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The Needle Drop pioneered music reviews. His other channel was for the alt-rights


I'm not asking to you list out "all" of anything, and how is it a tall order? lol
I just wanted you to give me examples of real systematic injustices since you made the claim.

I do have an issue with both of those terms, I've already expressed that in my posts.

When it comes to having the same equal opportunity and rights, as of 2017, white U.S. citizens do not have any sort of inherent privilege over all other ethnicities who are also citizens of the United States.

Many groups in the American society have certain privileges, that also includes other ethnicities.

There's already a perfectly good thread about this very topic in response to a video. We can continue it there or drop this all together.

Please stop it?

It's not my law lol It's a law that all American citizens get to benefit from actually.

You're twisting my words. I've only ever said that anyone is allowed to voice their own views regardless, and people are free to give them a platform to do so or even outright refuse them. People are certainly free to question and refute those views.

It's not like I'm saying anything radical here, it's in the constitution.

So you think that non-white people in the US do not face systemic disadvantages. That’s all I need to know that talking you further is a waste of my time.


Okay, It was great talking to you too :)
First the "people of color" statement and now this twisted "white privilege is an illusion" bullshit. Those talking points are suspiciously in line with certain Alt right personalities..like uncannily. Next you'll be saying white genocide is a thing without a hint of irony.


Okay, It was great talking to you too :)

Cool. Now that that's out of the way, are you going to tell us why someone who isn't racist would think presenting antisemitic cartoons in their videos is okay?

How about telling "SJWs" to drink bleach following a tirade of rape apology, anti-black dogwhistling and misogyny from some of the biggest pieces of shit online?

You guys spent so long telling everyone how this guy's video debunked these points, so I'm just curious if one of you is going to work up the courage to address these.

Man I was really expecting you to be linking to something about the guy making some sort of bigoted horrific statement and thus being a hypocrite for calling out Fantone's flirtations with bigoted folks and iconography, not him joking about having never watched Fantano's videos....

See that's you know an actual joke

He's also not the writer of the article... What are you talking about?
Man I was really expecting you to be linking to something about the guy making some sort of bigoted horrific statement and thus being a hypocrite for calling out Fantone's flirtations with bigoted folks and iconography, not him joking about having never watched Fantano's videos....

See that's you know an actual joke

He's also not the writer of the article... What are you talking about?
editor in chief

also how is it a joke when he writes a hit piece and then says he never watched his videos like lmao good one
editor in chief


What is he a hypocrite about?

Do you believe he's actually just never watched any of it?

also how is it a joke when he writes a hit piece and then says he never watched his videos like lmao good one

Because that guy didn't write it?

This is too funny though, one of the biggest defense for Fantano is that he was just joking that it was all satire... fuck Fantano himself actually defended Hyde in his apology video as "just joking"... but somehow endless jokes about feminists, beating a woman to death, racism, sexism, etc... is all good but that EIC joking about not watching his videos is tasteless and hypocritical and grounds for losing his job....

Man it sucks when someone makes a joke eh? Imagine what it must be like when people make jokes or worse serious statements (hi Hyde, Sargon, Amazing Athiest) that dehumanize entire, races, women,etc... and it gets defended as just jokes or social commentary or a difference of opinion....

If anything that joke is great because it highlights how quick the same people who defend abject bigotry as just jokes lose their mind on something far less serious, and something that is actually ya know a joke.

And notice how he apologized.... where's Fantano's?
1. Fader puts dumb article
2. GAF goes crazy
3. Fantano refutes article
4. "Buttis tweets. Butsam hyde."

Look, those tweets about Sargon and that Sam Hyde podcast existed before the bullshit Fader article came out. If you were okay with him before the article, you should be okay with him now. If those tweets and that podcast bothered you before, then keep ignoring Fantano. The article is fud and doesn't change the status quo one bit.

I guess one contribution from this thread is that people who don't like those tweets and podcasts and didn't know of their existence but do now, can now evaluate their feelings on theneedledrop.

I was indifferent to him before. I've seen a couple of his reviews but I don't like them because of how long they are and because I usually disagree with the score. This thread doesn't change my opinion of him. But I do think his response was solid
No no no, I posted about why all this coming up again hurts earlier in the thread, I for one absolutely was not OK with him before. I was, like, an appointment-viewing level fan of the channel once, and thing after thing after thing has pushed me further and further away. The Fader article wasn't really anything I feel like I didn't already know about the guy, which is why I find the article hard to dismiss and why I find it hard to watch people repeatedly coming to his defense.


