the same page, do you or do you not agree that white people are privileged over non-white people in the US? Asking me to list out all of the ways in which non-white people are marginalized is a tall order and honestly kind of suspect.

If your only real issue with the term “people of color” is as pedantic as the actual melanin content of people’s skin then that’s kind of ridiculous. You might as well get mad that white people are called white and black people are called black.

If you’re concerned about derailing the thread, take it to PM.


Great job excelsiorif. Now I wonder people who are defending him in this very thread are going to defend him for

Also somnium, please stop it with "this is free country and we should allow give everyone a voice however harmful it is"


1. Fader puts dumb article
2. GAF goes crazy
3. Fantano refutes article
4. "Buttis tweets. Butsam hyde."

Look, those tweets about Sargon and that Sam Hyde podcast existed before the bullshit Fader article came out. If you were okay with him before the article, you should be okay with him now. If those tweets and that podcast bothered you before, then keep ignoring Fantano. The article is fud and doesn't change the status quo one bit.

I guess one contribution from this thread is that people who don't like those tweets and podcasts and didn't know of their existence but do now, can now evaluate their feelings on theneedledrop.

I was indifferent to him before. I've seen a couple of his reviews but I don't like them because of how long they are and because I usually disagree with the score. This thread doesn't change my opinion of him. But I do think his response was solid


Just so we're on the same page, do you or do you not agree that white people are privileged over non-white people in the US? Asking me to list out all of the ways in which non-white people are marginalized is a tall order and honestly kind of suspect.

If your only real issue with the term ”people of color" is as pedantic as the actual melanin content of people's skin then that's kind of ridiculous. You might as well get mad that white people are called white and black people are called black.

If you're concerned about derailing the thread, take it to PM.

I'm not asking to you list out "all" of anything, and how is it a tall order? lol
I just wanted you to give me examples of real systematic injustices since you made the claim.

I do have an issue with both of those terms, I've already expressed that in my posts.

When it comes to having the same equal opportunity and rights, as of 2017, white U.S. citizens do not have any sort of inherent privilege over all other ethnicities who are also citizens of the United States.

Many groups in the American society have certain privileges, that also includes other ethnicities.

There's already a perfectly good thread about this very topic in response to a video. We can continue it there or drop this all together.

Great job excelsiorif. Now I wonder people who are defending him in this very thread are going to defend him for

Also somnium, please stop it with "this is free country and we should allow give everyone a voice however harmful it is"
Please stop it?

It's not my law lol It's a law that all American citizens get to benefit from actually.

You're twisting my words. I've only ever said that anyone is allowed to voice their own views regardless, and people are free to give them a platform to do so or even outright refuse them. People are certainly free to question and refute those views.

It's not like I'm saying anything radical here, it's in the constitution.
The problem is it’s not a dumb article at all, unless you think compiling evidence of bad things a person said themselves constitutes a “hit piece.”


Neo Member
When it comes to having the same equal opportunity and rights, as of 2017, white U.S. citizens do not have any sort of inherent privilege over all other ethnicities who are also citizens of the United States.

Many groups in the American society have certain privileges, that also includes other ethnicities.

Took you long enough, but at least we have your central thesis now.


1. Fader puts dumb article
2. GAF goes crazy
3. Fantano refutes article
4. "Buttis tweets. Butsam hyde."

Look, those tweets about Sargon and that Sam Hyde podcast existed before the bullshit Fader article came out. If you were okay with him before the article, you should be okay with him now. If those tweets and that podcast bothered you before, then keep ignoring Fantano. The article is fud and doesn't change the status quo one bit.

I guess one contribution from this thread is that people who don't like those tweets and podcasts and didn't know of their existence but do now, can now evaluate their feelings on theneedledrop.

I was indifferent to him before. I've seen a couple of his reviews but I don't like them because of how long they are and because I usually disagree with the score. This thread doesn't change my opinion of him. But I do think his response was solid

But people weren't ok with him before. This is brought up every time there's a thread about him or mention of him. This has been going on for a long time.

And how is it "fud"? Its a collection of his body of work to bring his fuckery to the wider audience that may not know about it.


Solid retort from Fantano. Exactly as expected for better or for worse.

Glad I can continue watching his videos with the clear conscious.


The problem is it’s not a dumb article at all, unless you think compiling evidence of bad things a person said themselves constitutes a “hit piece.”
It is, because most of what's in the article misconstrues what he said or misses the point. excelsiorlef has posted way more solid reasons to dislike the guy.
It's true though lol

I'm not sure how that's supposed to undermine my arguments, despite not even being on topic anymore.
The fact you think you’re even close to having sound logic by saying that “White Americans have no privileges over other ethnic groups” shows an understanding that is devoid of a knowledge of history
1. Fader puts dumb article
2. GAF goes crazy
3. Fantano refutes article
4. "Buttis tweets. Butsam hyde."

Look, those tweets about Sargon and that Sam Hyde podcast existed before the bullshit Fader article came out. If you were okay with him before the article, you should be okay with him now. If those tweets and that podcast bothered you before, then keep ignoring Fantano. The article is fud and doesn't change the status quo one bit.

I guess one contribution from this thread is that people who don't like those tweets and podcasts and didn't know of their existence but do now, can now evaluate their feelings on theneedledrop.

I was indifferent to him before. I've seen a couple of his reviews but I don't like them because of how long they are and because I usually disagree with the score. This thread doesn't change my opinion of him. But I do think his response was solid

How was his responses to what he literally called the most important part :the Sam Hyde, Sargon portion good? Especially in light of everything I've demonstrated?


