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Trump's debt limit deal with Dems likely to lead to DACA becoming law at end of year


That's fine and dandy but there's still problems with daca to begin with. If it gets fix then bring it on.

For example my wife couldn't renew her daca because her country was no longer apart of listed countries for daca application. ( Venezuela)

There not list of countries to apply for DACA. That is enterely wrong. I'm from Venezuela and I just renewed.
What if Democrats use this chance to turn Trump into a Democratic puppet. Someone so incompetent that Democrats trick into helping them.
Only problem is that would work for about a week before he suddenly starts catering to someone else again. Maybe if they said nice things to him every day?


This administration is sooooooo weird, can't imagine how political commentators/analists feel trying to understand what the hell is going on.


I am glad the Democrats were able to do this, but fuck trying to frame this as a "success." Trump is still President; Trump is still an awful piece of shit; Trump is still a Russian traitor. We still need to impeach him.

Sure, but in the meantime I'll take the Trump that pushes the Dem agenda and stalls the GOP one.

Game Guru

I almost spit out my drink at him calling Paul Ryan a RINO and the implication that Trump - who just caved in 100% to the first offer Dems made - is a "true Republican". The party has lost its goddamn mind.

Well, yes, (though Congress's approval is almost always in the shitter), but what stands out is that he's not just calling Paul Ryan out for being bad at his job, but that Ryan is not a real Republican and doesn't stand for Republican values. Trump's nomination and subsequent election basically demonstrated that his racist, xenophobic faux-populism is more, uh, popular than the "traditional" GOP platform of like, corporate tax cuts and gutting social services. Establishment GOP have to be pulling their hair out over what to do with the monster they've created.

As soon as Trump won the Republican nomination and was not decimated in the General election, he basically redefined the Republican Party in his image. The Republican Party or at least, its base, is a racist, xenophobic faux-populist party now.
Didn't he positively talk about PP during a debate and a few interviews? I definitely think it's possible Trump could be coaxed into supporting PP through a rider on some bill which makes him look good.

Trump takes all sides on all topics precisely for this reason, so you think that some part of him is on your side.

Where Obama was a "blank slate" candidate where people projected their own hopes and ideals, Trump is a completely full slate where every possible thing has been said, so at some point he has said something you agree with on any topic.


Is there any chance Trump actually ment what he said back in what was it 2014 or 12? About the program being important and he did what he did to force it into a more solid state?

I highly fucking doubt it but if he did then good on him for one fucking thing


Donald Trump Just Undercut His Own Party on the Debt Ceiling. It Was Deliberate.

President Donald Trump just shivved his own party's congressional leadership heading into the biggest month of legislative business this year.

Trump baffled congressional Republicans, and even some in his own administration, by quickly siding with Democratic leaders on a deal to fund the government and raise the federal debt ceiling for the next three months. It was a deal that his own party, led by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), opposed, including in a public statement just hours before a closed-door White House meeting between the president, fellow congressional leaders, and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

For all his famed negotiating skills, Trump emerged from the meeting having handed Democrats a legislative triumph. But according to sources close to Trump, the president was more than willing to cut the deal because he has grown tired, if not resentful, of Republican leaders on Capitol Hill.

Multiple West Wing sources told The Daily Beast how the president was looking to strike a quick and easy deal—and that his speed reaching this specific arrangement was in part ensured by his resentment towards Republican leaders, who Trump views as hostile, insufficiently loyal, and impotent. It was well-known within the White House that President Trump, going into the meeting, was ”not looking to do [Ryan and McConnell] any favors," as one White House official put it.

Simply put, the president made a ”deliberate decision not to care about Ryan's feelings" and did what he wanted, another White House adviser said.

”I think it was calculated, in his unique way. Republicans can't get anything done, so maybe the other side will," a senior Trump administration official said of the deal, which will forestall a government shutdown until mid-December and allow the government to continue borrowing money until around the same time.
Addressing reporters shortly after the deal was finalized, Trump completely neglected to mention congressional leaders of his own party, emphasizing instead that ”we had a very good meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer." Asked a followup about potential legislation to give legal protections to young undocumented immigrants, Trump was even more colloquial.

”Chuck and Nancy would like to see something happen, and so do I," the president said.


I'm not sure it'll actually end that way. I think it's just as likely that Trump ties DACA to the wall.
Trump takes all sides on all topics precisely for this reason, so you think that some part of him is on your side.