Neo Member
And notice how he apologized.... where's Fantano's?

My read is that he wrote the apology in Fantano’s voice as his assumed or idealized response video TND would release on the issue.

Either way, it’s amazing to see Fantano’s fandom respond with such a dense, dim witted fervor. The joke whizzed right past them.
My read is that he wrote the apology in Fantano's voice as his assumed or idealized response video TND would release on the issue.

Either way, it's amazing to see Fantano's fandom respond with such a dense, dim witted fervor. The joke whizzed right past them.

Heh yep..

Btw Fantano never touched this criticism at all

In the 18 months since the release of the podcast, his content has swerved much farther right. On June 8, 2016, he uploaded a video called ”Trigglypuff MEME REVIEW (#MessageToFeminists)." It has since been reuploaded by another user, and you can watch it here. It's a dissection of a viral clip in which a protester yells at Milo Yiannapolous during a campus appearance — Fantano calls the protestor, who was nicknamed Trigglypuff by 4Chan, a ”Hostess cake huffer" and a ”loud obnoxious pig of a human being," and awards the video "500 points ... for an accurate portrayal of social justice slacktivism." He describes social justice advocates as ”walking cringe compilations" and fills the screen with images of women he believes fit that description, including the aforementioned Sarkeesian and Emma Sulkowicz, known for carrying a mattress around Columbia University in protest of the school's refusal to expel her alleged rapist. Fantano has chosen to paste the phrase ”fuck me in the but" [sic] over her image, a reference to a text Sulkowicz allegedly sent to her rapist, which, according to anti-feminist bloggers, proves her rape claim was a hoax.
Hyde noticed. ”This is so good... you gotta do more of these," he commented on the video. ”Thank you for your blessing," Fantano responded.


Look at the likes too...

That's from the Fader article.

We talked about how satirical bigotry that is indistinguishable from real bigotry is effectively the same... Sam Hyde saw Fantano's "satirical video" and loved it and wanyted more.... this I remind you is the actual alt-right neonazi who donated money to the daily stormer.

Like come on....

As the Fader article also points out:


One of his own fandom sees it too.

And btw note that there is a fan of his claiming Sargon is not a bigot in the comments... And look at the reaction... It's mostly there's nothing wrong with being anti-SJW, Tumbler is cancer, militant feminism is bad, Political Correctness... these are his fans on his reddit, one guy deep in comments argues women might be genetically predispositioned to be less interested in math and then rants about Marxism while claiming to be very left.

It's an interesting microcosm of what message some of his fans take.


This is also illuminating... Anyone who mentions his association with Hyde/Sargon/Amazing Atheist get downvoted... one person (uer name hitlersfidgetspinner... not shitting you) accused another of either being and I quote "either a troll or a woman" whne response to them mentioning 4chan is kinda racist.

This is some of the crowd he attracts.... So yes I go back to satirical bigotry that attracts and entertains actual bigot is no different from actual bigotry that attracts actual bigots.
His response video pushed me to unsub. Until now, I've only known about his music reviews, I didn't really know about anything else he did or his views. It's a little shocking, because his videos have made me more aware of the ideas the artists he reviewed were conveying, so they made me a better person in a way. So after the article it left me searching for an explanation that his response did not provide at all, in fact I was really hoping for an apology since, if the things in the article were true, the things were indefensible. (The article's overall quality and the writer's attitude actually did cause me to question whether the things were true considering I never watched his non-reviews, but the response video basically confirmed them to me). But his response doubled down and insisted nothing was wrong. It's confusing to me how someone who appeared so thoughtful and reflective in his reviews could have so little self awareness or so little ambition to do good with his popularity.
When it comes to having the same equal opportunity and rights, as of 2017, white U.S. citizens do not have any sort of inherent privilege over all other ethnicities who are also citizens of the United States.

This is false.

The Root said:

If education is the key to success, then there is no debate that whites have the advantage in America. In 2012, the U. S. Department of Education reported that about 33 percent of all white students attend a low-poverty school, while only 6 percent attend high-poverty schools. In comparison, only 10 percent of black students attend a low-poverty school, while more than 40 percent of black students attend high-poverty schools.



Even when black students manage to overcome the hurdles of unequal education, they still don't get equal treatment when it comes to jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of Friday, April 7, the unemployment rate for African Americans was nearly double that of whites (8.1 percent for blacks, 4.3 percent for whites).

