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Trump: US 'locked and loaded' on N Korea



Sadly Turmp isn't chained though, that's the scary part.
Sure, you're right. But their messages, while going through a lot of hands before public, have a measuredness to them that Trump's do not. His messages are just sloppy, ill-advised and without any critical thinking. His are unbelievably dangerous and should never come from the office of the White House... or the golf course substitute.

This is true as well. Though I think the reason we have this issue is because we've normalized the destructive things that are usually announced by NK and it's credibility is pretty bad.


This is true as well. Though I think the reason we have this issue is because we've normalized the destructive things that are usually announced by NK and it's credibility is pretty bad.

Yep. I guess I'm at the point now where I don't see the logic in escalating the situation. Trump should just keep quiet on the situation and see what comes out of that mid-August deadline they offered up. Once nothing happened, it shows they're full of air like usual. But egging them on like this? Something could happen.


This is true as well. Though I think the reason we have this issue is because we've normalized the destructive things that are usually announced by NK and it's credibility is pretty bad.

beside trump own ego, which i think is not unheard of some past presidents, the advent of social media is very dangerous. a US president should not talk on twitter in the middle of the night. the guy has a PR speaker and a com staff that should handle that.

the day twitter allows video, we will have some nice vista of the white house toilets.
I might stop reading OT whenever stuff like this happens to be honest. I'm not sure what benefit there is to reading a load of posts saying "We're fucked" and "OMG, it's gonna be Fallout 5".

Trump isn't insane. He's an idiot, bombastic and uses public channels for his communication, but if you actually look at what he's said, he has gone from "we will reign fire and fury down on NK if they continue to threaten us" which could be regarded as simply them posting threats on KCNA to "we are ready to react if Kim acts unwisely...hopefully he will find another path".

If you remove yourself from the childish hysteria you'll see that he's wound his rhetoric back to being essentially that if NK attack Guam, they will be destroyed, which is obviously the US' policy in general and has been since WWII.

Some people in these threads need to act like fucking adults. Stop posting inflammatory things that make people who aren't aware of the situation nervous. This is about the 100th time we've seen essentially this same thing happen with North Korea in the past couple of decades, they always do it in August and then wind it back eventually. That's why people in South Korea are carrying on their lives as normal while a load of keyboard warriors on here debate how imminent our nuclear winter is.

Edit: this isn't a defence of Trump by the way, I dislike him intensely

This is the best post I've seen on GAF all week. And it's 100% right.

People are so quick to want to post "We're so fucked" or the like over and over. I really wish each post required the poster to share their age.

I find the Ignore list on GAF pretty useful but I'd put you on my "preferred" list if such a thing existed.


I just hope I get enough warning to score some weed and light up while shit is going down. Talk about going out in a blaze of glory.


TL:DR - Rhetoric is nothing more than rhetoric, save the fear mongering for when actions are actually made. Nobody has even bothered to move to strategic positions or deploy troops.
Yep, generally that's true. What makes me unsettled about this is that the rhetoric is between two crazy people.


Eventually, one day, NK is going to hit something regardless of Trump or this president or that president or whoever. It's going to happen one day. Maybe not a nuke, but something bad. This entire situation should have been resolved decades ago in the first place. I'm certainly not defending whatever right now, but lets be realistic here. People have been saying for years that we need to do something before they obtain nuclear weapons and the world just sat around twiddling their thumbs and now here we are.

The only way the entire NK deal has a happy ending is if their people and government has enough and turns on the leaders and it is resolved from within. I don't think we will ever see that happen. That life is too much a part of their society, their blood, completely wrapped up in it by this point. This is a thing that has gone on for generations. We can't wait for this more positive ending to happen while it's far more likely NK does something truly awful to the outside world in the meantime.
While this is true, I don't mean eventually or some day, I mean soon. One could easily take Trump's words as daring them to make a move. He promises fire and fury, NK says okay how about Guam? So if NK hits something soon, i'll totally blame him for provoking Kim. Those guys don't take kindly to public threats and insults, and they're kind of insane, so I wouldn't test their machismo.

Either way, it's just reckless of Trump to run his mouth this way. Putting everyone in positions they don't want to be in. Now he has words he has to back up, as does the North Korean perspective, and the rest of he world wishes they'd both just stfu and chill out.


