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Trump picks anti-LGBT hate group to run domestic policy transition

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I am horrified for my friends and family in the LGBT community...

This cannot be allowed.

I hope if they start trying to impose anti lbgt laws, like Pence did in his own state, people will start threatening to pull events, funding from states. There will be backlash, make no mistake.


My point was pretty clear in my first statement. There are a lot of hyperbolic posts on here which are just laughable.

The situation is certainly grim, but you are doing noone favors by making these outlandish statements. It makes everyone here look extremely childish and naive to think some of these statements have any basis in reality.

People need to get a grip and stop trying to rip anyone who tells them that into shreds and reveal that they were secret nazi or some stupid shit.

I didn't vote for Trump! I've been on GAF for 10 years. I'm not your damn "enemy". Fuck.

While I certainly hope the reality won't come to anything like forced shock therapy or other absurd "treatments", the real horror is that plenty of other people that are now going to have the power to change our laws think in similar if not the same way. It's really not hyperbolic to be afraid for the rights LGBTQ barely even have.


Gold Member

I truly...truly...was hoping that there would be some...even just a little bit of moderation . . . while I still have some hope..it's dim...and because of that...despair.

Nelo Ice

And people keep trying yo comfort me that he may change and nothing has happened yet. Fucking they want full genocide of LGBT.


This. For christ sake. This whole election just validates people like Pence and all the racists and bigots and homophobes who think people should be sent to conversion camps. Its only causing more of a rift when we slowly moving past all that bullshit.

Those people now feel like they have a voice, when they really dont fucking deserve to say shit.

Exactly, I can't believe people lack so much empathy that they are completely blindsighted by how others are feeling.

Even if Trump and Pence cannot get a single thing they want passed.

You have LGBT kids who are questioning their sexuality and look up and see everyone that controls the hands of society telling them they aren't real or don't deserve to live. What do you think that does to a generation of people?

You have Muslim children feeling like they do not belong in this country and that America and Americans do not love them. How do you think that affects them?

There are undocumented immigrants who think their family is about to be torn apart, or that they themselves will be sent back to a country they actually have no association with or know anyone in.

People NEED to overreact now so that when these administration actually begins they know not to do anything that will not be tolerated by the people.


Falsely enforcing christian values that he doesn't actually believe to bring the nation under his permanent control?

Ayy, he's the Antichrist. Who woulda thunk it. Anything in the bible about the Antichrist being orange?

Pretty sure Antichrist is supposed to be something that isn't in the Bible, something completely new. If i've understood right.

Orange shitbag might fit the bill...


For you.
My point was pretty clear in my first statement. There are a lot of hyperbolic posts on here which are just laughable.

The situation is certainly grim, but you are doing noone favors by making these outlandish statements. It makes everyone here look extremely childish and naive to think some of these statements have any basis in reality.

People need to get a grip and stop trying to rip anyone who tells them that into shreds and reveal that they were secret nazi or some stupid shit.

I didn't vote for Trump! I've been on GAF for 10 years. I'm not your damn "enemy". Fuck.
They are not really outlandish statements with the Nazionalsochial- I mean the Trump Administration. Shit is fucked.


My point was pretty clear in my first statement. There are a lot of hyperbolic posts on here which are just laughable.

The situation is certainly grim, but you are doing noone favors by making these outlandish statements. It makes everyone here look extremely childish and naive to think some of these statements have any basis in reality.

People need to get a grip and stop trying to rip anyone who tells them that into shreds and reveal that they were secret nazi or some stupid shit.

I didn't vote for Trump! I've been on GAF for 10 years. I'm not your damn "enemy". Fuck.
The people that will be in charge of this country made these outlandish statements. You're embarrassing.
Falsely enforcing christian values that he doesn't actually believe to bring the nation under his permanent control?

Ayy, he's the Antichrist. Who woulda thunk it. Anything in the bible about the Antichrist being orange?

I was raised strict Christian, and not gonna lie, come election night I remembered Revelation. This shit is truly surreal. The psychology of it especially. Really depressing shit that there are this many people in the country willing to explain away the words and actions of a degenerate for their own gain.