There are some who will say blacks should study harder, but this phenomenon can't be explained by simple educational disparities. A 2015 study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research shows that whites with the exact same résumés as their black counterparts are hired at double the rate. In fact, a white man with a criminal history is more likely to be hired than an African American with no criminal past.

A similarly named, but different, organization—the Economic Policy Institute—examined 2015 data and discovered that at every level of education, whites were twice as likely to have jobs as blacks.

This means that black students are more than six times more likely than white students to attend a high-poverty school, while white students are more than three times more likely than black students to attend a low-poverty school.



But let's say a black man somehow gets a great education and finds a job; surely that means the playing field is level, right?

Not so fast.

Researchers at EPI found that black men with 11-20 years of work experience earned 23.5 percent less than their white counterparts, and black women with 11-20 years of experience were paid 12.6 percent less than white women with the same experience. This disparity is not getting smaller. The wage gap between black and white workers was 18.1 percent in 1979, and steadily increased to 26.7 percent in 2015. When Pew Research controlled for education and just looked at income data, white men still surpassed every other group.

These income inequalities persist to create the disparities in wealth between races, manifesting in generational disadvantages. A black person with the same education and experience as a similar Caucasian, over the span of their lives, will earn significantly less.



It is a little-known fact that the average black person pays more for almost every item he or she purchases. While there is no discount Groupon that comes whit white skin, there might as well be. A John Hopkins study (pdf) showed that supermarkets were less prevalent in poor black neighborhoods than in white neighborhoods with the same average income, leading to increased food costs. News organization ProPublica recently found that car-insurance companies charge people who live in black neighborhoods higher rates than people in predominantly white areas with the same risk.

When it comes to credit, it is even worse. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, The Atlantic reports, ”even after controlling for general risk considerations, such as credit score, loan-to-value ratio, subordinate liens, and debt-to-income ratios, Hispanic Americans are 78 percent more likely to be given a high-cost mortgage, and black Americans are 105 percent more likely." Even banks as large as Wells Fargo have lost cases for up-charging minorities.

According to the Wall Street Journal, large auto lenders have paid more than $200 million since 2013 to settle lawsuits for charging minorities higher rates, but in November, both Democrats and Republicans voted to reduce regulations on the financial institutions that offer auto loans. The National Consumer Law Center filed a 2007 lawsuit that exposed how ”finance companies and banks put in place policies that allowed car dealers to mark up the interest rates on auto loans to minorities based on subjective criteria unrelated to their credit risk."

CNN said:
In addition to inequalities in health outcomes (which have many roots), disparities persist in health care access. According to a 2013 report, blacks and Hispanics have substantially higher uninsured rates than whites. And while many are pinning their hopes on the Affordable Care Act to address such inequalities, the act won't remedy the many deeply rooted racial injustices in America's health care system.

The ACA's primary instrument for increasing health coverage for people of color is the expansion of Medicaid to all those earning less than 138% of the federal poverty level. However, although Medicaid eligibility was meant to expand nationwide, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states could opt out. Some 19 states are doing exactly that.

Salon said:
Race is how economic class is lived in America. Consequently, from the nation's founding to the present, race and class (as well as gender) are a social and political scaffolding on which opportunities and privileges are affixed in the United States.
Racism and classism are so intertwined that it would take hundreds of years for black Americans to have the same levels of wealth as whites. Writing at The Nation, Joshua Holland explains:
If current economic trends continue, the average black household will need 228 years to accumulate as much wealth as their white counterparts hold today. For the average Latino family, it will take 84 years. Absent significant policy interventions, or a seismic change in the American economy, people of color will never close the gap. Those are the key findings of a new study of the racial wealth-gap released this week by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and the Corporation For Economic Development (CFED) ... To put that in perspective, the wealthiest Americans — members of the Forbes 400 list — saw their net worths increase by 736 percent during that period, on average.
These outcomes indicate how institutional and systemic white supremacy creates disparate and unequal economic outcomes for people of color. Such outcomes are also a reminder that racism doesn't just cause spiritual, psychological and physical harm to its victims, but is part of a broader economic and material system of intergroup power relationships. As sociologist Joe Feagin demonstrates in his books ”Racist America," ”Systemic Racism," ”The Many Costs of Racism" and ”White Party, White Government," the country's history of land theft (from First Nations peoples), labor theft (from African-Americans), and discrimination in hiring and promotion in the labor market (against nonwhites in general), is a type of subsidy that has transferred trillions of dollars to white Americans at the expense of people of color.


