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The Witness - Reviews Thread


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Why not?

One day we may get a game worthy of a perfect score. 0s, 1s, and 2s are almost never used by the most honest reviewers, but they have every right to be on the scale as well.

10/10 means perfect. That's math - something that really isn't debatable, so you guys shouldn't even try.

Good lord.


If I listen really carefully, I can hear the sensible voice in the back of my mind whispering, don't buy this Jonny, it will just be a waste of money. You know you'll get stuck and frustrated and give up easily like you do on most puzzle games.

But I want to play it inner voice, leave me alone! I feel like I'll be missing out on a once in a gaming lifetime experiences if I don't buy this. I enjoy solving these types of puzzles, even if I know I'm rubbish at them.

I'm hoping for when those dark times hit me, and I sit in my bedroom wondering why I've wasted my money on this, I'm hoping some friendly, helpful voices in the OT will help ease my pain and comfort me through the tough times. :)


benevolent sexism
This gave me an idea: The Witness |OT| ●───

(It's the door puzzle.)

"Myst me" is great because it's short, works as a double entendre, and gives some information about the game in extremely few words.

This new suggestion is a perfect reference to the game both visually and in terms of being a mystery. Even though it doesn't tell you anything about the game if you are completely unfamiliar, it's different from any OT ever and will therefore pique readers' curiosity.

I don't know which is better!


Looks interesting, but the length is off-putting to me.

I can't see myself being hooked for that long with this game.

The length doesn't really factor in if the narrative is compelling enough to see you through (see the talos principle) sadly what i've heard about the narrative in the witness is that it is obtuse for the sake of it and just feels incredibly pretentious :/


FUUUU was never on my radar but may need to buy this... my GF and I would likely enjoy going through this together.

But when I recall getting stuck in Riven and being frustrated for 6 months trying to figure it out, I fear repeating that...


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Any differences in going PS4 over PC?

The PC version is more likely to receive VR support in the future. Other than that, not really, as the PS4 version is 1080p60 and I can't imagine there'll much difference between the two, if any at all, vis-a-vis finer details such as texture resolution and shadow quality.


Any differences in going PS4 over PC?



Why not?

One day we may get a game worthy of a perfect score. 0s, 1s, and 2s are almost never used by the most honest reviewers, but they have every right to be on the scale as well.

10/10 means perfect. That's math - something that really isn't debatable, so you guys shouldn't even try.

All right man, you need to stop with this talk. You aren't making any sense and this has been debated ad nausem in so many other threads.
There's no such thing as a 10/10 game. -.-

Then give it a 9 or 9.5 with some Editor's Choice Award.

10/10 means perfect no matter the context. I could give Xenoblade X a 10/10 because I've put 200 hours into it - compared to something like The Last of Us which was just as enjoyable but didn't even put in 50 hours, but this would be wrong because both games have their problems.

It needs zero noticeable issues for a 10/10, so there's no such thing as a 10/10 game. These reviews aren't unanimous, so I'm sure The Witness is great - but not flawless.

Why not?

One day we may get a game worthy of a perfect score. 0s, 1s, and 2s are almost never used by the most honest reviewers, but they have every right to be on the scale as well.

10/10 means perfect. That's math - something that really isn't debatable, so you guys shouldn't even try.

Do you show up in every review thread with a game that gets a 10/10 and post this rhetoric?

The Lamp

That would work if reviews were objective tests with a checklist and correct answers.

Review scores are and should always be simply how much the player thinks the game deserves. Review scores are and should always be a subjective matter. This is not a fourth grade math test, a reviewer giving a game a 10 by no means implies the reviewer thinks the game is flawless.

If you decide to make a very simple game with simple mechanics, it could have no apparent flaws, and be perfect in achieving what its trying to achieve, tetris for example, and yet reviewers shouldnt be forced to give it a 10, because that score is subjective.

EDIT: The same way you can make a ambitious game like skyrim, a game so deeply flawed on so many ways, and yet deeply love the game and feel it deserves a high score

I don't agree with this at all. I think you're a bad critic if you can't attempt to remove yourself/your subjective biases from assessing the quality of the game itself. It's acceptable to say the individual, personal effect the game had on you is valuable subjective information in some way, but I feel like its not practically useful for other people to make their own decisions about buying or describing a game. Why should I care if you love a deeply flawed game because you have an emotional connection to it? I may not have that experience. No one else may either. And we're trying to make purchasing decisions and get wholesome understanding of a game. I'm more interested in the verifiable, objective qualities a game possesses that actually help me make informed opinions about a game. If a game is a good puzzle game, I don't have to enjoy puzzle games to believe it deserves a high score for being what it is. My two cents.


Yeah and platformers are synonymous with Nintendo and time manipulation with Max Payne but until I played Braid I've never played a game that masterly transcends the god fathers of these mechanics. I already have and will eventually play Anti chamber but I'm sure it will fall very short of The Witness.


I was just saying that Antichamber is a great game and if The Witness can accomplish only half of what Antichamber did, it'll be mindblowing. I wasn't trying to imply anything bad about it.


The whole "using puzzles to teach a new language and rules to be used in other puzzles" is so Antichamber by the way. That game's also first person, only difference is that Antichamber uses block puzzles instead of line ones.

By the way, buy Antichamber, it's a gem.
Actually went back and messed around in Antichamber again over the weekend to get myself in the right headspace for The Witness. Really an excellent puzzle game, one of the best in recent memory. Can't wait to dig in tomorrow.
I thought reviews for this would be (edit:)littered with

"at the core this is a puzzle game you could find f2p on an android device"-comments,

...maybe I don't give the average game reviewer too little credit, seems like almost all of them do know better than to talk shit like that.
Only thing I know about this game is name and 2-3 screenshots which are used repeatedly in marketing.

I knew absolutely nothing about Braid before playing it. Solving that first level end puzzle and having my 'aha' moment in the middle of the night (remember that 2 AM game launch on XBLA?), experience of Braid is itched on my mind forever. Whole game was fucking awesome.

Hope The Witness is same!


They're both true when you understand that 1 is a full or perfect number.

10/10 for a product with flaws makes zero sense. Please stop. -.-
This really shouldn't have to be restated and I feel bad derailing the thread, but think of 3/3, 5/5, 10/10, etc. as the highest possible recommendation our rating system allows instead of perfect game and these kind of scores won't bother you as much.


I thought reviews for this would be spammed with

"at the core this is a puzzle game you could find f2p on an android device"-comments,

...maybe I don't give the average game reviewer too little credit, seems like almost all of them do know better than to talk shit like that.

Having not played the game that's been a concern of mine. "Would this be a lot better played in fits and spurts on a phone?". But I suppose the environment plays a large part in the game and that might be hard to replicate.
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