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The Order: 1886 |OT| Gears of Yore


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I bought a launch-day PS4 along with KZ:SF. I was super hyped for that day for months but I was thoroughly disappointed with the game and I knew it right away. Some people like different stuff, regardless of whether they did/didn't buy said stuff. I think OTs are generally more positive because that's where the people who enjoy the game hang out. Seems pretty obvious...

Also, why does it really matter how one feels "down the line"? If I finish the game and I've had a good time, why not say so? Sure, I might not give two shits about it a year from now but that goes for most games.


Shandy did you pick it up?

Nope, not enough there for my money. I feel the same way about this as I did for Ryse. No way I'd drop my own cash on it at $60. I'm sure I'd enjoy it as a gift or for cheap.

I do want to eventually play it for those visuals and looking at every little detail in the world though. I'd probably play it like I have TLOU, hours just looking at stuff. I pay a ton of attention to detail.

Ok so...is it me or the AI is damn awful? (playing on Hard) enemies have no freakin clue on what to do

Yes, this has been talked about...or at least brought up. I've seen and heard others mention it.


Ok so...is it me or the AI is damn awful? (playing on Hard) enemies have no freakin clue on what to do

Yeah. I think the only things the difficulty changes are the amount of shots you can take and their accuracy. I moved it down to easy as I'd rather go in all guns blazing now as the cover approach doesn't feel like you need to be tactical with their AI.


Ok so...is it me or the AI is damn awful? (playing on Hard) enemies have no freakin clue on what to do

Overall decent, but definitely elements of hit and miss. The good is that they do lots of flanking, pinning, moving around to get to better spots etc. But the bad is that their awareness of cover and other allies around them is not so good. They'll stay out of cover for too long for example, or group together too often.

Side note, to headphone users, make sure you have the headphone audio option selected in the menu, otherwise the sound balancing is messed up. Vocals being too loud etc.
Played about 3 hours, AI seems to me like a mixture between Uncharted and Max Payne 3. It`s better than I thought after watching the trailers.


Frillen, you are the same person who pushed this 5 hour length number so vehemently, and even implied other GAFers were wrong or misinformed about theirs (despite there being quite a number of them). Low and behold that 5 hour number was a complete outlier that no one else on GAF has yet to even match. The averages ranging from 7-11 hours. Your disregard of GAF opinions here just seems completely misplaced.

It's pretty insulting that you not only think GAFers are incapable of measuring time, but also offering honest impressions. Not to mention that does not correlate with reality (see Destiny or WatchDogs for example). Your impressions were negative, you've been negative on this game from the beginning, so you presumably think only negative impressions are trust worthy?
How are you any better than him? You two are on different ends of the spectrum. You have defended this game( and many other Sony exclusives) on this very forum since it was announced without even laying a hand on a controller and playing it. You are the one of the very people that have insulted game reviewers for the same things you are claiming he is doing to " GAFers" opinions. Come on man, you have no bridge to stand on when trying to call someone else out for some kind of agenda.
I don't agree with Amirox's theory that the opinions of people who purchased the game cannot be trusted because they are "justifying their purchase" either intentionally or not. That theory discounts the opinions of the people best suited to give them -- the people who have played the game.

No, actually, it's quite the opposite. Some of those who haven't bought the game are looking for a reason not to and the fact that they trash on those who do is their way of trying to get justification for their choice.

Anyways, I finally got to play it. I only got through chapter one but, my initial impressions are that it's not great and not terrible. It's very nice looking, I'll say that.


I guess my opinion on the game can't be trusted...


Actually, my wife bought it for me, so my impressions will be untainted buaahahahaha.


Just got to chapter 4, loving it so far, although I can see why people wouldn't like it. Although I'm the type that takes it slow, game looks phenomenal of course, if they would tone down the cutscenes a little, made it longer and implemented a multiplayer it could be a massive series. I hope RAD get a chance to make a sequel or at least use the engine for something else.


Man this is such a missed opportunity. I don't want to disrespect the developers who have spent a lot of time working on this game or games like this but it seems to me that they just don't "get" game design.

It's not fun to take control of your character for the majority of the game, and I don't even mean cutscenes. For example the forced walking sequence even when the main character is out on the streets, the small cuts even for the smallest interaction (such as breaching a door) or picking up a gun or item...all of this can be done without a cut from gameplay.

Also prologues that start like the one in this game are clichés in the premise and the style, so is "oh I'm hurt so I'll take away control from the player for 10 minutes by limping and grunting" situations.

