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Trump pressures Democrats on Obamacare to get border wall deal

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Junior Member
Man I want trump to keep taking Ls but it's also getting to the point where I don't want the country to go to shit. Can't any of these GOP fuckers put the country above party?


Man I want trump to keep taking Ls but it's also getting to the point where I don't want the country to go to shit. Can't any of these GOP fuckers put the country above party?

McCain and Graham will! j/k, they just talk tough with no action unfortunately.


Man I want trump to keep taking Ls but it's also getting to the point where I don't want the country to go to shit. Can't any of these GOP fuckers put the country above party?
The country can go to shit if that's the game Trump wants to play. Withholding funds for healthcare to try and get funding for his pet project is disgusting. Shut it all down before giving him the luxury of wasting my tax money even further.


Surely a government shutdown should compensate for the failure of the opposition to make a proper general strike, right?


Man I want trump to keep taking Ls but it's also getting to the point where I don't want the country to go to shit. Can't any of these GOP fuckers put the country above party?

The crazy thing about that is if they were all in sync the country would still go to shit.

Their views and policies don't better the country or its people. Unless you're rich or a corporation.
I'm waiting for the day Trump realizes heroin addiction is through the roof because of doctors giving away oxy like candy and blames that on Obamacare.
This can only backfire on Trump and the republicans, but my biggest fear is the neo-dems and moderates go along with this. Dems in the house and senate seem so weak-willed and desperate for votes now.


Trump said:
That's another thing that really has — I've never had anything like it before. It happened during the primaries, and I said, you know, when I won, I said, "Well the one thing good is now I'll get good press." And it got worse. (unintelligible) So that was one thing that a little bit of a surprise to me. I thought the press would become better, and it actually, in my opinion, got more nasty.
Well, you can definitely see why he's so fixated on the election. He never got the praise he wanted.

This can only backfire on Trump and the republicans, but my biggest fear is the neo-dems and moderates go along with this. Dems in the house and senate seem so weak-willed and desperate for votes now.

The house doesn't have enough dem votes to block it right? I assume it's on the Senate?


Well, you can definitely see why he's so fixated on the election. He never got the praise he wanted.

The house doesn't have enough dem votes to block it right? I assume it's on the Senate?
The senate won't pass it with 60 votes and othing has indicated that any of them would fold on this budget if he includes his dumb wall.


Robert Costa‏Verified account

Sometimes, at night, he hate-watches cable shows critical of him, while chatting on the phone with friends.

Oh my goodness. LOL

He really is a 70 year old man in a teenagers body. What have you done America? This is so pathetic.


aka andydumi
I imagine he needs to talk to friends to have someone to rage to and reinforce his ego.

Do you think he has actual friends to do this with or just people who feel obligated to talk to him because he is either their boss, family, or the President?
This is pathetic. You have a man child for a president but a good chunk of your populace still wants the crybaby over a competent woman.

What happened, America :/

America no longer felt the need to hide racism and sexism. Nothing else changed. This was always there.


Well Hilary disappearing into the woods has done her no favours

Let's see how he stacks up with someone active like Bernie

The Democratic Party is a disgrace. 2018 will be a disaster for the Democratic Party, that's for sure.

This is so so bad. Only 28% of Americans think Democratic Party is in touch with the concerns of most people. Great job Tom Perez!

Who are the Clinton voters who see the Democratic Party as out of touch? Disproportionately nonwhites. Trump wins popular vote in a rematch.


This is pathetic. You have a man child for a president but a good chunk of your populace still wants the crybaby over a competent woman.

What happened, America :/

To be fair the majority of Americans don't want Trump. And if wasn't for the electoral college she would be President, not him. I refuse to give in.


Well Hilary disappearing into the woods has done her no favours

Let's see how he stacks up with someone active like Bernie

I don't know. I think it's more that why bother voting for someone that was destined to lose. Popular vote didn't not win the election, so why bother if you weren't a huge fan of Clinton anyway.

The real poll should be asking if the people that abstained from voting, especially in highly contested areas, would they have changed their mind and actually voted for a viable candidate


wait wait they wanna keep MS-13 out w/ this wall? wasn't MS-13 born in america? in like the 80s? how fucking stupid are these ppl

Well, what the Reuters article is pointing out rather snarkily by their sentence right after his statement about MS-13 is that they were started by Central American/Salvadorean migrants. Nothing about those Mexican rapists.

Of course, then we get into the lunacy that is trying to build a border wall when the vast majority of illegal immigrants come in legally one way or another and simply overstay their visas, but the ship has sailed on trying to talk to people about sensible immigration reform.


The Democratic Party is a disgrace. 2018 will be a disaster for the Democratic Party, that's for sure.


If only Ellis were party chair, it would fix everything!

To be fair the majority of Americans don't want Trump. And if wasn't for the electoral college she would be President, not him. I refuse to give in.

And yet if they reran the election after the worst 100 day period since 1945, she'd still lose.

I'm glad you're not giving in, and you shouldn't and I hope you guys recover (Obama won twice!) but it still scares the shit out of me.


Oh so now the Republicans are against shutting down government, huh?

Weird, they were totally for it just 4 years ago.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
He can't even strong arm his own party so why does he think he can intimidate and bully the Democrats?
And yet if they reran the election after the worst 100 day period since 1945, she'd still lose.

I'm glad you're not giving in, and you shouldn't and I hope you guys recover (Obama won twice!) but it still scares the shit out of me.

But we don't rerun elections like this, so what is the point of even thinking about it? Polls like that are meaningless.


Because the Democrats are spineless and as the above polls show, as bad as things are going, people will still vote Republican.

What would you have the Democrats do?

Also it is one poll. Predicting 2018 doom is premature especially after the Democratic gains in the deep red areas of the recent special elections.


But we don't rerun elections like this, so what is the point of even thinking about it? Polls like that are meaningless.

Why should people vote for a party in 2018 which is out of touch with their concerns? You won't win an election with "But but Trump", Hillary tried and lost tremendously.


And yet if they reran the election after the worst 100 day period since 1945, she'd still lose.
Not so sure about that considering GA-06/KS-04, favorability polls, town Halls, etc. when it comes to energy/engagement. This not even including the amount of Ls Trump and the GOP have taken thus far, all closing out with the threat of a government shutdown to bring in the 100 day mark.
Why should people vote for a party in 2018 which is out of touch with their concerns? You won't win an election with "But but Trump", Hillary tried and failed tremendously.

Are you familiar at all with how midterm elections have worked for basically the entirety of U.S. history since the Civil War?


Why should people vote for a party in 2018 which is out of touch with their concerns? You won't win an election with "But but Trump", Hillary tried and lost tremendously.

So the same people that say we can't trust polls because of Hillary v Trump, are saying we
Need to trust THIS poll about a reelection of 2016 right now?
The Bush administration made strong arming the Democrats look easy.

I think you fell for the "pressures" part of the tittle. There is no pressure on the Dems at all. This is all on the GOP they have the keys to everything and keep driving in circles. This is a weak ass president with nowhere near Bush administration levels of pull.


He knows many American citizens could potentially die if they lose coverage right? It's like he's holding American hostages to get his way. Increadibly terroristic behavior the potus:/
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