The racial wealth gap is a critical matter of public policy because it impacts almost every social indicator and life outcome. In the U.S., quality of health, likelihood of marriage, educational attainment, age of death, rates of incarceration and overall quality of life are directly impacted by an individual's and household's level of wealth. Correcting the racial wealth gap — and addressing the systemic and institutional factors that created and sustain it — would also present an amazing opportunity to increase human social capital and economic productivity. For example, a 2013 report from the Altarum Institute and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation concluded that ”race, class, residential segregation and income levels all work together to hamper access to opportunity," with the cost of racism estimated at $2 trillion a year.
On a macro level, money is political speech. The American political system, especially in the era of Citizens United, is a de facto plutocracy where the policy demands of the wealthy are privileged over those of the people. This plutocracy is also a racial one: White men are grossly overrepresented among that group. As the U.S. continues to become more racially diverse, the race wealth gap will further undermine faith in democracy by making elites even less responsive to the needs of the public. When economic power is concentrated among the few, and this occurs along lines of race, a multiracial democracy will inevitably face a crisis of legitimacy. Correcting the race wealth gap is one way of avoiding such a crisis.

The Root
Psychology Today

This is simply without addressing the several other races, women, LGBTQ+ peoples or the differently-abled who are just as much on the chopping block for the alt-right/white supremacists/Nazis as black people where a privilege exists for one standard of American citizen while others are disenfranchised.
When it comes to having the same equal opportunity and rights, as of 2017, white U.S. citizens do not have any sort of inherent privilege over all other ethnicities who are also citizens of the United States.

Many groups in the American society have certain privileges, that also includes other ethnicities.

Great, now I know for sure nothing you have to say will have any worth whatsoever.
Here's an artist that once he heard about the Sam Hyde shit distanced himselfs from Fantano, and remember Fantano completely fucked up addressing Hyde in his explanation, but everyone keeps linking the explanation to demand this artist change their mind, that he is betraying Fantano, etc...

What worthy of note is the artist says the podcast with Sam Hyde which means he went and listened to it and then judged for himself but everyone is accusing him of being blinded by the Fader article...


Here's his tweet a few hours after they did:



In replies to other tweets people say shit like he put you on the map how dare you, etc....

It's clear he has a segment of fanbase that is indistinguishable from those of Sargon and Amazing Athiest.... That's why it's just satire is a bullshit defense, especially because when you read more it's pretty clear Fantano does in fact have hookups about SJWS, and feminists , so it's satire that likely reveals some truth about him.


First the "people of color" statement and now this twisted "white privilege is an illusion" bullshit. Those talking points are suspiciously in line with certain Alt right personalities..like uncannily. Next you'll be saying white genocide is a thing without a hint of irony.
Looool y'all are hilarious. You know nothing about me, yet you're willing to assume so much about me.

Cool. Now that that's out of the way, are you going to tell us why someone who isn't racist would think presenting antisemitic cartoons in their videos is okay?

How about telling "SJWs" to drink bleach following a tirade of rape apology, anti-black dogwhistling and misogyny from some of the biggest pieces of shit online?

You guys spent so long telling everyone how this guy's video debunked these points, so I'm just curious if one of you is going to work up the courage to address these.

I really don't have to actually. Last time I checked I'm not on trial.

The Fader published a misinformed hit piece about Anthony Fantano and I disagreed with it. He made a response video, defending himself and refuting these accusations. I believe he is definitely not a member of the alt-right nor a racist person.

Sure, I may not always agree with his reviews on certain albums or artists. But hey, that's fine.


Resumes featuring identifiably non-European names receive significantly less interviews and offers but nah, white privilege totes isn’t a thing.

Non-white people are less likely to be promoted to upper management but nah, white privilege isn’t a thing.

Non-white people are disproportionately affected by the criminal justice system (yes, including Asian Americans) but nah, white privilege isn’t a thing.


The Fader published a misinformed hit piece about Anthony Fantano and I disagreed with it. He made a response video, defending himself and refuting these accusations. I believe he is definitely not a member of the alt-right nor a racist person.

This not-racist person did these very racist things which, for some odd reason that seems to escape me, were not addressed in his video or by any of his defenders in this thread. It's almost like that baseless hit piece had truth to it and his fans are too scared to come running to his defense after all their laughable attempts at creating plausible deniability were torn to shreds by excelsiorlef.


good credit (by proxy)
What privileges does the white ethnicity have over other ethnicities in the United States in 2017?

