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Treasury Sec. Mnuchin: Trump has "perfect genes"; not worried about AI killing jobs

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The automation thing triggered me this morning.

50-100 years away? Are they ignoring Obama's cabinet reports..?
They know it's coming soon, they just don't care. It's not like their 1%-er asses have to worry about getting replaced with robots.


Great stamina that he has to run away to his hotel every weekend. I wonder how much work he actually does, he seems to avoid it at all costs. How long is his work day?


I mean...

Wouldn't that mean his brother has perfect genes too?

The ones predisposed to alcoholism?


Some more quotes http://www.theverge.com/2017/3/24/1...etary-steven-mnuchin-ai-robot-jobs-star-wars:

When pressed, Mnuchin said that he wasn't talking about things like self-driving cars, which he believes could run from coast to coast in the not-so-distant future. ”That to me isn't artificial intelligence, that's computers and using real technology we have today," he said. ”But those types of things are very real. That's very different from artificial [intelligence], you know, R2-D2 taking over your job."

If it already exists it doesn't count, truckers and cab drivers aren't real jobs or something.

he's ”not at all" worried, he told Allen. ”If anything what it's done is, it's taken jobs that are low-paying jobs."

Not worried as long as the robots aren't brown.


Unconfirmed Member
No kidding. They talk about Trump in such hallowed tones, as though he were a god-king. Like, what does this guy to inspire such lavish devotion beyond exist?

His character can't speak positively for itself because it's awful, therefore it relies on the praise of others.


Evolution has confirmed that Trump's hands are the optimum size. Trump acknowledged this in a brief statement: "Nobody knows more about biology and genetics than I do."


Great stamina that he has to run away to his hotel every weekend. I wonder how much work he actually does, he seems to avoid it at all costs. How long is his work day?
I mean trump does have some hustle in him. The last legs of his campaign that carried him to victory was pretty unbelievable at how much he got around considering a man of his age. Made clintons resting and fine dining in safe blue states look like a joke, really.


Neo Member

Genetic superiority.


Evolution has confirmed that Trump's hands are the optimum size. Trump acknowledged this in a brief statement: "Nobody knows more about biology and genetics than I do."

Holy smokes, we're heading towards a real life Snowpiercer.



Coincidentally, they just had an interview with an author who wrote about the eugenics movement of the 1920s on fresh air.


Wow he sounds legit crazy talking about "perfect genes" and shit. Also, completely ignoring automation is going to fuck over so many people in the near future (5-10 years from now).


Specifically mentioning the thousand dollar bill, huh? Planning ahead for some good old fashioned inflation, huh.
You wouldn't even be able to use it as a wallpaper though. Who'd want Trump all over their wall. Except this guy and slightly less than half of the US voters, I mean.


I don't believe Trump is a eugenicist, but he really believes in natural talent. I bet his inner circle need to pay lip service to good genes and being "born with it."


I'm not surprised by this. He only hires the best, knows only the best, is full of winning and whatnot, so it's not a stretch to say that he also has perfect genes. Of course, this is only true if the first part of that previous statement is true.

L Thammy

I'm consistently baffled at how people look at Donald Trump and see a manly man that eats bullets for breakfast like Andrew Jackson or Teddy Roosevelt and not a potato golem.
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