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Three men arrested in Sweden after live broadcasting gang rape on Facebook

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Three men have been arrested in Sweden on suspicion of raping a woman in an assault that was broadcast live on Facebook, police have said.

The apparent gang-rape on Sunday took place in Uppsala, about an hour north of the capital, Stockholm, and has shocked the country.

”This rape was broadcasted live in a Facebook group," police said in a statement.

Several viewers of the live broadcast reported the rape, according to the statement. Police swooped on an apartment in the city and detained three men born between 1992 and 1998. They also found a woman. The alleged victim was born in 1998, police said.

The broadcast is the latest graphic video to bring into focus the complex ethical and policy issues faced by Facebook Live and others.

Facebook Live allows anyone to broadcast a video directly from their smartphone. But while traditional TV broadcasters are subject to regulations, internet streaming services do not face the same restrictions and enforce their own terms of service.

Local media reported the video had been removed and police were appealing for anyone who has a copy of the footage to hand it over.

On its website, Facebook says it will ”remove content, disable accounts, and work with law enforcement when we believe there is a genuine risk of physical harm or direct threats to public safety".



Don't like some of the wording in the Guardian article, as there's no doubt about it being a rape.

Also, this whole thing has started a shit storm in Sweden. It turns out that the assailants are immigrants (a friend of mine half knows them and confirms it's true), but since none of the newspapers are mentioning this, it's just giving power to the far-right nationalist websites that are focusing solely on this angle.

Disclaimer: The parts about them being immigrants is about the context of how the media is retelling the story in so different ways because of the opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. I personally don't see the point in focusing on their skin colour or how many years they've lived in Sweden when it comes to talking and analyzing the case itself.
This is fucking disgusting. Condolences to the victim and I hope she can get the help she needs to recover. I also hope these guys rot in jail for a very long time.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I hope facebook gives up the details of everyone watching so they can find the fucker that said '3 against one haha' and put that little shit in prison.


Pieces of shit.

Glad they're stupid enough to film their crime so there's no chance they'll get away with it.

My condolences to the victim.
First the kidnappers/torturers and now this. Thank god criminals are stupid enough to live stream these things.

What kind of sentencing could they be facing in Sweden? Can't say I'm up on my Swedish law.


...hate me...
Disclaimer: The parts about them being immigrants is about the context of how the media is retelling the story in so different ways because of the opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. I personally don't see the point in focusing on their skin colour or how many years they've lived in Sweden when it comes to talking and analyzing the case itself.
I do think it's important to analyze the impact of mass migration from cultures that hold little respect for women or their rights. I say it as an immigrant myself.


First the kidnappers/torturers and now this. Thank god criminals are stupid enough to live stream these things.

What kind of sentencing could they be facing in Sweden? Can't say I'm up on my Swedish law.

Rape is punished by a prison sentence of two to six years here. After serving two thirds of that time with good behavior (it is very unusual to fail this requirement), you will be released on parole. So, these guys will serve between one year and four months and four years in prison. Non-violent rapes of non-consenting individuals due to intoxication generally end up with lenient sentences as far as I know, but the group aspect and broadcasting it may be aggravating circumstances.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Rape is punished by a prison sentence of two to six years here. After serving two thirds of that time with good behavior (it is very unusual to fail this requirement), you will be released on parole. So, these guys will serve between one year and four months and four years in prison. Non-violent rapes of non-consenting individuals due to intoxication generally end up with lenient sentences as far as I know, but the group aspect and broadcasting it may be aggravating circumstances.
Ridiculous. Hopefully they are deported at the end of their sentence
I do think it's important to analyze the impact of mass migration from cultures that hold little respect for women or their rights. I say it as an immigrant myself.

Absolutely, I'm just speaking from my own experiences with having a lot of immigrant friends who were fortunate enough to live in my county that's handled integration pretty darn good, whereas the shitheads I've met have all been part of the horrible integration that allowed this horribleness to thrive.

People as people, and there will be shitheads and disrespectful people from all cultures. I am not a very strong proponent for any kind of religion, but I've met enough good people from all kinds of cultures to know that focusing on the context of us vs them, never solves anything. But neither does ignoring the issues because you're too afraid of sounding like the nationalists, xenophobes and racists.


