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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’


From twitter:

@AprilDRyan tries to ask follow-up re #TakeAKnee, @SarahHuckabee says "I don't think there's much to clarify, it's pretty black and white"
Ozark Bar Spells Out 'Lynch Kaepernick' in Side-by-Side Jersey Doormats



"Out of accident"


His comments after the fact make him even more of a despicable human being. He's dishonest about his race-baiting intentions, then when he's called out, he tries to turn the tables by pretending HE is the victim of other people's racial bias.

Is this where the "I'm not ___, YOU'RE ____" meme comes from? This is really the only real life example I see of it over and over again.


It's a random table from a report, usually tells you they are cherrypicking, which means they're full of shit. The table in question is a cherry picked selection of cities.

The majority of white crime is committed against other whites, and black upon black, and the percentages are pretty close - both bounce between 80-90%. The racists try to use this as some sort of "innate sin" excuse against black person, when the actual truth is that it's just a symptom of heavy segregration in the US, so crime is more likely to be committed by your own race to you, or you're gonna commit a crime against someone of your own race just due to statistical proximity. Funny how a segment of the population so enamored with statistics will suddenly ignore that one when time comes to spew their racism.


Hey y'all. So admittedly, I am a white dude in his mid 20's who is unlearning bullshit racism that permeated his household growing up. Can you all help me to rebuttal a post like this? I really want and need to learn more to be a better ally.

BLM is about black people being disproportionately brutalised in police interactions, specifically. It's about how minorities are treated by the justice system, of which police are the first link in a chain where there is an inequality from arrest, charge, imprisionment, to parole.


Hey y'all. So admittedly, I am a white dude in his mid 20's who is unlearning bullshit racism that permeated his household growing up. Can you all help me to rebuttal a post like this? I really want and need to learn more to be a better ally.

This is not what is being protested. What's being protested is the injustice of police officers killing unarmed black men with no consequences. It's literally government employees murdering innocent citizens, an issue you would think would upset conservatives - but you can guess why it doesn't.


Hey y'all. So admittedly, I am a white dude in his mid 20's who is unlearning bullshit racism that permeated his household growing up. Can you all help me to rebuttal a post like this? I really want and need to learn more to be a better ally.

Well in this instance, its a false equivalency or straw man, a white police officer shouldn't be killing innocent people period and should be held at a higher standard. But it's probably best to make your own topic for this. If your really want in depth breakdowns, or it will derail the topic.

There are a lot of issues and the nation's juducial and judgement systems are sideways, it will and has effected this data.

The only reason they use this is a form of projection and a way to deflect their own behavior. If you really break this stuff down for people you will see how insane they truly are. I've seen it over and over, and this is why I refuse to waste time trying to "save" them. When I was giving them the real truth of the matter, I was called "self-righteous" and even a tormentor. These people are morally and pshycologically damaged from a concsience perspective.


Hey y'all. So admittedly, I am a white dude in his mid 20's who is unlearning bullshit racism that permeated his household growing up. Can you all help me to rebuttal a post like this? I really want and need to learn more to be a better ally.

BLM protests the deaths of all innocent people at the hands of police.

Whites killed by whites are 86% according to those same metrics and this obscures the fact that these people cherrypick a statistic to justify police killing innocent black people.

Now let's get to stop and frisk:

93 out of 100 black men were stopped and frisked in Brownsville, Brooklyn New York in 2009

nine out of 10 people stopped and frisked are innocent

"1.9 percent of frisks in 2011 turned up weapons and interestingly, according to the NYCLU, “a weapon was found in only 1.8 percent of blacks and Latinos frisked, as compared to a weapon being found in 3.8 percent of whites frisked.”

You look at the data and practically every black male has been stopped and frisked by the NYPD. These examples point out a clear discrepancy in policing but let's get back to the matter at hand.

Racists jump through hoops to justify the deaths of innocent black people. I've seen other people riot over pumpkins, over their hockey team losing, and over the defending traitors that fought a war against their fellow countrymen. The war on drugs turned into a call for rehab and reduced prison sentences the second it began to hit a certain community of people.

tl;dr these people are hypocrites and lack souls.


It's a random table from a report, usually tells you they are cherrypicking, which means they're full of shit. The table in question is a cherry picked selection of cities.

The majority of white crime is committed against other whites, and black upon black. The racists try to use this as some sort of "innate sin" excuse against black person, when the actual truth is that it's just a symptom of heavy segregration in the US, so crime is more likely to be committed by your own race to you, or you're gonna commit a crime against someone of your own race just due to statistical proximity. Funny how a segment of the population so enamored with statistics will suddenly ignore that one when time comes to spew their racism.

If I remember right 85% of whites vs 93% of blacks are killed by their own race

The thing is the majority of these killings by black on black are investigated, prosecuted and sentenced. There are and have BEEN huge movements to curb gun/gang/domestic violence in our communities.

What people are protesting is police violence against us, and after the Police investigate themselves and determine they did no wrong every time people get mad, and rightfully so. If inner city gang violence was investigated by the gang members themselves and after the Crips Internal Investigation determined they did no wrong shooting a blood in the street, and everyone was fine with no charges being pressed, THAT would be hypocrisy. That is not what happens though so the argument is laughable.

