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Trump to scrap NASA climate research in crackdown on ‘politicized science’

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Trumps legacy will be mocked, feared and ridiculed as a testament of mankind's stupidity for generations to come.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
This should be being covered by the media nonstop and frighten the shit out of people, but alas, no one seems to care about the single biggest threat facing the human species.

I'll never understand why people are so willfully ignorant and dismissive about climate change.
Because it happens slowly according to human standards, only affects people in backwater island/coastal countries, and actually fixing the issue would massively change the way contemporary human society works. It's a huge hassle.


All I can say is that I'm not going to have a pow-wow and sit down with the racist "economically anxious" fools who voted in the man who'll allow their towns to be ravaged by dustbowls, Category 5 hurricanes, and unprecedented floods.

I mean, such a policy will set us back decades.
Walker, however, claimed that doubt over the role of human activity in climate change “is a view shared by half the climatologists in the world. We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn’t interfere with it

if politicians didn’t interfere with it

Isn't that like, what they are actually planning to do?

Because removing founds to science sounds like politicians interfering with to me.


Bastards wont live to see the consequences of this abject greed. Can't express my level of scorn within the confines of the law.


Unconfirmed Member
This shit makes my blood boil.

I want every fucking climate change denier to dive off a cliff head first, if their magical fairy man in the sky is going to save humans from their own ignorance then let's see them prove it.


but believes in Chael
"Mr. President, wouldn't you like to know the best places to build your 'Presidential Golf Course' and other beachfront property for the future?" -scientists

All funding will be allocated for the benefit of Trump's corporations instead of the country. This will continually get worse until he is an ex-president.


Hopefully extra terrestrial life is monitoring us and what we're doing to this planet and will literally bar us from future space exploration and colonization of other planets till we work on fixing what is wrong with ours first. Assuming it's not too late - in which case we should just be stuck here and die off as a species.


All I can say is that I'm not going to have a pow-wow and sit down with the racist "economically anxious" fools who voted in the man who'll allow their towns to be ravaged by dustbowls, Category 5 hurricanes, and unprecedented floods.

I mean, such a policy will set us back decades.

Yep. They need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

Human apathy is a hell of a thing.

Human stupidity is a hell of a thing.


I know it doesn't help if we antagonize them, but seriously, fuck Trump voters. 'Morons' doesn't even begin to characterize them.

Calling someone a moron for jumping into new open flame, on purpose, while ignoring all signs, science, logic, and decency isn't antagonizing someone. Nothing helps those people besides their pockets getting hurt, which is right around the corner. Words have proven to fail to convince people, just like facts or math has. Their vote suggests being hostile towards the planet and miorities.

This writing was on the wall. Ignoring all of this to teach someone a lesson, or, whatever backwards reasons had, mean that you are up for scrutiny due to the power behind your vote.

We are beyond helping people. Only reality checks will help these people.


'Politicizing Science', fucking really? The only people who are politicizing science are corrupt douchebag politicians and shitty right wing media outlets. Why can't you just let these scientists do their fucking jobs. Oh right, they need to make a few extra bucks while the world burns. Fuck the environment, they'll be dead before it affects them anyway.

Part of me wishes America was completely isolated like North Korea just so I don't have to hear this shit anymore. Unfortunately that could happen given how much Trump hates the media. Trump isn't even president yet, my heart can only take so much anguish.

It's fucking depressing.


This is just one shoe to drop. What the commerce dept. is going to do to NOAA is going to make us all weep.

If that isn't gutted too : /

I think NOAA will be fine, and NASA for the most part should be okay (barring this idiotic decision). Repubs in Texas and other Gulf states know how important NOAA is during hurricane season and Texas senators/congressman typically go to bat for NASA.


As a humble middle eastern who lives under a dictatorship, I used to look upon America with great admiration for their science and civil liberties.

Now, I am not so sure about that...


laughing at the fuckers who took his word when speaking to the NYT.

though I can't wait for america to blame liberals again when everyone's scrambling to place climate refugees (They should have done something about it! My secret plan will save us all!)
I just want to say this kind of intellectual schism from the top usually encourage high level spies who is willing to do it for free. It has happened before in Soviet and China.

You can say I call it when shit hits fan 20 years from now.


Welp, as a climate scientist whose work involves analyzing Landsat satellite imagery to monitor vegetation growth patterns due to climate change this is very bad news...
"We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn’t interfere with it.”
This has got to be the most hypocritical statement of all time.

He is doing literally EXACTLY what he's complaining about.
The article's sources are two guys who aren't even part of the trump transition or administration, and is just speculation at this point.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
laughing at the fuckers who took his word when speaking to the NYT.

though I can't wait for america to blame liberals again when everyone's scrambling to place climate refugees (They should have done something about it! My secret plan will save us all!)
I think people are still not quite accepting he's in yet. It's still a denial/bargaining sorta thing. "He's not so bad."

He is.


