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The Wii U Speculation Thread V: The Final Frontier

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I still don't get why the doom and gloom happened in the first place...
We've know what the Wii U was basically going to be since E3. Nothing's changed in the past day.

Full moon?
Group mentality?
One person expresses negative opinions and then all those with negative views pop up?


aka Cabbie
I still don't get why the doom and gloom happened in the first place...
We've know what the Wii U was basically going to be since E3. Nothing's changed in the past day.

I think we're just cranky about being more bored as shit than usual. Which is pretty bored.
I think we're just cranky about being more bored as shit than usual. Which is pretty bored.



Okay gents, here's where I'm at with the Wii U:

I've realized that I use my 360 and PS3 less for games, and more for the multimedia aspect now. After dealing with various apps for my 360 including Netflix, Hulu+ and HBO Go, I'm frustrated with the user interface. I hate having to browse a catalog or search letter by letter using a remote. It's cumbersome and antiquated at this point.

So I guess what I'm saying is if Nintendo and Netflix/Hulu/HBO/etc. can make apps available at launch and make them more user friendly, so you can browse a Netflix library on the Upad while having a movie playing already on the TV, or launch a different app at the same time like being able to browse the internet concurrently while watching something on Hulu (something I'm guilty of doing on my iPad a LOT) then already, I'm interested. If Nintendo comes through and makes it super easy to do their Skype-ing thing, like where you have a unified friends list and when they're on you literally click their name and can dial them to talk, I'm in.

Honestly, as I'm getting older, this is the stuff that appeals to me the most now. Yeah I'm still a Nintendo fanboy and get excited over the prospect of Pikmin 3, but after I beat the game, I want the streaming/video apps to work the best they can, and Nintendo is in a unique position to make it happen with the Upad. Here's hoping they're thinking that too.

Good post, and I'm there with you. Call it age or whatever, but I want more than just the games. The games make the console, but I'd love something where I can stream, look up the 'net, check email etc as well. Basically I am hoping the Subscreen can replace my iPad so I can just have one unit in the lounge. Then I won't care when my wife nicks it for Boggle.

bg, you do some of the best hyping ever.. :D
These next twenty days are going to feel like forever, aren't they?
You sure he's not just trolling? :p And yes, they are going to go soooooo slow. Then just imagine the wait until launch....
It's because Nintendo's press conference is still 3 goddamn weeks away.

3 weeks? Is that all?

Gonna fly by for me - got work on 2/3 weekends, a party on the other one, Mario Tennis, finishing Fire Emblem, new recruits to deal with and a lengthy translation.

Not gonna have time to think!
My only issue right now with the console is the idea that the Upad is going to take away the spotlight off the Wiimote.

WiiU has more than enough power to see any of my ambitions to life.


Who says they have to take losses to make consoles much stronger? At 399 they could sell without losing money, and create something that will probably be notably stronger than the WiiU.

Not to the point where ports can't happen, but just saying. People shouldn't think that PS4/720 aren't going to be powerhouses. They won't be OMGWTFFFFFFFFF but they'll be acceptable generational leaps while the wiiU will be somewhere on the lower end of their spectrum. Not that I'm saying it matters, just sayin'.

The PS4/720 are going to need to be powerhouses if they want to distinguish themselves from the PS3/360 on graphics alone. I know John Carmack has said he doesn't think even an 8-10 times more powerful system will be able to produce graphics that will be an appreciable enough improvement over what's currently available, in terms of what the average consumer will really notice.

Which is why I think there's going to be a really big focus next generation on new control interfaces and expanding service/multimedia functionality, to distinguish the new systems from the old ones.


I hadn't heard of this. Two core games and five "casual" games. So what they're saying is that other than Rayman and Killer Freaks…


Um, are you forgetting Ghost Recon Online and ACIII?

Though, we can safely say no Far Cry 3 or Splinter Cell 6.

I'm going to guess that ACIII is one of the core ones, while Rayman is one of the casual ones.


  • The Avengers
  • Rayman Legends
  • Just Dance 4
  • Rabbids Game?
  • Killer Freaks From Outer Space?

