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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)


Never played the first?

They had a game mode called Last Titan Standing in the first game that was 6v6 and you started in your titan. The team with a titan left standing at the end won. You were free you leave you titan and battle on foot and if you ejected you could still battle until you were killed. It was a fun mode. Hopefully they keep it in the game.


Went back and played some Titanfall 1 and wow it's just so much better, the overall speed and TTK especially. Only things I miss from TF2 are the sliding mechanics and the grappling hook, but that's not a huge loss since the maps TF1 actually allow for parkour to easily get you around the place.
I found one of the trash IGN players
maybe not

yuck.. not because of skill or anything, but how much this looks like CoD. Ukknownsoldier has a montage that's basically him camping and getting the jump on Pilots.

Why is everyone so shy to show full on Titan 1v1?

Oh yeah, there aren't any.

Look at the huge invisible hitbox blocking the shots on that water wheel at 1 minute in, you can't even shoot over it because it's about 2 foot above the actual object.
My final judgement

Game is a blast but too chaotic for me to play on a competitive enjoyable level. I am looking forward to playing the campaign. I really wish it was coming out at a later date though. EA can't expect me to play Battlefield, Destiny and this game at the same time. I don't have enough time in my day to do that. I'll pick it up, no matter the price in either January or February.


My final judgement

Game is a blast but too chaotic for me to play on a competitive enjoyable level. I am looking forward to playing the campaign. I really wish it was coming out at a later date though. EA can't expect me to play Battlefield, Destiny and this game at the same time. I don't have enough time in my day to do that. I'll pick it up, no matter the price in either January or February.

EA needs to think this through a little bit. Why the hell are they releasing two of their biggest games of the year a week apart from each other. Not only that, two games that are the same genre.

I want Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 but no way am I going to be buying them a week apart from each other.


Look at the huge invisible hitbox blocking the shots on that water wheel at 1 minute in, you can't even shoot over it because it's about 2 foot above the actual object.

Oh my...

what really gets me with the video is the severe lack of objective play. Not to overly defend R2, but if this is the sort of player that says "not much variety in game modes" then that's just... =(
EA needs to think this through a little bit. Why the hell are they releasing two of their biggest games of the year a week apart from each other. Not only that, two games that are the same genre.

I want Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 but no way am I going to be buying them a week apart from each other.

TF2 needs more time in the oven, even if it was great, it was going to be dealing with an uphill battle against the two biggest FPS in the market at the same time.

Now it's got that, and the negative impressions and word of mouth going around after the tests they have to deal with.

Even if they do improve the game before release, the tech tests have likely done more damage than good by the way it's been received everywhere.


Neo Member
My final judgement

Game is a blast but too chaotic for me to play on a competitive enjoyable level. I am looking forward to playing the campaign. I really wish it was coming out at a later date though. EA can't expect me to play Battlefield, Destiny and this game at the same time. I don't have enough time in my day to do that. I'll pick it up, no matter the price in either January or February.

Similar boat here. I don't know if it was the tweaks they made or just me getting used to the game more, but I enjoyed the second Titanfall 2 weekend much more than the first. I'm back to wanting to buy the game, especially if we hear about more good improvements between now and release, but I think Battlefield 1 is going to get my multiplayer time and money for this release window.


TF2 needs more time in the oven, even if it was great, it was going to be dealing with an uphill battle against the two biggest FPS in the market at the same time.

Now it's got that, and the negative impressions and word of mouth going around after the tests they have to deal with.

Even if they do improve the game before release, the tech tests have likely done more damage than good by the way it's been received everywhere.

I kinda hope they delay it but they wont. If I am EA and I am trying to build another FPS franchise and this is the first one that will be on PS4 why the hell would release it basically right up next to their other huge FPS franchise. Sometimes I wonder about this industry.


EA needs to think this through a little bit. Why the hell are they releasing two of their biggest games of the year a week apart from each other. Not only that, two games that are the same genre.

I want Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 but no way am I going to be buying them a week apart from each other.
EA has all the data, clearly there isn't a huge lap in playerbase between both.

Only problem I see is EA care more about Battlefield and won't advertise Titanfall as much so it'll get lost that way. Not so much about losin gsales to Battlefield.
My final judgement

Game is a blast but too chaotic for me to play on a competitive enjoyable level.


I'll pick it up, no matter the price in either January or February.

That's interesting. It's slower for many people coming from Titanfall 1, but too chaotic for others.

I guess this is time for people to recognise whether this game is or not for you and be done with it (and not shit-post).


Anybody that played the first titanfall feel like they had a strong advantage playing in titanfall 2?

Not really tbh. Even day 2 of R1 (when I was super casual at FPS), I often found myself the only one figuring out what actually gives you score. As for hardpoint, I don't think much transfers over that you wouldn't receive from CoD. It took me a good couple games to figure out how to even kill a minion without getting sniped lol


EA needs to think this through a little bit. Why the hell are they releasing two of their biggest games of the year a week apart from each other. Not only that, two games that are the same genre.