The fact you think you’re even close to having sound logic by saying that “White Americans have no privileges over other ethnic groups” shows an understanding that is devoid of a knowledge of history

What privileges does the white ethnicity have over other ethnicities in the United States in 2017?

I'm assuming it's one that holds back other ethnicities? What are they?
Solid retort from Fantano. Exactly as expected for better or for worse.

Glad I can continue watching his videos with the clear conscious.

Same question to you.... What was excellent about his Sam Hyde/ Sargon/Amazing Athiest section, especially what was solid about him not even addressing the bigoted video he contributed to with Sargon and the Amazing Athiest?
Okay so I read this article for like the third time and here’s something I noticed that this thread has just completely lost the plot on - nowhere does this article accuse Fantano of being alt-right. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t even accuse Fantano of being anywhere on the right - it describes the newfound “YouTube right” but at no point does it say Fantano finds himself there.

What it DOES say is that Fantano frequently mingles with horrible people and dog whistles to a particularly awful subsection of YouTube, whether he intends to or not. The accusation is not that Fantano holds the beliefs of these people, but that he’s perfectly willing to allow these people to exist in his fanbase and even give them a platform to spew their violent fantasies about murdering women (!!!). It doesn’t really matter if you’re using racist memes ironically or part of a persona if you literally invite someone onto your show and refuse to challenge them as they describe how they’d like to murder someone for the crime of being a feminist. Am I not stressing this enough? Italics?

I feel like the only thing in the article that “misses the point” is the on his XXXTentacion video which is meant to poke fun at how head-in-the-sand his fanbase is about the things he’s done, but otherwise, nothing in that article is inaccurate. It’s a chronicle of things he has openly said and done and that his fanbase has said and done. If you’re drawing the conclusion that that means Fantano is a member of the alt-right, that’s on you bro.

It is, because most of what's in the article misconstrues what he said or misses the point. excelsiorlef has posted way more solid reasons to dislike the guy.

Excelsiorlef is doing great work but they’re mainly extrapolating on points already made in the article. The article already points out that Fantano worked with Sam Hyde, excelsiorlef is just pointing out how awful of a person Sam Hyde really is so that playing down Fantano’s involvement with him becomes more and more difficult for the denizens of this thread to do.


Neo Member
It's true though lol

I'm not sure how that's supposed to undermine my arguments, despite not even being on topic anymore.

Just good to have it out in the open is all. Doesn’t undermine your arguments more or less than anything else you’ve stated up until now.
What privileges does the white ethnicity have over other ethnicities in the United States in 2017?

I'm assuming it's one that holds back other ethnicities? What are they?

The new research by scholars at the Stanford Graduate School of Education found that the gap separating black and Hispanic neighborhoods from white ones persists up and down the income ladder. A black household with an annual income of $50,000 lives on average in a neighborhood where the median income is under $43,000. But whites with the same income live in neighborhoods where the median income is almost $53,000—about 25 percent higher.

Meanwhile, white families with an annual income of just $13,000 on average live in neighborhoods where the median income is $45,000—slightly higher than the precincts occupied by middle-class blacks and just below that of middle-class Hispanics. The same dynamic holds for households that making $100,000 annually.


And that's just the start.


Okay so I read this article for like the third time and here’s something I noticed that this thread has just completely lost the plot on - nowhere does this article accuse Fantano of being alt-right. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t even accuse Fantano of being anywhere on the right - it describes the newfound “YouTube right” but at no point does it say Fantano finds himself there.

What it DOES say is that Fantano frequently mingles with horrible people and dog whistles to a particularly awful subsection of YouTube, whether he intends to or not. The accusation is not that Fantano holds the beliefs of these people, but that he’s perfectly willing to allow these people to exist in his fanbase and even give them a platform to spew their violent fantasies about murdering women (!!!). It doesn’t really matter if you’re using racist memes ironically or part of a persona if you literally invite someone onto your show and refuse to challenge them as they describe how they’d like to murder someone for the crime of being a feminist. Am I not stressing this enough? Italics?

I feel like the only thing in the article that “misses the point” is the on his XXXTentacion video which is meant to poke fun at how head-in-the-sand his fanbase is about the things he’s done, but otherwise, nothing in that article is inaccurate. It’s a chronicle of things he has openly said and done and that his fanbase has said and done. If you’re drawing the conclusion that that means Fantano is a member of the alt-right, that’s on you bro.
They want to keep arguing the strawman because the fact is indefensible. The man is no ally. He's playing both sides of the fence because its safe for him to do so.
They want to keep arguing the strawman because the fact is indefensible. The man is no ally. He's playing both sides of the fence because its safe for him to do so.

That's the reality, he is a man so untouched by their toxic beliefs that what they stand for doesn't hurt him or affect him. So he can be friends with them and just call their bigotry social commentary and different beliefs.

Like literally Sam Hyde is a neonazi.... and Fantano can be friends/associate with him because hey he doesn't agree with neonazism but that's ok because different opinions are good and so he can totally associate with him, and he dares call that being an adult.

In that video I posted he can't even say it out loud Hyde's neonazism, he relies on a screen cap of Hyde donating money to the Daily Stormer when he mentions things they disagree on... because that's all donating to the dailystormer is to Fantano something they disagree on... not something that is a deal breaker in terms of being friendly, just a difference of opinion like chocolate vs vaniilla... you want to know what white privilege is (specifically white cisgender male privilege)? Being so untouched by bigotry that you can call neonazism just a difference of opinion.
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