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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)


Anybody that played the first titanfall feel like they had a strong advantage playing in titanfall 2?
For what it's worth
every single titanfall 1 veteran i played with/the entirety of the IGx crew on xbox one consistently dominated every match. that's a solid crop of 50+ titanfall 1 veterans.

despite the changes it's still the most mobile FPS on console in my opinion.
EA has all the data, clearly there isn't a huge lap in playerbase between both.

Only problem I see is EA care more about Battlefield and won't advertise Titanfall as much so it'll get lost that way. Not so much about losin gsales to Battlefield.
I mean you're probably right, the COD crowd would pick up titanfall before battlefield.

I still wouldn't release both of my huge FPS games right next to each other, only to be sandwiched by Destiny and essentially two COD games (cod4 will probably be a huge selling point for the new COD entry)

Is EA's schedule so packed with titles this year that TF2 can't be released later in the year?

[After post edit: it would kind of make sense if it was still an exclusive as a selling point for the holidays]

E92 M3

I had a great time with the tech tech I feel
like the game has a ton of potential. I played a ton of Titanfall and I will play a ton of
Titanfall 2.

Here's some clips I tossed together a bunch of awsome grapple melee kills. I got a pilot ejecting with my grapple hook in the first clip felt so good. Still feels good to drop a Titan on someone's head.

I love the grapple it's so much fun to use. I feel like Spider-Man at times. This game has such great mobility I don't get the complaints.


That is some great great grapple gameplay!


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Whelp. Just got done playing some Titanfall. And I now think the franchise is dead.

For one, there's only 480 people online, and at night, it's not much better, I don't see EA letting those dedicated servers run for much longer.

And secondly, TF2 is just too far removed, and some of the changes that would be needed require a reworking of systems, or have been flat out denied by the devs.

Hoping them adding AI in will get my attention back, but even if they added it back in, it would take a lot of work to get it to the point it was in TF1, grunts communicating with each other, specters scaling buildings and clearing rooms, having, etc.

Bleh. Feeling defeated, such a special franchise, and I feel like it will die a completely avoidable death.
I'm just saying that for many people it could be in the sense that it breaks immersion, slows down the speed of the game, and maybe make you break concentration which could feel jarring.

The assassinations to me feel very jarring because of how poorly it does it. If you're near a doorway the camera gets all fucked up and makes me feel sick.

Breaks immersion. Sure. Just like respawning right after you die a horrific death? This is a competitive MP game.

First person looks better. That's all the argument necessary. It's not jarring, if it breaks your concentration you literally had none in the first place, and it doesn't slow down the game since you can't do anything while entering in first person either.


Ok, i can see that against minions, so maybe turn it down vs minions? it's fine against pilots i think.

That's a decent little perk but only if it was a kit 2 perk. it can't compare to power cell, and definitely not health regen.

You have a point, but bounty hunt is an overall terrible mode in general. still, the amount of people that camped in that didn't seem anymore than i will find in other modes in R1. People camp in every game, it's what they do.

Obviously your experience may have been different, but I've seen more people literally camping, trying to hide or position themselves in a manner that allows quick enemy kills in this tech test than I have in 2 years of R1. I'm not trying to be dramatic, and it's probably due to all the new players that are more familiar with other FPS, but really I never see campers in the original game on Xbox 1. We do agree that Bounty Hunt is terrible.


Bleh. Feeling defeated, such a special franchise, and I feel like it will die a completely avoidable death.
I think you're feeling that dread of moving on from something you've been engaged in for over 2 years. It's always tough doing that.

Remember the craziness over Halo C.E and Halo 2? The changes weren't even that insane, and Halo 2 ended up playing amazingly after some patches, ushered in the era of online gaming but you would never think that during the launch of Halo 2 amongst the hordes of insanity on bungie.net during that time.

Wait for the final product, and even then let the meta set in. The game is gonna be good breh.
Obviously your experience may have been different, but I've seen more people literally camping, trying to hide or position themselves in a manner that allows quick enemy kills in this tech test than I have in 2 years of R1. I'm not trying to be dramatic, and it's probably due to all the new players that are more familiar with other FPS, but really I never see campers in the original game on Xbox 1. We do agree that Bounty Hunt is terrible.
Now, by camping do you mean people head glitching on top of a tilted roof top? Because that's not entirely camping to me, and people did that a ton in Titanfall 1. Or do you mean people literally inside a building waiting for you to come by?
Obviously your experience may have been different, but I've seen more people literally camping, trying to hide or position themselves in a manner that allows quick enemy kills in this tech test than I have in 2 years of R1. I'm not trying to be dramatic, and it's probably due to all the new players that are more familiar with other FPS, but really I never see campers in the original game on Xbox 1. We do agree that Bounty Hunt is terrible.