I want Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 but no way am I going to be buying them a week apart from each other.

Not only are they releasing it just one week after BF1 but also one week before Infinite Warfare/MW:R.

Like what is EA thinking? Do they want TF2 to die?

Or are they so cocky they think that TF2 will just demolish IW in sales?


I don't mean to sound like I am making a list of demands, but without Attrition, I don't really want to play Titanfall 2.

About the same for me, although I'll settle for a straight TDM mode with titans. If the only TDM mode is pilots vs pilots I'll be super disappointed and probably not play the game. I have no interest in any titan-less modes in Titan Fall. I'm not against more objective based modes but they're hit or miss for me. I play a ton of Conquest in BF games for example. Hardpoint in this game is just too bottleneck-y for me, at least on the maps we played. It also doesn't help that the titans are useless around most of the capture points. TDM / Attrition is more fun for me and my (risk averse) play style because I can pick my battles. These bottleneck filled maps won't be so terrible for me when I can just choose to stay outside of, or only on the periphery of, the meat grinding bottlenecks.
I still can't believe they thought changing it to third-person for no apparent reason was a good idea. It's really jarring when the view suddenly changes.

Eh, I get what they were trying to do. Newer Halos have 3rd person assassinations so you can see the whole animation of whooping someone's ass. But yea, for the Titan embark it doesn't really have the same effect, mainly because it looked so damn cool in first person in the first one.

Speaking of assassinations...Titanfall 2's melee is so bad to me. Not as bad as the first which was horrendous, but you like wind up to punch and the whole thing takes way to long. Then when you get an assassination it takes even longer. You want good assassinations? Look at the new Doom. That shit is perfect.


Eh, I get what they were trying to do. Newer Halos have 3rd person assassinations so you can see the whole animation of whooping someone's ass. But yea, for the Titan embark it doesn't really have the same effect, mainly because it looked so damn cool in first person in the first one.

Speaking of assassinations...Titanfall 2's melee is so bad to me. Not as bad as the first which was horrendous, but you like wind up to punch and the whole thing takes way to long. Then when you get an assassination it takes even longer. You want good assassinations? Look at the new Doom. That shit is perfect.
Yeah I forgot how fast the assassinations were in Titanfall 1.
I still can't believe they thought changing it to third-person for no apparent reason was a good idea. It's really jarring when the view suddenly changes.

Jarring? I love the hyperbole in this thread.

I don't think so, it's accurate for when the whole perspective switches out for a few seconds and back again.

It's hyperbole, that doesn't mean there isn't a seed of truth to it.

E92 M3

Not really, felt like learning a totally different game. Other than pilot controls there was very little carry-over, especially during titan combat.

To be fair, I understood the mechanics of the Titans enough to still dominate. The basic principles taught in the first game still apply haha.
I still can't believe they thought changing it to third-person for no apparent reason was a good idea. It's really jarring when the view suddenly changes.

If I recall they said the process of entering a Titan was disorientating before. I imagine that's why they made the change, however obviously people feel that this is also disorientating. If they wanted to avoid disorientation they wouldn't feature an initialising period where you're sat in a Titan without it's screens online, however.
I was starting to come around to this game in the last day or two. Using grapple to string together running routes felt great. It's a shame that grapple is a perk, though, since it feels almost necessary to navigate these maps quickly.


Jarring? I love the hyperbole in this thread.

It's hyperbole, that doesn't mean there isn't a seed of truth to it.
It's pretty weird and breaks immersion. Plus the assassination from behind is delayed and pretty shitty in general. What the hell is the point in a fast paced battle of taking you from first person to third back to first ? Very stupid.
It's pretty weird and breaks immersion. Plus the assassination from behind is delayed and pretty shitty in general. What the hell is the point in a fast paced battle of taking you from first person to third back to first ? Very stupid.

I think first person view is better too. But third person is not jarring.


  1. EPG-1 is OP.
  2. Camping is far too encouraged
  3. All maps so far are too open, Pilot gameplay is dire
  4. "View-shaking" is far too great at the moment, causing ADS-use to be jarring
  5. No rewarding sound/message for special kills, such as Goose, dropping a Titan on another etc.

  1. EPG didn't seem OP to me. Unless you had a direct hit you weren't killing anyone in 1 shot.
  2. Camping felt the same as the first game in this.
  3. The maps are a bit too open, but i honestly found the pilot v pilot the most rewarding play in this tech test.
  4. View-shaking took some getting used to it, but dare i say that i like it? The aiming in this game is so much easier than the first game in all respects.
  5. I think that's just because it's a tech test, i'm sure we'll get all types of chatter and commentary

I think first person view is better too. But third person is not jarring.

It's not something that will kill the game for me, but it is so much worse than the first person they had in the first game. I don't get why they switched it, it doesn't even look better.

E92 M3

Phase Embark made 3rd person bearable. Can't imagine playing without it in the full game. I get in and out of my Titan often.
I had a great time with the tech tech I feel
like the game has a ton of potential. I played a ton of Titanfall and I will play a ton of
Titanfall 2.

