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The Order 1886 at PSX - Impressions, Gameplay, etc.


I'm convinced they need to show some slow exploration, npc interaction, and perhaps light puzzle solving to change the perception of the game. The game is a shooter, we get it, but what else is there? Show us the amazing city for christs sake.
I've been waiting for this for awhile now and it still hasn't come.

Hopefully some people can post floor impressions from PSX?

Read the previews.

The Order quickly develops a rhythm hereafter, however. The zeppelin, named Agamemnon, is vast, and there's a ton of space to explore. Everything is delivered linearly -- there are no alternate routes or choices to be made -- yet I felt a true sense of exploration as I poked my head into rooms and around corners, waiting to see what was next. I especially dug some of the collectible documents strewn about the zeppelin, including a newspaper and a government document. These collectibles are wonderfully detailed and can be fully examined, front-and-back. It was cool to read a piece of the newspaper's front page, and flip over a piece of paper to see a government stamp adorning it. Little touches like these make the world of The Order feel more lived in, more realistic.
Getting to use a wide array of firearms -- sniper rifles, pistols, machineguns, and the like -- showed-off a diverse, yet familiar arsenal. Enemies seemed a bit spongy to me, especially when I used my pistol (some enemies wouldn't even die when I shot them in the head), but I found combat to be satisfying. I'm a tad bit mystified by The Order's insistence on making you hold down a button for a couple of seconds to pick up a gun -- and even ammunition! -- but overall, I enjoyed toggling between firearms, blasting fools from up close with the spray of a shotgun, taking shots from safety with a scoped sniper rifle, and then cleaning up with the spitfire of an automatic weapon.

One especially cool battle took place in a kitchen, with copper pots and pans hanging all over the place, awaiting their next use. As enemies hid behind stoves, ovens, and counters, those pots and pans went flying as they became casualties of a brutal and violent battle between rebel forces and The Order. For having taken place entirely on one zeppelin, this slice of 1886's campaign showed an impressive diversity of environments, from tight, mundane corridors to ornately decorated lobbies to the aircraft's underbelly. I had a lot of fun exploring, even if I wasn't choosing where to go next, and even if I did have to grapple with unfortunate QTEs, particularly in the cockpit of the zeppelin.
The scope of this game seems so tiny, and I really didn't think it was going to be that way. With each new bit of video, it's just a tiny interior or corridor or alley, and everything feels so...small. I remember that one piece of concept art that looked like gameplay out in the bustling streets, and THAT got me so insanely excited (along with the original trailer), but that isn't the feel of the game at all. It feels like a tiny cover-based shooter with no inventive mechanics or things to make it stand out other than the visuals and setting.

It's looking like one of the biggest disappointments of any game in years for me. You may say that I haven't seen enough of the game yet, but it was revealed a year and a half ago, and we've seen gameplay several times, and what we've seen has all been tight claustrophobic environments with no sense of scale, and I have a hard time believing they would withhold showing something like in the concept art below if something like that was actually in the game.


I'll probably get flack for it but my guess is this game looks so damn good just because of how small its environments are, I highly doubt at this stage in the PS4's life that any dev could pull off a street scene like that with the Order's visuals and have it running anywhere close to playable, though I'd certainly like to be proven wrong for the game's sake. I do hope it opens up more but I'm skeptical based on what we've been shown.
There are only 2 or 3 stealth sections in the game guys. They're not really the best thing but they're not prevalent at all.
Excited to watch the gameplay when it inevitably pops up online. While the showing was a little disjointed I still believe in this game.
Read the previews.

Even if the game introduces more open ended levels it's not going to help with those paper thin mechanics. The game screams generic third person shooter.

How the fuck are we still doing the whole red screen when hurt thing? Everything looked so uninspired and somehow you're expecting a preview to change our minds because some enthusiasts said NO REALLY IT'S STILL GOOD.


The difference in level design between this and the Uncharted demo is staggering. In The Order demo we are "treated" to a incomprehensibly linear shootout in a dinky kitchen that basically has the layout of a few hallways on a flat grid. This is honestly the most exciting encounter you could come up with for a press conference? What the hell is this 1997?
This isn't even mentioning the fact that the camera snaps awkwardly as the player goes in and out of cover and that camera movement in general seems incredibly jerky.