Camping is not really a valid tactic good players who move around the map will eat them for lunch. I love campers easier to shoot.
I think first person view is better too. But third person is not jarring.

Yeah, I don't think it's jarring, just stupid. Getting in a Titan in first person was absolutely awesome. I don't get that feeling at all in Titanfall 2 when entering a Titan. 3rd person just feels so... generic.

Even the finisher animations i want in first person. Moving it all to 3rd person was a dumb decision, would like to see them correct this and maybe smack the person responsible for making everything 3rd person.

I'm playing a first person shooter, keep me in first person.
Obviously your experience may have been different, but I've seen more people literally camping, trying to hide or position themselves in a manner that allows quick enemy kills in this tech test than I have in 2 years of R1. I'm not trying to be dramatic, and it's probably due to all the new players that are more familiar with other FPS, but really I never see campers in the original game on Xbox 1. We do agree that Bounty Hunt is terrible.

Camping is not really a valid tactic good players who move around the map will eat them for lunch. I love campers easier to shoot.

I don't think it matters what good players do. That's not the point. It just shows the game design is encouraging camping where it didn't before.
Yeah, I don't think it's jarring, just stupid. Getting in a Titan in first person was absolutely awesome. I don't get that feeling at all in Titanfall 2 when entering a Titan. 3rd person just feels so... generic.

Even the finisher animations i want in first person. Moving it all to 3rd person was a dumb decision, would like to see them correct this and maybe smack the person responsible for making everything 3rd person.

I'm playing a first person shooter, keep me in first person.

It's not a game design choice.

They want you to see everything in third person so they can sell you skins and decals down the line.


Obviously your experience may have been different, but I've seen more people literally camping, trying to hide or position themselves in a manner that allows quick enemy kills in this tech test than I have in 2 years of R1. I'm not trying to be dramatic, and it's probably due to all the new players that are more familiar with other FPS, but really I never see campers in the original game on Xbox 1. We do agree that Bounty Hunt is terrible.

If someone sniped me in R1, I would Respawn, stim, and boot their ass. Every time. It's really the same on these maps. Plus, the Radar doesn't pinpoint them as well.


As for Bounty Hunt being terrible. Sadly, Amped Hardpoint is also damned terrible. And PvP is... not Titanfall.

But yeah, Bounty Hunt is flawed to its core and I often feel like some people defending it are playing it freely and not the objective.

I feel like this thread is full of agreement on what needs changing, but ranges in how much that affects overall opinion of the game.

I don't see how the gods that made R1 didn't notice before handing this out.


Yeah, I don't think it's jarring, just stupid. Getting in a Titan in first person was absolutely awesome. I don't get that feeling at all in Titanfall 2 when entering a Titan. 3rd person just feels so... generic.

Even the finisher animations i want in first person. Moving it all to 3rd person was a dumb decision, would like to see them correct this and maybe smack the person responsible for making everything 3rd person.

I'm playing a first person shooter, keep me in first person.
My favorite was sliding under the Titan and the Pilot crossing his arms as the Titan placed him inside the cockpit. That shit was dope. Also trying to be sneaky and all of a sudden your looking at a pilot as they just crept up behind you and snapped your neck. Man Respawn went and fucked that up.


Breaks immersion. Sure. Just like respawning right after you die a horrific death? This is a competitive MP game.

First person looks better. That's all the argument necessary. It's not jarring, if it breaks your concentration you literally had none in the first place, and it doesn't slow down the game since you can't do anything while entering in first person either.
Seems very ignorant of you to say what is or isn't jarring for a person when it's entirely subjective.

E92 M3

My favorite was sliding under the Titan and the Pilot crossing his arms as the Titan placed him inside the cockpit. That shit was dope. Also trying to be sneaky and all of a sudden your looking at a pilot as they just crept up behind you and snapped your neck. Man Respawn went and fucked that up.

That was my favorite as well!


And they should take out PvP - that is not Titanfall. Who cares if a couple CoD fans get angry. They will leave in November anyways.


Breaks immersion. Sure. Just like respawning right after you die a horrific death? This is a competitive MP game.

First person looks better. That's all the argument necessary. It's not jarring, if it breaks your concentration you literally had none in the first place, and it doesn't slow down the game since you can't do anything while entering in first person either.
Jeez, some people are quite touchy in this thread.

Whelp. Just got done playing some Titanfall. And I now think the franchise is dead.

