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TrumpWatch: Congress investigating Russian investment fund with ties to Trumps Team


(CNN) Senate investigators are examining the activities of a little-known $10-billion Russian investment fund whose chief executive met with a member of President Donald Trump's transition team four days before Trump's inauguration, a congressional source told CNN.

The source said the Senate intelligence committee is investigating the Russian fund in connection with its examination of discussions between White House adviser Jared Kushner and the head of a prominent Russian bank. The bank, Vnesheconombank, or VEB, oversees the fund, which has ties to several Trump advisers. Both the bank and the fund have been covered since 2014 by sanctions restricting U.S. business dealings. Separately, the Treasury Department has been looking into the Jan. 16 meeting between the fund's chief executive and Anthony Scaramucci, a member of the transition team's executive committee and a fundraiser and adviser for Trump's presidential campaign, according to a Jan. 30 letter from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

Two Democratic senators asked Treasury to investigate whether Scaramucci promised to lift sanctions -- a policy shift that would help the fund attract more international investment to Russia.

The inquiries draw attention to the Russian Direct Investment Fund, a government investment arm that has helped top U.S. private-equity firms invest in Russia and that was advised by Stephen Schwarzman, who is now chairman of Trump's Strategic and Policy Forum, an advisory group of business leaders.

Schwarzman, chief executive officer of Blackstone Group, was named in 2011 to the fund's International Advisory Board along with other leaders of major equity companies and sovereigh-wealth funds who reviewed the fund's operations, plans and potential investments. Schwarzman declined to comment. A source close to him said Schwarzman has not spoken to anyone on the fund "for some time."

Senate and House investigators are looking into various Russian entities to determine whether anyone connected to the Trump campaign helped Russians as they meddled in the 2016 presidential election, and whether Trump associates discussed sanctions with Russian officials.

The congressional inquiries, along with a criminal investigation by special counsel Robert S. Mueller, have shadowed the Trump administration. Trump has denied any connection to Russia's election-meddling, calling the criminal probe "a witch hunt." Scaramucci, a billionaire founder of SkyBridge Capital, minimized his January meeting with Dmitriev in the resort town of Davos, Switzerland, at the celebrated annual gathering of the World Economic Forum. Scaramucci had met Dmitriev at previous Davos meetings, although at the gathering in January, Scaramucci was expecting to be named White House liaison to the business community.

Dmitriev "came over to say hello in a restaurant, and I was cordial," Scaramucci said in a recent email to CNN. "There is nothing there."

The day after the meeting, Scaramucci told Bloomberg TV that he had "as a private citizen" been working with Dmitriev on bringing a delegation of executives to Russia.
"What I said to him last night, in my capacity inside the administration, I would certainly reach out to some people to help him," Scaramucci said before describing a thicket of ethical clearances he would face. "The idea was many months ago to have more outreach with Russia but also other countries, not just Russia. China, other countries."
Scaramucci's comments alarmed Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Ben Cardin of Maryland, who asked Mnuchin investigate whether Scaramucci sought to "facilitate prohibited transactions" or promised to waive or lift sanctions against Russia.

An advocate for lifting sanctions

Since Trump's election, Dmitriev has been one of Russia's most vocal officials in calling for an end to U.S. sanctions and arguing that joint U.S.-Russia projects can create jobs in the United States.

The fund hired two U.S. lobbying firms in September 2014, after sanctions were imposed, paying them a combined $150,000 over two months for public relations work. The fund has not hired any lobbyists since then.

With a history of helping U.S. manufacturers and asset management companies invest in Russia, the fund is a logical starting point for Russia's push to lift U.S. sanctions, former State Department chief economist Rodney Ludema said.

That Russian rabbit hole just dug itself two hundred ft deeper.




Clearly that's not the case.

We'll see how many posts this thread'll get. At this point it's all but understood that Trump had shady dealings with the Russians. I mean, we knew it's all real when wonder boy Kush ran over to offer himself up for potential blackmail (by using Russian equipment only).


Goddman all these blueballs we're getting the past month. This better not be another, I'm not fucking Sting with tantric sex.


Congress investigating? Watched their Comey and Sessions hearings.

If they find anything Cotton is gonna be firing up the paper shredder lol.


It all leads to Trump. No way Trump didn't know about all this. That is why I hope he takes wind of it and resigns like a little bitch that he is.
We'll see how many posts this thread'll get. At this point it's all but understood that Trump had shady dealings with the Russians. I mean, we knew it's all real when wonder boy Kush ran over to offer himself up for potential blackmail (by using Russian equipment only).

I don't get your illogical reasons for trying to denounce or placate this. This is new information and confirmation of a investigation into this specific area. It's not longer hear-say.


We'll see how many posts this thread'll get. At this point it's all but understood that Trump had shady dealings with the Russians. I mean, we knew it's all real when wonder boy Kush ran over to offer himself up for potential blackmail (by using Russian equipment only).

NeoGAF thread post counts are now interest indicators for criminal investigations.


Nobody gives a shit anymore.

Demonstrably untrue.

But I do worry that the left is starting to move from outraged to tired a cynical. The continued slow trickle of bad news and investigation leaks doesn't seem to be building towards citizens taking to the streets, but rather just exhaustion.
Nothing stops this Trump / Russia train, nothing.

Demonstrably untrue.

But I do worry that the left is starting to move from outraged to tired a cynical. The continued slow trickle of bad news and investigation leaks doesn't seem to be building towards citizens taking to the streets, but rather just exhaustion.

But people have taking to the streets. You think they can do all it the time though, that's not how it works. People have jobs after all.
Demonstrably untrue.

But I do worry that the left is starting to move from outraged to tired a cynical. The continued slow trickle of bad news and investigation leaks doesn't seem to be building towards citizens taking to the streets, but rather just exhaustion.

Dude people are taking too the streets right now. An will continue to do so, as more and more comes out. This type of information is a relief to me not a burden.

This will 100% come down to money.

Lots and lots of money.

From China and Russia.
Demonstrably untrue.

But I do worry that the left is starting to move from outraged to tired a cynical. The continued slow trickle of bad news and investigation leaks doesn't seem to be building towards citizens taking to the streets, but rather just exhaustion.
I agree. Most people I know who were protesting before are just kind of hopeless and lost now. We've all just kind of stopped talking about as much. Shits bleak.


Shaking my head at the leftists who are giving up already. It's not even been six months and shit is happening. Give it time and win the '18 elections and you'll be singing a different tune. People are so impatient when it comes to taking down the most powerful idiot in the world. It's that mentality that made people not vote last election.


I agree. Most people I know who were protesting before are just kind of hopeless and lost now. We've all just kind of stopped talking about as much. Shits bleak.

That's a shame. You don't watch movie from the ending to the beginning. Its been 5 months.
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