"Politically correct environmental monitoring"

"Politicized Science"

What the fuck does that even mean? If this is all accurate then just fuck me and fuck everything. Why does the human race hate itself so much :/


I think NOAA will be fine, and NASA for the most part should be okay (barring this idiotic decision). Repubs in Texas and other Gulf states know how important NOAA is during hurricane season and Texas senators/congressman typically go to bat for NASA.
It does give me hope, yes. I'm just worried climatolgical reasearch is going to be cut. I've seen senators ask why NASA, NOAA,etc needs to do climate reasarch, lol.

Nelo Ice

Republicans are a terrorist organization omfg. I can't handle this for 4 years. Notmypresident and his ilk are determined to end the US and the world. And they'll do be long dead while we have to live with their greed. Guess blaming minorities and immigrants was worth sacrificing the planet for jobs that won't ever come back. And hey who needs facts?. Listening to scientists is overrated anyway.
As someone who works for NASA's Earth Science Division; absolutely not. An absolutely shit ton of research and thousands of scientists outputs if not jobs. There's a possibility I may not be able to get paid/layed off if these cuts take place.

NASA does a ton of good work outside of space travel/exploration. Trump wants to take that away. Fuck him, he's a shitstain.
This. My company has a foot in earth science and solar system/planetary science. I'm not directly involved in earth sciences, but I know many people who are. This is going to suck bigly! :(


Wait so we can just find a new Earth instead?

Based Trump.

If he really can find another planet then it's not as important to save this one. But we should find the new one first. Like finding a new job before you shit on your manager's desk.
Welp, as a climate scientist whose work involves analyzing Landsat satellite imagery to monitor vegetation growth patterns due to climate change this is very bad news...

OK well maybe if you weren't only looking for stuff that suits your political agenda and doing good science this wouldn't have happened

I'm so sorry dude :(
Twist: This sort of development will probably cost tens of millions of dollars in rare earth metals from China over the coming decades.
Deep space research? Sounds like terraforming research to me.
Maybe Musk could talk him into his plan to heave nukes at Mars. The fuck do we have to lose at this point?
So that's how he plans to drain the swamp! Dry up all the water!
I'm going to be a science jackass right now and say that, actually, rising sea levels will cause salt water inundation around the mouth of the Potomac. So technically he's adding more water while killing anything living there. The Lincoln Reflecting Pool was already rebuilt in 2009 so it used fresh tap water instead of tidal basin water, in fact!


If he really can find another planet then it's not as important to save this one. But we should find the new one first. Like finding a new job before you shit on your manager's desk.

Except it would be exponentially harder to inhabit another planet than it would be to stop fucking this one.

Not to mention that research into not fucking Earth would benefit any future attempts to move to other planets.


"Politically correct environmental monitoring"

"Politicized Science"

What the fuck does that even mean? If this is all accurate then just fuck me and fuck everything. Why does the human race hate itself so much :/
It's their way of undermining the integrity of scientific fact/evidence. Of casting doubt in people's minds that what experts tell them isn't to be trusted.

It's incredibly cynical, deceptive and horrible.



"Well, he sure did make America great again."
This should be being covered by the media nonstop and frighten the shit out of people, but alas, no one seems to care about the single biggest threat facing the human species.

I'll never understand why people are so willfully ignorant and dismissive about climate change.

Because money, and people are easily manipulated.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Walker, however, claimed that doubt over the role of human activity in climate change “is a view shared by half the climatologists in the world. We need good science to tell us what the reality is and science could do that if politicians didn’t interfere with it.”


"A 2016 paper - co-authored by Naomi Oreskes, Peter Doran, William Anderegg, Bart Verheggen, Ed Maibach, J. Stuart Carlton and John Cook - based on a half a dozen independent studies by the authors - reported that 90%–100% of climate scientists who publish in peer-reviewed journals, had consensus that climate change can be attributed to human activity.[2]"


Well that sucks big time. NASA made several visits to Thule with their P-3 research plane while I was there so they could survey the ice sheet; this makes me really bummed that I never made a stronger effort to make it to any of their presentations/lectures that they would offer. Guess they won't be making their way back up there anytime soon.


The regressive policies of this man will literally kill people. And what does he have to lose? He'll be dead within 80 years and not have to deal with any of the shit he causes


Half the climatologists, huh?

What a load of bullshit. It gives the illusion and the allure that even the notion of climate change is a mystery.

We can only hope Bob gets a Hoveround and falls into the grand canyon, at this rate. Maybe gravity is debated by half of the scientists, too.

Find out for us, Bob. :(

"A 2016 paper - co-authored by Naomi Oreskes, Peter Doran, William Anderegg, Bart Verheggen, Ed Maibach, J. Stuart Carlton and John Cook - based on a half a dozen independent studies by the authors - reported that 90%–100% of climate scientists who publish in peer-reviewed journals, had consensus that climate change can be attributed to human activity.[2]"


We don't need actual data when we can just make it up.
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