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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’

It's a damn shame that these children have to stand up for justice when the adults in their community refuse to.




Remember that fire chief who called Tomlin the N word? Well!

Washington County fire chief Paul Smith has resigned in wake of his use of a racial slur to refer to Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin.

He also blamed the media for labeling him a racist.

“I am not the racist the media portrays me as,” Smith said.

These fucking racists shits.

"Oh I use a racial slur but I'm not a racists it's the media that made me look like one"

Fuuuuuuuuuck you.


These fucking racists shits.

"Oh I use a racial slur but I'm not a racists it's the media that made me look like one"

Fuuuuuuuuuck you.

When they begin to experience that their reputation and livelihood is in pieces after they go on a racial tirade so they decide to lash out on the media and blame others for calling them for what they are.

"The media are calling me a racist but I'm not racist! I got black friends!"

Man, fuck you you racist snowflake fuck! Thought you can post your slurs on facebook and beat your chest about it without realising that shit like this won't come back to bite you, tarnish yourself and your family? Such a racist fool.
RACINE — A co-owner of a popular lakefront restaurant advocated for the killing of kneeling NFL players in a Facebook comment posted Monday, according to multiple screenshots circulating on social media.

The owners of Reefpoint Brew House, 2 Christopher Columbus Causeway, acknowledged the comment from fellow co-owner John Valko in a statement released on their Facebook page Tuesday evening.

In the comment, which has been deleted but appears as a screenshot multiple times in the comments on the statement, Valko advocates for the killing of NFL players who kneel during the national anthem before games, something more than 200 players did Sunday.

“Kill the idiot players,” Valko wrote. “Execute them. They are nothing but garbage. The league is screwed up if they think it is their right. It is their duty to respect our country and our flag. They should go kneel in front of a freight train. Shame on these stupid misfits of society. They need to die.”

Reached for comment Tuesday, Megan Bennett, one of three other co-owners along with Tom and Patti Landreman, said that the three other co-owners “disagree” with Valko’s comment.

“They are in no way, shape or form the beliefs or reflections of Reefpoint Brew House,” Bennett said.

In Tuesday’s Facebook statement, the owners distanced themselves from Valko’s comment.

Lets do a quick roundup: since Sunday we've had a Fire Chief call the protesters "no good niggers", a Massachusetts town official assert kneelers should shut up and "dance monkey, dance", the director of Michigan State Police call the kneelers "anti-American, entitled, ingrate, degenerates", some bar owner call for straight up murder.


The police chief saying he isn't the racist the media portrays him as, after his first inclination was to use social media to add a black coach he disagrees with to his "no good n's" list floors me.

The mental gymnastics necessary is hilarious to me.
The police chief saying he isn't the racist the media portrays him as, after his first inclination was to use social media to add a black coach he disagrees with to his "no good n's" list floors me.

The mental gymnastics necessary is hilarious to me.

"'I'm not ugly', screams hideous man at mirror..."
Nobody in this busted ass country wants to ACTUALLY deal with the ACTUAL elephant in the room.

It's easier to hold hands and sing kumbaya and pretend we all learned a valuable lesson about tolerance and love and friendship.

Black people dying didn't matter to them before Kaep, don't matter when he was kneeling, and sure as shit don't matter now. They did this to get people to finally shut up and finally stop talking about it.

Because it makes them uncomfortable. And we can't have that, we can't have their collective white guilt make them feel bad. I don't think it's impressive how they turned the narrative, because that's what the narrative always was to them. They done already turned it they just needed an excuse to justify "Black lives matter" being anathema to their lily little lives.
Well fucking said


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I love it.

Honestly, I've said this before...

Paraphrasing, Malcolm X said he liked when a racist was racist to his face. He didn't like the ones that were like wolves in sheep's clothing.

Can't find the exact quote right now.

So yes, let all the ignorant folks keep coming out the wood work.

I love it.
So from what I’ve heard, Trump talked about the NFL again this morning and stated the BFL owners, whom he calls his friends, are afraid if their players and it’s a problem.

This shit is getting closer and closer to straight saying the players are dogs(slaves) to their owner and the league.


He needs to stop being a scared POS and just say what he really wants to say, "the niggers need to know their place."

We're def out of dog whistle territory
So from what I’ve heard, Trump talked about the NFL again this morning and stated the BFL owners, whom he calls his friends, are afraid if their players and it’s a problem.

This shit is getting closer and closer to straight saying the players are dogs(slaves) to their owner and the league.

The majority of the NFL owners being duplicitous fucks wouldn't be surprising, just look at Donald Sterling. A lot of them are probably living out plantation fantasies by owning these franchises. But saying that they're afraid of their players wouldn't be accurate, it's more that the league is 70% African American and they can't afford to lose them. Everything that's happened so far, from Kaepernick's blacklisting to the spectacle the league orchestrated over the weekend has been about one thing, protecting the league's money. They're going to say whatever they need to say to Trump, the players and to the public to make this thing go away. If it would quash the entire thing tomorrow Jerry Jones would be dancing on the Dallas 50 yard line in a star-spangled thong.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
John Walsh was on Facebook complaining that the media was too focused on the NFL stuff and didn't cover a shooting at a church...but, I mean, this whole thing literally started because of Trump.
John Walsh was on Facebook complaining that the media was too focused on the NFL stuff and didn't cover a shooting at a church...but, I mean, this whole thing literally started because of Trump.

