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Trumpcare (Obamacare repeal) may be law within days. This could be the final stand

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If I had to guess, Trump/RNC will deploy a carrot/stick approach to Rs on the edge in Senate. If it passes, it will be signed into law. There is no way House Rs would vote no. They would be incinerated by the rest of the party.


This is strange because you are the ones who are letting people get hurt by allowing Trump to be elected? These arguments are so hilarious because none of this would have happened if it was someone else going against Trump who actually had a chance of beating him.

Have any actual data for this or is this just you taking a very statistically significant poll of your feelings and opinions?

Outside of that, however:

I could not have and did not do anything in the end, because I had no say in the election. I was in a state which has gone Blue for the last 32 years (Washington) so it's even more amusing that people think I could have influenced the election's results in any way besides wishing I could hate Trump to death.

You see, here's the thing that I keep coming back to. This goes far past the election. You're not going to call your representatives asking them to obstruct. You're not going to go protest. You're not going to do anything.

And why is that?

Because being able to "get back at" some forum moderator over a shitty ban is more important to you than the supposed ideals you claim to cling to. You know, the ideals that Bernie would want you to have.

Think about that for a moment.
If were going to talk about the whole primary fiasco, lets debate what direction the democratic party should go towards in terms of their healthcare proposals.

Hillary's approach was to fix it up/make it better. Bernie's was to go towards single payer.

If this bill fails and nothing else occurs between now and 2018 (and the dems some how take a congress branch) which direction should we take?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
This is strange because you are the ones who are letting people get hurt by allowing Trump to be elected? These arguments are so hilarious because none of this would have happened if it was someone else going against Trump who actually had a chance of beating him. I'm not going to claim 100% that anybody, Bernie or otherwise, could have beaten Trump. But everyone was yelling their warnings about Hillary and the Hillary supporters just ignored them and proceeded with their coronation. Your support for Hillary is as much the cause of the current state of affairs as anything I could have done. Which is nothing, actually. I could not have and did not do anything in the end, because I had no say in the election. I was in a state which has gone Blue for the last 32 years (Washington) so it's even more amusing that people think I could have influenced the election's results in any way besides wishing I could hate Trump to death.
This is just fucking sad.


If were going to talk about the whole primary fiasco, lets debate what direction the democratic party should go towards in terms of their healthcare proposals.

Hillary's approach was to fix it up/make it better. Bernie's was to go towards single payer.

If this bill fails and nothing else occurs between now and 2018 (and the dems some how take a congress branch) which direction should we take?

Hillary's approach was public option added to Obamacare, Pelosi prefers single payer personally(and has pushed for it for decades) but doesn't think it can get through Congress and feels it's more productive to push it through the states(she's right), Harry Reid wanted Obamacare to eventually be expanded to become single payer, Obama wanted a public option, Bill wanted a public option, Gore wanted single payer.

Honestly, if you had carte blanche to push whatever healthcare system you wanted through right this instant, you'd be a fool to do anything other than a public option. Single payer would disrupt 1/5 of our economy pretty much guaranteeing a recession, during which the other party would take charge and undo everything you've done.
If were going to talk about the whole primary fiasco, lets debate what direction the democratic party should go towards in terms of their healthcare proposals.

Hillary's approach was to fix it up/make it better. Bernie's was to go towards single payer.

If this bill fails and nothing else occurs between now and 2018 (and the dems some how take a congress branch) which direction should we take?
I want single payer too but sorta single payer got wiped the fuck out in Colorado last year so I'm not sure if that's a great starting point.
He seems to be gone now, we need to get this thread back on track.

If were going to talk about the whole primary fiasco, lets debate what direction the democratic party should go towards in terms of their healthcare proposals.

Hillary's approach was to fix it up/make it better. Bernie's was to go towards single payer.

If this bill fails and nothing else occurs between now and 2018 (and the dems some how take a congress branch) which direction should we take?

I think there's a good middle ground between the two approaches we should go for. But now is certainly not the time for a replacement platform. We have a party that wants to get rid of your health care, democrats have to do 2 things.
1. Hey remember when the Republicans tried that shit, fuck them right!
2. Hey we want as many people to live as possible, so that's our goal.

My point is it's all about communicating this to idiots, you don't have to go dirty as much as you just have to be blunt about it.
I'm not too well versed in the inside of the colorado attempt, was it a legit attempt? Like, Ohio tried to legalize weed but it was a half-assed attempt that would have created monopolized for certain people who were lobbying for it.

When it comes to health care, the country at minimum is staggering now. Combine that with stagnet wages and a vast majority of us all are going to be out for the count. It seems like the whole market is going to collapse anyway and cause a rescission.

