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Three men arrested in Sweden after live broadcasting gang rape on Facebook

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The percentage of the population that browses sites like avpixlat and flashback is not very large

It is difficult to get exact statistics here, but I think that a pretty large proportion of those who read internet news in Sweden go to either flashback or one of the populist sites as well.


FGC Waterboy
What the fuck, is that real? How the fuck do you only give 2-6 years for rape??? I think some crimes are something you can never walk away from - murder, rape, child abuse. I'd be totally fine with life in prison for any rapist, but at the minimum I think it should be 20 years. You took away so much from someone, the least you deserve is losing the best years of your life.

Sorry, no excuses in my book to ever justify those crimes.

The US has fairly draconian punishments compared to much of the Nordic region. I think even the mass shooter in Norway got like...28 years or something?
Would be nice if they were sent to jail and then after serving their sentences deported to where they came from (this is from an immigrant living in CA btw). Fucking pieces of shit. I hope the girl will be allright long term. :(


It's going to get messy if they're immigrants coming so close after the Afghan group raping that boy (in the same area of Sweden ?)


The US has fairly draconian punishments compared to much of the Nordic region. I think even the mass shooter in Norway got like...28 years or something?

I think Nordic prisons are more about correcting then reintroducing into society. US prison is about punishment. Not agreeing or disagreeing, just saying.


Because the point is rehabilitation, not punishment or revenge. There's nothing inherently good about longer prison sentences.

I guess this gets into the question of whether you can rehabilitate many or most rapists or murderers. Recidivism rates among these populations are generally quite high, so whatever they're doing in prison for long or short stints, it's clearly not that effective.


The US has fairly draconian punishments compared to much of the Nordic region. I think even the mass shooter in Norway got like...28 years or something?

He got 21 years.

Just to preface, 21 years is the highest that you can get in Norway. However, since they have a clause that says that the sentence can be extended for five years indefinitely if the subject still is regarded as danger to society, in essence, he's never getting out.


It is difficult to get exact statistics here, but I think that a pretty large proportion of those who read internet news in Sweden go to either flashback or one of the populist sites as well.

Probably not. The sites just aren't that popular. True, Flashback does clock in as the 49th most popular site in Sweden but it's not just a hub for racists, it's a hub for, well, everything, basically. The most popular "alternative" news site is Fria Tider which clocks in at 142nd. That's way behind the larger newspapers that are all in the top 50, and well behind even regional ones like GP and Sydsvenskan.

For all the hubbubb about it, Avpixlat is actually ranked as low as 213th (which ironically puts it right between the New York Times and Vice, which apparently aren't that popular in Sweden). Other sites at that level include stuff like the Swedish DMV, Systembolaget (which I really expected to see higher up, to be fair) and second tier store sites like Alibaba.


Where is the deterrent? I agree with rehabilitation, but what's going to be the deterrent?

Prison isn't nearly as much of a deterrent as people typically think and what deterrent it is isn't linearly aligned with the length of the sentence.



Criminals simply don't plan on being caught in the first place, so the length of the sentence isn't something they give much (or any) thought to.

I guess this gets into the question of whether you can rehabilitate many or most rapists or murderers. Recidivism rates among these populations are generally quite high, so whatever they're doing in prison for long or short stints, it's clearly not that effective.

Would it surprise you to learn that this might not even be remotely true? Here's a study that found near-term recidivism rates for sex offenders to be 7 %, with multiple offenders at 12 %. Granted, roughly 25 % in the study already were repeat offenders, but it does still suggest that the majority wasn't and that there is room for rehabilitation here.



Probably not. The sites just aren't that popular. True, Flashback does clock in as the 49th most popular site in Sweden but it's not just a hub for racists, it's a hub for, well, everything, basically. The most popular "alternative" news site is Fria Tider which clocks in at 142nd. That's way behind the larger newspapers that are all in the top 50, and well behind even regional ones like GP and Sydsvenskan.

For all the hubbubb about it, Avpixlat is actually ranked as low as 213th (which ironically puts it right between the New York Times and Vice, which apparently aren't that popular in Sweden). Other sites at that level include stuff like the Swedish DMV, Systembolaget (which I really expected to see higher up, to be fair) and second tier store sites like Alibaba.


You make some good points there, and I sure hope that you are right, but the pessimist in me suspects that with those mentioned sites, facebook (a huge new platform for far right populism), maybe twitter as well, and good old "locker room talk" in work places and social circles, the identities of perpetrators spreads pretty fast these days.


You make some good points there, and I sure hope that you are right, but the pessimist in me suspects that with those mentioned sites, facebook (a huge new platform for far right populism), maybe twitter as well, and good old "locker room talk" in work places and social circles, the identities of perpetrators spreads pretty fast these days.

Oh, I have no doubt that far right populism is rampant in Sweden today. SD is tracking support from around 20 % of the population and I expect another 20 % are opposed to immigration to some degree on top of that, many of which probably have all kinds of dark thoughts about criminal immigrants. The kind of discussions going on around Facebook or, for that matter, dinner tables and water coolers, easily dwarf fringe sites like Fria Tider and Avpixlat both in size and importance.

It's just that for the time being at least, actual news media is (thankfully) still dominating the conversation, so I don't think there's any pressing need to give way to policies that will just reinforce a lot of the anti-immigrant sentiments for no good reason.


There's so many screwed up people in the world that we'll be seeing more of these disgusting live videos of murder, rape you name it. What the hell is wrong with society? Feel sorry for the victim here, hope she can recover.
There's so many screwed up people in the world that we'll be seeing more of these disgusting live videos of murder, rape you name it. What the hell is wrong with society? Feel sorry for the victim here, hope she can recover.