Why does NK want to attack the waters outside Guam in the first place?
guam is closest US territory.

sending a missile just close enough but in the international seas is like the guy in high school running around you but not touching hoping you will react and be the one blamed by the teacher.


I'm actually with trump on this one. Let's not forget, NK wishes death on all of us yearly and promises total destruction etc... then we give them a candy in the form of aid or something to shut them the fuck up, for a few more years, then back to the shit talking.

If I'm right, trump is the perfect response to NK. meeting shit talk with shit talk, absurd levels. Meanwhile, diplomacy happens behind the doors. Trump is saying what America and others have always said to NK. if you hit us we will hit you. That's been the same through all administrations. He's just using the same inflammatory rhetoric they use.

NK is at a shit or get off the pot moment with trump. Challenging their dear leader. But for them, sticking to their word literally means total destruction and one of the worst refugee crisis in recent memory. Trump might just out shit talk them. this is not 4d chess. It's just a moron being in a right position.

They've Sunk a sk ship in what 65 years? NK unless suicidal, isn't going to drop a nuke on japan. So that just leaves us with trash talking through translators.

Hopefully they just get tired and realize nothing is going to happen. Then go home.
The sad thing is that North Korea is winning right now.

Trump destroys American reputation as relieable partner and North Korea can bring their own people even more behind Kim Jong-un


The sad thing is that North Korea is winning right now.

Trump destroys American reputation as relieable partner and North Korea can bring their own people even more behind Kim Jong-un

Trump did that when he won office though. Then cemented it during his g8 trip. Then sealed it in adamantium every tweet. The world has already said we are moving on in various ways.


This is the best post I've seen on GAF all week. And it's 100% right.

People are so quick to want to post "We're so fucked" or the like over and over. I really wish each post required the poster to share their age.

I find the Ignore list on GAF pretty useful but I'd put you on my "preferred" list if such a thing existed.

Thanks brah
I'm actually with trump on this one. Let's not forget, NK wishes death on all of us yearly and promises total destruction etc... then we give them a candy in the form of aid or something to shut them the fuck up, for a few more years, then back to the shit talking.

If I'm right, trump is the perfect response to NK. meeting shit talk with shit talk, absurd levels. Meanwhile, diplomacy happens behind the doors. Trump is saying what America and others have always said to NK. if you hit us we will hit you. That's been the same through all administrations. He's just using the same inflammatory rhetoric they use.

NK is at a shit or get off the pot moment with trump. Challenging their dear leader. But for them, sticking to their word literally means total destruction and one of the worst refugee crisis in recent memory. Trump might just out shit talk them. this is not 4d chess. It's just a moron being in a right position.

They've Sunk a sk ship in what 65 years? NK unless suicidal, isn't going to drop a nuke on japan. So that just leaves us with trash talking through translators.

This is absolutely the most dangerous way of doing things. Will you feel the same if they decide to follow through and millions pay the price for what was essentially a dick waving contest? You probably don't care because you're not directly in the line of fire.



I don't think the lack of concern from South Korea should provide any comfort. The fact that they've heard it all before and are basically numb to North Korea's rhetoric doesn't mean a conflict will never happen. In the past, when NK has made their threats, there wasn't an idiot in the White House who continued to throw fuel on the problem with irresponsible tweets and language without even discussing the matter with others. We're used to having an egotistical, bombastic leader in North Korea and are not fazed by that, but the difference this time is the egotistical, bombastic guy in the White House.


The sad thing is that North Korea is winning right now.

Trump destroys American reputation as relieable partner and North Korea can bring their own people even more behind Kim Jong-un

They are both idiots. Nobody is really winning on the propaganda front. NK own people are so much in the dark, there would be no major shift there anyway unless war actually broke out.


Please find a good book about NK and read it.

Concentration camps, slavory, famine, thousands upon thousands of political prisoners, totalarian communist state..... I could go on and on.
You don't need a book to know that. You just need to be a parrot that repeats what's on TV.


I'm actually with trump on this one. Let's not forget, NK wishes death on all of us yearly and promises total destruction etc... then we give them a candy in the form of aid or something to shut them the fuck up, for a few more years, then back to the shit talking.

If I'm right, trump is the perfect response to NK. meeting shit talk with shit talk, absurd levels. Meanwhile, diplomacy happens behind the doors. Drumpf is saying what America and others have always said to NK. if you hit us we will hit you. That's been the same through all administrations. He's just using the same inflammatory rhetoric they use.