But I shouldnt be surprised.


My point was pretty clear in my first statement. There are a lot of hyperbolic posts on here which are just laughable.

The situation is certainly grim, but you are doing noone favors by making these outlandish statements. It makes everyone here look extremely childish and naive to think some of these statements have any basis in reality.

People need to get a grip and stop trying to rip anyone who tells them that into shreds and reveal that they were secret nazi or some stupid shit.

I didn't vote for Trump! I've been on GAF for 10 years. I'm not your damn "enemy". Fuck.

At minimum this means Trump will definitely put out supreme court justices with an anti-gay marriage slant and will approve bills that allow companies to discriminate against LGBT people. At fucking minimum.

It also means he has people talking in his ears that support conversion therapy, which has been both shown to not work and force people to commit suicide.


Exactly, I can't believe people lack so much empathy that they are completely blindsighted by how they are feeling.

Even if Trump and Pence cannot get a single thing they want passed.

You have LGBT kids who are questioning their sexuality and look up and see everyone that controls the hands of society telling them they aren't real or don't deserve to live. What do you think that does to a generation of people?

You have Muslim children feeling like they do not belong in this country and that America and Americans do not love them. How do you think that affects them?

There are undocumented immigrants who think their family is about to be torn apart, or that they themselves will be sent back to a country they actually have no association with or know anyone in.

People NEED to overreact now so that when these administration actually begins they know not to do anything that will not be tolerated by the people.

I'm more worried about the future for gay kids cause I've lived in a toxic anti-gay environment and that isn't something I want to see become a common occursnce. Shit is damaging.
It's going to be really hard focusing on a better future in the next 4-8 years when this country will very likely be destroyed in the next couple of years.


One big part of the fear that I think a lot of people are overlooking:

I'm not deathly afraid of what Trump himself will do. I don't think he really gives a fuck one way or another about LGBT issues.

But his court appointees are going to make it through the Senate. And that will be a signal to state governments. The message from a Trump-influenced judiciary will be: "Do what you want with the faggots; we won't stop you."

So let's say Red State passes a law kneecapping marriage rights, or enabling discrimination (housing, employment, etc) in the name or religion. The lawsuits come, as they always do. It makes it to Trump's Supreme Court. We know how this is likely to end.

This isn't hyperbole. We saw new legislation introduced across the country after the marriage ruling. They're going to keep coming after us in whatever clever ways they can, and if Trump keeps his word on the types of judges he'll appoint, we will have no recourse, no justice to be found in the judiciary.


I don't think they'll go that route. They have to have to foresight to know that they won't control all three prongs indefinitely.

I guarantee you they will. They have (at least) 2 years to implement every one of their right wing dreams, why wouldn't they? They'll probably never have the chance again.


Yup. If the fallout of this election is that we have to listen to more white people problems then I just can't even pretend to like this ignorant ass country anymore. LGBTQ people want basic fucking rights and our fellow black citizens want to not be shot in the streets by the right hand of the goddamned government and yet we should cry about white rural voters.
Don't forget immigrants suddenly having to fear deportation. I know people supported by DACA.

This election didn't make me sympathetic to the plight of rural white voters who voted for Trump. It made me stop giving a shit because all they're doing is harming everyone else.
I hope if they start trying to impose anti lbgt laws, like Pence did in his own state, people will start threatening to pull events, funding from states. There will be backlash, make no mistake.
This is what the American people need to do. There needs to be a huge backlash from the Americans and federal employees especially.


My point was pretty clear in my first statement. There are a lot of hyperbolic posts on here which are just laughable.

The situation is certainly grim, but you are doing noone favors by making these outlandish statements. It makes everyone here look extremely childish and naive to think some of these statements have any basis in reality.

People need to get a grip and stop trying to rip anyone who tells them that into shreds and reveal that they were secret nazi or some stupid shit.

I didn't vote for Trump! I've been on GAF for 10 years. I'm not your damn "enemy". Fuck.