Violent crime is down, it's only because these idiots are streaming it that you hear about it more often (figuratively speaking, media is essentially to blame).

Some of the worst psychopaths and murderers lived during the 1800s.


Fucking disgusting, I seriously hope measures are going to be taken to prevent this kind of video from becoming viral.

I'm sure Facebook deleted said content or at least deleted it from public feeds so they could hand the footage over to the police.
Prison sentencing for rape and sexual assaults are absolutely pathetic in so many supposed developed countries. It sickens me you can do that to someone and barely even get a prison sentence.

I wouldn't be surprised if they get out with parole doing only half the sentence.


We need to treat rapists like sadist torturers. Give prison sentences only second to murders. These animals are soon walking free.



The worst thing is that said video was no doubt captured by some sick fuck and will be traded online with others.

I've long been a proponent that any such footage of rape, murder or torture that isn't prima facie newsworthy should be criminalised as we do with child abuse imagery. The same arguments regarding re-victimisation of the victim or their families apply, imo.

All these disgusting gore sites... I'd outlaw the lot of them tomorrow.
Rape is punished by a prison sentence of two to six years here. After serving two thirds of that time with good behavior (it is very unusual to fail this requirement), you will be released on parole. So, these guys will serve between one year and four months and four years in prison. Non-violent rapes of non-consenting individuals due to intoxication generally end up with lenient sentences as far as I know, but the group aspect and broadcasting it may be aggravating circumstances.

That's an absurdly short sentence. But I guess I should have expected a really liberal country like Sweden to give criminals nothing more than a slap on the wrist.


That's an absurdly short sentence. But I guess I should have expected a really liberal country like Sweden to give criminals nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

You would throw up if I told you some of the sentences rapists in finland have gotten... I personally know some cases where the rapist walked free because he had no previous offences. It's seriously decreased my faith in this country and of course humanity in general.


Would it surprise you to learn that this might not even be remotely true? Here's a study that found near-term recidivism rates for sex offenders to be 7 %, with multiple offenders at 12 %. Granted, roughly 25 % in the study already were repeat offenders, but it does still suggest that the majority wasn't and that there is room for rehabilitation here.


Maybe, maybe not. I went looking for sources and found some pretty drastic differences in quoted rates, from 20% to 50%, and different rates depending on how broad definitions were (recidivism rates of all kinds for sex offenders versus sex offense-specific recidivism.)

Interestingly, I did come across this bit looking specifically for Sweden, sadly I don't have access to the full paper: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09585189408410905
Rape is punished by a prison sentence of two to six years here. After serving two thirds of that time with good behavior (it is very unusual to fail this requirement), you will be released on parole. So, these guys will serve between one year and four months and four years in prison. Non-violent rapes of non-consenting individuals due to intoxication generally end up with lenient sentences as far as I know, but the group aspect and broadcasting it may be aggravating circumstances.

This is nuts... 2 to 6 years?

And these guys are immigrants? This doesn't look good...

Also it is ridiculous that deporting these human scums is illegal.
Look I'm not sure if these Guys are Migrants but either way, if you're offered asylum and commit an indiscretion you should be kicked out quick-snap. There's a billion needy people in the world so there's no reason you should be above them just cos you got to Europe first


Okay, first the Chicago kidnapping, and now this? What is it with people and broadcasting their crimes on Facebook these days?


Look I'm not sure if these Guys are Migrants but either way, if you're offered asylum and commit an indiscretion you should be kicked out quick-snap. There's a billion needy people in the world so there's no reason you should be above them just cos you got to Europe first

Migrant != Asylum seeker/refugee
Whe. I read that in the Guardian and it didn't mention where they were from putting 2 and 2 togethe was easy.

Litteraly making it worse by obsfusicating it.
Whe. I read that in the Guardian and it didn't mention where they were from putting 2 and 2 togethe was easy.

Litteraly making it worse by obsfusicating it.
Yeah I feels it's becoming like "jeunes" in French news.
Or when first name has been changed.

People will directly move to the "padamalgam" and "chances pour la France " rethorique


Rape is punished by a prison sentence of two to six years here. After serving two thirds of that time with good behavior (it is very unusual to fail this requirement), you will be released on parole. So, these guys will serve between one year and four months and four years in prison. Non-violent rapes of non-consenting individuals due to intoxication generally end up with lenient sentences as far as I know, but the group aspect and broadcasting it may be aggravating circumstances.

What in the actual.... Jesus Christ
Lock em up for life. I don't give a shit about rehabilitating scum like this. They ruined someones life forever, they don't deserve a second chance.

Hope the victim can recover and move on with her life, and that any footage is only archived by police for the trial so it is not spread online.

This is nuts... 2 to 6 years?.
Welcome to the European justice system. And people wonder why parts of the population are losing their faith in it. Victims are forgotten and the perpetrators always scream about their rights.


I'm somewhat shocked at the sentences being stated here. That seems FAR too short for something that scars another person for the rest of their life.


I'm somewhat shocked at the sentences being stated here. That seems FAR too short for something that scars another person for the rest of their life.
Most sentence for sexual crimes in most country is very disgustingly low

Here in Indonesia became hot topic about when child sexual crimes is so high currently but the sentence only around 5 to ten year.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Illegal in EU.


The European Union's policy on the illegal immigration of huge amounts of unattached, undocumented young men is really scary and why Euroscepticism is justly at an all-time high. That is not acceptable.

You can't reject admitting people, nor can you deport rapists. Any real sovereign country can. It's embarrassing.

Setting aside how repulsive this all is, wtf was the reasoning behind broadcasting via facebook live? Did they honestly think they won't face legal repercussions?
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