I'm assuming it's one that holds back other ethnicities? What are they?
There are thousands and thousands of books about this. Thousands of websites. Lectures, documentaries, classes, research studies, etc. If you actually cared to learn it's all out there. But you do not. You just want to argue about areas you are not well read in, in order to feed your ego and convince yourself that you are smarter than actual academics.

Go read up if you actually care. I predict a zero percent chance of that happening, though. I would bet a not insignificant amount of money on it.
The Fader published a misinformed hit piece about Anthony Fantano and I disagreed with it. He made a response video, defending himself and refuting these accusations. I believe he is definitely not a member of the alt-right nor a racist person.

The article never says he’s a member of the alt-right. It never says he’s racist either. It just presents material he has produced which panders to the alt-right and racists. “Hit piece” - lol.
There are thousands and thousands of books about this. Thousands of websites. Lectures, documentaries, classes, research studies, etc. If you actually cared to learn it's all out there. But you do not. You just want to argue about areas you are not well read in, in order to feed your ego and convince yourself that you are smarter than actual academics.

Go read up if you actually care. I predict a zero percent chance of that happening, though. I would bet a not insignificant amount of money on it.

This is really a key truth. If you say that “there’s no inequality in modern society”, you’re inherently denying not only the people on the ground in this country literally yelling their throats raw about inequality but the absolute wealth of articles, literature, statistics that openly state that society discriminates and disenfranchises. It actually takes more effort to live in a world where you’re oblivious to the fact that bigotry affects very core institutions & elements of everyday life. I mean at some point that kind of willful ignorance turns from just an unfortunate coincidence to actively hostile to the marginalized & their humanity.


There are thousands and thousands of books about this. Thousands of websites. Lectures, documentaries, classes, research studies, etc. If you actually cared to learn it's all out there. But you do not. You just want to argue about areas you are not well read in, in order to feed your ego and convince yourself that you are smarter than actual academics.

Go read up if you actually care. I predict a zero percent chance of that happening, though. I would bet a not insignificant amount of money on it.

The sad thing is that this is actually a more optimistic reading of his behavior than the one I had.


Watched the Fantano response. Dude is basically 99% liberal and NeoGAF is trying to kill him because he is not 100% liberal.

This site is becoming extreme.
Pretty much.

Aren't there worse people you guys could be going after? Like, is anyone not 100% on your side a nazi?

Can't even make this up, fans of a guy whose defense literally hinges on "It's just satire" believe someone else is lying about satire. They literally believe that Fader's EIC thought Fantano's video was an apology and is only claiming satire to save face.... Yet they want everyone to believe that Fantano (who again literally did a video with full scale bigots) is so blatantly satirical (which again makes everything he says fine) that to criticize him for it is to slander him.


Speaking about that video here's a fan pointing out said video, again the one where a bunch of white men including Sargon and Amazing Athiest shit on Black rights activism, feminism, anti Islamophobia activism, etc... The one where Fantano asks them to drink bleach, the video Fantano actually avoided addressing in his "rebuttal"


It's voted down to being hidden and someone tries to claim that video is mocking white men that a video with Amazing Athiest and Sargon, and a bunch of other anti-feminists, is a satire of white men.... why does he think that? Because they think everything Fantano does is satire.... so they can't tell the difference.

Read the responses and tell me those people aren't influenced by Fantano's actual anti-feminism....


Here is a fan asking why you can't mock feminism and be a liberal


And a majority agreeing you totally can, and rambling on about tribalism....

Oh and someone linked to an imgur about the Swedish Women only festival to justify why mocking femibism is totes ok... you know the festival that happened because women kept getting raped and assaulted.... That one.

Now why do I bring this up... because it's important to look at someone's audience... It's important to acknowledge that what you say as a public figure, and who with, and how you say influences people.... now you might say but excelsiorlef it's not Fantano's job to police how people react to him... to which I say he has that responsibility. Chris Rock literally stopped doing a routine because people were using it to be racist, and that certainly wasn't his intention with that joke, but it happened so he took responsibility and stopped. It's undeniable that Fantano intended to be in a video with Sargon and co, intended to mock feminists and "SJWs" so he has even more responsibility than Chris Rock does becaue he's not even fucking joking and thus he can't even claim it was an unintentional. Chris Rock stopped the routine, Fantano defends Sam Hyde, a literal neonazi, as just kidding when talking about murdering Lena Dunham in graphic detail and claims Hyde donating to Daily Stormer is just a different opinion. Chris Rock stops the routine, Fantano calls Sargon of Akkad a political commentator and fights for him to be let back on Twitter. Chris Rock stopped the routine, Fantano calls Amazing Athiest his inspiration for starting his YouTube channel.