In the Uncharted demo, there are multiple levels of verticality, different angles to attack from and a feeling of a three dimensional sandbox to explore. Drake can use his environment around him as a tool for stealth encounters and enemy AI appear more intelligent as they communicate with each other to try and suss out the player's last known position. Countless contextual animations also give the combat a smooth and cinematic presentation without taking away control from the player.

It's like RAD has learned absolutely nothing from shooters in the last decade.

I agree with you but I am willing to give it one final chance. The IGN preview gave me some hope. I highlighted the points in this thread but it got buried with other news. It addresses the narrow corridor concern - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=946771&highlight=


GAF's Ed McMahon
Looked really boring, awful gameplay. Like a really bad gears of war, with the dumb black bars because reasons.


Even if the game introduces more open ended levels it's not going to help with those paper thin mechanics. The game screams generic third person shooter.

How the fuck are we still doing the whole red screen when hurt thing? Everything looked so uninspired and somehow you're expecting a preview to change our minds because some enthusiasts said NO REALLY IT'S STILL GOOD.
Also- they choose what to show us on these demos. So- I'm going to judge what is put in front of me.


Even if the game introduces more open ended levels it's not going to help with those paper thin mechanics. The game screams generic third person shooter.

How the fuck are we still doing the whole red screen when hurt thing? Everything looked so uninspired and somehow you're expecting a preview to change our minds because some enthusiasts said NO REALLY IT'S STILL GOOD.

What's wrong with red screen when hurt lol
From the IGN preview:

Stealth kills aren't difficult to execute (though the AI is a bit wonky), and they aren't achieved simply by moving behind an enemy and hitting a certain button. Rather, you have to time your stab with an on-screen, QTE-like prompt. I especially dug how as I drew towards my targets, my character slowly reaches for his blade, as if he knows exactly what's going to happen. That was a very nice -- albeit small -- touch.

For having taken place entirely on one zeppelin, this slice of 1886's campaign showed an impressive diversity of environments, from tight, mundane corridors to ornately decorated lobbies to the aircraft's underbelly

Sounds good to me.


That was really underwhelming. :/ Combat looks stale and cliche. The gunfire noise really bugged me for some reason too. And the "REBEL NEUTRALIZED" sound bite that played when the player character (don't know his name, Galahad I think?) killed an enemy made me think of Call of Duty or something. Meh. The lore and world design seem phenomenal, graphics look good in other trailers.. But this particular clip is really lackluster, imo.
The visuals, weapon feedback and everything else all looks top-notch. Can't wait to play this.

I often feel the joy of just firing a weapon or traversing the environment is totally forgotten. It's something you can't truly comprehend until you get your hands on a game.

Firing the long shot in Gears of War, linking all the traversal moves together in Sunset Overdrive, simply running around as Mario. Each game has it's own soul.

If stopping and popping feels great in 1886, sign me up.
I get Ryse vibes from this.

It looked fucking amazing, A1 tier. The gameplay was okay. Better than I expected actually. I came away thinking it wasn't bad after finishing it, so much so I was willing to play through it again on the highest difficulty...but by the time I reached the 3rd level, I was so bored that I stopped playing it, uninstalled it, and have no plans of playing any time soon.

That's kinda how I feel about The Order right now.
What's wrong with red screen when hurt lol

It's such a generic, tired, ugly way of showing damage because somehow a healthbar is less immersive. Also a lot harder to gauge exactly how hurt you are.

And the game seems to be using regen health as well which I despise more than any other mechanic that seems so prevalent in AAA. Limits what you can really do with enemy design to an extreme imo.


I get Ryse vibes from this.

It looked fucking amazing, A1 tier. The gameplay was okay. Better than I expected actually. I came away thinking it wasn't bad after finishing it, so much so I was willing to play through it again on the highest difficulty...but by the time I reached the 3rd level, I was so bored that I stopped playing it, uninstalled it, and have no plans of playing any time soon.

That's kinda how I feel about The Order right now.

