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The Tomorrow Children Open Beta : All your base are belong to us


Felt asleep last night, started playing around 4:00 am central.

Just made to the first town, very intrigued by this game. The visuals are very unique and pretty amazing to look at, the lighting and carved objects, just as they are in the videos.
Gameplay I'm just figuring out on my own. This is one game I've been looking forward to very much. I could never get into Minecraft even F2P. But The Tomorrow Children will be worth a purchase, comrades! :p


Unconfirmed Member
Quick screenshot dump:







what is the schedule for bus? does it wait tillnit gets full? somwtimes i wait for like 5 minutes in it for a ride.

edit: just seen the time table near bus stop lol


Love the look of this but have no idea what it's about or what you do (even after reading the blog post). Looking forward to trying it out over the weekend.


Love the look of this but have no idea what it's about or what you do (even after reading the blog post). Looking forward to trying it out over the weekend.
its like minecraft with a more narrow world and plenty of communism and community efforts
I love the atmosphere in this game.
The art style, music and sound design go together really well and create a very eery and unique mood that I haven't encountered in any other game before.

Hopefully the full version will be with us soon.


I forgot to download this aaaaaarrrgh! Tonight's the night then, have no idea how it plays or what it actually is. But I'm intrigued.
About to dive in! I played a little bit of the last beta but there is still a lot to learn. Is there a server I need to look for? I just kind of jumped from town to town last time. Would like a place to call home.


give it a try, it's not tedious like minecraft and a joy to look at it actually!

It seems pretty tedious to me, you have to wait in line to use the workshop you have to wait for the bus, you run on a treadmill. I put my torch down and some dude nicked it. I really dont understand the appeal. Seems like Work Simulator 2016.


It's like Minecraft + Sim City + Papers Please + Playstation Home.

I had no idea what to do after getting to a town. I think there needs to be more player guidance at the start. The tutorial doesn't really cover anything apart from digging.


It seems pretty tedious to me, you have to wait in line to use the workshop you have to wait for the bus, you run on a treadmill. I put my torch down and some dude nicked it. I really dont understand the appeal. Seems like Work Simulator 2016.
that torch was never yours, it belongs to state! :p
I'm really enjoying the game so far. Been playing since the severs went up and it's been fun watching and helping the town grow.
Anyone streaming?

Im watching a steam right now just to get a better idea on how to start. While I enjoyed the last beta i was a little lost.

Go to your twitch app and search for qgamestv. They have a video almost 2 hours long that they streamed earlier. That is what Im watching.


Im watching a steam right now just to get a better idea on how to start. While I enjoyed the last beta i was a little lost.

Go to your twitch app and search for qgamestv. They have a video almost 2 hours long that they streamed earlier. That is what Im watching.

I finally found a stream that wasn't a foreign language.


I think I found a good candidate for GAF Town 3.0: Krekvka

You guys can add my PSN which is the same a my name here so you can join !


So how many island types are there? So far a giant head with bombs, islands made out of colored spheres and a normal island with trees appeared in our game.


Dammit, I'm out of town until Sunday! I'll play as much as I can after I'm back. I hope to check out impressions over the weekend whenever I'm able.
Played for an hour or so. Really enjoying it.

I set it up this morning but didn't have time. When I came back this evening, the town I am part of had grown massively. Did a lot of digging, gathering resources, built a few things. Best part was digging a tunnel, coming out the other side just as a giant godzilla came crashing through, then I was attacked by mosquitos but had a rocket launcher and blew them away.


I feel like I'm missing something. The game looks cool and I really want to enjoy it but I'm finding it too monotonous.
I think it's how structured it seems and from the early trailers I was under the impression it was more dynamic and open to explore.


Got it downloading. Stoked to see an open beta as I missed out on all the others. I've really wanted to play this for a while now.

Might have to leave work early...
Very cool game! I only put in about 2 hours so far and some of my initial gripes are:

1) Individual player progression seems too slow! In the two hours that I played I got to level 4. That isn't so bad, but you receive one point to put into a stat of your choice each time you level up. I noticed that in order for me to increase my loot carry limit, there's a stat attribute for it. I was able to put in 3 points into that in the two hours that I played...but it says it only unlocks more slots at 10 points! That's a LOT of time for one stat bonus.

2) The gameworld is super fascinating to explore, but are each of the "islands" basically a randomly generated shape to be carved out that results in providing the same resources? The overall game loop seems too drawn out if that's the case.

3) I often times found myself unequipped to tackle a particular problem due to not having the right tool, resources or something else. This wouldn't be a problem if it didn't take so long to evolve your character. For example: Spend 5 mins waiting for and riding the bus to get to new island. Find something of value there (i.e. a doll), but it's up high on a cliff edge. Oops...don't have a ladder or a shovel to get it safely down. Go back into town to purchase drop ladder but find out your just shy the amount of funds. Do something else to get it the funds, buy the ladder, get back to where the doll was to find there's a weird flying bug enemy attacking you every time you try to dig. Oops...don't have any weapons and couldn't carry anymore anyway. The end result is you spending probably 20 minutes to accomplish almost nothing.

While this may sound like needless bitching, I'm still really enjoying it and it feels like nothing else. I really love the concept of a group of people working together to rebuild a base overtime. I'm looking forward to getting into the combat mechanics a bit more. My biggest takeaway so far is that there seems to be something off with the pace of the game.

*Edit* Pro-tip I forgot to mention. You can jump and press O to toss an object away from you instead of running and pressing O. This is quite valuable when you're up someplace high and find a resource but cannot get it down and your bags are full. Just toss it off the side and onto the ground and someone will find it and pick it up. You even get points when people find your things. That's communism after all!
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