You're being insulting. Have you seen the thread about the sudden uprise in violence against minorities following Trump's win? Have you ever been afraid of violence against you because of your sexuality or gender? LGBT people already have to worry about violence against them by bigots. Now they have to worry about a government that at the very least, has vowed to curtail their rights. Do you hear me? The incoming administration has pledged to treat them as unequal and lesser people. People are scared. They have a right to be. Don't tell scared people that their fears are 'laughable'. That's just downright insulting.

I truly...truly...was hoping that there would be some...even just a little bit of moderation . . . while I still have some hope..it's dim...and because of that...despair.

He couldnt be bothered to pivot when him winning might have depended on it. Why would he pivot now that he has won?

Just him being president wont make him any less of a douchebag. This isnt a disney film. Most of the times, the assholes of the world, stay assholes.


The rainbow flag was covering the entrance to the conversion therapy center.

It's like that old P.T. Barnum trick, people leaving his exhibits because the door marked "egress" actually meant "exit". Except this time it's a door marked "progress" and it actually means "hate".
One big part of the fear that I think a lot of people are overlooking:

I'm not deathly afraid of what Trump himself will do. I don't think he really gives a fuck one way or another about LGBT issues.

But his court appointees are going to make it through the Senate. And that will be a signal to state governments. The message from a Trump-influenced judiciary will be: "Do what you want with the faggots; we won't stop you."

So let's say Red State passes a law kneecapping marriage rights, or enabling discrimination (housing, employment, etc) in the name or religion. The lawsuits come, as they always do. It makes it to Trump's Supreme Court. We know how this is likely to end.

This isn't hyperbole. We saw new legislation introduced across the country after the marriage ruling. They're going to keep coming after us in whatever clever ways they can, and if Trump keeps his word on the types of judges he'll appoint, we will have no recourse, no justice to be found in the judiciary.

Unfortunately the average America is too much of an idiot to understand this.


At minimum this means Trump will definitely put out supreme court justices with an anti-gay marriage slant and will approve bills that allow companies to discriminate against LGBT people. At fucking minimum.

It also means he has people talking in his ears that support conversion therapy, which has been both shown to not work and force people to commit suicide.

You are so certain. Just like how Republicans thought Obama was a secret Muslim and was trying to destroy America from within. I don't want to see GAF stoop to that level.

Protest what he ACTUALLY supports and tries to put through as a bill, not what potential policies he could enact based on his beliefs. Otherwise you lose the public's interest and outrage becomes the norm. Then we are no better than the worst of the Republicans during the last 8 years.

People are scared. They have a right to be. Don't tell scared people that their fears are 'laughable'. That's just downright insulting.

I agree, they do have a right to be, as everyone does. But I will not entertain hyberbole on the level that has been seen here, though, sorry. That helps noone and hurts the message that everyone is trying to get across.


Niggas really think that they're going to allow some anti-LBGT shit go down simply because this man. Yall know damn well the moment anything like that happens the hammer comes down in the greatest way. This is America and no matter what they do, anything negative to minorities and the LBGT community, Muslims, that will blow up in their faces like some Looney Tunes Acme shit. Trump ain't stupid. He became president without ever being in office. Hell he wasn't even class president. A stupid man can't do that. He's strategic as hell. If anything, I see this other guy's anti-policies not going through and Trump shutting them down to say "see, I'm not a bad guy y'all, I won't let him do that" or something like that but even so, we all know this ain't going through. Maybe I'm a different individual, maybe I'm too optimistic. Even though I'm a Southern black man in his late 20s there's never been any time in America that I've felt like I couldn't do what I wanted to do even become president and this is before Barack. This doesn't bring me down because immediately upon reading I thought "lol, not gonna happen buddy".

Still, maybe I'm too optimistic but I have great faith in those who live in our country to believe that the moment anything like this happens we'll repel it. That's just how it is. People are so sure about everything like they were sure Hillary was going to win and we saw how that turned out. Idk, maybe I'm a different individual.

