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The Wii U Speculation Thread VI: The Undiscovered Country

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Thing about Mario levels is that they approach an idea of 'perfection' in game design, where everything is there for a reason. Don't see how user created content fits.
If Nintendo drops the 3d Mario bomb today...I will be obligated to buy the system asap. Brawl and Galaxy was the reason I got my wii...and it was worth it son.

It could be Galaxy style or 64 style(would cream my pants and all of the pants I ever will own if it happens), I don;t give a shit.

3D Mario = Will buy.



I think i have an idea what NSMB Wii U might be...

Its not your usual mario platformer per se...

I thought about what we saw at Nintendo Direct and i think i MAY know where they are heading with this.

When you start, you get your OWN world map. Via level editor you can create own levels and make "path" to the next levels. You can make it look like a real Mario map.

Now the cool part:

All of your friends have access to your Map aswell and can play your levels and leave a comment (Hence the Video where you see comments on levels). You can do the same with their Mario maps! (Iwata said: User created content sharing on the ND)

They may even be able to place a level of their own on your map anf challenge you.

They could have access to your levels even while you are not in the game. You will get a notification when a Friend left a comment or placed a level for you!

Maybe you can add archivements to every level (Hence the "Finally beat in under 100 seconds comment on the map at one level)

That would be SOO sweet

What do you think about this idea?

I'm pretty sure there will be a level editor especially since Iwata mentioned content sharing in the Nintendo Direct video.
Hopefully it's not Miiniverse Football and Miiniverse Sports Island.

Well, someone just posted a Mass Effect Wii U in the main gaming forum. I expect the franchises shown off yesterday to be announced for the Wii U. Possibly with exclusive content.

So there is a high likelihood that NSMB will launch with the system. Rayman is launching with the system. Is this an obvious problem and the former will completely eat the later out of existence?

Nintendo should help promote Rayman by including it in commercials, but that's about as far as they should go. If Mario is ready for launch, then it should be there. The 3DS should've taught them a lesson about getting their big guns out early. They should be looking to build as much momentum for the Wii U as they can before the other consoles are available.


You guys see the thread on Mass Effect possibly coming to WiiU?

The German facebook page for the game updated its status saying to tune into the Nintendo conference.

I haven't played the games but that's a great sign!


You guys see the thread on Mass Effect possibly coming to WiiU?

The German facebook page for the game updated its status saying to tune into the Nintendo conference.

I haven't played the games but that's a great sign!

Mass Effect 1 can't come to the Wii U. Microsoft owns the publishing rights.


You guys see the thread on Mass Effect possibly coming to WiiU?

The German facebook page for the game updated its status saying to tune into the Nintendo conference.

I haven't played the games but that's a great sign!

ME1 & 2 are pretty fun... although I got both those for $20 combined on Steam during the Holiday Sale


Mass Effect 1 can't come to the Wii U. Microsoft owns the publishing rights.

Well nothing is confirmed so I don't know. Just that the German FB page for the game is telling its fans to tune into the Nintendo conference. Maybe new game? Port of another version?


Gold Member
You guys see the thread on Mass Effect possibly coming to WiiU?

The German facebook page for the game updated its status saying to tune into the Nintendo conference.

I haven't played the games but that's a great sign!

Please, no old ports. That won't help the Wii U. Keep it current at least, and then next gen.

No old sh*t!!


My source is my ass!
After watching that trailer I'm absolutely convinced the violence in video games has hit a ridiculous level. Absolutely unnecessary.

Even worse was Geoff Keighley freaking out like a psychopath after it happened.

Seriously, the editorials of serious analysts, good websites, like gamasutra, on that, will be unavoidable.

I imagine someone not very interested in video games, watching the conferences, 85% of the content we witnessed thus far involved "warfare", blood, weapons, guns, reticles, "go go go", executions, etc, etc.

