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TrumpWatch: Congress investigating Russian investment fund with ties to Trumps Team


On the subject of people not caring anymore: You can like it or not, but I'm noticing a distinct decrease in the amount of attention the continuing Trump shitshow is getting in the news over here.

The outrage during the first few weeks was authentic, but the "scandals" just keep happening and there is never any real consequences. I kinda feel like the general idea is just that people are starting to accept that this is just the way America is right now.

Y'all raked in the goodwill with Obama, that was crazy. But this just goes to show that it's way harder to build something than it is to break it down.


On the subject of people not caring anymore: You can like it or not, but I'm noticing a distinct decrease in the amount of attention the continuing Trump shitshow is getting in the news over here.

The outrage during the first few weeks was authentic, but the "scandals" just keep happening and there is never any real consequences. I kinda feel like the general idea is just that people are starting to accept that this is just the way America is right now.

Y'all raked in the goodwill with Obama, that was crazy. But this just goes to show that it's way harder to build something than it is to break it down.

Don't worry, we're just tired of being over-excited at every new revelation, only for it to not produce immediate results. The Twitter generation has a short attention span and don't realize that building an airtight case to remove the most powerful man in the country from office takes years, and you only get one chance to get it right.

Luckily, most of the people investigating him seem to be patient and thorough
On the subject of people not caring anymore: You can like it or not, but I'm noticing a distinct decrease in the amount of attention the continuing Trump shitshow is getting in the news over here.

The outrage during the first few weeks was authentic, but the "scandals" just keep happening and there is never any real consequences. I kinda feel like the general idea is just that people are starting to accept that this is just the way America is right now.

Y'all raked in the goodwill with Obama, that was crazy. But this just goes to show that it's way harder to build something than it is to break it down.

It's a investigation not a race. Jesus people.
Did you post this because you knew people would reply and thus increasing the post count, which by your logic, is the only metric for measuring interest thus showing people still do actually care?


All this time, Gutek has just been fighting the good fight. Someone get him an eyepatch and a mechanical arm, because he's indeed a punished hero.


Junior Member
On the subject of people not caring anymore: You can like it or not, but I'm noticing a distinct decrease in the amount of attention the continuing Trump shitshow is getting in the news over here.

The outrage during the first few weeks was authentic, but the "scandals" just keep happening and there is never any real consequences. I kinda feel like the general idea is just that people are starting to accept that this is just the way America is right now.

Y'all raked in the goodwill with Obama, that was crazy. But this just goes to show that it's way harder to build something than it is to break it down.

Where is over here? Russia? Fox news?
GOP: nothin' but smoke

Trump: its smoke no fire here! no fire!

fox: Smoke no fire!

russia: only smoke huehuehue


Thomas Frank, a reporter for ”CNN Investigates," last Thursday appeared to have a compelling exclusive on the story of the year. The Senate Intelligence Committee, reported Frank, was investigating a Russian investment fund — the Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) — ”whose chief executive met with a member of President Donald Trump's transition team four days before Trump's inauguration."

That transition team official is Anthony Scaramucci, a Wall Streeter who was expected to take a prominent White House position but did not. Scaramucci met in January with RDIF head Kirill Dmitriev.

The CNN exclusive — which hung from one unnamed source — didn't take long to wither. Breitbart News's Matthew Boyle bombed the CNN piece as baseless. Sputnik News published a refutation, indicating that the fund was not a part of Russian state bank Vnesheconombank, as the CNN report had claimed. This detail mattered a great deal, considering that Vnesheconombank was listed in a set of sanctions issued by the U.S. government. According to the CNN report, the Senate Intelligence Committee's probe into this matter was linked to the meeting between top Trump adviser/son-in-law Jared Kushner and Vnesheconombank CEO Sergey Gorkov during the presidential transition.


CNN issued a retraction late on Friday


Now for the consequences. CNN announced on Monday afternoon that three network officials are leaving their jobs over the incident: Frank, the reporter on the story; Eric Lichtblau, a recent CNN addition from the New York Times who edited the piece; and Lex Haris, the executive editor of ”CNN Investigates." The moves follow an investigation carried out by CNN executives over the weekend, with the conclusion that longstanding network procedures for publishing stories weren't properly followed. ”There was a significant breakdown in process," says a CNN source. ”There were editorial checks and balances within the organization that weren't met."