Finally when you make an actual video that actually is intended to utterly shit on feminists, and then you do other similar videos that you claim to be satire... And they're indistinguishable... don't you think anti-feminists are going to fine a home in your ranks?

I brought up his Reddit fanbase because one of the defenses is that Fantano is liberal and that his stuff is so clearly satire. Yet that is not all that clear at all , as you have people actively arguing on his fanpage that targeting and mocking feminism is compatible with being liberal, that it's totally ok to do so.... That completely destroys the claim to obvious satire (again not helped when you do an actual sincere video with actual anti-feminists mocking everything from feminism to anti racism to general social justice), when you're fans see your videos and conclude that there's nothing wrong with mocking feminists... they aren't laughing at your supposed parodies of alt-righters... they are laughing sincerely at feminists and how your "character" mocks them.... Thus we return again to this: satirical bigotry in the end is indistinguishable to the real thing.


Same question to you.... What was excellent about his Sam Hyde/ Sargon/Amazing Athiest section, especially what was solid about him not even addressing the bigoted video he contributed to with Sargon and the Amazing Athiest?
I never said it was excellent.

His flippancy with regards to that Amazing Atheist video is a problem I have with it. I didn't even realise Amazing Athiest was still around, I remember watching his videos back when he was part of That Guy With the Glass' website and feeling gross watching them even then. I finally watched the entire video not 5 minutes ago and I felt physically disgusted with what I was transpiring in front of me and that a man who I have been a fan of for about half a decade was apart of it.

What this ultimately boils down to, at least for me, is that Fantano's ideological belief that everyone should have the right to say whatever they want because of 'Free Speech'. It would explain his involvement in that Amazing Atheist video (SJWs are so often accused of censorship), his believe that Sargon shouldn't have been taken off of Twitter and that blog post (the one he made when GamerGate was a thing) about Anita Sarkeesian being an outsider to video-games trying to dictate what they can and can't do. Which probably stems from his job of saying opinions about stuff on the internet.

Do I agree with this belief? No I do not. I'm going to paraphrase Karl Popper and say that I believe being tolerant doesn't mean tolerating intolerance. But I wouldn't go so far as to say he stands by someone like Sam Hyde, he clearly states he found his interview with him deeply uncomfortable and even gave warning at the start of the podcast about the shit that repugnant man said.

I dunno, I feel like this entire thing is one big grey area. The man has made fun of people from both sides of the political spectrum, both of the CIS-genders, both black and white people and artists from multiple genres of music. Is he alt-right? No I don't believe so, he espouses a lot of political ideas and opinions I agree with. But he is also guilty by his association with some shitlords. This entire thing is a wake-up call though. Fantano isn't in H3H3 territory for me yet, but he isn't the 'saint' I thought he was.
I never said it was excellent.

His flippancy with regards to that Amazing Atheist video is a problem I have with it. I didn't even realise Amazing Athiest was still around, I remember watching his videos back when he was part of That Guy With the Glass' website and feeling gross watching them even then. I finally watched the entire video not 5 minutes ago and I felt physically disgusted with what I was transpiring in front of me and that a man who I have been a fan of for about half a decade was apart of it.

What this ultimately boils down to, at least for me, is that Fantano's ideological belief that everyone should have the right to say whatever they want because of 'Free Speech'. It would explain his involvement in that Amazing Atheist video (SJWs are so often accused of censorship), his believe that Sargon shouldn't have been taken off of Twitter and that blog post (the one he made when GamerGate was a thing) about Anita Sarkeesian being an outsider to video-games trying to dictate what they can and can't do. Which probably stems from his job of saying opinions about stuff on the internet.

Do I agree with this belief? No I do not. I'm going to paraphrase Karl Popper and say that I believe being tolerant doesn't mean tolerating intolerance. But I wouldn't go so far as to say he stands by someone like Sam Hyde, he clearly states he found his interview with him deeply uncomfortable and even gave warning at the start of the podcast about the shit that repugnant man said.

I dunno, I feel like this entire thing is one big grey area. The man has made fun of people from both sides of the political spectrum, both of the CIS-genders, both black and white people and from multiple genres of music. Is he alt-right? No I don't believe so, he espouses a lot of political ideas and opinions I agree with. But he is also guilty by his association with some shitlords.