Didn't someone recently commit suicide on facebook live too?...Facebook live is getting the worst end of the stick it seems.
This is horrible.

About whether the media should report whether perpetrators are immigrants or not: They don't specifically mention that perpetrators are NOT immigrants when that turns out to be the case, so why should they do so now?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'm having so much trouble with the logic used by the rapists.

'hey guys shall we do a rape on broadcast? at the end I'll yell 'you just got raped' and we can all laugh'


...hate me...
Absolutely, I'm just speaking from my own experiences with having a lot of immigrant friends who were fortunate enough to live in my county that's handled integration pretty darn good, whereas the shitheads I've met have all been part of the horrible integration that allowed this horribleness to thrive.

People as people, and there will be shitheads and disrespectful people from all cultures. I am not a very strong proponent for any kind of religion, but I've met enough good people from all kinds of cultures to know that focusing on the context of us vs them, never solves anything. But neither does ignoring the issues because you're too afraid of sounding like the nationalists, xenophobes and racists.
Well said.


I do think it's important to analyze the impact of mass migration from cultures that hold little respect for women or their rights. I say it as an immigrant myself.

Agreed, unfortunately it's considered taboo to acknowledge this.


Why do these assholes do these things? Surely they're not THAT dumb and don't know that there's no hiding from Facebook?


Why do these assholes do these things? Surely they're not THAT dumb and don't know that there's no hiding from Facebook?

Because they're idiots. Idiots exist, and it's a tragedy that the innocent have to fall victim for their terrible life choices.


I do think it's important to analyze the impact of mass migration from cultures that hold little respect for women or their rights. I say it as an immigrant myself.
thank you. I hate this idea that we can't even acknowledge this without it being a suggestion of racism.


the media covering up that it was migrants will just trigger the streisland effect. Glad they got caught quickly.

It's not a cover up per se, the media in Sweden as a rule of conduct only reports on the ethnicity of a criminal if it's relevant to the crime.


Mainstream parties all over europe are talking about this stuff almost constantly.

As they should, there are real issues. The far right screaming "deport all Muslims" and demonizing the entire Muslim population of these countries definitely doesn't help though; when places like my home country are 5-8% Muslim that is incredibly counter productive unless you want to start deporting people who were born there, which is a flagrant disregard for their rights as human beings but there are people here that are almost certainly for it, as disgusting as that is.


Also, this whole thing has started a shit storm in Sweden. It turns out that the assailants are immigrants (a friend of mine half knows them and confirms it's true), but since none of the newspapers are mentioning this, it's just giving power to the far-right nationalist websites that are focusing solely on this angle.

Disclaimer: The parts about them being immigrants is about the context of how the media is retelling the story in so different ways because of the opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. I personally don't see the point in focusing on their skin colour or how many years they've lived in Sweden when it comes to talking and analyzing the case itself.

It's definitely a sticky situation, but it seems like it's relevant info to include, and as pointed out that info is going to get out anyhow. Worrying about whether it enables racists or nationalists is kind of besides the point, because they're gonna' find out and get outraged anyhow.

When in doubt, I think it's better to publish. Otherwise why would you publish *any* info about perps or victims? If it's not germane that they're immigrants, is their race relevant? Is their age? Is their sex?


On the one hand it completely boggles my mind that people would broadcast this shit, on the other it at least makes it very easy to catch the people responsible, and fast.


Because it's easier than ever and they're as dumb as a bag of rocks. At least they make it easy for themselves to get caught before they can ruin anyone else's life.

And yet the footage is probably going to circulate around the shady corners of the web forever and really add to the victim's trauma.
Also, this whole thing has started a shit storm in Sweden. It turns out that the assailants are immigrants (a friend of mine half knows them and confirms it's true), but since none of the newspapers are mentioning this, it's just giving power to the far-right nationalist websites that are focusing solely on this angle.

Disclaimer: The parts about them being immigrants is about the context of how the media is retelling the story in so different ways because of the opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. I personally don't see the point in focusing on their skin colour or how many years they've lived in Sweden when it comes to talking and analyzing the case itself.

