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Trump to scrap NASA climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’

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I'm just going to say this: fuck the 24 hour news cycle and their "fair and balanced" reporting.

Because they give climate change deniers equal time, we now have a president who thinks a pro and con talking head on CNN is the same as 50% of climate scientists think climate change isn't manmade. It's irresponsible and misleading and not fair or balanced properly.

Fuck em.

I'll get out and protest over this with a sign and a NASA T-shirt and everything, all I need is a time and place.
We're pretty much doomed to fuck this planet up for our children and their future. It's like we'll only change when it's already too late.

I still can't believe people deny climate change.


I know that this is a joke, but since I have seen a lot of people make similar statements without any sarcasim/irony, it's worth pointing out that whatever problems Earth has going forward would be immensely cheaper/more feasible to fix than terraforming some alien planet.

What about space colonies though?!


will gain confidence one day
Do rich assholes actually think that fucking up the planet and escaping to exclusive space colonies is a viable option?

Is that their endgame?
I'm just going to say this: fuck the 24 hour news cycle and their "fair and balanced" reporting.

Because they give climate change deniers equal time, we now have a president who thinks a pro and con talking head on CNN is the same as 50% of climate scientists think climate change isn't manmade. It's irresponsible and misleading and not fair or balanced properly.

Fuck em.

I'll get out and protest over this with a sign and a NASA T-shirt and everything, all I need is a time and place.

Climate change was barely talked about at all during the election season.


Do rich assholes actually think that fucking up the planet and escaping to exclusive space colonies is a viable option?

Is that their endgame?

It will always be easier to just live on Earth. Even if Earth was nuked, it would be easier to set up permanent, self-sustaining human colonies here than it would in fucking outer space. People watch too much Star Trek.



Says the guy who's personal defense budget is going to be 1.2 billion dollars by the time his four years are up. Fuck off.


Wait wait wait wait wait

He says climate research is important but -

Climate research by NASA is being stripped of funding because it's "politicized science" but -

it's still going to be continued at other agencies?

How is it suddenly not going to be "politicized" at a different agency? What makes being at NASA political?



Walker, however, claimed that doubt over the role of human activity in climate change “is a view shared by half the climatologists in the world. We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn’t interfere with it.”

What the fuck? You fucking idiot, it ain't "politicized science", it's "good science" that's telling you mother fuckers that we're gonna fuck everything up. Someone please help this guy and the Trump administration with getting their heads out their asses.

Jesus christ.


As someone who works for NASA's Earth Science Division; absolutely not. An absolutely shit ton of research and thousands of scientists outputs if not jobs. There's a possibility I may not be able to get paid/layed off if these cuts take place.

NASA does a ton of good work outside of space travel/exploration. Trump wants to take that away. Fuck him, he's a shitstain.

You see it's common for Trump defenders to make excuses for him when there aren't any faces attached to it and it's a shame because here is a user of this forum who is subject to this news.

I'm sorry dude, I'll be rooting for ya.


So that's how he plans to drain the swamp! Dry up all the water!

God this is horrifying.

That is terrible to hear man. I'm so sorry.

You see it's common for Trump defenders to make excuses for him when there aren't any faces attached to it and it's a shame because here is a user of this forum who is subject to this news.

I'm sorry dude, I'll be rooting for ya.

It's cool. He's not even president yet. I'm just thinking of a worst case scenario. I'm new, so I'm super replaceable XD

It's impossible to know what cuts will be made, and who it effects, but a full gutting of the NASA Earth Sciences division and the EPA like he wants is gonna effect a lot of scientists.

If cuts are made, and people aren't laid off, the output of those wanting to do researcher is going to be even harder than it is. A lot of good science is not going to be done, which worries me more than my own job. I can find other work, but a lot of people I know are gonna have a rough four years, at least research wise.


Wait wait wait wait wait

He says climate research is important but -

Climate research by NASA is being stripped of funding because it's "politicized science" but -

it's still going to be continued at other agencies?

How is it suddenly not going to be "politicized" at a different agency? What makes being at NASA political?


The EPA won't be politicized because it'll be headed by a climate change denier. If it doesn't exist, it can't be a political issue!


"GAF's biggest wanker"
with the president-elect having set a goal during the campaign to explore the entire solar system by the end of the century.
At this point, I'm just waiting for other shoe to drop - where he says the entire solar system has been explored because we've sent at least one satellite to each planet.

I actually cannot believe that a bunch of people wanting factory jobs in rural America is going to be the thing that brings down humanity as a species.

If Trump follows through on his anti-earth agenda it's kind of a world ending scenario really.
Would serve them right if this new focus on deep space established some orbital factories and Trump's like, "See, I told you I'd get your factory jobs back! Go get 'em!"
I was scared this would happen. NASA research is really important in Earth sciences; its lack (or simply reducing its scale) is going to leave a big hole in planetary data.

I'm pissed beyond belief for the entire Energy and Climate research debacle incoming.
You guys have it all wrong. Trump believes in climate change, so much so that he knows Earth is fucked and we need to colonize some other planet quickly. I'm sure that's what this is all about.
"politicized science". what in the fuck.

The same politics from corporations that lobby against it?

Buy hey, they are both the same....


Maybe Elon Musk will save us.

$2B in annual funding is about 40% of what the Gates Foundation granted last year. That research COULD be privately funded if the right people had the drive to do so. Europe and Asia could also pick up the slack (and benefit from the many applied technologies that research from groups like NASA always develop in the process of their work). The US is no longer interested in being the scientific and technological capital of the world.
Okay... so if everyone in America donated like $7 (back of the envelope math), we could make up the budget.

Can NASA start up a "Avert Apocalypse" kickstarter?


will gain confidence one day
It will always be easier to just live on Earth. Even if Earth was nuked, it would be easier to set up permanent, self-sustaining human colonies than it would in fucking outer space. People watch too much Star Trek.
I'm blaming The Jetsons personally.
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