Where Obama was a "blank slate" candidate where people projected their own hopes and ideals, Trump is a completely full slate where every possible thing has been said, so at some point he has said something you agree with on any topic.
Yup, like some progressives on here arguing that he secretly supports single-payer because he talked about it once in an interview from like twenty years ago. He's all over the place, man.

Pretty obvious that he just bends to political reality and acts according to self-interest above all else. If George Bush had humiliated him at a presidential dinner, he would have run as a Democrat.
You know, if Trump wants to actually get something done, courting dems probably works for a least a little bit to push through some legislation. He's got so many republicans by the balls that are afraid to do anything against him, he can probably push them at least a little bit. I'm sure that support would dry up pretty fast though.

In the end, though? Trump going scorched Earth it seems.
I'm convinced trump had less of an understanding of this than he did for the dreamers. Like he was just like "let's get this over with" and took the first offer.


Junior Member
If Trump insists on tying DACA to the wall, Democrats should definitely do that.

I mean the wall is fucking stupid, but DACA helps nearly a million people.


My point is that nothing will get done. Which is to say we status quo until DACA recipients are getting deported en masse.

Then the government shuts down right before the midterm elections.

That's not going to happen.

I mean I understand pessimism but there is no universe where Republican leaders allow that to happen.


If Trump insists on tying DACA to the wall, Democrats should definitely do that.

I mean the wall is fucking stupid, but DACA helps nearly a million people.

Nope. Democrats should help people without doing something stupid like caving on dumb, xenophobic policy. Comprehensive immigration reform is absolutely necessary, but should not be contingent on building a wall.

Luckily, the Democrats secured much leverage in this deal, which will help bring the aforementioned to fruition.


Junior Member
Nope. Democrats should help people without doing something stupid like caving on dumb, xenophobic policy. Comprehensive immigration reform is absolutely necessary, but should not be contingent on building a wall.

Luckily, the Democrats secured much leverage in this deal, which will help bring the aforementioned to fruition.

The wall is stupid. But if there is a choice between funding the wall along with passing DACA and shutting the government down and defaulting on the debt, the choice is clear.

Of course, I'm not saying that the Democrats shouldn't try. But if their bluff is called, they have to fold.

Just the same, they would have to have folded if Trump insisted on a longer bill here.
My point is that nothing will get done. Which is to say we status quo until DACA recipients are getting deported en masse.

Having the debt ceiling looming guarantees something will get done. Dems have better leverage to not take the wall with DACA legislation.


Junior Member
Seth Meyers just made a Mitch McConnell turtle joke (he can go hide in his shell) and showed an image very similar to my avatar.


It could if they're clapping in meetings and doing victory laps in the media. People ought to do that after everything is set in stone and passes Congress so they don't risk looking foolish. That would be the sensible way to handle things in my view.



Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I almost spit out my drink at him calling Paul Ryan a RINO and the implication that Trump - who just caved in 100% to the first offer Dems made - is a "true Republican". The party has lost its goddamn mind.

This was my take. Just disbelief at giving Trump a free pass and blaming Ryan for not keeping a tighter leash.

I did love the heavy compliments to Dems though. Really put into perspective the difference between the two parties when the underdog. Republicans whine, bitch, obstruct, bend the rules, cheat, and make a loud public tantrum(or don't show up to work of it means getting their way). Dems just had a private meeting and walked out successful.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I dont know, I still feel like they had to offer something in return. Trump ALWAYS wants something in return.

This is kind of his MO really. He doesn't want a government shutdown, not having faith his party leadership can deliver may have been enough to throw in with Dems as reasoned. He is also a REAL shitty negotiator. Most of his deals in business were accomplished through legal teams or underlings, so no one should expect he had a plan walking into that meeting beyond doing whatever it takes to ensure a shutdown is avoided. It was probably the only thing on his mind with no strategy or proposal.

The problem with Trump is that the follow through is where he fucks you over. He refuses to pay his debts, he weasels his way out of promises and contracts, he will settle out of court all the time. He has decades of evidence doing this. I don't expect this will pan out very cleanly.


Junior Member
Since when has looking bad ever stopped him?

Him looking good is perhaps one of the only things that motivates him. Though, admittedly, he often doesn't know what will make him look good. I do think that even he knows that backing out of this will make him look terrible though.
I dont know, I still feel like they had to offer something in return. Trump ALWAYS wants something in return.

I bet they worded it in a way Trump understood. Remember, Trump thinks he's a very smart business man, and that the country can be run like a business.

