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The Order 1886 at PSX - Impressions, Gameplay, etc.


You hate him cause he's right?

No i hate him because he doesn't like games and admits it on the videogamer podcasts,i don't even know why he's working in the games industry..from what i have gathered he would rather work in the film industry writing for total film magazine or something.
Those QTE finishes...Why? I am not against QTE's, but why have that editing instead of a simple action that does not break the flow of the game? Bizarre choice...


The difference in level design between this and the Uncharted demo is staggering. In The Order demo we are "treated" to a incomprehensibly linear shootout in a dinky kitchen that basically has the layout of a few hallways on a flat grid. This is honestly the most exciting encounter you could come up with for a press conference? What the hell is this 1997?
This isn't even mentioning the fact that the camera snaps awkwardly as the player goes in and out of cover and that camera movement in general seems incredibly jerky.

In the Uncharted demo, there are multiple levels of verticality, different angles to attack from and a feeling of a three dimensional sandbox to explore. Drake can use his environment around him as a tool for stealth encounters and enemy AI appear more intelligent as they communicate with each other to try and suss out the player's last known position. Countless contextual animations also give the combat a smooth and cinematic presentation without taking away control from the player.

It's like RAD has learned absolutely nothing from shooters in the last decade.

Not every game needs to play the same. Some like the open world combat and others like linear combat.


I'm guessing these official screens are from the full demo section. It looks incredible.




I'm more optimistic about it.

I don't mind if it has context-sensitive QTE like Heavy Rain, with solid third person shooting. I am hoping that the game has a great story, and solid boss fights. I am also curious about length, I am expecting a standard 8-12 hour story. Memorable enemies/characters, great boss fights, great weapons, and sensible QTEs to add to the tension can make it a well received game. There is a lot I still don't know about the enemy (is there a main villain?), the lore, etc. but I don't mind not knowing and am interested to see how they reveal the game before release.

As much as people hate it, I am also pretty curious how MP would have worked if added (for a sequel). I am against it naturally out of concern for single player, but I adore Naughty Dog's MP games and feel that this game would have been a pretty great, fast paced tactical MP with simple weapon pickups like Gears/UC2.

I get the feeling that a sequel would add MP much like Uncharted's progression on PS3. The cover gameplay just looks like it would work really well :p
But this has more gameplay than Ryse ever had. In Ryse there is a color coded QTE to finish almost every single enemy (which is probably why you got bored). This short snippet from the show showed multiple ways to kill an enemy from a variety of weapons, slo-mo mode, or melee.

I agree that it's similar in that it is 3rd person over the shoulder camera with smaller environments but your doing a disservice to the game by comparing it's gameplay to Ryse.

Ryse got boring because I had seen all the animations before that's all there is to the game. The Order has more gameplay variety but it also has a lot of cutscenes which are probably unskippable because they're so intertwined with the gameplay. Like when he shoots the guy with the sniper rifle and it jumps right into a cutscene. We've seen multiple transitions like that for this game. On the first time through that stuff is cool, but on a second playthrough when I just want to get right into the action, having to watch transitions or play through some section where I'm just pressing forward or backwards and shooting, it doesn't make for a fun time on a second run though at least for me. Right now I feel like I'm going to gamefly this.


The cover mechanics look smooth, and the gunplay looks satisfying enough. It's hard to tell the last part without playing the game. I like to shoot things, so if there is good diversity in environments and the scale of the skirmishes, I think I'll have to give this a try. The. again, I'm genuinely interested in this game, and I'm not just having a troll. I can't say that about everyone else. There are a lot of people posting in here who don't seem to have any actual interest in this game outside of its graphics. These Order threads are getting harder to read. PEACE.


Stefan™;142092289 said:
Gorgeous game, nut worth $60 though, so am gonna wait until it hits the bargain bin.

Like with most TPS, its likely we're looking at around an 8 hour campaign. So this would be a very fun rental.
I mean it looks okay, I guess.

Great graphics, but the gameplay...looks extremely uninspired. It is nice to see them take the wraps off of more of the gameplay, but that gameplay did not leave me with the impression that the game would be fun to play or ideal to own.

I think some of us get stuck looking at the graphics and forget that you still have to have a game worth playing underneath.


Cant say much about the quality of the game yet, since it will depend alot on quality of the story and level design BUT after all the AAA open world games this fall iam actually happy to have a linear game ahead :)


I'm guessing these official screens are from the full demo section. It looks incredible.


This might be the most spectacular looking in game screenshot I've ever seen.

Such a shame about the design and gameplay getting lukewarm reactions, I'm really rooting for this game to succeed based on the incredible work by the art and tech team.
The scope of this game seems so tiny, and I really didn't think it was going to be that way. With each new bit of video, it's just a tiny interior or corridor or alley, and everything feels so...small. I remember that one piece of concept art that looked like gameplay out in the bustling streets, and THAT got me so insanely excited (along with the original trailer), but that isn't the feel of the game at all. It feels like a tiny cover-based shooter with no inventive mechanics or things to make it stand out other than the visuals and setting.

It's looking like one of the biggest disappointments of any game in years for me. You may say that I haven't seen enough of the game yet, but it was revealed a year and a half ago, and we've seen gameplay several times, and what we've seen has all been tight claustrophobic environments with no sense of scale, and I have a hard time believing they would withhold showing something like in the concept art below if something like that was actually in the game.


This is exactly what I've been saying man. If they were able to recreate this concept art, with bustling city streets, why haven't they shown it? Something like this I think would silence all the doubters. But I'm worried that the game doesn't have anything like this in it. We'll see.


Not really.
For a preview? C'mon man in what world is this not mixed?