For one, there's only 480 people online, and at night, it's not much better, I don't see EA letting those dedicated servers run for much longer.

And secondly, TF2 is just too far removed, and some of the changes that would be needed require a reworking of systems, or have been flat out denied by the devs.

Hoping them adding AI in will get my attention back, but even if they added it back in, it would take a lot of work to get it to the point it was in TF1, grunts communicating with each other, specters scaling buildings and clearing rooms, having, etc.

Bleh. Feeling defeated, such a special franchise, and I feel like it will die a completely avoidable death.
Was that play count on PC or XB1? When I was playing it on XB1 I did actually wonder how much longer they'd keep the servers up for, it'll be a sad day when they get turned off. I'd imagine there's more people than usual playing just now due to the tech test.


I don't think it matters what good players do. That's not the point. It just shows the game design is encouraging camping where it didn't before.
But it matters because you'll see what works and what doesn't. If you're good, campers will only be an occasional annoyance, not a game breaker.

If the game's design decisions prevented you from succeeding against campers, despite being really good then we have a problem. That's not the case here though. Mainly, the camping problem is the fault of the game mode, not the gameplay.


That was my favorite as well!


And they should take out PvP - that is not Titanfall. Who cares if a couple CoD fans get angry. They will leave in November anyways.
Smh so many bad choices imo but i can see why since Respawn approached things as if this was a new game.


I would just like to correct myself earlier and state that I don't think you get charge % for merely hitting Minions, only for (AI)Titans.


If someone sniped me in R1, I would Respawn, stim, and boot their ass. Every time. It's really the same on these maps. Plus, the Radar doesn't pinpoint them as well.


As for Bounty Hunt being terrible. Sadly, Amped Hardpoint is also damned terrible. And PvP is... not Titanfall.

But yeah, Bounty Hunt is flawed to its core and I often feel like some people defending it are playing it freely and not the objective.

I feel like this thread is full of agreement on what needs changing, but ranges in how much that affects overall opinion of the game.

I don't see how the gods that made R1 didn't notice before handing this out.

Sniping isn't camping though, not necessarily. I've seen loads of players hanging around corners during the bank phase, just sitting and waiting. Campers on rooftops are more easy to deal with, I feel bad for them that they don't understand what they should be doing. I used the DMR primarily in R1 and I have a decent idea of how you should use the movement system to get your shots off. In the tech test many were just satisfied sitting there.
That was my favorite as well!


And they should take out PvP - that is not Titanfall. Who cares if a couple CoD fans get angry. They will leave in November anyways.

This is a bad opinion, stop.

75% of the game is Pilot v. Pilot anyway. Some people just want regular deathmatch sometimes, deal with it. I liked all the gametypes in the tech test.


But it matters because you'll see what works and what doesn't. If you're good, campers will only be an occasional annoyance, not a game breaker.

If the game's design decisions prevented you from succeeding against campers, despite being really good then we have a problem. That's not the case here though. Mainly, the camping problem is the fault of the game mode, not the gameplay.
And the maps imo. Such long stretches of open sight.

Aside from the terrible design, there is a lot of "return to battlefield spots" even in the middle of the map. God forbid you climb up (with the grappling hook since it's impossible to go vertical without it )three stories. That's too high I guess.


People still going on about the first person vs third person... there's no question they are taking a hard look at it

I think you're feeling that dread of moving on from something you've been engaged in for over 2 years. It's always tough doing that.

Remember the craziness over Halo C.E and Halo 2? The changes weren't even that insane, and Halo 2 ended up playing amazingly after some patches, ushered in the era of online gaming but you would never think that during the launch of Halo 2 amongst the hordes of insanity on bungie.net during that time.

Wait for the final product, and even then let the meta set in. The game is gonna be good breh.
Now, by camping do you mean people head glitching on top of a tilted roof top? Because that's not entirely camping to me, and people did that a ton in Titanfall 1. Or do you mean people literally inside a building waiting for you to come by?

The one man talking sense in this thread.

I finally got some grapple footage you asked for last weekend. I didn't get to play much last weekend due to a wedding. I enjoyed the game much more once they tuned the movement.

I'm kinda excited for what kind of competive modes they have in mind hopefully a ranked playlist at the very least.



Anyone see any titan/pilot death animations? Was cool how each Titan had its own finisher.
Meaning throwing pilots/ripping them from Titans.
My favorite was sliding under the Titan and the Pilot crossing his arms as the Titan placed him inside the cockpit. That shit was dope. Also trying to be sneaky and all of a sudden your looking at a pilot as they just crept up behind you and snapped your neck. Man Respawn went and fucked that up.

