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Trump Approval Hits New Low Of 32% As Support From His Base Slips — IBD/TIPP Poll



538 with other polls and current average: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/
President Trump's approval rating dropped 5 percentage points in August to a new low of 32%, according to the latest IBD/TIPP Poll, with 59% saying they disapprove of the job he's doing as president.

Trump lost significant support across the board, but saw big declines among areas of core support, including Republicans, Midwesterners, middle-income families, white men and the high-school educated. The results come in the wake of the Senate's failure to repeal ObamaCare, upheavals in the White House staff, the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the election, and the daily beatings administered by the mainstream press.

Among Republicans, for example, Trump's approval rating fell from 83% in July to 71% in August. Trump's already low approval ratings remained relatively unchanged among Democrats (4%) and independents (30%).

In terms of income, Trump lost the most support from those with household incomes between $30,000 and $50,000. Among this group, Trump's approval rating dropped from 40% in July to 27% in August.

Trump's support among white men — the one demographic group who approved of Trump — dropped from 51% in July to 44% in August. The nearby chart shows other groups with big drops in August.

Russia Collusion

The public has also grown more concerned about the Russia scandal over the past months.

Of those following the Russia scandal closely, nearly two-thirds (65%) now think that members of his campaign colluded with Russia to help sway the November election. That includes 30% of Republicans and 64% of independents.

This comes after news that Trump's son met with a Russian lawyer and issued misleading statements about the nature of it, and represents a dramatic shift in the public's views about the Russian scandal.

In June, for example, nearly half thought the investigation into Trump's ties with Russia was a "witch hunt," and 57% thought the media had prematurely declared Trump and his allies guilty of collusion.

Now just 31% say special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Trump is illegitimate because there's been no evidence of a crime. Only 37% say that Mueller's probing Trump's past business dealings goes beyond his mandate.

Impeachment Talk Goes Mainstream

Worse for Trump, fully 47% of the public now think that talk of impeaching the president is appropriate today, with 50% saying it's premature.

When IBD/TIPP asked this question in June, only 32% thought it was appropriate to talk about impeaching the president, with 65% saying such talk was premature.
Methodology: The August IBD/TIPP Poll was conducted from July 28-Aug. 5. It includes responses from 904 people nationwide, who were asked questions by live interviewers on cell or landline phones. The poll's margin of error is +/-3.3 percentage points.

For the questions about Russia and impeachment, the sample was limited to the 611 people who said they were following the news about this story closely, resulting in a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points.

The IBD/TIPP Poll has been credited as being the most accurate poll in the past four presidential elections, and was one of only two that correctly predicted the outcome of the November elections.


Trump WH right now



Can he make it to the 20s?

He has the guts, the grit and the determination to make it happen.

The entire opening months has been his training montage.

I believe in you, Donald.


I think "base slipping's" the bigger thing here. I thought they'd be like immovable bedrock until he's impeached.
What's the lowest approval rating of any past presidents?
IIRC GWB and Truman both bottomed out at the mid twenties. A botched war, sloppy response to a natural disaster or huge revelations from the Russia investigation could definitely knock him farther down than the aforementioned two.
My only worry is that with the absolute shit show his administration has been, the bar is set so low that the slightest semblance of compétence will be rewarded with higher approval ratings.

My only hope is that Trump is simply incapable of not being a giant turd that surrounds himself with giant turds.

Bring on the midterms and 2020. I want repercussions for this disaster that struck the US.
Has Pence even done anything worthy of criticism since he became VP?

He has done a superb job of staying as far away from Trump as humanly possible at all times. I think they used ninja smoke bombs to drop him and out for the tie-breaking Senate vote.


Quoting individual polls continues to be pointless, especially garbage tier polls like IBD. Just use the average, which is currently 37%.


If he has another month like the one they just limped through, it will put him squarely in the 20s from the looks of things.


Has Pence even done anything worthy of criticism since he became VP?

He was head of the transition team when everyone was warning the transition team that Flynn was a paid agent of at least two other nations and really shouldn't be head of the NSC. And Pence still had the gall to say he hadn't heard anything about it, so he's either blindingly incompetent or a lying stooge.
Sadly, the biggest thing hurting him is the vacationing.

I'll take it.
I mean, what does a vacationing president even do to themselves, image-wise? You'll see a couple photos of them having fun with the kids, yucking it up with some old associates, but that's it. Outside of some (usually partisan) grumbling that the president should be working, it's not supposed to be damaging.

Trump is spending his vacation trying to start a twitter war with Richard Blumenthal.


If the GOP believes he can't win in 2020 they will threaten him with impeachment if he doesn't pull out. And he's already getting on their bad side.

This is glorious.


If those numbers drop any further (a sign that even some of the base is starting to collapse), then GOP politicians will have to seriously start thinking about how the Trump stink will affect their careers in 2018 and beyond.


The article 404 or what?
It's on the front page of the site but I just see a 404 in links.

Seems to be going on and off. Put on the 538 link as well for comparison to other polls, average, and the score being there as well.


You can do it, Trump-kun! The first President to hit 0%--I believe in you!

Take my lack of energy!
It can't hit 0%. That's physically impossible. There are too many people who would see him dismantling anything resembling a sense of legitimacy from the position of president as a good thing.
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