The official CNN statement: ”In the aftermath of the retraction of a story published on CNN.com, CNN has accepted the resignations of the employees involved in the story's publication."

Regarding the personnel changes, a CNN source said, ”The individuals all stated that they accepted responsibility and wanted to resign." A compelling wrinkle in the saga of the story springs from the careful language in the editor's note: ”That story did not meet CNN's editorial standards and has been retracted. Links to the story have been disabled. CNN apologizes to Mr. Scaramucci," it reads. CNN is not bailing on all the factual representations in the story, however. ”We pulled it down not because we disproved it," says a CNN source, adding that there was ”enough concern" on some factual points that ”given the breach in process, we decided to pull it down."

Weird story. I wonder where they fucked up.


Well now you know why the tick tick tick never went boom.
Ahhh Eric Lichtblau, the man who gave the world this on October 31:


Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.
CNN almost never actually breaks these stories so they're doing more harm than good. They and Fox News are the definition of fake news. Let's not forget their ridiculous coverage of the plane that disappeared a few years ago. Please let NYT and WaPo break these stories if you're not going to vet them properly.


Lichtbau never did correct the narrative he setout in October even after it was revealed that at the time of the reporting they already knew the Government was investigating.

If anything the takeaway seems to be Lichtbau dies on a hill that ends up helping Trump. Be it just before the Election even when knowing the opposite he reports everything is hunky-dory and now this report at CNN that is now being used by the right to say see its all bullshit


Lichtbau never did correct the narrative he setout in October even after it was revealed that at the time of the reporting they already knew the Government was investigating.

If anything the takeaway seems to be Lichtbau dies on a hill that ends up helping Trump. Be it just before the Election even when knowing the opposite he reports everything is hunky-dory and now this report at CNN that is now being used by the right to say see its all bullshit

I'm guessing he's easily influenced by single sources and doesn't follow proper procedures to investigate. I mean in October some trump supporter managed to get him to push that narrative. This time the opposite happens and he's revealed by some very very basic investigating by other websites? Pretty pathetic. I wonder if he saw the writing on the wall at the NYT due to that October article and ran to CNN
Anomalies like Trump happen. The thing that shakes my confidence is the unwillingness of the US Congress do its job and the tolerance of right-wing propaganda/conspiracy theory.

That shit won't go away with Trump.
Anomalies like Trump happen. The thing that shakes my confidence is the unwillingness of the US Congress do its job and the tolerance of right-wing propaganda/conspiracy theory.

That shit won't go away with Trump.

What the fucking fuck does the GOP need to get in order to finally say "fuck this"?
More investigations with no results.

Why can't we find anything? There's so much smoke!!

This wasn't a gov't investigation. Just typical fake news peddling from CNN where they're ginning up expectations and egging on hysteria to make $$$.

Unfortunately, they've let what they hoped to find out (collusion) go to their heads. Accordingly, many of these sorts of outlets have planted a dangerous seed in the minds of the public: https://www.buzzfeed.com/amphtml/josephbernstein/larry-tribe-why


Anomalies like Trump happen. The thing that shakes my confidence is the unwillingness of the US Congress do its job and the tolerance of right-wing propaganda/conspiracy theory.

That shit won't go away with Trump.
Yeah, in a more ideally - hell, just sensibly - running world he'd have been stonewalled from entering the White House, or forcibly removed after the grace period, but they're just letting him stay there. Just the foreign relations fiascos he's making and inability to bother properly doing his job should be enough reason to get him out, especially when he's given a pile of reasonable excuses to hound his ass for criminal activities.


Man. Bad look CNN.

People are going to take away the wrong thing from this. They messed up, but they owned it, admitted it and the people that messed up actually resigned. They care about their integrity.

Meanwhile Fox News lets Hannity run with pizza gate bullshit, has a quiet little retraction and Hannity is still there and never once owned up to his bullshit. But people just write it off as business as usual for Fox despite a very large chunk of Americans taking their shit as gospel.

What's wrong with this picture?
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