Caring about free speech doesn't mean engaging in bigotry with a bunch of bigots is all of a sudden ok. Because make no bones about it that video he participated in is bigoted, it's sexist, it's racist, it's Islamophobic. I don't expect liberals to be perfect, but I expect them not to collaborated with a bunch of horrible people to make a bigoted video.

In 2017 he literally reduced Sam Hyde donating to the Daily Stormer to just a different opinion that shouldn't prevent him from associating with him... He absolutely defends Sam Hyde. He calls associating with Hyde despite his actual neonazism, the adult thing to do.

"But he mocks everybody" is also not acceptable... Btw what are both of the cis-genders? If you mean he mocks cis and trans people, mocking trans people is not acceptable either.... Transphobia is not cool just because you also mock the transphobic elsewhere.

I can't help but notice that rather than explain how Fantano solidly rebutted the issues with his association with Hyde, Sargon and Amazing Athiest (which was the question I posed to you), you actually ended up acknowledging more or less that the Fader article was right when talking about them, which I find interesting.


This, NeoGAF is getting pretty damn bad lately.

Yea. Especially with the Nazi apologists and people who attempt to silence minorities and women who speak out coming out of the woodwork. Especially since these people are arguing on inherently anti intellectual grounds in order to deny basic reality. It sure is getting bad lately.
I think Fantano did a great job with the Response video. I really don’t see how anyone could say he’s even close to being alt-right.

Also, I think a lot of people don’t understand his other channel.

When people say “it’s satire”, they're not talking about Fantano being a racist (because he says nothing racist), they’re talking about the meme-character he plays. I mean the videos even end with it saying “Performed by Anthony Fantano”. That’s not really how he acts.


Your satire falls flat when the people you are supposedly satirising start to idolise your videos. After that your videos are empowering the thing you are supposedly trying to de-power.
I think Fantano did a great job with the Response video. I really don’t see how anyone could say he’s even close to being alt-right.

Also, I think a lot of people don’t understand his other channel.

When people say “it’s satire”, they're not talking about Fantano being a racist (because he says nothing racist), they’re talking about the meme-character he plays. I mean the videos even end with it saying “Performed by Anthony Fantano”. That’s not really how he acts.

He participated in a very racist, very sexist, very bigoted video with actual racists and sexists... How do you defend that?


I think Fantano did a great job with the Response video. I really don’t see how anyone could say he’s even close to being alt-right.

Also, I think a lot of people don’t understand his other channel.

When people say “it’s satire”, they're not talking about Fantano being a racist (because he says nothing racist), they’re talking about the meme-character he plays. I mean the videos even end with it saying “Performed by Anthony Fantano”. That’s not really how he acts.


Here's some funny not-at-all racist satire I found on the internet.
(It's actually racist as fuck)
I think Fantano did a great job with the Response video. I really don't see how anyone could say he's even close to being alt-right.

Also, I think a lot of people don't understand his other channel.

When people say ”it's satire", they're not talking about Fantano being a racist (because he says nothing racist), they're talking about the meme-character he plays. I mean the videos even end with it saying ”Performed by Anthony Fantano". That's not really how he acts.

1. The article did not say he was alt-right
2. Is everything in this video he contributed 'satire'? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4lFSq_Efzk If his contribution is meant to be satirical, do you think it's likely that anyone is going to understand that or just see it as a sincere contribution?

It really is a shame we can't see some stats about the people who subscribed to thatistheplan and what other channels they follow. I'm going to go out on a limb and say there will be a pretty heavy correlation between his subscribers and openly alt-right channels.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
He did comment in several instances on how he doesn't agree or approve of what Hyde said. Just because his attempt wasn't a scorched earth approach doesn't mean he approves and supports his actions or comments.

"scorched earth approach"?

LOL. Just so we're clear, I'm being incredibly generous with the amount of effort I expect someone who's not an alt-righter to take when they're talking to alt-righters. You're acting like I wanted him to yell slurs at Sargon and rip off his shirt or something. Sargon's been interviewed by people like David Pakman, Destiny and Contrapoints, and not only did they refute him in a civil, appropriate manner, when I watched their videos, I wasn't confused at whether these people were on the same side or not.

How did he engage with Sargon, that you disapprove of?

Well, let's see. Did he disagree with a single thing that Sargon said about feminists or SJWs?

Go on. I'll wait.