There was a similar article last year which said that police were forbidden from describing criminals for fear of being seen as racist.

I really don't think this is the way to go.

Anyway this is fucking terrible. I feel really bad for the victim.


It's definitely a sticky situation, but it seems like it's relevant info to include, and as pointed out that info is going to get out anyhow. Worrying about whether it enables racists or nationalists is kind of besides the point, because they're gonna' find out and get outraged anyhow.

When in doubt, I think it's better to publish. Otherwise why would you publish *any* info about perps or victims? If it's not germane that they're immigrants, is their race relevant? Is their age? Is their sex?

Swedish media doesn't typically report anything about perpetrators beyond age, sex and - occasionally - place of residence. Not like any of these are relevent either, but I guess it's innocuous enough while giving the media some leeway to flesh out the narrative beyond generic terms like "suspect".


Prison sentencing for rape and sexual assaults are absolutely pathetic in so many supposed developed countries. It sickens me you can do that to someone and barely even get a prison sentence.
Why do these assholes do these things? Surely they're not THAT dumb and don't know that there's no hiding from Facebook?

They don't have to be dumb, just sufficiently entranced by acting criminally to disregard the consequences. In some similar way many may commit similarly violent crimes taken by the momentary feeling that the witnesses and victims won't disclose the event to anyone else.
Rape is punished by a prison sentence of two to six years here. After serving two thirds of that time with good behavior (it is very unusual to fail this requirement), you will be released on parole. So, these guys will serve between one year and four months and four years in prison. Non-violent rapes of non-consenting individuals due to intoxication generally end up with lenient sentences as far as I know, but the group aspect and broadcasting it may be aggravating circumstances.

What the fuck, is that real? How the fuck do you only give 2-6 years for rape??? I think some crimes are something you can never walk away from - murder, rape, child abuse. I'd be totally fine with life in prison for any rapist, but at the minimum I think it should be 20 years. You took away so much from someone, the least you deserve is losing the best years of your life.

Sorry, no excuses in my book to ever justify those crimes.


Swedish media doesn't typically report anything about perpetrators beyond age, sex and - occasionally - place of residence. Not like any of these are relevent either, but I guess it's innocuous enough while giving the media some leeway to flesh out the narrative beyond generic terms like "suspect".

This is true, but should be added that it is very controversial with large parts of the public, who have made it a habit to "crosscheck" news with various far right web pages and forums. The journalistic decision to not publish ethnicity seems ethically sound to me, but it is a completely failed policy if the goal was to actually counteract racism and stereotypes.
This is true, but should be added that it is very controversial with large parts of the public, who have made it a habit to "crosscheck" news with various far right web pages and forums. The journalistic decision to not publish ethnicity seems ethically sound to me, but it is a completely failed policy if the goal was to actually counteract racism and stereotypes.

The percentage of the population that browses sites like avpixlat and flashback is not very large


This is true, but should be added that it is very controversial with large parts of the public, who have made it a habit to "crosscheck" news with various far right web pages and forums. The journalistic decision to not publish ethnicity seems ethically sound to me, but it is a completely failed policy if the goal was to actually counteract racism and stereotypes.

Sure, those people will just keep assuming that most criminals are be immigrants if they stick to the policy. The problem is that if they actually start reporting ethnicities, they will both fuel a massive confirmation bias in those same people anyway while in the meantime signalling that ethnicity is relevant to criminality.

Sticking to the policy seems to do the least damage in that case. The people turning to Avpixlat and the like aren't doing it because they have some kind of disagreement with the news media that can actually be resolved, they're doing it because they want their prejudiced world view catered to. Half the stuff on those sites is barely even true in the first place.

What the fuck, is that real? How the fuck do you only give 2-6 years for rape??? I think some crimes are something you can never walk away from - murder, rape, child abuse. I'd be totally fine with life in prison for any rapist, but at the minimum I think it should be 20 years. You took away so much from someone, the least you deserve is losing the best years of your life.

Sorry, no excuses in my book to ever justify those crimes.

Because the point is rehabilitation, not punishment or revenge. There's nothing inherently good about longer prison sentences.
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