And no, I did not vote Trump. I voted for Hillary so stop that before you say it.


I hope if they start trying to impose anti lbgt laws, like Pence did in his own state, people will start threatening to pull events, funding from states. There will be backlash, make no mistake.

Absolutely. And this is why these protests have been so important these last few days. To show that people will not stand for this shit.


When the hell did Pence say he supports shock therapy or any kind of mandatory gay conversion therapy?

He was supporting public funds to treat "people seeking to change their sexual behavior”. That's not even the same zipcode as "Pence wants mandatory electro shock therapy" or "Pence wants to DELETE the LGBT community".

Get a hold of yourselves. Stop with the hyperbolic trash. It's not a good way to get anybody to listen to you.


I hope if they start trying to impose anti lbgt laws, like Pence did in his own state, people will start threatening to pull events, funding from states. There will be backlash, make no mistake.
Like the NCAA will move to Canada or some shit. That stuff worked because they were just dealing with states, American business and performers can't boycott the entirety of the US.
Niggas really think that they're going to allow some anti-LBGT shit go down simply because they said it. Yall know damn well the moment anything like that happens the hammer comes down in the greatest way. This is America and no matter what they do, anything negative to minorities and the LBGT community, Muslims, that will blow up in their faces like some Looney Tunes Acme shit. Trump ain't stupid. He became president without ever being in office. Hell he wasn't even class president. A stupid man can't do that. He's strategic as hell. If anything, I see this other guy's anti-policies not going through and Trump shutting them down to say "see, I'm not a bad guy y'all, I won't let him dot that" or something like that but even so, we all know this ain't going through. Maybe I'm a different individual, maybe I'm too optimistic. Even though I'm a Southern black man in his late 20s there's never been any time in America that I've felt like I couldn't do what I wanted to do even become president and this is before Barack. This doesn't bring me down because immediately upon reading I thought "lol, not gonna happen buddy".

Still, maybe I'm too optimistic but I have great faith in those who live in our country to believe that the moment anything like this happens we'll repel it. That's just how it is.

And no, I did not vote Trump. I voted for Hillary so stop that before you say it.

Yeah, you are extremely naive.

You should've gotten a calll Tuesday night
Don't forget immigrants suddenly having to fear deportation. I know people supported by DACA.

This election didn't make me sympathetic to the plight of rural white voters who voted for Trump. It made me stop giving a shit because all they're doing is harming everyone else.

All this election has made me do is harden my heart against their problems because they vote for people that make my very life harder/more at risk.


When the hell did Pence say he supports shock therapy or any kind of mandatory gay conversion therapy?

He was supporting public funds to treat "people seeking to change their sexual behavior”. That's not even the same zipcode as "Pence wants mandatory electro shock therapy" or "Pence wants to DELETE the LGBT community".

Get a hold of yourselves. Stop with the hyperbolic trash. It's not a good way to get anybody to listen to you.

Do you have any idea what conversion therapy is or what it has done to people?


"guys we need to give trump a chance, maybe he'll support lgbtq communities contrary to all the evidence suggesting otherwise?"


*two days later*


"guys we need to give trump a second chance, etc."


You are so certain. Just like how Republicans thought Obama was a secret Muslim and was trying to destroy America from within. I don't want to see GAF stoop to that level.

Protest what he ACTUALLY supports and tries to put through as a bill, not what potential policies he could enact based on his beliefs. Otherwise you lose the public's interest and outrage becomes the norm. Then we are no better than the worst of the Republicans during the last 8 years.

Are you kidding me? Obama didn't appoint islamist extremists to his transition team. The secret muslim shit had almost no basis beyond his name.

Look at the fucking republican party platform for this year and read what it has to say about LGBT people. Just read it. It's clear as day the party supports this.

This is not where the hyperbole is.


For you.
You are so certain. Just like how Republicans thought Obama was a secret Muslim and was trying to destroy America from within. I don't want to see GAF stoop to that level.

