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Trump Fires James Comey

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Wow. Suspending elections is probably just a year or two away at this rate. He's preparing the White House for Barron and getting ready to install a throne.
If anything it's another nail in his coffin. The last bastard that tried this was Nixon and look at how well that ended for him.

This is as much of an indictment of guilt as anything. Trump has dug his grave to the point of no return with this stunt he just pulled.

Only if the public puts pressure on elected officials. There need to be massive protests and constant calls to congressmen.
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III told Donald Trump to fire the leader of an investigation that Sessions was forced into recusal over because he was implicated in it

And not only did Trump actually do it, Trump just told the nation that Sessions was responsible for the impetus for this

This is somehow not even the 10th most stupid thing Trump has done in the so-far-5-month-old year
How in the ever loving fuck do we not have some defense against this, it's fucking illegal.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
AG Sessions reccomendation:

I can't. This is insane.


If anything it's another nail in his coffin. The last bastard that tried this was Nixon and look at how well that ended for him.

This is as much of an indictment of guilt as anything. Trump has dug his grave to the point of no return with this stunt he just pulled.

You'd think comey didnt figure this would eventually happen


AG Sessions reccomendation:


So they are trying to frame it that he got fired for mishandling the clinton investigation and holding that press conference. I mean it almost sounds like the White House is trying to divert attention, hmm.


Not gonna lie...

Those checks-and-balances seem pretty non-existent right about now.

This guy seems to be able to do whatever he wants :/


This is legitimately insane.

It's Nixon 2.0. Does the orange shitstain somehow think this will end the investigation?


Uhh people better fucking take to the streets for this. If shit doesn't go down soon this country is fucked.
Oh shit! They've boxed us in with their "he shouldn't have ignored norms and gone around AG Lynch.

Pack it up gang, we can't win. Cancel all planned protest, pls.


Why are you guys acting surprised? 0 repercussions for Trump and he shuts down the only investigation with the slightest potential to get somewhere

Basically, nothing will come of this was the right position all along

You're literally just saying shit. He just fired Comey and now you think NOTHING will happen?


This is what republicans decided to hitch their wagons to. I hope every single republican who supported Trump loses their job and is forever unemployable.
When I started seeing the stories about how he misspoke about Huma Abedin's emails last week, I knew this was going to happen. They will probably argue that he perjured himself, and thus had to be removed.

I suspect those loyal to him might see this as Trump's attempt to curb the investigation and start leaking stuff, though.
What a megaton.

It is shady as fuck, and we need those checks and balances asap.

Our country is going to shit under this administration.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This doesn't even make sense. Why would they wait five months to get rid of him?
I can't take this country serious anymore.

President fires man leading the investigation against the president to install a puppet.

America has gone full Russia/Turkey

"It can't happen here/to us" - a statement never once followed by anything less than it happening here/to us
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