Speaking of churches!

The pastor of a South Carolina megachurch issued a video apology on Thursday for his wife’s racist anti-NFL rant on Facebook in which she insisted that the protests “will not fix racism! Duh!!! Only Jesus!”

Fox Carolina reported that Rev. Ron Carpenter, Jr. of Greenville, SC’s Redemption Church posted the video on Facebook after his wife Hope Carpenter sparked an online conflagration with a post criticizing pro athletes for protesting police brutality by taking a knee during the national anthem.

On her personal Facebook page, Hope Carpenter wrote, “This will not fix racism! Duh!!! Only Jesus! If you wanna kneel… then u [sic] better be praying to the one and only who can heal our land.”

Black athletes, she said, should “stop thinking about it from your history or race” and admit that “our country is not yo [sic] blame!”


These people's grandparents and greatgrandparents used to lynch Black men in uniform.


They are inhuman vermin and theyve never cherished American values, they cherish subordination from non-Whites, while vociferously claiming higher morality and victimhood.

On your last part, that just seems to me like some kind of psychological damage. Complete sociopathic behavior. Where in their thought process do they conclude THEY are the true victims? Its insane, how can you sit down and reason with THAT? Where is the middle ground with moral insanity?

Remember that fire chief who called Tomlin the N word? Well!

Washington County fire chief Paul Smith has resigned in wake of his use of a racial slur to refer to Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin.

He also blamed the media for labeling him a racist.

“I am not the racist the media portrays me as,” Smith said.

These people literally don't make any sense. Its like they don't have a normal functioning human brain. How are they getting into positions that can mean bad things for minorities?
These fucking racists shits.

"Oh I use a racial slur but I'm not a racists it's the media that made me look like one"

Fuuuuuuuuuck you.

If we could really see inside someone's head and know what they REALLY thought, I guarantee we would find that this motherfucker actually believes that he is not a racist.

That is kind of the problem. How do you even ask people to be better a better person when they dont even think they are doing anything wrong?
Nobody in this busted ass country wants to ACTUALLY deal with the ACTUAL elephant in the room.

It's easier to hold hands and sing kumbaya and pretend we all learned a valuable lesson about tolerance and love and friendship.

Black people dying didn't matter to them before Kaep, don't matter when he was kneeling, and sure as shit don't matter now. They did this to get people to finally shut up and finally stop talking about it.

Because it makes them uncomfortable. And we can't have that, we can't have their collective white guilt make them feel bad. I don't think it's impressive how they turned the narrative, because that's what the narrative always was to them. They done already turned it they just needed an excuse to justify "Black lives matter" being anathema to their lily little lives.

Eyup. Anything and everything to run away from talking about race.
I just read an article today where trump said this:

I have so many friends that are owners and they're in a box," Trump told Fox News. "I mean, I've spoken to a couple of them, and they say, 'We are in a situation where we need to do something.' I think they're afraid of their players, if you want to know the truth, and I think it's disgraceful."
He continued: "They've got to be tough and they've got to be smart."

Which basically amounts to "Fuck your employees!" He thinks it's disgraceful that people have personal opinions and use their platform to speak to those opinions?

"They've to be tough and they've got to be smart" doesn't mean shit. This guy is such a clown.


In any other country sports stars or not, there would still be two sides of the argument. But it wouldn't be this dum hyper patriotic crap getting in the way of debate.

It's not patriotism. It's just a lot of racism mixed in with a shake of nationalism. Makes me sick.



Like i said the other day, we watched the understanding of the purpose change in real time.

Trump and friends made it about the issue they wanted it to be about instead of the actual issue because they could win the former argument without having to ever acknowledge or engage in the later which people want to avoid by default. The flag "disrespect" becomes a convenient excuse to do just that.

Rarely do you get to see a straw man take form and become the chief narrative in a discussion. Enjoy the experience, folks. Controlling message and focus on said message is a skill that must be mastered.

I saw this slowly happening on Sunday and was in awe at how well the whole meaning was turned on its head

It was impressive on some level
The house always wins.
This to me is just frustrating. I mean good on you guys for having a civil conversation and your friend is to be respected for the tours he did and has earned the right to do what he wants.

But it seems like this whole situation just reeks of the fact that no one wants to listen or admit they're wrong. The players have told you a million times why they're doing this, people in support have told you a million times why they're doing this, but for some stupid reason it always comes back to the sanctity of the flag and the troops.

I would agree, and the whole sanctity of the troops always felt like it came from the fact that bush got us into wars when he shouldn't have and that was the right wing knee jerk reaction. Even though we shouldn't have been there, support the troops. Which is interesting because if you were interested in supporting the troops you would think you'd be for them not being in the desert for the last 16 years. You'd think you'd be condemning the president for getting into a twitter flame war with Kim Jong Un. Or possibly taking us into world war 3 with his bullshit. But no. Turn this protest into some support the troops and flag shit. It's insane.
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