Republicans: "Listen Mr. President, we can do it in 18 months."
Trump: "18 months?"
R: "Ok fine 6 months."
Schumer: "I have a better offer. 3 months."

Now, right here it's critical. They had to word it in a way that tickled Trumps fancy. Like a construction project, Trump is thinking '3 months, huh? That's good business! We won't have to pay alot for just 3 months compared to 6 months!'

Trump: "See McConnell? That's smart business. 3 months is half the time of what you offered me. We're gonna do 3 months, you got it?"

So basically, Trump has no idea what he's talking about, and thought this was some sort of project that has a finish date and chose the 3 months because it's less time.


I bet they worded it in a way Trump understood. Remember, Trump thinks he's a very smart business man, and that the country can be run like a business.

Republicans: "Listen Mr. President, we can do it in 18 months."
Trump: "18 months?"
R: "Ok fine 6 months."
Schumer: "I have a better offer. 3 months."

Now, right here it's critical. They had to word it in a way that tickled Trumps fancy. Like a construction project, Trump is thinking '3 months, huh? That's good business! We won't have to pay alot for just 3 months compared to 6 months!'

Trump: "See McConnell? That's smart business. 3 months is half the time of what you offered me. We're gonna do 3 months, you got it?"

So basically, Trump has no idea what he's talking about, and thought this was some sort of project that has a finish date and chose the 3 months because it's less time.

Or maybe he's basically golfing in his mind all the time anyway, so everything that's lower is better.



I don't think I can laugh hard enough at this segment and just how much this deal is fucking with the GOP's head atm.

GOP gets reamed, turns around and blasts Paul Ryan for Trump 'Getting a deal done" with the Democrats, completely ignoring that he capitulated entirely and that the GOP congress failed to help Trump.

It's fucking crazy.

Trump hands Democrats what they want, yet you got people calling Ryan and other Republicans RINO's for following the R playbook because Trump backstabbed them?? Next level mental gymnastics here just to take Trump's side. This is why there's little to be gained beyond a headache from trying to talk to Trump supporters too much.


The wall is stupid. But if there is a choice between funding the wall along with passing DACA and shutting the government down and defaulting on the debt, the choice is clear.

Of course, I'm not saying that the Democrats shouldn't try. But if their bluff is called, they have to fold.

Just the same, they would have to have folded if Trump insisted on a longer bill here.

Nope. The wall is exceedingly unpopular. And stupid. DACA, or a Dream Act, is desired by the majority of voters in both parties. Democrats have the leverage, and the Republicans know it. Trump clearly doesn't want to deal with a debt limit crisis, and is increasingly uncomfortable with the DACA situation. He will ask for wall funding, not get it, and most likely relinquish his position because his footing is unsure.
I bet they worded it in a way Trump understood. Remember, Trump thinks he's a very smart business man, and that the country can be run like a business.

Republicans: "Listen Mr. President, we can do it in 18 months."
Trump: "18 months?"
R: "Ok fine 6 months."
Schumer: "I have a better offer. 3 months."

Now, right here it's critical. They had to word it in a way that tickled Trumps fancy. Like a construction project, Trump is thinking '3 months, huh? That's good business! We won't have to pay alot for just 3 months compared to 6 months!'

Trump: "See McConnell? That's smart business. 3 months is half the time of what you offered me. We're gonna do 3 months, you got it?"

So basically, Trump has no idea what he's talking about, and thought this was some sort of project that has a finish date and chose the 3 months because it's less time.



Junior Member
Nope. The wall is exceedingly unpopular. And stupid. DACA, or a Dream Act, is desired by the majority of voters in both parties. Democrats have the leverage, and the Republicans know it. Trump clearly doesn't want to deal with a debt limit crisis, and is increasingly uncomfortable with the DACA situation. He will ask for wall funding, not get it, and most likely relinquish his position because his footing is unsure.

Yes, he will probably fold. But if it comes down to a choice between funding the wall along with DACA and destroying the world economy, Democrats have to fold. Unless you think that fucking Trump is worth fucking Dreamers and everyone else in the world.


Yes, he will probably fold. But if it comes down to a choice between funding the wall along with DACA and destroying the world economy, Democrats have to fold. Unless you think that fucking Trump is worth fucking Dreamers and everyone else in the world.

Republicans control both houses of Congress and the White House. A government shutdown and its consequences would fall on their shoulders.

Thanks to this deal Democrats have ALL the leverage here. They shouldn't fold. If there is a shutdown, it won't last long before the Republicans come crawling back to the table with a raft of concessions.
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