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Treasury Sec. Mnuchin: Trump has "perfect genes"; not worried about AI killing jobs

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A window into the world:
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin joined Axios' Mike Allen this morning at the debut of his News Shapers event series to talk about his new role in the Trump Administration.

On AI supplanting human jobs: "it's not even on our radar screen.... 50-100 more years" away. "I'm not worried at all" about robots displacing humans in the near future, he said, adding: "In fact I'm optimistic."

Other big ticket items:

  • Trump's stamina: "He's got perfect genes. He has incredible energy and he's unbelievably healthy."
  • Trump's diet: Mnuchin claimed Trump no longer eats KFC or McDonald's, as the White House food is "great."
  • The dollar bill: "I think we should look at putting President Trump on the thousand dollar bill."
  • Trump's views evolving: "He's the negotiator-in-chief... he wants big deals."
  • Trump's leadership style: "He has an open door. People are coming and going, and he thinks about something and calls somebody on the phone... this is not a formal, scheduled president."
Tax reform:

  • "Much simpler" than health care reform, saying the Trump administration will do it comprehensively. Not going to break it up into more passable pieces.
  • Corporate tax rate: Mnuchin declined to reiterate Trump's goal of a 15% corporate tax rate, vs. Ryan's 20% plan.
  • Carried interest loophole: Mnuchin said the loophole will be closed in our tax plan. But that's for hedge funds. No commitment on real estate, etc.
  • Border adjustment tax: It has certain aspects that are VAT-like, which much of the rest of the world uses.
  • The focus of tax cuts: Mnuchin said the Trump administration's focus is on tax cuts for the middle class, not upper.
The global economy:

  • Renegotiating trade deals: "So long as we can renegotiate [trade] deals that are good for us, we won't be protectionist. Otherwise we will."
  • The one bad thing: We don't know how to predict the next bad thing.
  • Trump's big objective: Keep people safe, per Mnuchin.
  • Does Mnuchin worry about who is calling Trump? "No. Do you?"


I'm not worried at all, in fact I'm optimistic. If old.



"Unbelievably healthy"
A lot of Trump people think about genetic superiority, huh?

Sounds eerily familiar.

They sure know their audience. I wasn't aware though that perfect genes makes you incapable of stringing together a coherent sentence. Perfection looks weird to me I guess. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
"it's not even on our radar screen.... 50-100 more years" away. "I'm not worried at all" about robots displacing humans in the near future, he said, adding: "In fact I'm optimistic."

You fucking idiots. Just gotta keep shooting yourselves in the dick by continually voting for these chumps.
It isn't just robots.

You know how many stories I've read on Reddit of people spending a week writing a good PowerShell script that gets rid of the need to do a repetitive office job?

It isn't my space (I'm in security, and sysadmin before that) but I've seen some great scripts speed things up myself.

Even some IT hardware jobs have gotten harder to come by (more virtualization of servers).

Dude Abides

Just because Trump talks like an obvious lying idiot doesn't mean you have to as well, dickhead. Trump's very overweight.


The man is a billionaire. Why does it take the White House for him to eat properly? He can eat whatever the fuck he wants.


The automation thing triggered me this morning.

50-100 years away? Are they ignoring Obama's cabinet reports..?
As a graduate science student, I never heard or used the term "perfect genes" in any type of scientific literature. Well besides hearing it from white supremacist.


Trump's stamina: "He's got perfect genes. He has incredible energy and he's unbelievably healthy."

The dollar bill: "I think we should look at putting President Trump on the thousand dollar bill."

If there's one thing this administration needed, it's more breathlessly fawning sycophancy.


Unconfirmed Member
The automation thing triggered me this morning.

50-100 years away? Are they ignoring Obama's cabinet reports..?

"Black people look for any reason not to work. Now it's automation."

I wouldn't put it past Trump to believe that. After all, he still called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five after they were found not guilty.


It's almost like they're trying to get compared to Nazis / North Korea now.

I'm fully expecting to hear about them coming out with little red armbands "to match the hats" within the year.
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