But this has more gameplay than Ryse ever had. In Ryse there is a color coded QTE to finish almost every single enemy (which is probably why you got bored). This short snippet from the show showed multiple ways to kill an enemy from a variety of weapons, slo-mo mode, or melee.

I agree that it's similar in that it is 3rd person over the shoulder camera with smaller environments but your doing a disservice to the game by comparing it's gameplay to Ryse.


The difference in level design between this and the Uncharted demo is staggering. In The Order demo we are "treated" to a incomprehensibly linear shootout in a dinky kitchen that basically has the layout of a few hallways on a flat grid. This is honestly the most exciting encounter you could come up with for a press conference? What the hell is this 1997?
This isn't even mentioning the fact that the camera snaps awkwardly as the player goes in and out of cover and that camera movement in general seems incredibly jerky.

In the Uncharted demo, there are multiple levels of verticality, different angles to attack from and a feeling of a three dimensional sandbox to explore. Drake can use his environment around him as a tool for stealth encounters and enemy AI appear more intelligent as they communicate with each other to try and suss out the player's last known position. Countless contextual animations also give the combat a smooth and cinematic presentation without taking away control from the player.

It's like RAD has learned absolutely nothing from shooters in the last decade.
Is it really wise to compare their first shooter and first console game to ND and UC4 though?

How does this compare to UC1?
It looks really good. It might not be a day one purchase but I will get it someday. Can't say no to mind boggling graphics and solid TPS gameplay.
Looked terrible to me, hoping we see the whole demo soon, but I've given this one too much of a chance to look better. It just doesn't look good.


I love, love and LOVE the style of this game. Graphics look phenomenal.

Cant judge the gameplay yet though, having seen a combined total of about 2 minutes. :p
I hope it turns out good though. The little gameplay they showed tonight looks pretty good though (maybe a bit fast pased, but that might have been due to the guy playing).
Is it really wise to compare their first shooter and first console game to ND and UC4 though?

How does this compare to UC1?

Is it wise to compare an action-adventure game with sandbox encounters, platforming and puzzles to a shooter?

I'd wager most people interested in 1886 are looking for a totally different experience to Uncharted.


Wolfenstein is like the total opposite of what weve seen though? gameplay focused, open ended levels...

Wut? W:TNO is totally linear, with rarely some wider areas that allow freedom in combat. Colin from IGN reported that Order offers the same during the exploration and combat inside the zeppelin.
I, for one, am looking forward to this game. May not be the most revolutionary offering, but it seems like a great experience.
Based on the clip during the show it seems like a cookie cutter last gen third person shooter with the most gorgeous looking graphics applied.

wow thats nice, this is about the playable demo on the show floor. The trailer thread is elsewhere.

Can't wait to hear actual demo impressions. Sounding positive so far


Wut? W:TNO is totally linear, with rarely some wider areas that allow freedom in combat. Colin from IGN reported that Order offers the same during the exploration and combat inside the zeppelin.
Did you play Wolfenstein? I totally disagree. Looks 10000x less linear than what we've seen of the Order. Also- again, I'm going to judge what they chose to show. And all they've shown are linear corridors.
Glad the impressions are coming off as positiveish. I won't get this @ $60 but will definitely be picking it up l ater especially if impressions are good.


why are people continuously surprised that a 3rd person cover shooter looks like a 3rd person cover shooter

i thought it looked good but the characters need to shut up. i know what they're trying to achieve with all the 'rebel down' 'i'm reloading' stuff but it ain't working.
Those are still there. These are just stealth sections, of which there are very few.

That's a relief. That's one of the main things I'm really looking forward to, I've had enough of the bog standard QTE where a missed prompt equals death, it's about time someone tried something different.


I was worried until this gameplay,I actually like it. Such a mixed bag, what's going on. Is it good or not, we will we February!
"One especially cool battle took place in a kitchen, with copper pots and pans hanging all over the place, awaiting their next use. As enemies hid behind stoves, ovens, and counters, those pots and pans went flying as they became casualties of a brutal and violent battle between rebel forces and The Order."

If the "especially cool battle" is what they just showed in that clip today... ugh. So it's cool because you can incidentally shoot some pots and pans?
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