I'm not against violence, a sort of brutality, in games, at all, but when it's the common factor, no.
That would be a megaton. I won't expect it, but damn what a good move it would be.

I believe Nintendo realises that they HAVE to go all out. And if the game is anything like i wrote its not worth full price... so it may be a packin. Would show off the social features of the console pretty well!


Yay! I'm glad Gamespot is streaming via YouTube this year. It's a site that isn't blocked at work so I'll be able to watch during my lunch break.
Seriously, the editorials of serious analysts, good websites, like gamasutra, on that, will be unavoidable.

I imagine someone not very interested in video games, watching the conferences, 85% of the content we witnessed involved "warfare", blood, weapons, guns, reticles, "go go go", executions, etc, etc.

I'm not against violence, a sort of brutality, in games, at all, but when it's the common factor, no.

I agree. Violence is ok, but not every game needs it to be geat. Thats why its so refreshing to see games like Rayman Legends!


Please, no old ports. That won't help the Wii U. Keep it current at least, and then next gen.

No old sh*t!!

Again like I said in the other thread why is this a bad thing? If all 3rd parties do today is announce ports of old games, it might still be better than the support Nintendo received last gen. But we already know there will be some exclusives, new games that are multiplat, and of course old ports (Arkham City).

I'm fine with a mix of those types of games plus Nintendo's own software.


Nintendo conference thread title include "Next-Gen" in one way or another

we have 360/PS3 games looking worse than some last gen games

Yeah it always happens simply because power means nothing without time and effort. Unfortunately I don't expect that to stop trolls from comparing to poorest looking WiiU games to the best looking PS360 games and coming to ridiculous conclusions about the hardware.


AT&T does list
Nintendo All Access Presentation @ E3 2012
The Nintendo Press Conference is showcased from the Electronic Entertainment Expo at the Nokia Theatre, where the Wii U is expected to be showcased, along with Super Smash Bros. and the latest game titles for Nintendo 3DS.

But it doesn't confirm it as spike could have just submitted any random description.


Gold Member
Again like I said in the other thread why is this a bad thing? If all 3rd parties do today is announce ports of old games, it might still be better than the support Nintendo received last gen. But we already know there will be some exclusives, new games that are multiplat, and of course old ports (Arkham City).

I'm fine with a mix of those types of games plus Nintendo's own software.

It wouldn't be bad, but there has been 5 years for people interested in ME to play ME. I just don't see it doing well on Wii U because of this.


AT&T does list

But it doesn't confirm it as spike could have just submitted any random description.

It would be an amazing surprise but at this point I believe the game director (forget his name) when he said they just started work on the game and are way way away from the game being finished.


It wouldn't be bad, but there has been 5 years for people interested in ME to play ME. I just don't see it doing well on Wii U because of this.

Well just in this thread there have been people who admitted they haven't played a lot of these games. Heck I own a PS3 and I haven't played any of some of the bigger third party games (I use PS3 mostly for EA Sports games/BluRay movie watching).

Its better than not having the game and at launch it might even get a wider audience. Now if all we get are 1-2 years old ports of games then I will be upset. But some ports, some new multiplatform games, and some exclusives? That's ideal!
Those who are complaining about what little we have seen of ZombiU, go take a look at some 360 screenshots of Left 4 Dead. Individual zombies looked like crap, but it remains an amazing game and when you play it you rarely find yourself criticising the graphics. For all we know this game can handle dozens or hundreds of zombies at once.
Well I guess if they do show something for SSB it will have to just be a very brief CG trailer because the last I heard development of the game was in the first stages and they had just begun planning out the development after the release of Kid Icarus: Uprising. I suppose that even if they just showed a logo people would go crazy over SSB and proclaim Nintendo as awesome just for that, haha.


Guys, Project Sora just put Kid Icarus out two months ago. I'd be surprised if they weren't still in just the planning stages of Smash Bros. This game is years off, so there's no use to expect a trailer for a game that has barely even started being made.
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