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Treasury Sec. Mnuchin: Trump has "perfect genes"; not worried about AI killing jobs

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Genetic superiority.

Are we sure he is not wearing an adult diaper? That ass is fat.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I mean, you can't say he's lying. It is definitely unbelievable.

This, though:

These people really do literally think it's still the 1950s.

Gotta go back further than that. He knows what he is saying is full of shit. Automation will be great for rich people.


So, basically this guy seems to be on the train for replacing your voting procedure with a more emperor/royal like approach? That explains a lot of things.


This right here is the biggest slap in the face to Trump's core base so far. Working-class people are struggling hard because the government failed miserably at helping people transition from 20th century jobs to modern jobs. This stance positions themselves to do even worse in the next decade.


This right here is the biggest slap in the face to Trump's core base so far. Working-class people are struggling hard because the government failed miserably at helping people transition from 20th century jobs to modern jobs. This stance positions themselves to do even worse in the next decade.

Obama explicitly warned that his successor would be the first President in American history to have to deal with cognitive automation, and automation itself is the reason where 85% of the job losses in manufacturing specifically have come from. You know, the specific industry Trump said he will restore?

But no, 100 years away.

Holy shit I want to die. These guys are going to let societies in the country fucking implode.
This right here is the biggest slap in the face to Trump's core base so far. Working-class people are struggling hard because the government failed miserably at helping people transition from 20th century jobs to modern jobs. This stance positions themselves to do even worse in the next decade.

tut tut tut... That's the Democrats fault.


On AI supplanting human jobs: "it's not even on our radar screen.... 50-100 more years" away. "I'm not worried at all" about robots displacing humans in the near future, he said, adding: "In fact I'm optimistic."
Companies will replace human labor with AI once it becomes both explicitly (the money it takes to get AI) and implicitly (low error chance/ect) cost beneficial. For many companies, that time is coming soon. Uber is investing in driving cars, as I bet many trucking companies are. That will eliminate many jobs in the US way before 2067.

Neo C.

The perfect genes comment is utterly stupid, but the AI comment makes me feel nervous. Any government not aware of the coming transformation will face the perfect storm.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
No kidding. They talk about Trump in such hallowed tones, as though he were a god-king. Like, what does this guy to inspire such lavish devotion beyond exist?

One thing to like the dude but they talk about him like a cult

I'm starting to think that the people surrounding Trump really do buy into the alt-right and neo-fascist narrative about creating a New Kingdom that centers around a God King figure. Trump is obviously not the ubermensch, but what's important is the attitude of the strong white man who sits on the throne: an intuitive, supremely confident dictator that the people identify with and worship as a surrogate father to society.

The way they refer to Trump in public goes along with the idea.


The perfect genes comment is utterly stupid, but the AI comment makes me feel nervous. Any government not aware of the coming transformation will face the perfect storm.

Trump's cabinet may be denying it and there's a very high danger with this -- most people still believe manufacturing jobs were lost most due to trade and not automation; this is not true -- but people in government know of the risks.

The Pentagon, in particular, knows this is a crisis that can mix with climate change, leading to urban dissent and potential violence.


-Implement protectionist policies to not allow foreign labor and business to participate

-Dismiss automation after turning it into the most effective force to undercut American labor with said protectionist policies.

That is a violent and corpse riddled road to stare down.


How recent or not recent is this pic? Surely from 8 years ago right? No way he managed to stay fit after 8 years of being POTUS right?

I'm guessing earlier in his first term, since he doesn't have any grey hair in this pic (unless he dyed it after leaving office)


This fucking dweeb compared the risks of automation to R2DR taking your job.

When pressed, Mnuchin said that he wasn't talking about things like self-driving cars, which he believes could run from coast to coast in the not-so-distant future. ”That to me isn't artificial intelligence, that's computers and using real technology we have today," he said. ”But those types of things are very real. That's very different from artificial [intelligence], you know, R2-D2 taking over your job."

So, he's pivoting the real issue of automation to what people equate AI with (deep learning), and making up a boogeyman from Star Wars that is supposed to be the threat to jobs?

Put him on Alderaan.


How recent or not recent is this pic? Surely from 8 years ago right? No way he managed to stay fit after 8 years of being POTUS right?

dunno how recent the pic is, but Obama worked out all the time when in office

There were even some leaked pics of him in the gym doing work a few years back


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
This fucking dweeb compared the risks of automation to R2DR taking your job.

So, he's pivoting the real issue of automation to what people equate AI with (deep learning), and making up a boogeyman from Star Wars that is supposed to be the threat to jobs?

Put him on Alderaan.

Ah, so that's how they'll keep moving the goalposts on how many jobs are taken by AI. If it's taken someone's job then it's not AI.


Ah, so that's how they'll keep moving the goalposts on how many jobs are taken by AI. If it's taken someone's job then it's not AI.

I think people will go "well you should've gotten better skills to have a job" the same type of shit people say to not increase the minimum wage. Until automation takes their job, then they will be like "no one could've seen the scope of how big this would be"


I think people will go "well you should've gotten better skills to have a job" the same type of shit people say to not increase the minimum wage. Until automation takes their job, then they will be like "no one could've seen the scope of how big this would be"

This is how we'll normalize the precarity of others, but only when that becomes a norm will we pull the scope of the problem.

What's unfortunate is you don't even have to look hard to see this is a major issue. You don't need 1:1 technological unemployment risk, you don't even need the numbers of displacement risk to be 100% accurate, you just need to ask a basic question: will any change here produce violence and suffering due to a lack of comprehensive, compassionate policy?

That answer becomes a yes, be it a small one for places like Canada, and a large one in bold for America, which has some of the worst support programs of the first world.
The dude has such a shit posture and always looks awkward standing next to people. He can barely speak coherently even in planned speeches. I do wonder what their bar for good genetics is. Knowing these twats it probably ends at he's White.
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