I literally thought of the same animation when typing my reply. That shit always brought a smile to my face. They really need to bring this back.
But it matters because you'll see what works and what doesn't. If you're good, campers will only be an occasional annoyance, not a game breaker.

If the game's design decisions prevented you from succeeding against campers, despite being really good then we have a problem. That's not the case here though. Mainly, the camping problem is the fault of the game mode, not the gameplay.

What made the first game special is the amount of fun you had despite the skill level. I am not going to have time to dedicate to this game and get very good at it just like I don't for any other shooter. I had time for one match these past two weekends and what I payed wasn't fun. I didn't get the rush of flying around the map and calling in my titan. It really felt like the countless shooters out there. That's what is so severely disappointing about what they did to this game. TF1 was a fun game for all skill levels but this doesn't feel the same.

Good players will have fun cause killing people in MP shooters is fun. I feel like that's what Im seeing in this thread from those who've come around to liking it.
Really don't think you know what reasonable or hyperbolic means

Edit: Vince saying they're going to discuss it in the feedback changes feels like he's just going to say why it's in third person and leave it at that.

Yeah okay, first you call me ignorant and now you're saying I don't know what those words mean. I guess you're good at insulting people over the internet. That's new.


We already know what the Sword Titan execution looks like from the Campaign trailer.


You know, the whole test, I didn't realise my Titan was talking to me.

Yeah okay, first you call me ignorant and now you're saying I don't know what those words mean. I guess you're good at insulting people over the internet. That's new.

Someone calling something jarring, you can disagree, but he's already stated he isn't being hyperbolic. I agree. The same way Dying Light literally makes me feel motion sickness whereas not much else does.

Although it's less to do with the change of perspective and probably more to do with the fact that I can't see my HUD/Health etc. nor can I keep track of the action during the change.


What made the first game special is the amount of fun you had despite the skill level. I am not going to have time to dedicate to this game and get very good at it just like I don't for any other shooter. I had time for one match these past two weekends and what I payed wasn't fun. I didn't get the rush of flying around the map and calling in my titan. It really felt like the countless shooters out there. That's what is so severely disappointing about what they did to this game. TF1 was a fun game for all skill levels but this doesn't feel the same.

Good players will have fun cause killing people in MP shooters is fun. I feel like that's what Im seeing in this thread from those who've come around to liking it.

Your concerns are valid. I think it will come down to the game modes. If they introduce a mode for people like yourself that want to come in to chill, have fun with no try hard time then all will be well, right?

Attrition was definitely that mode in Titanfall 1. It's why it stayed so heavily populated. We'll see if it makes a return.


Yeah okay, first you call me ignorant and now you're saying I don't know what those words mean. I guess you're good at insulting people over the internet. That's new.
You're saying its exaggerating when its subjective based and calling it unreasonable when people are making their feelings known. Ok though. Sorry for supposedly insulting you


Wasn't Pilot vs Pilot the least populated mode in the tech test?

not really. it sometimes had more than hardpoint. it went up and down. contrast that with the original pilot v pilot in titanfall 1 that died out in a week and now has 0, and i mean 0 players in it.

E92 M3

This is a bad opinion, stop.

75% of the game is Pilot v. Pilot anyway. Some people just want regular deathmatch sometimes, deal with it. I liked all the gametypes in the tech test.

You can have regular deathmatch with Titans and Pilots - both of which are fundamental. There are other games coming that have "regular" deathmatch.

I just don't like games getting diluted with unneeded modes.

Titanfall needs to exploit its niche audience and work from there.


I hope the final release version lets you vote on the next map after the match and if they really wanted to be awesome, letting us vote for Deadly Ground option for the next match would super awesome.

It would probably be unlikely cause the maps suck for that shit so hopefully the game is delayed and maps are fixed.


I hope the final release version lets you vote on the next map after the match and if they really wanted to be awesome, letting us vote for Deadly Ground option for the next match would super awesome.

It would probably be unlikely cause the maps suck for that shit so hopefully the game is delayed and maps are fixed.
I wished for this as well.


Man, I loved Titanfall so much.


I'm tearing up watching the old gameplay trailers for it. We ever going to get that ejection ability where the Titan throws the Pilot?

edit: E92 M3, get it on Xbone if you are buying.
That's some smooth grappling right there. I'll be interested to see how competitive the PS4 crowd actually gets.

This game screams for crossplay

not sure if i'm going with xbox one or ps4. seemed like when I played on xbox it had a larger player pool on the server I used so probably xbox one. I'm glad to see i'm not the only one enjoying the new game.
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