Remember how all of a sudden white people of varied social classes/standings started dying from Fentanyl recently and it became this big deal? I didnt see anyone show charts about how Fentanyl OD's are a fraction of the total amount of white death and that ALL deaths matter then...
Hey y'all. So admittedly, I am a white dude in his mid 20's who is unlearning bullshit racism that permeated his household growing up. Can you all help me to rebuttal a post like this? I really want and need to learn more to be a better ally.
BLM isn't protesting that; they're protesting racial injustice and the treatment and murders perpetuated by police.

And without proper context and surrounding details on how, when, and from where such data was collected, that chart is useless. It's like that economic pic from Fox News, presenting data that pushes a certain perspective by dishonestly withholding context and trusting the viewer/reader won't actually think critically about the data



BLM isn't protesting that; they're protesting racial injustice and the treatment and murders perpetuated by police.

And without proper context and surrounding details on how, when, and from where such data was collected, that chart is useless. It's like that economic pic from Fox News, presenting data that pushes a certain perspective by dishonestly withholding context and trusting the viewer/reader won't actually think critically about the data


yeah in that pic the first 90 days is nowhere NEAR enough time for a new pres to get legislation passed into law AND for that law to have a marked effect on national #'s

All of those are inherited #'s from the end of the last guys term, you might as well check unemployment on the first day of office, wouldn't be that different


Reading those Facebook/Twitter posts are bad for my anxiety..

I know! I find myself reading the comments - clicking the occasional poster's facebook page and then being amazed/depressed at the things they share. pretty much every time they are a god-loving, trump supporting, anti BLM knobhead.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
BLM isn't protesting that; they're protesting racial injustice and the treatment and murders perpetuated by police.

And without proper context and surrounding details on how, when, and from where such data was collected, that chart is useless. It's like that economic pic from Fox News, presenting data that pushes a certain perspective by dishonestly withholding context and trusting the viewer/reader won't actually think critically about the data


Silver lining is that once the next recession hits Trumps approval ratings will break records. The fact it's already so low with this economy is telling.
BLM isn't protesting that; they're protesting racial injustice and the treatment and murders perpetuated by police.

And without proper context and surrounding details on how, when, and from where such data was collected, that chart is useless. It's like that economic pic from Fox News, presenting data that pushes a certain perspective by dishonestly withholding context and trusting the viewer/reader won't actually think critically about the data

Haha, around Feb I had a friend on Facebook saying we should give trump a chance because he instantly lowered the job rates within 2 months of being president.....
Thank you for the responses! Here are some more comments from that post. OP denotes the poster who I shared earlier. I just want to give an idea of the narrative shared from my bubble of people as this is what I have to learn to fight back against.

The policies of government that these communities have voted for through the years starting in the 1950's combined with drug abuse practices that has infiltrated these low income populations, has lead to these results. So to "fix" the problem, we must not focus on race. As long as BLM refuses to acknowledge Black on Black crime AND murder rates, the problem will remain. BLM must <must> solve their single mother problem, and their dependency on welfare. This will drive down crime rates and as a result polices will not need to patrol those areas so heavily.
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 5 hrs · Edited

Response to OP
Black lives matter has nothing to do with black lives or whether or not they matter. It's a meme. A big, bloated, ugly meme and by paying attencion to it you only make it spicier.
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 1 · 37 mins · Edited

We can't just ignore things man. It has momentum weather I look at it or not. Ignoring things like this doesn't make them go away.
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 34 mins · Edited

True. Some things go away if we ignore them. But these things are influencing law. Mandatory sensitivity training is being implemented (a training that inflates racism in participants). Compelled speech laws are being implemented.

There are things that we can't simply ignore. This is one of those times.
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 30 mins

Response to OP
Be the change you want to see in the world. I'm speaking to everyone. If an idea is causing trouble then think about something else. BLM is a turd masquerading as a solution. They promise that by working with them then everything will be fine but no process can turn hate into love. At best we all get covered in poo. That's the joke. BLM has never committed an act of love only hate and revenge. It's very easy to disguise a meme. It's called lying. People are very good at it and it's the real culprit we should detest.
LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 24 mins

It is possible to expose these things without taking the opposite stance or even getting our hands dirty. Undeniably, these memes, if let to unfold, are damaging, and will garner support from people who don't want to investigate beyond the propaganda.

LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 21 mins
It will never cease to amaze me that the same folks who are likely still losing their minds over O.J. getting away with murder a quarter century after the fact pretend not to understand that injustice is frustrating.


BLM isn't protesting that; they're protesting racial injustice and the treatment and murders perpetuated by police.

And without proper context and surrounding details on how, when, and from where such data was collected, that chart is useless. It's like that economic pic from Fox News, presenting data that pushes a certain perspective by dishonestly withholding context and trusting the viewer/reader won't actually think critically about the data


Clinton and Obama also came into a ducking disaster. 45 rides off the coattailes of the success of Obama and peaches like he did all the work. The fuck tard has nothing but Ls under his belt.


Ty, sir.

A true patriot.
All Aaron Rodgers did was ask people to lock arms for the anthem and they wouldn't even do that. Kind of hard to take this "respect" narrative seriously when anything but complete and total conformity is still treason in their eyes.


noticing several incorrect and disrespectful displays of the flag.

These people don't give two shits about the flag and actually respecting it.

All they care about is the image they've developed in their head and nothing else matters.

They don't care about anyone or anything that doesn't for that image.


noticing several incorrect and disrespectful displays of the flag.
I noticed that too. The irony undoubtedly escapes them. Not that it matters anyhow, patriotism isn't anything real to these people. It's just a word to smear against anyone that disagrees with them, especially black people.
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