Should the dems hope that the GOP does it get through, it collapses and they get to be voted in to pick up the pieces?
This is strange because you are the ones who are letting people get hurt by allowing Trump to be elected? These arguments are so hilarious because none of this would have happened if it was someone else going against Trump who actually had a chance of beating him. I'm not going to claim 100% that anybody, Bernie or otherwise, could have beaten Trump. But everyone was yelling their warnings about Hillary and the Hillary supporters just ignored them and proceeded with their coronation. Your support for Hillary is as much the cause of the current state of affairs as anything I could have done. Which is nothing, actually. I could not have and did not do anything in the end, because I had no say in the election. I was in a state which has gone Blue for the last 32 years (Washington) so it's even more amusing that people think I could have influenced the election's results in any way besides wishing I could hate Trump to death.

Dude, you are dangerously close to sociopath territory.
As a foreigner, I'm curious: Do you have to be a registered Republican from that state to call a Republican senator?

Nope, they are your senator regardless of party affiliation. I'll leave it up to you to decide how much they are going to listen to you if you are from the opposite party and/or going against them.


Nope, they are your senator regardless of party affiliation. I'll leave it up to you to decide how much they are going to listen to you if you are from the opposite party and/or going against them.

When I call in I say "I voted for you"(I didn't) and go from there.


Gold Member
Nope, they are your senator regardless of party affiliation. I'll leave it up to you to decide how much they are going to listen to you if you are from the opposite party and/or going against them.
I see, thanks. Seems pretty futile if you ask me, but good luck!
lol, no. Why would you need to be?
Why should they care what you think if they haven't got a vote to lose in the next election?


So, their shitty political stance boils down to some fucking Internet forum beef?

Talk about some next level petty bullshit.

"Hey Grandma, I know you're dying but please take solace in the fact that Unknown Soldier got to smugly chuckle at their computer knowing that they got the last laugh over a shitty ban."

And while grams is diying, with her last breath, she mutters, "who the hell are you?"
I think in the next Civilization game, they need to tweak the Democracy programming. Democracy will allow a country to grow very quickly and very rich, but education needs to be kept at highest priority. If education falls low, Democracy stops the Civilization from growing. Buildings will take long to build. Also, sometimes buildings will take long to build due to obstruction.


I think in the next Civilization game, they need to tweak the Democracy programming. Democracy will allow a country to grow very quickly and very rich, but education needs to be kept at highest priority. If education falls low, Democracy stops the Civilization from growing. Buildings will take long to build. Also, sometimes buildings will take long to build due to obstruction.

That's not a feature already? It makes sense

Watch that education meter. It'll getcha


Does this have a realistic chance of passing the senate? Can't it be filibustered?

I remember how they had to bend over backwards in 2010 to get that 60th vote.


I think in the next Civilization game, they need to tweak the Democracy programming. Democracy will allow a country to grow very quickly and very rich, but education needs to be kept at highest priority. If education falls low, Democracy stops the Civilization from growing. Buildings will take long to build. Also, sometimes buildings will take long to build due to obstruction.
How does a democracy make you very rich? Does not make any sense. It might indirectly aide some stuff that might help the economy but equating it with becoming rich is very Utopian. Just as is equating having 'good education' and having a good running democracy or personally satisfactory outcomes.
Shape up the very best students in the world but give them a rightwing liberal worldview that makes the society worship individualist misery instead of collective action and you still end up with shit

No the problem is in the ideology/culture and crippled civil society on socioeconomic front. You fail to see that, you keep losing.
How does a democracy make you very rich? Does not make any sense. It might indirectly aide some stuff that might help the economy but equating it with becoming rich is very Utopian. Just as is equating having 'good education' and having a good running democracy or personally satisfactory outcomes.
Shape up the very best students in the world but give them a rightwing liberal worldview that makes the society worship individualist misery instead of collective action and you still end up with shit

No the problem is in the ideology/culture and crippled civil society on socioeconomic front. You fail to see that, you keep losing.

I'm basing it off of how the game works, bro.
I'm basing it off of how the game works, bro.

Actually communism can make you wealthier by maximizing production growth which has a multiplying effect as the game goes on. Merchant Republic is probably the strongest wealth multiplier in the game, relative to position in the certain era.


I see, thanks. Seems pretty futile if you ask me, but good luck!
Why should they care what you think if they haven't got a vote to lose in the next election?
Well they probably don't care either way, but people in other states can still donate to their campaign or do other things that help them or the Republican Party. And just because someone isn't a Republican doesn't necessarily mean they won't vote for the R candidate.

Besides, even if they don't care what you have to say, that still wouldn't make it not allowed to contact them.


It will probably happen.

The problem with running on "Republicans want people to die" is that a huge portion of the populace WANTS people to die. The catch of course is that they want minorities to die - some non-minorities will get caught up in the GOP plan.


Hang out with Steve.
The bill will pass on party lines, the house will pass it and the president will sign it. This is the country that elected Trump, after all. Neither republicans nor the people who vote for them give a shit about protestors and think all the negative press about the bill is fake news.


As a person that lives in a city that voted Trump by 63% and a red state with no insurance I'm terrified.

I'm already dead aren't I?