NK is at a shit or get off the pot moment with trump. Challenging their dear leader. But for them, sticking to their word literally means total destruction and one of the worst refugee crisis in recent memory. Drumpf might just out shit talk them. this is not 4d chess. It's just a moron being in a right position.

They've Sunk a sk ship in what 65 years? NK unless suicidal, isn't going to drop a nuke on japan. So that just leaves us with trash talking through translators.

Hopefully they just get tired and realize nothing is going to happen. Then go home.

Military action isn't the way to deal with North Korea, due to the humanitarian costs, not just in deaths, but spending money for food, shelter and getting these people adjusted to the real world.

You also have to factor in the costs in damage that will result in Seoul and South Korea.

It's something that's going to cost a metric fuck ton of money, and we know damn well the GOP controlled US government won't be willing to spend any money on it. That'll leave it up to Japan, South Korea and China to fix an issue the US caused.


This is absolutely the most dangerous way of doing things. Will you feel the same if they decide to follow through and millions pay the price for what was essentially a dick waving contest? You probably don't care because you're not directly in the line of fire.

NK most likely is not going to follow through, as history shows, and if they have had a plan to nuke the world in a suicide pact, it wouldn't matter who is in office. They live every day with the idea of destroying the west. We've got missile defense programs, as do our allies. It's not like NK just has a nuke. They've got enough artillery to level SK. They dont.

I'm in Los angeles. The United States spends billions on its dick waving contest. (The military) so yeah, its worth diplomacy behind closed doors, and shit talking the shit talker. Un is intelligent, dare I say more so than trump. Education wise. if you think NK wants to give up their billions in elicit trade, and God on earth like status to be totally annihilated by the USA is more likely, I don't know what else to say.

This is fear mongering, which we as a nation always fall for.


Why does NK want to attack the waters outside Guam in the first place?

Think it might be if/when the Norks see the Pacific fleet departing from Guam and take them out before they're in striking range of their country, or something. Won't happen though. Doesn't matter if a missile hits Guam, LA, US territorial waters or even just a US flagged tugboat the result will be the same, air and missile strikes on Pyongyang.
I might stop reading OT whenever stuff like this happens to be honest. I'm not sure what benefit there is to reading a load of posts saying "We're fucked" and "OMG, it's gonna be Fallout 5".

Trump isn't insane. He's an idiot, bombastic and uses public channels for his communication, but if you actually look at what he's said, he has gone from "we will reign fire and fury down on NK if they continue to threaten us" which could be regarded as simply them posting threats on KCNA to "we are ready to react if Kim acts unwisely...hopefully he will find another path".

If you remove yourself from the childish hysteria you'll see that he's wound his rhetoric back to being essentially that if NK attack Guam, they will be destroyed, which is obviously the US' policy in general and has been since WWII.

Some people in these threads need to act like fucking adults. Stop posting inflammatory things that make people who aren't aware of the situation nervous. This is about the 100th time we've seen essentially this same thing happen with North Korea in the past couple of decades, they always do it in August and then wind it back eventually. That's why people in South Korea are carrying on their lives as normal while a load of keyboard warriors on here debate how imminent our nuclear winter is.

Edit: this isn't a defence of Trump by the way, I dislike him intensely

The tweets still needlessly escilate the situation and risk kim going to far as not to be seen backing down but I noticed that all comments post the fire and fury have been crude but couched in a much more "defensive" way and contingent on NK actually attacking
The real story is what he's trying to hide. Trumps so transparent, what did the Russia investigation find today?

This. Trump started this shit while on vacation, roughly right around when the Manafort raid came out. Since then we've had numerous disclosures about the Russia investigation that would normally be the front page of every news website; however because Trump knows how to make good TV, we've got headlines blaring about nukes.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I normally ignore the yearly saber rattling nonsense out of north Korea. But there is a pretty big difference this year. It's the first time this rhetoric was directed at the US with an incompetent fuckhead in charge. I always knew it was a game that would lead to nothing actually happening because rational heads would prevail. But the current administration has been infested with astonishing levels of buffoonery, and I'm not as confident that things won't escalate.


Looks like the new White House director of communication can't stop Trump from making these embarrassing tweets. Anyone with common sense would know not to make unfiltered comments on public channels, but Trump appears somehow to have zero knowledge about the customs of politics and governance. I'm disappointed that it seems like nobody can check the president on this issue, of course among others (as well).


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