This game has such gorgeous atmosphere but Mannn you've got to let the player play !! Especially if it's a short game with no replay value , no NG and no MP. Just makes you wonder where the developer spent all their time on? It can't be just graphics because graphic programmers and artists are different from designers.


Ok so...is it me or the AI is damn awful? (playing on Hard) enemies have no freakin clue on what to do

Pretty average. At times they flank you, but their behavior is that of an average modern shooter, which is actually pretty good nowadays anyway. Things can get hectic towards the end, when they throw 7-8 enemies at you at once, especially with two shotgun dudes.
Ok so...is it me or the AI is damn awful? (playing on Hard) enemies have no freakin clue on what to do

It's a little odd (and I posted earlier how I've been flanked and rushed out of cover etc.) but there's other parts where it's pop-up (Victorian rebel) pirates, as if the AI hasn't been switched on and I can flank them (without using covering fire) and they stand looking at where I was even when I've started shooting at them. It's inconsistent, but I haven't always had 'thick as mince' enemies.

I think a linear game like this can gain so much replayability from having good, unpredictable AI that's it's a huge missed opportunity with this game.

Played about 3 hours, AI seems to me like a mixture between Uncharted and Max Payne 3. It`s better than I thought after watching the trailers.

Shot-gunners are definitely in the U3 style, they make no bones against cheaply tank-rushing you as soon as they appear.
I can't believe they released a shooter on 2015 with no surround sound support! so much for "cinematic experience"

I think it does have surround support but it's just not shown on the menu correctly. I think if you have a surround sound setup and set it to stereo, it will be surround.

I could be wrong though.


I wouldn't say awful what game do you think has good AI?

Might not be awful but i'm not finding smart the way they stand out in the open just doing nothing while i'm wrecking their comrades, hell sometimes they have you on sight and instead of shooting they go running the other way, as nib said, they don't seem aware at all of their positioning, especially of the other AIs
Man this is such a missed opportunity. I don't want to disrespect the developers who have spent a lot of time working on this game or games like this but it seems to me that they just don't "get" game design.

It's not fun to take control of your character for the majority of the game, and I don't even mean cutscenes. For example the forced walking sequence even when the main character is out on the streets, the small cuts even for the smallest interaction (such as breaching a door) or picking up a gun or item...all of this can be done without a cut from gameplay.

Also prologues that start like the one in this game are clichés in the premise and the style, so is "oh I'm hurt so I'll take away control from the player for 10 minutes by limping and grunting" situations.

This game has such gorgeous atmosphere but Mannn you've got to let the player play !! Especially if it's a short game with no replay value , no NG and no MP. Just makes you wonder where the developer spent all their time on? It can't be just graphics because graphic programmers and artists are different from designers.

They really could have done with looking at this game from the perspective of multiple playthroughs; better more interesting AI, Bulletstorm score attacks or that-shooter-which-name-I've-forgot that played like a racer; skippable cutscenes (or the option to leave them out all together). If there's going to be no multiplayer, or co-op (which I don't really want) then some replay/score attack mechanics should have been in there.

Like you say, missed opportunity.


Have played through the first 3 hours or so.

1) The finest visuals I've ever seen. Period. I own a monster PC.
2) Gunplay as fun as anything in any Uncharted and I've played them all. I'd call it superior actually - more responsive, visceral, engaging.
3) Lots of story/lengthy periods without shooting spent soaking up the visuals, dialogue and atmosphere. I don't mind this.

Not too sure what's going on story wise but I'm sure I'll connect the dots soon. It's a game that takes itself seriously in a somewhat fantastic setting and I can appreciate how some would dislike that.

That said, this game is a visual masterpiece with gunplay as fun as any TPS I've ever played. I don't get the 5s.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I'll be getting stuck in after work. One of the things I love doing in games is staring off into the distance, looking at landscapes, buildings and other minor details etc. The Uncharted games were great for this, hopefully this game is too.


How are you any better than him? You two are on different ends of the spectrum. You have defended this game( and many other Sony exclusives) on this very forum since it was announced without even laying a hand on a controller and playing it. You are the one of the very people that have insulted game reviewers for the same things you are claiming he is doing to " GAFers" opinions. Come on man, you have no bridge to stand on when trying to call someone else out for some kind of agenda.

Well with your post history you clearly don't either, but here you are doing it. Glass ceilings and rocks how do they work?