  • Ghost Recon Online
  • Assassins Creed III

I wonder if Ubi will end-up making another empty apology for shit games dumped onto a Nintendo console. (Harumph!)

I'm hoping that their use of the term "casual" just means "can be enjoyed by all audiences". Rayman, under that descriptor, could be considered casual. I will accept four Rayman titles (plus "Avengers: Use The Camera To Make Hulk Dance!", because we were made to suffer) at E3.
Already been posted?

Part of Ubisoft's success is expected to come from Nintendo's Wii U, launching at the end of this year. Ubisoft is a very strong supporter and is quite bullish on Wii U.The company will have five casual titles and two core titles. Guillemot pointed to the Avengers game slated for Wii U (and Kinect) as a title that should do very well with the casual market.


  • The Avengers
  • Rayman Legends
  • Just Dance 4
  • Rabbids Game?
  • Killer Freaks From Outer Space?

  • Ghost Recon Online
  • Assassins Creed III


I don't consider Killer Freaks casual but to be honest, if they do, I like that term for that game.

It gives me this lighthearted Timesplitters vibe!!!


Capcom can't announce anything right now for the Wii U. No one can, really. Make claims about their Wii U support after E3. You're probably right, but I don't take non announcements to mean anything right now. We can't even get information on games that have already been announced....


Yay! I want to get hyped again too! Lurking in this thread the past few hours has been pretty depressing with all the talk about graphics and power... but E3 is just a few weeks away! All I want to see is some amazing HD Nintendo games.

Oh, and Nintendo is finally releasing Pikmin 2 for the Wii in the US so I'll be ready for Pikmin 3 :D



And Just Dance 4 as the last casual game, obviously.

Just dance would actually be #6. There is that Your shape game coming though their forecast is of course for only a set period so one or more could shift to outside the period.

Wow, it's like the opposite of the rest of the day. You guys are impeccably optimistic of Ubisoft's definition of the term "casual".
Nah Ubisoft has teased what their new definition of casual and such is. Its Social gaming and Free 2 plays etc. Ghost Recon is a Ubisoft Free to play title. Rayman is being hyped heavily for its social stuff. They flat out named avengers as an example of social title.
Just dance would actually be #6. There is that Your shape game coming though their forecast is of course for only a set period so one or more could shift to outside the period

Wait, how can Ubisoft be showing off only seven (as above, five "casual" and two "core") games when we already know more than seven that they have coming? Maybe they meant they'd have seven games playable on the show floor?


Yay! I want to get hyped again too! Lurking in this thread the past few hours has been pretty depressing with all the talk about graphics and power... but E3 is just a few weeks away! All I want to see is some amazing HD Nintendo games.

Oh, and Nintendo is finally releasing Pikmin 2 for the Wii in the US so I'll be ready for Pikmin 3 :D

Part of me wants NPC Pikmin, but another part of me wonders if we'll ever see an HD Wii U version. One tempting thing? It'd be on Wii,so I could use BC to play it.. unlike the GameCube version I own.


aka Cabbie
Part of me wants NPC Pikmin, but another part of me wonders if we'll ever see an HD Wii U version. One tempting thing? It'd be on Wii,so I could use BC to play it.. unlike the GameCube version I own.

Only 20 bucks man. I know I'm picking it up. Shame the NPC boxart is kind of crap for collectors.


Wait, how can Ubisoft be showing off only seven (as above, five "casual" and two "core") games when we already know more than seven that they have coming? Maybe they meant they'd have seven games playable on the show floor?

I think they mean they will be shipping 7 games this year for the Wii U


I'm hoping that their use of the term "casual" just means "can be enjoyed by all audiences". Rayman, under that descriptor, could be considered casual. I will accept four Rayman titles (plus "Avengers: Use The Camera To Make Hulk Dance!", because we were made to suffer) at E3.

Based off the leaked footage with the people enjoying it together, it seems like it would fit under that category...or at least Ubisoft wants it to fit under that category.
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