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The Wii U Speculation Thread VI: The Undiscovered Country

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Today is almost over. Saturday is gonna go slowly at first, but the evening/night will go by quickly, same goes for Sunday because of all the stuff to watch on tv at night. And then E3 is here :)


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Today is almost over. Saturday is gonna go slowly at first, but the evening/night will go by quickly, same goes for Sunday because of all the stuff to watch on tv at night. And then E3 is here :)

I am just relieved that Ubisoft at the very least will be talking Wii U on Monday.


Today is almost over. Saturday is gonna go slowly at first, but the evening/night will go by quickly, same goes for Sunday because of all the stuff to watch on tv at night. And then E3 is here :)

I'm going to kill the next two days playing GC games. Day of Reckoning 2, Soul Calibur II, and Timespliters 2. Should be fun.

What do we have here... a patent filed by Shigeru Miyamoto and Denis Dyack in 2010...

System and method for controlling animation by tagging objects within a game

It was posted yesterday I believe, but it's interesting nonetheless.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I'm going to Radiohead tonight with the wife. So that's a start.


What do we have here... a patent filed by Shigeru Miyamoto and Denis Dyack in 2011...

System and method for controlling animation by tagging objects within a game


I'm fucking ready for Eternal Darkness 2. Put it out at launch and you already have gained a huge chunk of the core market.

Remember all the fucking crazy ass shit they did in ED 1? Just with a regular controller and console? All those great fake-outs and gimmicks? Just think what they can do now with the tablet. I'm ready.


I'm so fucking excited for E3 right know.
I'm starting to get really, really antsy at this point. One day of work remains between now and Nintendo's conferences for me, and it's looking like a very light day. The clock is going to move sooooo slooooowly over that Monday.


I'm fucking ready for Eternal Darkness 2. Put it out at launch and you already have gained a huge chunk of the core market.

Remember all the fucking crazy ass shit they did in ED 1? Just with a regular controller and console? All those great fake-outs and gimmicks? Just think what they can do now with the tablet. I'm ready.
Don't get me started man. I loved the stuff they did to throw you around.


I'm so fucking excited for E3 right know.

Quick little E3 hype story. My brother and I live about 4hrs apart, so aside from holidays we don't see each other that often despite being very close. Well we decided this year to take days off of work and stay at his place during E3.

So we're planning on hangin out tomorrow thru Nintendo's conference, and we're going to record our reactions live, in a podcast style for memories. Anyways, I am sleeping this morning, then at around 5 am my phone is beeping like crazy because I'm recieving multiple texts, the texts basically say "I'm so hyped for E3!", "I can't believe what we will see, I know it's gonna be amazing", and I get a couple more just like that. So basically yeah, my older brother is going to make sure I don't loss my anticipation for E3.
So I changed the page on my Club Nintendo 2012 calendar. It went from Star Fox (May) to Nintendogs + Cats (June).


Also, I'd totally be up for some Scribblenauts. Only tried a bit of the first one, and I don't really own any of them.
I swear this always looked like the man was undergoing the jolliest heart attack, with the final second not being the camera panning upward but him falling down in pain.


May I have a cookie?
It'd be an insta-buy for me. A no-brainer with that tablet. So much fun!

I think the best improvement they can make upon the original idea is to invest considerable effort into emergent interactions between objects "summoned" by the player. Based on both scripted and non-scripted behavior.

If they can make a robust enough system that can handle multiple objects, then maybe we could have scribblenaughts multiplayer battles. That would be something else!

Sadly I'm not sure if our current computing technology is up to such a task...


I'm just excited that not only are we going to have HD Nintendo games, but that we're going to have a "normal" controller (ie. primarily controlling with joysticks and buttons). The casual market is feeble and don't care to jump around from platform to platform and leave the last thing they had collecting dust. Gamers primarily want buttons, so I think they will always be constant even with other controller trends coming and going.


May I have a cookie?
Perhaps its being used in an unconventional way. Certainly an odd patent.

If I'm reading between the lines correctly, I think their addition to this mechanic is that the character's facial reaction to the tag would be dynamic, perhaps based on your play-style or previous decisions made, or just based on what point in the story you're in.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.

ETERNAL DARKNESS 2!!!!! Please please pleaseeee be real!!!! I've ignored the reestablishing of the trademark, I ignored all the hints that Dyack gave, but I can't fricken ignore the Miyamoto/Dyack patent.

Make it real Nintendo, scratch that cover off and show me the goods!


I'm just excited that not only are we going to have HD Nintendo games, but that we're going to have a "normal" controller (ie. primarily controlling with joysticks and buttons). The casual market is feeble and don't care to jump around from platform to platform and leave the last thing they had collecting dust. Gamers primarily want buttons, so I think they will always be constant even with other controller trends coming and going.

I know a lot of people that will buy the Wii U that didn't buy the Wii just becauase of this. Having the Wii U controller being the primary single-player controller, and Nintendo games being in HD is enough for some. The people saying that not every casual that bought a Wii will buy a Wii U are right, but there are a lot of people that didn't buy a Wii that are still Nintendo fans, and they will buy the Wii U.
I need to find things to do this weekend... maybe I should just go to the movies alone and watch films all day Saturday and Sunday

Damn this wait is going to SUUUUCK



ETERNAL DARKNESS 2!!!!! Please please pleaseeee be real!!!! I've ignored the reestablishing of the trademark, I ignored all the hints that Dyack gave, but I can't fricken ignore the Miyamoto/Dyack patent.