How are you any better than him? You two are on different ends of the spectrum. You have defended this game( and many other Sony exclusives) on this very forum since it was announced without even laying a hand on a controller and playing it. You are the one of the very people that have insulted game reviewers for the same things you are claiming he is doing to " GAFers" opinions. Come on man, you have no bridge to stand on when trying to call someone else out for some kind of agenda.

I have not insulted game reviewers, simply stated that I don't agree with some of the reviews or find a few of their Twitter antics rather unprofessional. And if speaking of GAFer impressions as a basis for comparison of opinion of the game, is tantamount to defending it, then so be it.


Just gotta get through this work day to fire it up. I've been waiting to play this for so damn long, excited to form some first-hand impressions.


I can't believe they released a shooter on 2015 with no surround sound support! so much for "cinematic experience"

This absolutely does have surround sound. I have a pretty good 5.2 system and the sound design in this game is absolutely amazing. Chatter and gun shots all around me - it sounds fantastic.


Pickup my copy after work. Looking forward to the experience. I am glad reviews are around and certainly have a purpose, but I personally don't care what reviews say, I always judge games on my own. It is rare that my own feelings mirror the critics.


Post didnt deliver the game today, so I just bought it on PSN. YOLO.

Going to return the physical copy.

3GB of 7. LETS GOOO.
Ok so 3 hours in and it gives a huge Resident Evil 4 vibe with a bit of cover shooting thrown in. Not sure it's because Galahad moves exactly like Leon or something else.

Can't say I've had any issues with the game so far and am thoroughly enjoying it. This off the back of my third play through The Last of Us so it was competing against the best.

Don't understand the hate at all, maybe it gets worse as you progress.


5.5hrs in and I just arrived to the start of the Chapter 9 [Hard]. So far I am enjoying the game, visuals are INCREDIBLE and gunplay is serviceable. Arc Gun is so much fun. Story is interesting, but nothing mindblowing is happing so far, the masterminds are still not unveiled. :)


You just said it in your post- those buy it, already want it, and their impressions may have an element of purchase-justification. I'm not criticizing gaffers. It's just human nature. I'll find Amiroxs post at some point today, which explains it well.

Either way, they're not worthless- a lot of those impressions are fair/detailed/well thought out. I just don't think they are a representative survey.

Most people that spend their hard earned money on things will give you a much more accurate (detailed critique) representation of it than someone who was just handed said item for free. That usually leads to Narcissistic entitlement behavior which we have seen quite a bit over the years.

It is also human nature to be overly critical of things (Affirmation behavior) when that has been the narrative/rhetoric of the majority of their peers. Why are we have a psychology debate?

Even the highly positive previews from GAF members still point out the negatives of the game. None flat out said it was perfect. I had one of the more positive reviews you will find and even I stated there were things missing from combat and it left way too many questions at the end. Spending $150 and change on the PE does not mean I can not rationally critique the game and point out its flaws.

What I would like to see from RAD in the future

More combat movement options something similar to what snake can do in MGSGZ would be nice the whole laying on your back and firing shots would have worked well in this game.

Better set pieces with more destructibility and more ways to tackle combat situations.

A melee system more along the lines of TLOU which I thought was perfect.

Multiplayer is a given and It would probably be in their best interest to add it in DLC for this game or at least a horde mode to add some replayability while they work on story DLC or the next iteration of the game.

I still think it is a solid effort and hope they improve upon the formula in future DLC or sequels.
Is it somehow possible to make the display fit to my screen in the game?
Some parts of the HUD (or at least of the descriptions of items or guns) on the upper right corner are cut off and I actually did set up my TV correctly.


Is it somehow possible to make the display fit to my screen in the game?
Some parts of the HUD (or at least of the descriptions of items or guns) on the upper right corner are cut off and I actually did set up my TV correctly.

Check the PS4 display system settings, there's a screen area tool.
More combat movement options something similar to what snake can do in MGSGZ would be nice the whole laying on your back and firing shots would have worked well in this game.

A melee system more along the lines of TLOU which I thought was perfect.


I wanted to wait until I've played the game and got a sense of how the combat played out in the larger context, but even looking at the videos, I thought that if The Order took:

MGSV's core moveset
TLoU's melee
RE6's gunplay dynamism

It could' had worked well, even within the context of what was shown in the existing Order template.

Well, except RE6's gunplay dynamism, because the strength of RE6's gunplay came from how it interacted with the enemies, so Order's non-human enemies need to be more diverse.
I am surprised to hear about the forced walks, I swear that we had heard the game lets you skip them. Don't recall where that info came from though
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