You want to cast judgment on him on basis of something so incredibly petty.

It's not petty at all. Some of the defenses I've seen in this thread are that he was performing "satire". If that was the case, it would pretty easy to figure out. No sentient human being would be confused at whether Stephen Colbert (back in The Colbert Report days) was a genuine conservative or not.

From what I know about Richard Spencer, he seems to be a Nazi sympathizer and romanticises Nazi customs. He's a radical nationalist, he part of the alt-right. His race-based identity ideology is ignorant and I disagree with the majority of his views.

Okay, good. At least we don't have to have a separate discussion on this.

As crazy as it sounds, he still has the right to voice that view as an American citizen, however ignorant it might be. That is about it.

Something literally nobody was arguing in this thread or probably ever.

Unless you think I'm secretly supporting and corroborating with him, I'm not sure why you asked me about him specifically?

No, I didn't think you supported Spencer. The reason I asked that question is because you refuse to believe that Fantano could possibly be anything close to alt-right, mainly because he never claimed to be that. This is incredibly stupid logic because Richard Spencer, who we both agree is a racist piece of shit, claims that he himself is NOT a racist. Yet we both know that he's full of shit because 1) actions speak louder than words and 2) associations speak louder than words.

I don't know if you know who David Rubin is (he's another self-proclaimed "liberal" who hosts a political show), but him, Sargon and this Fantano guy have one thing in common: all three love to invite shithead alt-righters on their channels and have a grand ole time. And not only do they invite shithead alt-righters, they vastly, disproportionatey invite shithead alt-righters to their channels, and it's not because they're hardball interviewers.
Look, those tweets about Sargon and that Sam Hyde podcast existed before the bullshit Fader article came out. If you were okay with him before the article, you should be okay with him now. If those tweets and that podcast bothered you before, then keep ignoring Fantano. The article is fud and doesn't change the status quo one bit.

I guess one contribution from this thread is that people who don't like those tweets and podcasts and didn't know of their existence but do now, can now evaluate their feelings on theneedledrop.

Yeah, this is basically the entire crux of the thread, congrats to getting around to it. I didn't know about those things, now I do, and he didn't really address them.
Somnium your obvious racism (whether or not YOU think it's racism doesn't matter) pretending to be intellectualism is tired and oh so transparent.

Your attempts to argue semantics is transparent.

Your inability to reply to the like five posts showcasing multiple examples of ingrained racism and the advantage white Americans have over other minorities speaks volumes.

Stop acting like you don't get what the big deal is, white guys have it so hard nowadays why are all the neogaf liberals dog piling on poor fatano when all he did was be a Nazi apologist cause "satire"

You're pissing me off and I'd much prefer to read the thread without your circular logic and bullshit arguments about how tough it is for white guys. At least if you're going to defend him make it about his own sorry ass apology and not your claim that blacks have it just fine in his country.

From what I gather from watching his reviews and his other non meme channel on subjects pertaining to the music industry - all I ever saw was a leftie liberal vegan mothertrucker. I watched his response video too and felt he refuted that article well. Didn't know he had a meme channel until after it was over. I am too old for memes so it's just as well.
From what I gather from watching his reviews and his other non meme channel on subjects pertaining to the music industry - all I ever saw was a leftie liberal vegan mothertrucker. I watched his response video too and felt he refuted that article well. Didn't know he had a meme channel until after it was over. I am too old for memes so it's just as well.

Same question to you I ask to others... Could you tell me in your opinion how he refuted the Sam Hyde/Sargon/Amazing Athiest (keep in mind he literally didn't he acknowledge the last one longer than 5 seconds and it is arguably the most damning thing against him) portion of the video, the portion he himself called the most important.
i still don't understand why he is in a long video that is clearly pandering to the alt right, uses all their racist imagery, associates with people who are wildly racist towards muslims and sexist, and yet he is still saying hes not in their group.


His satire is so good that neither his fans nor the people he collaborates with even know it's satire! Or...wait. Is the Amazing Atheist satire, too? Is that whole "Anti-SJW", "Sceptic", "Anti-Feminism"-movement on youtube just satire?! Have we all been played?!

Well. That's good to hear.
i still don't understand why he is in a long video that is clearly pandering to the alt right, uses all their racist imagery, associates with people who are wildly racist towards muslims and sexist, and yet he is still saying hes not in their group.

As stupid as he clearly is, he's well aware of how much money, fans, and subscribers/views he'd lose if he ever did outright admit to it.
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