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Trump Approval Hits New Low Of 32% As Support From His Base Slips — IBD/TIPP Poll

It can't hit 0%. That's physically impossible. There are too many people who would see him dismantling anything resembling a sense of legitimacy from the position of president as a good thing.

I believe that President Trump can do the impossible, as long as we're talking about finding new and amazing ways to disappoint and disgust everyone.


Quoting individual polls continues to be pointless, especially garbage tier polls like IBD. Just use the average, which is currently 37%.
Personally I think it's worth looking at just for the dramatic shifts in opinions on Russia, collusion, impeachment etc. Along with significant erosion of GOP support. The OP has a clear comparison
This seems more in reaction to the healthcare debacle rather than the previous issues.

I wonder the effect all of his golfing and vacations is having as well.

Dude doesn't appear to be doing any work, which must sting his blue collar supporters.


Homeland Security Fail
Tweeted this morning:

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

The Trump base is far bigger & stronger than ever before (despite some phony Fake News polling). Look at rallies in Penn, Iowa, Ohio.......

..and West Virginia. The fact is the Fake News Russian collusion story, record Stock Market, border security, military strength, jobs.....

.. Supreme Court pick, economic enthusiasm, deregulation & so much more have driven the Trump base even closer together. Will never change!


I wonder the effect all of his golfing and vacations is having as well.

Dude doesn't appear to be doing any work, which must sting his blue collar supporters.
Death by a thousand cuts. I have to imagine all of these things are taking a toll on trump. Whether it be healthcare, the lies, Russia, comey, vacations, tweeting etc


Something something " I don't trust polls" something som...

The IBD/TIPP Poll has been credited as being the most accurate poll in the past four presidential elections, and was one of only two that correctly predicted the outcome of the November elections.



Tweeted this morning:

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

The Trump base is far bigger & stronger than ever before (despite some phony Fake News polling). Look at rallies in Penn, Iowa, Ohio.and West Virginia. The fact is the Fake News Russian collusion story, record Stock Market, border security, military strength, jobs.....

let's see, what's more accurate, polling hundreds of random americans, or judging the level of applause at your own rally full of your own supporters.

That's like saying Consumer Reports magazine is completely wrong cause my 2004 Ford Taurus works perfectly fine.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Is nobody thinking of the GOP website listing all the victories so far???!!!!????!!!??
If those numbers drop any further (a sign that even some of the base is starting to collapse), then GOP politicians will have to seriously start thinking about how the Trump stink will affect their careers in 2018 and beyond.
The current numbers are already more than enough to make Republicans consider some distance important. Lower than 30% is absolutely impeachment territory for a president under special counsel investigation (among many other things that would have gotten Bill Clinton fully impeached).


I wonder if he'll go down in the first year. It's already such a clusterfuck since he's in office. The sooner the better.
I cannot wait for that 29%

"There's a 9, and there's a 2, folks. It doesn't matter what order they're in! It doesn't matter! Oh boy, a 9 and a 2. That's got to be the highest numbers ever! Of all the numbers that this number is, it's got to be one of the highest, believe me."


The year is almost over and other then destroying the various departments, nothing of substance(to the GOP voter) has been done


Tweeted this morning:

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

The Trump base is far bigger & stronger than ever before (despite some phony Fake News polling). Look at rallies in Penn, Iowa, Ohio.......

..and West Virginia. The fact is the Fake News Russian collusion story, record Stock Market, border security, military strength, jobs.....

.. Supreme Court pick, economic enthusiasm, deregulation & so much more have driven the Trump base even closer together. Will never change!

Sounds like he's readying them for war. I think he knows he's going down. So why is the RNC hitching themselves to him by making that Trump sycophant Kayleigh whatsherface?


Unconfirmed Member
He is going down

He's going to resign by Xmas (yeah, Xmas) and do a victory lap about how he had the most successful and productive year as president that anybody has ever had and that he has accomplished more in one year than most presidents do in 8 and therefore he can best continue to MAGA by going back to the private sector to focus full time on his business.


He's going to resign by Xmas (yeah, Xmas) and do a victory lap about how he had the most successful and productive year as president that anybody has ever had and that he has accomplished more in one year than most presidents do in 8 and therefore he can best continue to MAGA by going back to the private sector to focus full time on his business.

And he's already launched Trump TV.
So if it looks like pence is going down, what the likely hood of trump dumping him and putting someone even more disgusting in place. Just as a last fuck you.

Can the President change vps in the middle of a term?
God imagine if Mueller doesn't find anything, Trump might immediately declare a national holiday in his name from all the celebrating he'd be doing.
Has Pence even done anything worthy of criticism since he became VP?

He would flatly lie about public policy statements by Trump and others. The VP debate was particularly memorable:

Kaine: "Trump said '[...]'!"
Pence: "No he didn't"
Pence: "I believe you're mistaken"

He's kept it up since. He seems to live in an alternate reality bubble where things that provably happened actually didn't, because he refuses to acknowledge them. At least Trump's got potential mental illness (and possibly cocaine) to blame. Pence knows what he's doing.


Be VP. He deserves to go down as well.

The best thing is to take back the house/senate in 2018 and impeach him so that pence has no power but I am afraid some Dems like Pence so it might be best to take house/senate in 2018, keep trump in office till his last year then impeach him.
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