Make it real Nintendo, scratch that cover off and show me the goods!

It will happen. And it will be extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeme


I know a lot of people that will buy the Wii U that didn't buy the Wii just becauase of this. Having the Wii U controller being the primary single-player controller, and Nintendo games being in HD is enough for some. The people saying that not every casual that bought a Wii will buy a Wii U are right, but there are a lot of people that didn't buy a Wii that are still Nintendo fans, and they will buy the Wii U.

I think with the possibility that many of the big third party titles being on the console for the next few years would be a great incentive for people who were hestitant to buy the Wii before.

That, and until the PS4/Xbox 3 whatever comes, third party titles will be the exact same/slightly better on the Wii U as they are on the current consoles. The slew of new stuff already announced when E3 hasn't even started yet shows me that developers are still focusing their efforts on the current generation.

I'm going to have a heart attack thinking about Eternal Darkness 2.

I love getting unnecessarily hyped during E3 season.



ETERNAL DARKNESS 2!!!!! Please please pleaseeee be real!!!! I've ignored the reestablishing of the trademark, I ignored all the hints that Dyack gave, but I can't fricken ignore the Miyamoto/Dyack patent.

Make it real Nintendo, scratch that cover off and show me the goods!

I've been predicting it will be a launch, or near launch title since last E3. It makes sense when you think about not just the hints, but the fact that Nintendo has said you need exclusive games to attract an install base, well a lot Nintendo's internal studios just finished up some pretty big stuff, so having a different dev deliver an exclusive game early could really help.
Smart Glass :)


I can now kinect on my iPad sweet

I knew Nintendo was not going to get away with this pad controller for too long but since this is just an App I expect this to be a test run for next box
I'm starting to get really, really antsy at this point. One day of work remains between now and Nintendo's conferences for me, and it's looking like a very light day. The clock is going to move sooooo slooooowly over that Monday.

As mentioned a while ago, my hype has been gradually deflating. As of Sunday, it should reach an all-time low. Everything it proceeding exactly as I have foreseen.


May I have a cookie?
Okay, I know this is crazy.. but with Retro most probably working on something original and amazing, SK possibly finishing up an Eternal Darkness sequel, and Nintendo's general interest in reviving successful "hard-core" IPs...

(I almost feel bad for even thinking about this)
Is it possible a new Rogue Squadron game for Wii U is in development somewhere?

I know Factor 5 bit the dust, and most employees have since moved on, but a core group (including Eggebrecht and Co.) has supposedly started a new company called touchfactor dedicated exclusively to social gaming - the very idea of them making such a move is ridiculous enough, but their website (which hasn't been updated in over a year and reeks of gimmickry) just seems like something constructed over the course of an hour, as a cover up for something bigger.

Have I completely lost it? Or only partially lost it?


I have three meetings scheduled for Monday, so I'll likely not be following the MS/Sony events as they happen, but I fully expect Tuesday to be my least productive day ever.


I bought ED in London several years ago. I was too young and stupid to get it and I didn't know what to do, so I called the Nintendo support but still didn't know what to do. Only played a small bit and I don't remember anything except that purple worm thing.

I'm hoping for a VC release.



ETERNAL DARKNESS 2!!!!! Please please pleaseeee be real!!!! I've ignored the reestablishing of the trademark, I ignored all the hints that Dyack gave, but I can't fricken ignore the Miyamoto/Dyack patent.

Make it real Nintendo, scratch that cover off and show me the goods!

Haha! Have the meltdowns already started with no news? xD
But I agree, I feel exactly like that. :p


Death Prophet
Okay, I know this is crazy.. but with Retro most probably working on something original and amazing, SK possibly finishing up an Eternal Darkness sequel, and Nintendo's general interest in reviving successful "hard-core" IPs...

(I almost feel bad for even thinking about this)
Is it possible a new Rogue Squadron game for Wii U is in development somewhere?

I know Factor 5 bit the dust, and most employees have since moved on, but a core group (including Eggebrecht and Co.) has supposedly started a new company called touchfactor dedicated exclusively to social gaming - the very idea of them making such a move is ridiculous enough, but their website (which hasn't been updated in over a year and reeks of gimmickry) just seems like something constructed over the course of an hour, as a cover up for something bigger.

Have I completely lost it? Or only partially lost it?

I for one have my tin foil hat ready.


Okay, I know this is crazy.. but with Retro most probably working on something original and amazing, SK possibly finishing up an Eternal Darkness sequel, and Nintendo's general interest in reviving successful "hard-core" IPs...

(I almost feel bad for even thinking about this)
Is it possible a new Rogue Squadron game for Wii U is in development somewhere?

Have I completely lost it? Or only partially lost it?

I think that one is a little out there, it just doesn't really seem in the cards. It would be neat though, and if Iwata or some other higher up pushed for it, it could happen, but it probaly wouldn't be the same anyways. As you mentioned a lot of the people who worked on it are doing social games now, so it would be hard for lightning to strike twice.
Is this the "rude/blunt" Crystal Dynamics quote referred to by someone earlier? It's lame and smacks of Kojima style excuses but nothing rude and doesn't even exclude the (very slight) possibility of working with the system in the future.


When we started developing the game we made a conscious decision that it was all about building the game for a platform and making sure the game was specific to that platform. Given that we’ve been working on the game quite a while before Wii U was announced I think it would not be right to try and port it across. If we started building a game for the Wii U we would build it very differently and we would build it with unique functionality.
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