"So, I'm left feeling a weird mixture of delight and deflation by The Order. To stress this again: the game looks fucking amazing. And when you do actually fight, the action is enjoyable thanks to some tight third-person controls and a decent selection of guns. But... everything I've seen so far suggests that the balance is wrong. There's too much hanging around, following button prompts and walking slowly through impressive-looking levels. Look, I'm so desperate to have my doubts crushed utterly by the final game, and I'm keen to stress that I've only seen about 30 minutes total of the whole thing. I want The Order 1886 to be this perfectly-balanced mixture of compelling plot moments, meaty stealth-kills, and breathless action sequences. Will it turn out that way? We'll find out in Feb. For now, just check out how fucking amazing it looks and pray that the gameplay backs up these visuals."
This is exactly what I've been saying man. If they were able to recreate this concept art, with bustling city streets, why haven't they shown it? Something like this I think would silence all the doubters. But I'm worried that the game doesn't have anything like this in it. We'll see.
There are some open'ish areas with NPCs around. Just don't expect it to be the norm in the game.
I want The Order 1886 to be this perfectly-balanced mixture of compelling plot moments, meaty stealth-kills, and breathless action sequences. Will it turn out that way?

Every game needs to be perfect.

If RAD delivers a good game, that's enough.
Not really.

Seems pretty mixed to me. Looks great and the shooting seems fun but interrupted flow, not enough action, and little player agency.

However, until now, myself and a number of other GR+ team members have had one, fat concern: gameplay. Is there an actual game lurking underneath all the shiny? Or is this more of a barely-interactive series of story scenes, punctuated by the occasional shooting section, as the developers begrudgingly hand control over to the player? Hmm. Well, having played a large chunk of Chapter 5 (called 'Agamemnon Rising' fact fans), I can confirm that... well, it's complicated.

The start of my demo is slow. Painfully slow. After rappelling down the side of the Agamemnon (the zeppelin this level is named after), my character - Galahad - is tasked with taking control of the vessel by murdering everyone in the cockpit. This first section is a slow tour of the airship's interior, deliberately designed to make the player gawp at how fucking amazing this game looks. Characters are eerily real, the lighting is insane, and textures are unbelievably detailed. But it's all just pushing forward and occasionally pressing the triangle button to make action happen. At one point, there's a mini-game where Galahad hacks the zeppelin's lighting system, but it's rudimentary stuff.

Then - finally - I'm given free reign to start shooting, after a clear 10-15 minutes of bare-bones interactivity.

For me, this action sequence is all too brief. After only a few minutes, I'm pushing forwards to progress the plot again. Another glorious story scene, and a second action sequence follows shortly after. This time I'm in the zeppelin’s mess-hall, shooting enemies in between the pots and pans. Again, the action feels super-satisfying, as I frag humans and kitchenware alike using a steampunk heavy machine gun (with a pleasingly powerful air-blast secondary shot). But it's over too soon.
Gears is garbage? Come'on son. It's one thing to say I don't like that type of game, but Gears was far from garbage.

2 Was garbage, 3 was mediocre, didn't play the last one but the first had its moments. And garbage maybe is too strong but it doesn't have that many redeeming factors.


Hmm that looks.. Really generic and boring
And those qte :(

Nice gfx though

Hoping it surprises but what i have seen seems like a Gears clone from 2007 gameplay wise


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Visually mindblowing but otherwise utterly boring.

If the best you've got to show is shooting up some thugs in a fucking kitchen you might have a problem.

What's wrong with shooting thugs in a kitchen?

Also, what's with people's ridiculous expectations of this game?

What if they're intentionally holding back the best of their game so they don't spoil it in the trailers, like so many forms of media have gotten used to doing nowadays?

Fuck. It takes years and a team of multi talented people to build something this impressive and two seconds for some random to shit on it.

Have some fucking sense. Don't you think these devs aren't under enough pressure to have to hear about and read all of your vitriol?


2 Was garbage, 3 was mediocre, didn't play the last one but the first had its moments. And garbage maybe is too strong but it doesn't have that many redeeming factors.

Gears has the best game play mechanics in the third person cover shooter genre. They work so well that they hold up in multiplayer. This looks nothing like Gears outside of having the ability to use cover and the violence the bullet impacts.


What's wrong with shooting thugs in a kitchen?

Also, what's with people's ridiculous expectations of this game?

What if they're intentionally holding back the best of their game so they don't spoil it in the trailers, like so many forms of media have gotten used to doing nowadays?

Fuck. It takes years and a team of multi talented people to build something this impressive and two seconds for some random to shit on it.

Have some fucking sense. Don't you think these devs aren't under enough pressure to have to hear about and read all of your vitriol?
I mean. I hear you- the dismissive "this suuuuux" are lame. But they chose what they showed us. And I thought it was pretty bad.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Kinda makes the "Press triangle to instantly melee" attacks seem a bit redundant if you use them during combat since the dev was like one or two shots away from death while using that attack thanks to the very long animation. Doesn't look very fun to control the character either. Good graphics though.
Visually mindblowing but otherwise utterly boring.

If the best you've got to show is shooting up some thugs in a fucking kitchen you might have a problem.

You can boil down anything like that to make it sound boring.

It's all about the context of which you know nothing of at this moment. What you should be looking at is how the game plays, in which case it appears good in my opinion.


HOLY WOW DAT SHOTGUN! That trailer looked wonderful. Can you imagine The Order 1886 sequel with MP? HOLY DAMN! I have a feeling this generation might just challenge the PS1&2 era. I'm feeling really good about being a gamer.

The Goat

RAD has been horrible at showcasing the game. I'm sure they've heard the complaints about showing the same area over and over, so what do we get? A boring fight in a kitchen, with some brain dead looking AI :(

I'm really afraid the game just isn't going to have any substance to it at all. I truly hope I'm wrong, because the setting looks fantastic.
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