Maybe once the bodies start piling up in the streets there will be a change of heart?

lol of course there won't you've basically got the Nazis in power but there won't be a war to stop them.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
The US is doomed. The country will fall from grace into a state of semi-permanent decay, except for like California and Mass. RiP.


Whether or not the ACA survives is dependent on our organizing and effort in contacting our representatives. It is not dependent on naval gazing about whether bernie would have won or not, or a particular electoral strategy over another. It's self aggrandizing bullshit that doesn't belong in this thread.

That hasn't done a fucking thing. It has changed nothing since the new administration took office. Calling our reps, the woman's march, the march on science... Nothing.

This bill has an approval rating below 20%- Does that seem to matter at all?

Win. Elections. What more do you need to see??
Maybe once the bodies start piling up in the streets there will be a change of heart?

lol of course there won't you've basically got the Nazis in power but there won't be a war to stop them.
Resources on our planet are limited.

One approach is to make sure everyone's needs are met at the basic level.

The other is just to kill all the poor in a civilised manner so there is "more for me". A.k.a the GOP approach.
I understand people's frustration, but the "you reap what you sow, let Trump supporters eat the shit they deserve" logic just isn't gonna cut it. These dumb fucks aren't going to go just disappear or change their support for Trump. Their ignorant asses will just keep blaming Mexicans and Shariah law for all of their country's ills. I think we underestimate just how fucked up America is as a country right now.
i would care about this had the Dems had any balls when they wrote the first bill. they didn't, they wrote it behind closed doors, they let the insurance lobby write the bill, and we got what we got. i still don't have health care because i can't afford it and now i owe the taxpayer extra money on top of that due to the fees.

they should have put in a public option. then there would be massive support, people in the streets, etc. what the original bill was was a massive handout to the insurance industry. next time put in a public option.
That hasn't done a fucking thing. It has changed nothing since the new administration took office. Calling our reps, the woman's march, the march on science... Nothing.

This bill has an approval rating below 20%- Does that seem to matter at all?

Uh, yes actually.

Why do you think this entire thing was done behind closed doors and kept in super secrecy?

They KNEW the backlash is gonna be massive and they want to avoid that.

Protests and organization absolutely DOES work, in this case they're desperately trying to sneak around all that.
I understand people's frustration, but the "you reap what you sow, let Trump supporters eat the shit they deserve" logic just isn't gonna cut it. These dumb fucks aren't going to go just disappear or change their support for Trump. Their ignorant asses will just keep blaming Mexicans and Shariah law for all of their country's ills. I think we underestimate just how fucked up America is as a country right now.
I hope it's just a manifestation of people feeling the ACA is already dead and just trying to make themselves feel better about it. But they really ought to make those phone calls.
i would care about this had the Dems had any balls when they wrote the first bill. they didn't, they wrote it behind closed doors, they let the insurance lobby write the bill, and we got what we got. i still don't have health care because i can't afford it and now i owe the taxpayer extra money on top of that due to the fees.

they should have put in a public option. then there would be massive support, people in the streets, etc. what the original bill was was a massive handout to the insurance industry. next time put in a public option.

There was literally a publix option in the bill that passed the house.
i would care about this had the Dems had any balls when they wrote the first bill. they didn't, they wrote it behind closed doors, they let the insurance lobby write the bill, and we got what we got. i still don't have health care because i can't afford it and now i owe the taxpayer extra money on top of that due to the fees.

they should have put in a public option. then there would be massive support, people in the streets, etc. what the original bill was was a massive handout to the insurance industry. next time put in a public option.

You argued this nonsense before and you were proven wrong... Get new arguments
i would care about this had the Dems had any balls when they wrote the first bill. they didn't, they wrote it behind closed doors, they let the insurance lobby write the bill, and we got what we got. i still don't have health care because i can't afford it and now i owe the taxpayer extra money on top of that due to the fees.

they should have put in a public option. then there would be massive support, people in the streets, etc. what the original bill was was a massive handout to the insurance industry. next time put in a public option.

This is strange because you are the ones who are letting people get hurt by allowing Trump to be elected? These arguments are so hilarious because none of this would have happened if it was someone else going against Trump who actually had a chance of beating him.
Hillary did beat Trump. The results were tampered with by the Russians.

Sean C

Uh, yes actually.

Why do you think this entire thing was done behind closed doors and kept in super secrecy?

They KNEW the backlash is gonna be massive and they want to avoid that.

Protests and organization absolutely DOES work, in this case they're desperately trying to sneak around all that.
They have worked in making the bill catastrophically unpopular, yes.

But if the GOP decides they just don't care about that, they have all the tools they need to abolish the ACA. Protesting and organizing only works if they're responsive to public opinion; they can't be forced to be.

I personally felt that the House would fall in line but that it would be impossible to pass the Senate, given that senators don't enjoy gerrymandering protections. However, the herd impulse may end up being greater than survival instinct.
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