Protest what he ACTUALLY supports and tries to put through as a bill, not what potential policies he could enact based on his beliefs. Otherwise you lose the public's interest and outrage becomes the norm. Then we are no better than the worst of the Republicans during the last 8 years.
Except there were no facts whatsoever supporting Obama being a Muslim.

There's a complete utter ton of evidence these pieces of shit are racist bigoted fuckwits that are going to fuck it up for everyone. Stop pretending like people legitimate worries have anything to do with dumb republican conspiracy theories.
When the hell did Pence say he supports shock therapy or any kind of mandatory gay conversion therapy?

He was supporting public funds to treat "people seeking to change their sexual behavior”. That's not even the same zipcode as "Pence wants mandatory electro shock therapy" or "Pence wants to DELETE the LGBT community".

Get a hold of yourselves. Stop with the hyperbolic trash. It's not a good way to get anybody to listen to you.
Telling people, who have every fucking right to be scared, that their fears are hyperbolic trash, when you will not have to worry about it, is a shitty reprehensible action.

Stop being smug and start caring.


You are so certain. Just like how Republicans thought Obama was a secret Muslim and was trying to destroy America from within. I don't want to see GAF stoop to that level.

Protest what he ACTUALLY supports and tries to put through as a bill, not what potential policies he could enact based on his beliefs. Otherwise you lose the public's interest and outrage becomes the norm. Then we are no better than the worst of the Republicans during the last 8 years.

I agree, they do have a right to be, as everyone does. But I will not entertain hyberbole on the level that has been seen here, though, sorry. That helps noone and hurts the message that everyone is trying to get across.

When you hire a guy who doesn't like and wants to oppose the legal rights of gay people, fucking excuse me for getting worried that they want to hurt gay rights.


Niggas really think that they're going to allow some anti-LBGT shit go down simply because they said it. Yall know damn well the moment anything like that happens the hammer comes down in the greatest way. This is America and no matter what they do, anything negative to minorities and the LBGT community, Muslims, that will blow up in their faces like some Looney Tunes Acme shit. Trump ain't stupid. He became president without ever being in office. Hell he wasn't even class president. A stupid man can't do that. He's strategic as hell. If anything, I see this other guy's anti-policies not going through and Trump shutting them down to say "see, I'm not a bad guy y'all, I won't let him dot that" or something like that but even so, we all know this ain't going through. Maybe I'm a different individual, maybe I'm too optimistic. Even though I'm a Southern black man in his late 20s there's never been any time in America that I've felt like I couldn't do what I wanted to do even become president and this is before Barack. This doesn't bring me down because immediately upon reading I thought "lol, not gonna happen buddy".

Still, maybe I'm too optimistic but I have great faith in those who live in our country to believe that the moment anything like this happens we'll repel it. That's just how it is. People are so sure about everything like they were sure Hillary was going to win and we saw how that turned out. Idk, maybe I'm a different individual.

And no, I did not vote Trump. I voted for Hillary so stop that before you say it.

Have you been watching the same country I have? They are already doing this on statewide levels, and shit's apparently going just fine. That's why gay people can marry everywhere now. They pushed it and pushed it, and eventually the Supreme Court had to step in. Well, they're going to control the Supreme Court pretty soon.

Read this for an idea of how it will actually go down. And how it has always gone down.

One big part of the fear that I think a lot of people are overlooking:

I'm not deathly afraid of what Trump himself will do. I don't think he really gives a fuck one way or another about LGBT issues.

But his court appointees are going to make it through the Senate. And that will be a signal to state governments. The message from a Trump-influenced judiciary will be: "Do what you want with the faggots; we won't stop you."

So let's say Red State passes a law kneecapping marriage rights, or enabling discrimination (housing, employment, etc) in the name or religion. The lawsuits come, as they always do. It makes it to Trump's Supreme Court. We know how this is likely to end.

This isn't hyperbole. We saw new legislation introduced across the country after the marriage ruling. They're going to keep coming after us in whatever clever ways they can, and if Trump keeps his word on the types of judges he'll appoint, we will have no recourse, no justice to be found in the judiciary.
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