Here's some clips I tossed together a bunch of awsome grapple melee kills. I got a pilot ejecting with my grapple hook in the first clip felt so good. Still feels good to drop a Titan on someone's head.

I love the grapple it's so much fun to use. I feel like Spider-Man at times. This game has such great mobility I don't get the complaints.



  1. EPG didn't seem OP to me. Unless you had a direct hit you weren't killing anyone in 1 shot.

Not so sound like Son of Sam saying Arc Cannon is OP or anything, but EPG is far too useful for Bounty Hunt. You can be one side of the screen, and even if you don't actually kill the minions, you still get charge % towards your TItan for each thing it hits. Maybe it's more appropriate to say it matched my playstyle, but considering Minion kills = $ and a Titan, whatever downsides there are to fighting Pilots don't seem balanced.

It actually made me not care that grenades were almost worthless against Minions.


I thought Health Boost was too important, but yeah Phase cut down the embarkment by like 50%. It was dope.

Anyone else notice that you're invincible during Titan executions now? I like that.
Went back and played some Titanfall 1 and wow it's just so much better, the overall speed and TTK especially. Only things I miss from TF2 are the sliding mechanics and the grappling hook, but that's not a huge loss since the maps TF1 actually allow for parkour to easily get you around the place.

Makes me sad reading this :( I mean it would have been an awesome sequel if they just added the slide and the grappling hook.

Camping in Bounty Hunt is actually not a bad strategy in R2. I can't think of a mode in R1 where camping is a viable strategy. Outside of outright camping holding down a specific area is also a good strategy in the new game that deviates from what the original was all about.

I didn't play this week but last week I had time for 2 matches and I got sniped repeatedly which was crazy to me. I played TF1 on PC, mostly Hard Point and I rarely ever got sniped. The maps just encouraged so much movement


  1. EPG didn't seem OP to me. Unless you had a direct hit you weren't killing anyone in 1 shot.
  2. Camping felt the same as the first game in this.
  3. The maps are a bit too open, but i honestly found the pilot v pilot the most rewarding play in this tech test.
  4. View-shaking took some getting used to it, but dare i say that i like it? The aiming in this game is so much easier than the first game in all respects.
  5. I think that's just because it's a tech test, i'm sure we'll get all types of chatter and commentary

It's not something that will kill the game for me, but it is so much worse than the first person they had in the first game. I don't get why they switched it, it doesn't even look better.

Camping in Bounty Hunt is actually not a bad strategy in R2. I can't think of a mode in R1 where camping is a viable strategy. Outside of outright camping holding down a specific area is also a good strategy in the new game that deviates from what the original was all about.


EPG is far too useful for Bounty Hunt.
It actually made me not care that grenades were almost worthless against Minions.
Ok, i can see that against minions, so maybe turn it down vs minions? it's fine against pilots i think.

In one of my videos I used it, but you have to look quick:

That's a decent little perk but only if it was a kit 2 perk. it can't compare to power cell, and definitely not health regen.

Camping in Bounty Hunt is actually not a bad strategy in R2. I can't think of a mode in R1 where camping is a viable strategy. Outside of outright camping holding down a specific area is also a good strategy in the new game that deviates from what the original was all about.
You have a point, but bounty hunt is an overall terrible mode in general. still, the amount of people that camped in that didn't seem anymore than i will find in other modes in R1. People camp in every game, it's what they do.


Junior Member
Anybody that played the first titanfall feel like they had a strong advantage playing in titanfall 2?

I felt that way. Normally, I'm not the best deathmatch player, but here, I was constantly the top scorer. Of course, part of that is that I always go for score over kills I go from base to base taking it over and killing a few pilots along the way..


I had a great time with the tech tech I feel
like the game has a ton of potential. I played a ton of Titanfall and I will play a ton of
Titanfall 2.

Here's some clips I tossed together a bunch of awsome grapple melee kills. I got a pilot ejecting with my grapple hook in the first clip felt so good. Still feels good to drop a Titan on someone's head.

I love the grapple it's so much fun to use. I feel like Spider-Man at times. This game has such great mobility I don't get the complaints.


damn, you got that grapple on lock


I think first person view is better too. But third person is not jarring.
I'm just saying that for many people it could be in the sense that it breaks immersion, slows down the speed of the game, and maybe make you break concentration which could feel jarring.

The assassinations to me feel very jarring because of how poorly it does it. If you're near a doorway the camera gets all fucked up and makes me feel sick.

E92 M3

Ok, i can see that against minions, so maybe turn it down vs minions? it's fine against pilots i think.

That's a decent little perk but only if it was a kit 2 perk. it can't compare to power cell, and definitely not health regen.

Don't care for health regen - and yes I took a hit on my grapple hook. That said, I can keep one Titan alive for the whole match. My favorite aspect of the game was the Titan gameplay; getting in and out became fundamental to some of my strats.
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